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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#1051596 added July 2, 2023 at 1:07pm
Restrictions: None
Week 15 of the year 180
(exercise) = Exor. (observations) = obsv. (s***,shave,shower) = ss&s. (read something) = read. (comment blogs) = bogs. (BoyLove series on-line) = ytBL. (Thai TV BL series on GMMTV25) = tv25. (write poetry or prose) = PorP. (take a daily walk) = walk. (buy something) = shop. (take a photo) = foto. (video) = วิดีโอ. (speak Thai/Lao) = pôod. (learn Thai) Thai. (go-in-the-water) = pool. (clothes) = wash. (cook something) = cook. (tidy up) = mess. (travel) = trip. (noon) = เที่ยง.

2 juli 2023

I was up too late, now up too early. Back to nap.

*Checkr* ytBL. Home School Ep.8
*Checkr* foto.
*Clock* เที่ยง. 30°C. Sticky. May rain tonight for 3 days.
*Checkr* Thai. Jai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfJCsPR3llM
*Checkr* walk.
*Checkr* pôod.
*Checkr* wash. Pan washed clothes by hand. *Smile*

Food here is expensive. 58.000 kip = 116 baht for a simple meal. Might not be so cranky but no breakfast because we got there after 08:30. Only toast, egg, cucumbers.

Stressful day... my fault. Did meet an English couple from Manchester, Cheryl and Kevin.

Trip to Vang Vieng straightened out. Bus at 11:30. 300 baht. Staying at Maylay for 3 nights as I figure adding a night will be fairly easy.

Clue: buy a mocha at Amazon with baht. Get change in kip.

Went to the night market and Pan made me eat (pork-rice balls? very good). Met a couple from Kapstad, Suid Afrika, Karen and Johan?.

1 juli 2023

*Checkv* exor. 200/50/50/200 = 500. 82 degrees at 09:10.
*Checkv* ss&s.
*Checkv* ytBL.
*Checkv* trip. Took about 3 hours to get to our hotel. Much nicer room than last time.
*Checkv* bogs. Mighty/Chy/Robert
*Checkv* walk.
*Checkv* foto.

I will eat. I will finish packing. I will... put on clothes. Goal is out of here around noon. Getting to hotel in Vientiane by 2 or 3 will be fine.

My routines will basically be broken for this trip.

To huser:missbusta07 (Mighty) in "it's friday, i'm in loveOpen in new Window.:

I usually wear the color-of-the-day. It really helps me know what day it is. However, today is a purple day and I'm wearing dull orange and tan.

I love cashmere. I'm happy with good clothes if I can get them second hand.

I actually did a short workout this morning before going to Laos. My routines will be disrupted for 10 days or so. I weigh 81 kg. My goal is 75. But... I shouldn't care too much; losing weight slowly would be best.

To huser:amalthea (Chy) in "Never get put back togetherOpen in new Window.:

"Reached a couple June goals, canceled a couple others. Finishing on time has been a life-long struggle. Knowing when and where to cut (my loses)... priceless.

To {huser:cathartes02 (Robert) in "MoonshineOpen in new Window.

"The Moon is made of cheese... specifically government issued orange processed cheese. The cheese was sent there to keep it frozen until needed by the aliens who invented it. They then left for one of the dark moons of Jupiter but haven't made it back yet. They will be back though... just you wait and see.

In actuality they orbit around a common point... me!"

30 juni 2023

"Tourist, Traveler, and the Toad"

Thinking of "Writing 4 Kids"

Mole: I see what I see if it's right in front of me. If it's daylight. You don't need to leave the light on. I can sniff my own way in the dark.

To huser:wiesblaize (Petra) in entry:1051800 "I have to exercise and walk every day. Easy in the 6 condo towers. We have a small 4 station workout place outdoors, an indoor exercise room (that I don't use). We also have 3 pools. I put swimming on my to-do list. I have been afraid of water since I was a child; so, this is good for me.

I remember seeing the ocean for the first time when I was 21. I remember the blackness, the stars, the Southern Cross and the terrifying immensity of it all."

