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The changing landscape of Metropolis leaves our heroes backed into a corner |
Meanwhile… Jake was sprinting down the corridors of the old catacombs as fast as he could. The sounds of combat and gunfire echoed behind him, but his focus was finding Myers, The Amazon, and Sam. As much as he hated leaving his friends behind, they'd faced and fought fanatics many times before. However, there was an undeniable pit forming in his gut as he pressed on. Despite what Bruce had said about his mother, The Amazon brought doubt and terror anytime they met. The way she spoke with such confidence and malice always rattled him. There would always be some part of him that feared her; that worried that she was telling the truth. He had to push those feelings aside, though, at least for now. Sam was depending on him to save her, and Jake wasn't going to lose what little family he had left. His sister had suffered for far too long, and he owed it to her to save her. Their differences had been put to rest months ago, and he hadn't forgiven himself for failing her and letting her get captured. One way or another, he'd free her from Myers' clutches tonight. It was dark in the crypts beneath the cemetery, but Jake's eyes had adjusted remarkably fast. Another benefit of being bound with Ashley was the ability to see in darkness. He rounded a corner and wondered just where he was heading. How large were the Brunswick Crypts? He knew their family was wealthy, but he'd never ventured down until today. The longer he went, the more it felt like a labyrinth of sorts. Part of him was afraid he'd get lost in the maze, but he could faintly hear The Amazon cackling in the distance. He was getting close, and it was finally time for a showdown. There was a light at the end of the tunnel, and Jake found his way into a large dome-like chamber. Torches lined the walls, and they were lit with that strange and eerie green flame he'd seen earlier. A large stone casket sat in the middle of the chamber, and the lid was covered with odd and unusual carvings along the top. Sam was tucked away in a corner, and Myers sat on the casket with her legs crossed. Just in front of her stood the woman from his nightmares: The Amazon. The smile on her face was enough to send shivers down his spine, but Jake tried to hide his nerves. "Going it alone, Blackridge?" Meg asked, smirking triumphantly at him, "You're dumber than I originally thought. This hero gimmick isn't doing you any favors. Or, did you decide to abandon your precious friends in favor of selfishness?" "Can it, Myers," Jake snapped at her, "What do you gain from all this chaos?" "I didn't raise you to speak to women like that, Jake," The Amazon remarked, "It's clear that you need discipline and instruction on how to behave. It hurts mommy to have to do it, but I won't have my baby boy acting in such a hateful manner." "Shut up!" Jake growled, glaring at her, "I don't know who you are, but you're not kin to me! I've had it with your sick games, lady." "Hmph, that defensiveness is just a cover for your own doubts," Meg chuckled, "The human mind is fascinating, isn't it? We can outwardly deny something, but that doesn't mean we fully believe it. Tell yourself that something is, or isn't, true long enough, and you'll start to believe it, sure. However, deep down inside, the truth will always be there, won't it? It'll gnaw and claw at the deepest, darkest recesses of your mind, your very soul, until it rips itself into the forefront of your weak little mind." "I've heard enough," Jake said, shaking his head, "Tell me what I want to know, or I'll beat it out of you, Myers." "A bold threat from someone who's trying not to quiver in fear," Meg chuckled, "I think I'd actually like to see you try, Blackridge. Of course, you'll have to get through mommy dearest first. Let's have a show, shall we? Rose, you've been patient long enough. Go ahead, let's see how you handle a disobedient little prick." "With pleasure, Ms. Myers," Rose said, stepping forward and cracking her knuckles, "You brought this on yourself, Jake. You and those horrid little friends of yours have forced mommy's hand!" "Insufferable woman," Ashley growled behind him, "I take back what I said about the women at the prison. This whore trumps them by miles. I've got your back, Jake. Let me out, and I'll tear her throat out before she knows what hit her." "No," Jake said, not caring that he was speaking aloud, "This is something I have to do myself." "Talking to that undead parasite, Blackridge?" Meg asked, surprising both him and Ashley, "I bet