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#1052393 added July 9, 2023 at 6:29pm
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June 24 - June 30 - the End of June and Thankful Thurs 6/29
June 24th

The weekend is here! the last weekend of June, and the first half of the year 2023 is about in the history books. Speaking of history, I have been enjoying some YouTube channels (of course, I have...*Rolling* Vlogging through History and Oversimplified are two of my favorite channels: below is a set of reactions by Vlogging through History as he watches the Oversimplified titles -

June 25th

Sunday, a nice day to rest and relax and nap - I cannot believe how when I was younger I used to fight taking a nap - now it is a treat for me...*Rolling*

June 26th

One more day until my birthday! Woot woot! Heard from my dad and my youngest daughter today. Also got messages from both of my sisters, and a family friend.

I'm glad that I "bit the bullet" and getting my blogging up to date. Still have quite a bit to go as yet, but well on my way!

June 27th

I did it! By God's grace and mercy, I've made it to 57! Woot Woot! I received several goodies from the very nice people here on WdC. MBs, gps, raffle tickets and reviews galore. It is wonderful and very humbling, especially since I haven't been on this site for very long.

June 28th

The day after my birthday - do you sense a theme this week? LOL *FacePalm* God has been good to me to give me some wonderful people to know here on WdC. I cannot emphasize how much of a lifesaver that this site has been to me. The encouragement I receive is a pearl of unknowable price.

June 29th and Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday is here again. Here is my list for the week:

I'm grateful for being alive (definitely a recurring theme)
I'm grateful for being able to read and write and take pleasure in doing so.
I'm grateful that so far my kids in Louisiana haven't had any hurricanes to deal with thus far. (June 1 to Dec 1 is their hurricane season).
I'm grateful that the weather has been fairly decent, although a bit dry.
I'm grateful that I am definitely feeling like my old self again. Yay!!!

June 30th

Well, here it is - the end of the month of June. The year is just flying by! It's been a good year so far, and I am looking forward to a wonderful 2nd half of 2023 with God's mercy and grace.

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