To huser:intuey in entry:1051822 "My life has changed drastically in the past year. I had this crazy idea of traveling around Thailand... but I ended up in a condo and a relationship. Both totally unlike me. I even work out each day and go swimming. I've been allergic to any notion of taking care of myself in the past.

I live in small places. I'm a depressed clutterer who can't get rid of anything. A small places puts limits on my insanity.

Entering contests is one way to restart the writing-engine."

To huser:annipon re "Turning blue in JuneOpen in new Window. "I vote for the Pomegranate. Ancient symbol for many things.

I absolutely don't do resorts. If I did I don't know whether I'd join in with people or hide.

The neuro-science gathering seems promising. NaNoWriMo can wait for a different month... maybe October? Choose one that will allow you to focus without too many interruptions... one with 35 days is best.

Montana Smoke Season is brutal (especially if there are 'controlled' fires in Idaho). Smoke in Isan started in February and lasted through April in Thailand (due to a government mistake and lack of ASEAN regional cooperation).

I love Rain Season. I do not like SADD (both summer and winter for me)."

"I like the beginning of Spring and Autumn. Growing up, summer was too hot for me; winter too dreary.

In the tropics (Thailand 16 degrees N; Costa Rica 9 degrees N) the end of Cold Season is Hot! Hot and dry and smoky and may be great at a beach but not for me. The rains are a godsend; but by the end... the grey skies and deluge is a tad too much. In both places that would be March-April and September-October... kinda... sorta... I'd rather be in Montana during those months; but, reality has fangs and bites. *Vamp*

I can get a arctic-summer-high. However, that's not good for my balance either. I had to be careful visiting Norway in summer and winter."

*Checkb* exor. 200/70/100/230 = 600. 84 degrees at 09:20.
*Checkb* ss&s.
*Checkb* wash. Hopefully most is dry by tomorrow morning.
*Checkb* bogs. Anni/Petra/Intuey.


*Clock2* เที่ยง. 91°F 33°C; Humidity: 67%; Wind: 5 km/h *Clouds*
*Checkb* foto.
*Checkb* วิดีโอ. Chiang Rai Exibition.
*Checkb* tv25. Be MY Favorite
*Checkb* trip. Hotel reserved. *Smile* Partially packed. Have money (dollars, baht, card).
*Checkb* ytBL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHV3DdOMFnk

Finished with Bard's blog contest.

27°C at 11 p.m. Very stressful day. Partially packed as Pan folded my clothes. He didn't have a meltdown even though I did. His meds must be working! Reserved 2 nights in Vientiane. Same hotel but better room. About 1,110 baht ($30). We made this run in March so it's easier the second time.

29 juni 2023

Not well this morning. I slept okay but I'm still sleepy at 10 a.m. My anxiety is 'killing me' which is usual but never welcomed.

*Checko* exor. 200/50/100/300 = 650.
*Checko* ss&s.
*Checko* pôod. Saw Tom. My confidence builds even if my vocabulary lags.
*Clock* 86 degrees *Cloud*
*Checko* bogs. Sharon(fb)/Elycia/Harlow
*CheckO* Thai. formal/informal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pdKXDVEhnc
*Checko* walk.
*Checko* foto. Exhibition.
*Checko* pool. Water was warmer and less chlorinated. *Heart*
*Checko* tv25. Home School.
*StarBL* 82 degrees at midnight isn't good... just saying...

To huser:cloud9 (Sharon West) on fb: "You are totally mould-less or is that moldless ... apparently neither word exists but you certainly do! What it isn't is zippity-do-da Doris Day (loved her by-the-way) but maybe it's a croon... a very dark moaning croon? I dunno. I don't understand genres in general (too restrictive imho) and molds don't suit me well. Choice of black/white works well."

To huser:brontosaurus (Elycia) entry:1051693: "It seems like a peaceful flow... do you manage this?

I'm more of a rabbit... running from task to task, but like a turtle... slow, slow... slower.

I make lists in my "garbage can a.k.a. dumpster" blog to keep track and remind me. It works most days. I do tend to start with a brief workout, mostly because it's too hot after 10! I wear sweat pants and a long shirt (Thai flies are pesky and mosquitoes are mean). Speaking/listening/learning Thai is another daily check-off. Walking is crucial but swimming has been more sporadic as I won't go in alone (don't like water). Reading? I try to read 3 blogs/day. Writing? Depends...