her thirst for blood is growing. Why don't you let the monster out of her cage?" "Fuck off," Jake growled, "This is between me and that psycho there. I'll deal with you soon enough." "Keep this bravado up, boy, it's amusing," Meg sneered as she leaned back, "Let's see how long it lasts, though." "I'm here if you need me, Jake," Ashley said, "Make these women pay for what they've done." Jake nodded and jumped back as The Amazon charged forward and slammed her fists down where he'd been seconds ago. The ground cracked and shattered from her strength, but she stood up as though nothing had happened. "You're going to learn respect, Jake," she said as she rolled her shoulders, "I don't care if I have to beat you into submission to do it. Just remember, this is all because of your actions." Jake reached for his belt, but was immediately reminded that Chasity had stripped him of it not long ago. There were no gadgets to lean on in this fight. It was his wits and body versus The Amazon's. He'd have to fight smarter if he was going to stand a chance against her. It wasn't just the size difference, it was her strength and speed. Jake slid his right foot behind him, bent his knees slightly, and raised his hands in preparation for whatever she was going to throw at him. He'd have been lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but he'd faced bigger and stronger opponents before. Although, few of them had quite the same psychological stranglehold over him as The Amazon. For her part, The Amazon simply stood up straight with a malicious grin. Jake blinked and she kicked off towards him. He barely had a second to dodge a hand that was aimed at his throat, but she followed with a surprise left hook to his stomach. The Kevlar did little to diminish the impact from her fist, and Jake nearly doubled over from the force of the blow. Before he could recover, her hand was on the back of his head, and she slammed it down into her knee. She released him, and he popped into the air only for her to reach out and snatch his ankle. She spun him overhead, and slammed him into the ground face-first. Jake had just managed to roll onto his back when she planted her boot on his chest. "Is this really the best that the great Jake Blackridge has?!" Meg asked, cackling as she watched the pathetic display, "Come on, I knew you were weak, but this is beyond pathetic! Even your street-rat of a sister put up more of a fight than this!" Before Jake could respond, The Amazon was reaching down to grab him by the throat and lift him up. He gasped as her strong fingers coiled around his neck, and she smiled warmly at him as she looked him over. "Goodness, you've gotten weaker, Jake," she said, a sadistic glint in her eyes, "You need mommy more than ever! Don't worry, my sweet little baby, I'll keep you safe once you've learned your lesson." Jake felt a rush of anger at her words. Between Meg's mockery and The Amazon's taunt, he found a rallying spirit within himself. He swung his lower body back before throwing it forward again. He wrapped his legs around The Amazon's arm and held himself against it. He knew he couldn't break her grip like this, not if Amelia had been able to hang on, but he'd learned from his mistakes. He raised his right foot, and slammed his heel down into the joint where her elbow was. Surprised, she cried out in shock and pain as she let go of him. Jake fell to the ground, but caught himself and launched into a back handspring to get to his feet again. He took a second to rub his neck and catch his breath before returning to a fighting stance. "Oh ho, the beta-boy still has some fight left!" Meg cooed. "I'm just warming up," Jake spat, ready for another round. "That hurt, Jake," The Amazon snarled, rubbing her arm, "Someone just earned himself a spanking from mommy!" "Please, knock this woman's teeth out," Ashley sighed, "Her demented talking is grating on my nerves." The Amazon was on the move once more, but Jake was ready for her this time. Her hand shot out to grab him again, but he rolled out of the way to avoid another surprise punch. He got to his feet, and spun into a low kick to her calves. It was like striking a tree trunk, but it was a hit nonetheless. Jake jumped back to put distance between the two of them just as she launched a spinning backfist that would have leveled him to the ground. She forced him onto the defensive with another charge that she followed with a series of lightning fast punches. Jake managed to avoid her attacks, but she was practically on top of him as he continued to back up and dodge. The Amazon growled as she threw a straight