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PSH Prompts |
April 17 Watching the news PSH watching the TV The news droning on and on Makes me feel the blues Coffee Must drink more Just hot drinking a hot cup coffee kickstarting my day waiting for my wife This poetry writing prompt submitted by Aalleged Sisay: Write with one of the following styles: Koori style, Ganta style, shoa style, or alemseged alphabetical rhyme Learn more about each style: Alemseged alphabetical: https://alemsegedsisay9.medium.com/learn-about-alemsegeds-alphabetical-rhyming-s... 1- alemseged style is a poetry style of six lines stanza with a rhyming pattern of abcdaa. The stanza's number is not limited. Example of alemseged’s style of poetry : Kooi style: https://medium.com/@internationalpoetrynewsletter/modern-cbe315b33fb7 Koori poems Koori's poem is the poetry of not needing rhyme but the strictness of syllables. The basic building block of Koori's poem is three stanzas of three lines each with a syllable count 5/7/5–2/3/2–5/7/5; that is to mean two haiku in the middle of a 2/3/2 stanza. If you need to continue by adding other stanzas you can add one 2/3/2 stanza with a haiku but never end the poem with the 2/3/2 stanza. The conclusion of the poem must be with a haiku stanza. You can write many stanzas by sampling by cascading additional stanzas. Ganta style: https://medium.com/@internationalpoetrynewsletter/modern-ganta-poems-and-how-to-... Ganta is a poetry style of 6 lines with a syllable meter of 1/5/6/7/8/1. The first 1 syllable word (noun, pronoun, subject…) is a refrain at the end. No other refrain is allowed except the first word of the first line at the last line.it is mainly used to show some actions, objects, behaviors, …etc to someone poetically.it is the 100th poetry style invention of the world’s precious poet alone gamma. Shao style: https://medium.com/@internationalpoetrynewsletter/modern-shoa-poems-and-how-to-w... Shoa poems Shoa's poem is a six lines poetry which has rhyme of the 3rd and 4th lines only with having 4 syllables in each line exactly. If you write a poem from this prompt, post it as a comment underneath the prompt in the poetry super highway Facebook group. #napowrimo #poetry April 1, 2023: poetry writing prompt from dick Westheimer This poetry writing prompt was submitted by Richard Westheimer: Go to https://randomwordgenerator.com/ Generate 12 nouns or verbs – 3 syllables or less Feel free to repeat until you get 12 words that you’re ok with. (feel free to slightly modify a word. For example, in the example below, I changed “site” to “cite.”) Write them down in order Write a 14-line poem where the first 12 lines contain your 12 words (one for each line) Example: these words: “room nap lose galaxy like cool site feel revival pop siege patient” became this poem: https://www.rattle.com/my-father-transformed-by-dying-by-dick-westheimer/ If you write a poem from this prompt, post it as a comment underneath the prompt in the poetry super highway Facebook group. #napowrimo #poetry |