I have to make a visa-run and considered Malaysia. Flight or train to Hat Yai... cross to Padang Besar... easy peasy; but, I'm too stressed to do it at the last minute. Train is 33 hours from Udon! Perhaps in August.

huser:wolfgang (David) entry:1051774 "Are you saying I can see-or-skip "Asteroid City"? May I assume one lives inside the asteroid? Imagine a hundred asteroid cities with inter-asteroid connections. Sounds interesting to me. "Islands in the Sky?" Or is that applicable to cloud-ships sailing the mists of Venus?

The Goddess needs to have a one-on-one chat with Charles and Cindy. I sometimes challenge comments, but try not to belittle the commenter. Hopefully the God of Sodom-and-Gomorrah isn't filling-in for Her that day."

Pan looked good today and we may have resolved my travel issues. *Smile*

28 juni 2023

Anxiety soars. Decisions have not been made. I MUST leave by July 1st. There are no 'stay' options. Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia are my choices at this point. Also...

1. I leave for 10 days, come back, renew around August 9th (must be a week-day) and leave as planned on September 8th (checked date, plane leaves at 01:00 so I'll need to be in Krungthep on 7th). Dates are specific and must be rechecked as a tourist visa is for exactly 30 days so August 9 = 1, August 31 = 23, September 1 = 24, September 8 = 31. But... I'll officially leave on 7th. Still, very tight.
2. I leave for a total of 10+ days but in two segments. A. come back around 8th, let's say; spend one month, leave around Aug. 5th, come back August 10th.

Option A includes 1.900 baht renewal fee (easy-peasy)

Option B must include 2 trips, visas, etc...

Malaysia: plane/train; far but no visa fee; hotels cheap.
Cambodia: bus or train; not as far; $30+ visa fee; hotels?
Laos: bus; very close; $40 visa fee; hotels cheap but not as cheap as Thailand.

Other thoughts:

1. Visit Elycia in Malaysia? Timing would be key. She's far busier than I am.
2. Holy Day in Battambang, Cambodia on July 9th. Holy Day 16-17 October may be better (two cheerful days, better weather).
3. Laos has embassy in Vientiane. I could try to get O-visa. I won't be in Phnom Penh or KL or if I am it won't be sufficient time. Laos would be best option for visa. I could visit Vang Vieng or go further north or south to Suvanaket.

Important dates to remember in Thailand: Jul 28; Aug 1,2; Aug 12 (Mother's Day); Aug 14; Sep 24; Oct 13; Oct 23. These are important as government offices may not be open.

A short border run now means a longer one later; a sufficiently long one means a short border run later or a renewal.

This is trumping my writing and routines this morning. Very important to NEVER have visa or money issues when traveling.

*Checkg* exor. 300/50/150/300 = 800. Would like to do this every day. 81 degrees at 09:15.
*Checkg* obsv. puddle; sun and shade; cirrus, cumulus, con-trails, puffs; flutter of butterflies, large, medium, tiny; wet leaves glistening (yesterday's rain), 3 men with a loaded trolly; bird carrying a prize for its nest.
*Checkg* ss&s.
*Clock2* เที่ยง. 32°F 89°C; Humidity: 67%; Wind: 3 km/h.
*Checkg* Thai. Body parts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3FxhwPWVm8
*Checkg* edit. "The ShallotOpen in new Window. "While you were snoringOpen in new Window. (and posted)
*Checkg* walk.
*Checkg* foto. Pan and wat.
*Checkg* bogs. Sorji/Muzzy/Joy
*Moon* 29 degrees at 18:01. It wants to rain. Sprinkles earlier.
*CheckgR* pool. Water felt cold and chlorinated. Didn't stay in long.
*Checkgr* tv25. Homeshool Ep. 1
*StarBl* 27°C 80°F and humid at midnight.

Anxiety soaring. *Worry*

303 Creative v. Elenis: A case of "White Woman's Tears".

To huser:forgiveness (Sara) in entry:1051682 "Family. You have a life... and a family. Never underestimate those blessings.