punch when Jake's back hit the wall, but he ducked just as it smashed through the stone wall. She was trapped for a second, and Jake got behind her again to try for another offensive. He threw three punches at her back and a leaping kick that knocked her forward. Her head collided with the wall, but she let out another furious growl as she ripped her fist from the wall. Shrapnel and bits of rubble flew back, and Jake once again barely dodged an incoming elbow. The Amazon grabbed one of the broken bricks and launched it at him. Jake dodged with another roll, but she was moving again before he could get up. He felt her boot connect with his ribs, and she knocked him into the air. She clasped her hands together and brought them down on his back. Jake hit the ground with an audible thud and a grunt, but this was the opening she'd been waiting for. She grabbed his cape and slung him forward; the fabric ripping as she hurled him into the wall. Her pretense of caring and appearing motherly had faded now, and her true self had managed to slip through the cracks. Filled with fury and rage, she rushed towards Jake as he tried to recover. Her hand clamped down on his head, and she lifted him into the air with one arm before he could get back to his feet. Jake struggled in her grasp, but her grip tightened around his skull. It felt like she might pop his head any second if she continued to hold him like this. With her free hand, she bawled her fist and slammed it into his stomach, but she didn't release him. Instead, she reared back and hit him a second time. Then a third, a fourth, a fifth, and even a sixth before she finally dropped him to the ground. Jake felt like he might throw up from the force of her punches. His entire body hurt, but he knew he couldn't rest yet. He rolled out of the way as she stomped on the ground where he'd been only a second ago. The stone crunched and split from the force of her boot; she could have killed him with that if he hadn't moved. Jake got back to his feet, albeit shakily, and tried to ready himself for another bout. The Amazon glared at him, but she didn't charge him again. Instead, she slowly stalked forward with her arms at her side. Jake was barely able to lean back out of the way of a standing roundhouse, and he had to backflip to dodge a surprise second. Her heel had been inches from his face, but he'd managed to avoid what would have been a crushing blow to his jaw. Her face was like stone as she threw a downward punch at him, but he managed to spin around her and hit her with an elbow to her shoulder. Again, his attack did seemingly nothing to her. Furious, she threw a spinning elbow that collided with his jaw and sent him back to the ground. "Jake, let me have a turn," Ashley begged him as he struggled to get to his feet, "I understand this is a pride thing for you, but I can help you!" "No," Jake groaned as he pushed himself to his feet, "I can take her." "You're going to get us killed!" Ashley exclaimed. "No!" Jake shouted as he blocked an incoming kick from The Amazon, "I'm not going to let her beat me again!" The Amazon kicked again, and Jake tried once more to block it. When she extended her leg, though, Jake was knocked back onto his back. Her boot was on his chest before he could recover, and she started to grind her heel on him. Jake wheezed beneath her and felt himself start to fade. She reached down and grabbed his throat to lift him into the air again. He weakly struggled in her grip, and she smiled sadistically at him. Her giant fist slammed into his stomach again, and Jake cried out in agony before she hit him again. He coughed up blood and felt it dribble down his jaw. Everything hurt, and every blow amplified his pain. "Ready to submit, Jake?" The Amazon asked, holding him and smiling sweetly once again. Jake could only weakly try to shake his head. He managed to summon enough strength to spit blood in her face, though. Her smile immediately faded, and she scowled before slamming her fist into his ribs again and tossing him aside. Jake rolled on the ground, but he couldn't bring himself to get back to his feet. He screamed when he felt her boot stomp on his back, and he started to fear that she'd break his back. Everything was quickly fading around him, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could last. Still, he refused to relinquish control to Ashley. There had to be a way to win this. If nothing else, he just needed to hold out until Beth and Pam arrived. "Open your eyes, Jake," an ethereal voice echoed in his head, "Open them, and show this imposter what you're capable of. I believe in