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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1049366-Relationships
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#1049366 added May 8, 2023 at 2:56pm
Restrictions: None

Prompt: Day 2727 May 8, 2023
Which kinds of relationships --family, friendship, love/romance, etc.-- lift you up and not drag you down? What does this depend on, the people, the circumstances, or you yourself?


Relationships bond us to one another and they can form a person’s perception about life and their past, present, or future adaptations to other people. We are all human after all and we need other people to relate to, for a life worth living.

Any relationship is about give and take. This doesn't have to be 50-50, but the ratio can swing either way depending on the situation. This also needs to be acceptable and comfortable for both sides. In any relationship, we need to remember that everyone is and needs to be independent, and it is important not to be too demanding of the other person.

Talking about myself, most relationships I had have lifted me up in some way, and rarely did I feel dragged down. The feeling of being dragged down happens when the other person has a problem and thus, becomes a problem. In that case, one either needs to hightail it from out of their sight or stay and deal with them. I have done both. The first kind, I ran away from a person when I couldn't help them or reason with them. Most of those "difficult" people, however, I found them to be traumatized or hurt in some way. And if they responded positively to my presence and my trying to help them, I did stay, and to this day, I am glad I did.

I think my dealing with difficult people depends on circumstances, their and mine past experiences and our stance on life, and in addition, my very own boiling point. If I feel I can't handle a person, I'm out of there in no time, as I am not any saint or a self-sacrificial lamb. I don't have to take any crap that I cannot handle.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1049366-Relationships