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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1048244-Countdown--Zero-WC-495-R-E
Rated: ASR · Book · Contest · #2268413
A place to keep my entries for various contests and challenges
#1048244 added April 15, 2023 at 10:51am
Restrictions: None
Countdown @ Zero! (WC 495, R-E}
The April blogging event over at "Invalid Item Requires the following:

Here's how you can Not Be a Fool (NBF).

1. Write seven (7) blogs between April Fools Day (4/1) and the Ides of April (4/15). Use your own topic or select from any of the Prompts posted at the Banana Bar. Entries must be at least 250 words excluding any mention of this activity, Andre or the Banana Bar.

2. You Must Comment on at least seven (7) blog entries from others on WDC. Comments must be at least 25 words excluding any mention of this activity, Andre, or the Banana Bar. In other words, a real comment that is honest and respectful.

There is more, but this is ample for my entry. Oh, and yes I did a word count on the above, just to ensure I have enough of my own material in this entry.

Word count = 654 total less 159 for introduction = 495

Today is the Ides of April, so times up. I still have one more entry needed for my seven blog entries, but I do have my seven comments done.

Actually, I think I have at least one other blog entry I did not list here, but I'm not going to go back through entries to see, since this one makes seven. I do know that I have a few, possibly quite a few other comments that I could have, and should have, listed. But, I did not read through the requirements very carefully when I started. I knew I needed seven entries, and seven comments, but I thought both required 250 words.

Again, I'm not going to go back and hunt to find all the comments I have left that were over twenty-five words, since it was my own knuckleheaded mistake.

Instead, I'm in here early, well kind of, writing my last blog entry so I can get my seven done today. I should have been past seven by now, but spring showed up and I ended up being very busy with melting snow and ice needing to be cleaned up as well as a driveway that was turning to mud. None of this would have been as bad, but I also took a nasty slip on icy steps and possibly dislocated my shoulder. I gave it a few days to see if I needed to see a doctor, and in those days the pain diminished some, a couple of loud and uncomfortable pops resulted in a gain in my range of motion, and it seemed there was no need to seek medical assistance. But, it still hurt, especially doing things that required reaching or lifting my arm.

I'm happy to say, it has continued to heal. It's still a pain in the @ss shoulder, but it's not very bad and more discomfort that hurt.

With this healing well, I'm hoping to be back in here doing a bit more, but there are still distractions and interruptions. Like yesterday; I had a small trench dug out through the semi-frozen gravel of the driveway so the melting snowbank would drain away onto the lawn instead of across the driveway, resulting in a pretty solid and dry surface and a few nasty blisters.

Yesterday, our neighbor decided to plow the snowbank back for me, which was nice. But in the process of backing up and ramming forward to move the snow, he completely undid my trenching and the resulting water once again spread across the driveway and created some mud. This meant I had to spend a few hours re-digging and trenching to redirect the flowing water into the yard.

He's a nice guy and means well, but he is very set in his ways. He also lacks common sense and can be more stubborn that a mule. But, as I said he has good intentions. We all, I think, know what they pave...

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