you, and I'm with you, Jake." He couldn't place the voice, but there was something familiar about it. He'd heard Rebecca speak from beyond the grave, but this wasn't her. It wasn't Lilith, either, but then who was it? His eyes opened, and he felt a strange rush of energy wash over him. His vision was distorted, and the room seemed to be almost glowing as he looked around. There was something inside of him that was clawing its way out, but he couldn't decipher what it was. Whatever it was made him feel strangely invigorated. It was reminiscent of the times that Pam had healed him in the past, and time seemed to slow to a crawl as he laid on his stomach. A warmth spread throughout his body as he found the will to push himself to his feet. Unbeknownst to Jake, a strange ethereal wave of energy shot out of his body. It pushed The Amazon back a few steps, and it shocked both her and Myers as they looked on. They weren't sure, but it almost looked like he was glowing in the darkness as he got to his feet. "What's this?" Meg asked quietly, "You're just full of surprises, aren't you, Blackridge?" Jake's chest shuddered as he took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. He could see tendrils of some strange energy radiating from them, but he couldn't tell if he was hallucinating, or if they were really there. His legs shook as he stepped forward, but it wasn't as though his knees were buckling. He looked up as The Amazon charged at him again, and he sidestepped to avoid her hulking frame. She stopped herself as she passed, and tried to sweep Jake's legs. Jake jumped over her calf, but she shifted into an uppercut once she missed. To both of their surprise, Jake sent her flying with a blast of shimmering energy once he blocked her. The air around him seemed to bend inward for a split-second, but neither Jake nor The Amazon noticed it. However, Myers looked on with fascination. "Concentrate, Jake," the voice came again, "You're surrounded by stone and earth. Pin her using it, and finish this!" Once again, Jake couldn't place the voice, but he tried to follow her instructions. He could see something radiating from the ground, and he tried to grab onto whatever it was. The Amazon let out a growl of pure frustration and anger as she tried to rush towards Jake again. Jake found what he could only describe as a thread hanging in the air, and he grabbed hold and pulled up on it. The stone and dirt suddenly shook and rose up as The Amazon raced at him, and a wall of rock sprung from the ground. Her massive frame smashed through it, but she was dazed as she continued charging. Jake saw his opportunity, and he ran forward with as much force as he could muster. He jumped into the air and crashed his fist into her face to knock her back several feet and onto her back. "Up here!" Beth's voice echoed from the corridor, "I can hear fighting, let's move!" "Is everyone incompetent?" Meg groaned to herself as she stood up and shouted, "Stop toying with him, you lumix! Finish this before he gains control of himself!" Beth and Pam had been running for some time before they finally arrived at the chamber where Jake had been fighting. Pam stepped out into the opening first, and she froze when she saw Jake. She doubted that Beth could see it, but there was raw arcane energy radiating from his body. It was doubtful that he realized what he had, but that only made it more fascinating. She watched as he raised his left hand, and she saw the ground around The Amazon's body rise up for a second. He pulled his hand back down, and a small hole formed around her. Did he even know what he was doing? She saw The Amazon break free from whatever force was holding her in place, and she knew then that Jake was clueless. He was tapping into the weave without understanding it, yet he was manipulating it with unusual ease. "Pam," Beth said, pointing at Meg, "Let's deal with the politician first, and then we can help Jake." Pam shook off her stupor and nodded, "Right, let's end this." "It took you two long enough," Meg mocked as she stood up, "I was beginning to think that I'd overestimated you idiots." "Cut the shit," Beth snapped as she aimed her pistol at Meg, "Don't try to act like that was just some bullshit delay. You thought those assholes would be enough to end this, didn't you?" "Oh, Beth, do you think so little of me?" Meg asked with a dark chuckle, "I'd hoped that my dear children would finish you two, but I knew you two would prove too much in the end. After all, the three of you eliminated Goth. I'm just surprised that it took you this long to deal with them. Perhaps, much like