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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1051691
Life, Adventure, Family, Writing what else is there? Random thoughts.
#1052151 added July 4, 2023 at 3:53pm
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Happy 4th of July 2023

Inspiration for the 4th of July
Happy 247th Birthday to the USA. Boy, that’s a lot of candles!

It’s challenging birthday as well. Gas prices are up, Food prices are up. Home prices are up. And there are more controversial topics as well, but this 4th I wanted to strike a patriotic note. Yes, we live in challenging times and if we don’t stick up for the values the founding fathers fought for, we may loose some of those of those things that make America unique. That said,

If you love this country, own it. Be proud. Fly your flag. Sing those songs – God Bless America! Be proud of the patriots who have fought in past wars and the patriots now who fight for freedom. Never forget what makes this country special and step up. Never be afraid to say “God Bless America.”

Fun Facts:

The 13 original colonies are:
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina

There were 2.5 million Americans in July 1776.

56 people signed the Declaration of Independence.

The first 4th of July parade was in Bristol, Rhode Island in 1785.

In 1941, the US Government declared the 4th of July a Federal holiday.

In 1776 Dunlap printing printed 200 copies of the Declaration of Independence Only 26 remain.

Blue Fireworks are the hardest to make because the balance in chemicals has to be just right.

This Independence day is low-key for me. We’re heading out to Ventura to enjoy a picnic dinner before watching the fireworks at the college.

4th of July 2020

Past traditions including visit Catalina Island and watching the 4th of July golf cart parade and the USC Marching band. Baking a blueberry pie and decorating it like a flag has been something we’ve done before. Buying 4th of July flowers and flying the flag has been something we’ve done. We’ve visited Pismo Beach and Cayucos California because there’s nothing like fireworks over the coast. In 2021 we traveled to New Hampshire and had a warmhearted friends & family get together complete with BBQ and pie!

How do you spend your 4th?

From the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


From my Summer 4th of July story, Arrow Through the Heart
Book cover

Summer vacation and the Fourth of July brings Ella to New Hampshire while participating in a tennis competition. Logan is an innkeeper's son who bumps into Ella and invites her for an ice cream. Attraction flares and they enjoy spending time together, but each has their own plans for their life. Then disaster strikes Ella. Can a summer attraction truly become a lasting relationship?

They finished their meal and he collected their trash. Glancing at his watch, he discovered it was eight-thirty. Logan frowned, knowing he had to leave.

"Thank you again for everything. I had a nice day, despite finding my room trashed." The corners of Ella's lips tipped upward.

God, that smile was like an arrow through his heart.

"I had a nice day, too." He paused, looked away for a second, suddenly nervous, then back at Ella. "I'm busy tomorrow at the inn, but I plan on watching your meet."

"You don't have to, if you're busy—"

"I want to." He drew in a breath. "Maybe we can spend the evening together? Go for a boat ride? I'll show you some of the islands in the lake. We could have a picnic dinner and watch the sun set."

"All right." Her voice was soft and low, and her emerald eyes sparkled in the subdued room light.

He stood and walked over to the door. She followed him. His jaw tensed when he turned to look at her. He wanted to kiss her, but it was way too soon.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she whispered.

"Good night," he said.
"Good night."

BUY LINK: https://www.amazon.com/Arrow-Through-Heart-Stephanie-Burkhart-ebook/dp/B0C5ZWD28...

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