Games and books = a movie? For some reason I thought of the ancient movie "Tron".

We keep rice and coffee in our place at all times... and eggs. So much one can do with rice. We walk to the nearby markets (street vendors, stalls, etc.).

At my age I'm very very careful No lifting for me! I do a mini-workout every day when I'm home and walking is on my checklist. Use it or lose it! I don't know whether I've lost any more weight, but I don't seem to have gained any back... so that's good. "

To huser:muzzy43: "Read a bunch of your short entries in your blog "That is perfectly normal... Maybe.Open in new Window.. I like the randomness and flow. That said, I think that "Glen Beck is a UFO.Open in new Window. poses a serious question and the idea of humans becoming pets isn't too far off base or too far off time-wise. But pets can and do control their 'masters'. Ask any cat willing to tell the truth."

To huser:joycag (Joy) in entry:1051675 "Patchouli... the original Time Machine!

We use rose a lot here; The smell of durian will make you run!

But in Montana I love sandalwood and lavender and cook with herbs de Provence.

I'm moody ... so perhaps I'm more affected than most folks.

I don't have the allergies that many complain about. Wonder whether there's some sort of connection?"

27 juni 2023

*Checkp* exor. 200/50/50/200 = 500. 81 *Cloud* degrees at 09:54. Saw Tum.
*Checkp* pôod.

On the Newsfeed: Phyllis: I spend too much time in my mind. It's why walking and working out are daily goals. I used to garden... *Sad*

I'm considered 'intellectual' by some. They don't always mean that in a positive way. But in a world of boxes that bind, inhabited by bozos in blinders, I 'forget' that I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut.

So... what could you note? 1. alliteration! 2. this is a response to a comment made in my blog entry of blog comments that I have responded to and further mused about [in] "Over-responding? Nah... *tries to hide*Open in new Window.. 3. It's short! I can be 'chatty'. 4. It's a bit introspective (I don't make enough time to contemplate my navel). 5. It's written and shared. *Shock2*

That last point is key. Too many people have thoughts that they don't write down, refuse to edit (I edited to get that desired alliteration), don't think are good enough to post and then THEN put on private because they are frightened to share (sometimes with good reasons, but...). It's important to share your life. I've said this soooooo many times. "Your boring mundane 'unimportant' life is fuel for my poetry and prose." YOU INSPIRE ME!

Consider finding an old diary from your great-great-gran... would you focus on correcting its grammar, be bored, shocked by the details, mock it before you threw it in the trash? Or would you treasure it? Imbibe and inhale it? Let it inspire you?

Your silly thoughts and observations, your style of writing, your tears, anger, joy... are the treasures you share with all of us and the gold that future generations will mine.

Specifically thinking of Sonali, Linda, Rachel, Jodi, and especially Bryan who practices this by sharing. I'd love to know the thoughts of a teacher, Carolyn, Steven.

*Clock2* เที่ยง. 82 degrees and 'heavy'. *Cloud*

To huser:LeJendpoet (Jen) re "So Much to DoOpen in new Window.: "Advice can be used for bird-cage and litter-box lining... and can be as crappy as dog-diarrhea. So... I proceed with caution.

1. You are aware that there's an issue. That's half the battle.
2. Your boss/friend/dog's-human-dad can help by insisting on work boundaries. 20 hours max? Over 2 days, 4 days, no more than 5 days (unless working 3 hours/every-day works for you like the routines of getting up and making breakfast...)?
3. There will always be too much to do. Let it go... let others...

Your puppies (no matter the age) will thank you. *Hearto*"

To Jen on the Newsfeed: "My anxiety is rising. I'd rather just stay home for the next two months. But... my butt needs to leave Thailand (for a new visa) for a day or two or maybe even ten. I don't want to. *Sad* It may be a lesser known footnote of the Rule of Entropy (movement = life) versus Frictional Facts (this place feels like velcro)."

To Margi (on pookfaze): "It's an issue in Thailand where 'working hard' doesn't matter. Who your daddy is = success regardless, because nothing else matters. There are other issues like colorism (whitening is a big issue here as it is in most of Asia, but in Thailand those with European or Chinese blood have naturally lighter skin and therefore... ) . I grew up in this type of environment totally unaware that there was a ceiling. Thais are aware and most don't bother banging their heads."

To Elle in "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.: "It takes time for medications to even out. Glad you are happy to be on them in the meantime.

Pan has severe medications and a diagnosis that would be greatly concerning if I wasn't already familiar with it in other friends. That said, he had a major breakthrough a couple days ago after a scary moment. He ADMITTED that he has severe issues, has to take his meds, that the side-affects are lada lada lada. His body needs to adjust. In his case he wants/needs to sleep... like 16 hours/day.

So... he struggles and I struggle with his struggles. My own struggles? At my age I work around them; although, I'm not sleeping well and my anger-issues flare up at inopportune moments."

*Checkp* bogs. Jen/Elle/Margi(fb).
*Checkp* foto. ขนมจีน (noodles)
*CheckP* Thai. Homophones (funny, useful): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmZCyT5qPs8
*CheckP* ss&s. late... better than never...
*Checkp* walk. stalls up around 3 p.m. chicken with cheese.
*Checkp* foto. cat, noodles.
*Checkp* วิดีโอ. rain at 5 pm.
*Checkp* ytBL. Move to Heaven 'สู่สุขติ' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cltQ4U-G_BE

*Checkp* PorP. "The view from the swing had always been lonely, except on Tuesday afternoons when the ghosts gathered to join his vigil. "Hook of the BookOpen in new Window. and I think I've finished this ovi that I began on the 15th: "Ovi for Pan [180.56]Open in new Window.

Midnight: 78°F 26°C; Humidity: 95% Wind: 3 km/h.

26 juni 2023

*Checky* exor. 200/50/50/300 = 600. 71 degrees at 09:24 in sprinkles

To huser:mousethyme (Mouse) re "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.: "A Room of Your Own. Yes, you are right to be grateful as you know the alternatives. I was thrilled when my disability went through and I could rent a place with a roommate, and then when I moved into my own place. Now I share... but that is my choice.

So much is about options. The rest? Details. But I don't find the mundane blah-blah-blah boring.

Writing? Yeah, scratch those notes down. Make a pile of them separate from the other piles (trust me on this). "

re "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window. "Not all "laziness" is just being lazy. I'm low energy. I get easily over-whelmed. Other people's expectations seldom make me do anything. If I'm not motivated it's hard.

I have made writing goals and objectives before; but at the moment, I'm focused on Thai language and culture and "working out". And next week I travel. Yes, I scratch down notes. Yes, I write. But the "big" items will have to wait.

To huser:pwheeler (Phyllis) re "Earthships - America's Off-Grid Desert CommunityOpen in new Window.: "I don't believe in separate self-sufficient units. Yes, I think it's a good idea but off-the-grid a waste of resources imho... as are HOAs, gated communities, same-age, same sexuality, no-children, same religion, same ethnicity...

The idea of recycling is great. But... there are plenty of homes in Michigan, Indiana and elsewhere that could be recycled and already have the infra-structure like roads and utilities. If these units were connected, grouped, close to markets, etc. I'd be more inclined to support them.

They will remain the play-things of the wealthy, the paranoid (afraid of people), xenophobes, or the lovers-of-tech geeks. As a unit they may be sustainable and the experiment is laudable; but, it's not an open inclusive community."

To huser:soledad_moon (Stik) re "Autist Behind the WheelOpen in new Window.: Many transit issues are cultural. In this condo people use the elevator and not the stairs. Sometimes they choose to wait for the next trip. Oft times they turn their back, and rarely exchange a word. In Japan people walk crowded streets and ride crowded trains, never intentionally touching. Privacy is coped with in different ways. Over-stimulation? It's a societal norm to not make noise on public transport. Americans tend to be more gregarious and self-centered.

Americans have this image of dirty dangerous subway systems perpetuated by the media and sensational stories they consume. Sorry, Americans... Taipei and Bangkok have reliable, quick, and clean MRTs. Mexico City subways may not be new or clean but they go most everywhere. None of these systems are expensive either. The poor can and do use them; but then, poverty isn't considered a disease everywhere in the world. The Asians I've met (in Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, with a sprinkling of visitors from elsewhere) may want money, may want to be rich, (may even look down on the poor), but they don't treat the poor as poorly as Americans do. Their cities are livable and transportation is available. Is this 100% true? Of course not! I don't live in the Land of Absolutes.

In Udon Thani, people don't walk. Some Europeans do (Americans don't either). But... there are 7/11s at every corner (or so it seems) and food stalls everywhere and multiple options of transport. But... people don't use public transport either. Tuk-tuks (skylab here), taxis (car and moto), private (Grab is our Uber). It's literally dangerous to walk and there's NO accommodation of mobility disable people. Apparently this is true to a greater or lesser extent throughout Thailand. Taiwan and Japan are much more advanced.

Me and a car? I didn't drive until I had to learn in Kansas. I was 23. I prefer stick shift. I can zone out so I have to be careful. But I hate traffic! I love the open road, especially if I'm the only one on it. Nowadays? I prefer to stay and live in places within walking distance of my needs. I don't want to be in a cabin light-years away from humanity. I can survive in urban environments like this huge 14 story, 6 tower condominium complex. It's called a door.

As to the thrust of your arguments... autism is a factor as are other personal physical and mental barriers and need to be considered. However, most people have legs and most can use them. Car-first have left many behind and further impoverished poor people. Segregation and disruption of neighborhoods and lack of investment in small businesses have gutted cities. The American dream of having three freezers (like Armageddon-Preppers), a three car garage, gated and fenced HOAs... leads to inequities ignored by the Keeping-up-with-the Jones's crowd.

I put people first over personal preferences. Needs over wants. I reject the marketing notion (fallacy?) that there isn't enough for everyone. And this affects my attitude to urban design including transportation.

In spite of a culture of looking out for family and friends, making merit by giving monks and beggars food or coins, general kindness (or at least the avoidance of conflict), here in Thailand there's a real issue concerning who is human. Cars are driven by humans. Animals walk. Cars have priority over animals. 'Nuff said.

*Clock* เที่ยง. 81 degrees at 12:14. *Cloud*

*Checky* wash. All hung up.
*Checky* bogs. Stik/Phyllis/Mouse
*Checky* Thai. this&that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruhK1IGlncA

To Steven on the Newsfeed "Note: Look, the USA seems to have some fine people in it...": "It's a cultural-political game. Americans have centuries of erasing people (Australia is a relative newcomer). The White Christo-Fascist movement is ascendant and teachers have every right to be concerned. Tradition, preserving our culture, pedophilia, pornographic... all code words meant to cast aspersion and demean others not like them. Destroying a tolerant multi-cultural society is the ultimate goal. It's an inquisition. No one is safe from finger-pointing. Truth doesn't matter because they Know The Truth (theirs). The proponents are focused and powerful. Opponents aren't sure how to stop it. The courts have supported the notion of allowing a theocracy under the guise of the so-called democracy. Human Rights are being attacked. Can we all get along? We can but obviously choose not to. First the Insurrection, then the Inquisition, ultimately ... Amerikkka Uber Alles. And yes, that is offensive to many. But I'm tired of apathy (it can't happen here like in ____ fill in the blank with a country you hate but have never visited), hair-splitters (but this isn't like _____ fill in the blank with an historical event focusing on how the details, like hair-styles, are different), or outright supporters (believers in us-versus-them, winners-versus-losers, saved-versus-sinners) on social media (Tock-Tick,Twatter and Bookface are brutal), in the churches, running government, spouting off lies, what-ifs and what-abouts, even here. Most people really don't understand the danger of rip-tides until they're drowning. And this is not just one event. And yes, only about 25% of Americans support this but that's more than enough to create havoc and criminalize people."

*Checky* ss&s.
*Checky* shop. Durian! ทุเรียน
*Checky* tv25. Kinda...
*XY* ytBL. Need to find a new/old one ... that's available.
*XY* pool.
*Xy* walk. Lovely rainy day but slippery.

Slow day.


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1051596-Week-15-of-the-year-180