Jake, you two are growing too confident." "Shut up!" Beth shouted as she opened fire, but she stopped when she watched Meg practically dance to avoid the bullets, "What the hell?!" "Still underestimating your opponents," Meg chided, "Tsk, tsk, that overconfidence will be your downfall, young lady." "Wanna lend me a hand here?" Beth asked, glancing back at Pam who was still torn between watching Jake and helping her girlfriend, "Pam!" Pam had been watching as The Amazon got to her feet and tried to hurl a chunk of the ground at Jake. She'd dug her hands into the stone, ripped it from the earth, and launched it at Jake in frustration. Miraculously, the large chunk of rock froze in the air as Jake held his hands up to stop it. It hovered in the air for a second before it shattered to hundreds of pieces, and then those jagged shards went flying towards the furious woman. Pam was forced to tear her attention away again at Beth's imploring tone. She frowned as she turned her focus to Meg. Beth was right. As fascinating as whatever was happening with Jake was, they needed to eliminate Meg Myers while they had the chance. "Right, sorry," Pam apologized as she held her hand up and it began glowing. She channeled as much of her own energy into her hand as she could before slinging a crackling short bolt at Myers. The politician cackled as easily evaded the spell, but Pam smirked as redirected it to circle around and try again. Myers spotted Pam's smirk, and turned around in time to see the bolt hurdling at her again. She frowned as she dodged it a second time, but again it redirected itself to follow her. She'd hoped to avoid tipping her hand so soon, but she'd have to think quickly to avoid the witch's homing spell. To add to her problems, Beth opened fire with her pistols at her. Meg forced herself to remain calm and go on the defensive. She took off in a sprint to try to avoid the incoming missile and gunshots. As much as she hated to admit it, this was a losing battle. Still, she'd be damned if she was going to let herself be ended here. She'd enlisted the aid of Rose in hopes of using her to finish Jake, but she had more than one use. She raced behind her as Beth tried to get a lead on her, and she jumped onto her back. "What are you doing?!" Rose demanded. "Consider yourself terminated, my dear," Meg replied as four bullets and Pam's magic collided with her. Much to Meg's dismay, the bullets and the electric bolt traveled through Rose. While The Amazon took the brunt of the damage, she wasn't spared a searing pain that threw her off. She swore as she laid on the ground. Maybe the heroes wouldn't see her disappear, but even if they did, she still had the element of surprise. She'd played her hand as close to the vest as possible, and one slip-up was better than being entirely dismantled. She sat up and frowned as she let herself dissolve. Knowing Pam's file, she doubted the witch would believe her spell had done this, but not knowing would hopefully keep them up at night. She could take solace and joy in that at least. She slipped into the cracks, and left only that hideous white pantsuit behind. The Amazon roared in fury as she was wracked with pain, "You ungrateful little brats! I'm going to break the two of you down, and I'll make Jake watch and learn what happens when someone disrespect his mother!" "What is this woman made of?" Pam asked as she readied another spell. "Insanity and sadism," Beth scoffed as she reloaded. "Leave them alone!" Jake practically screamed as his body started to burn and glow brightly. Pam furrowed her brow and abandoned her spellcasting. Instead, she shifted to stand beside Beth and raised a barrier between them, and summoned another around Sam. Jake was volatile right now, and whatever was brimming within him was about to explode. She watched with bated breath as a tremendous shockwave erupted from his body, and the room was filled with his energy. The coffin in the center crumbled in the wake of it, the stones along the wall shifted, and the floor was ripped apart as The Amazon was engulfed in an explosion. A blinding light filled the room alongside a thunderous boom. It was over in seconds, but not before Pam felt her barrier nearly give way under the force of the impact. She waited until the thunder had ceased before lowering her magic. "What the fuck was that?" Beth asked, her ears ringing as the smoke cleared and Jake collapsed on the ground. "What indeed," Pam replied, equally confused as she looked around, "Go check on Jake, Kitten. I'll get Samantha." Beth nodded and ran off to check on their friend. Pam walked to Sam, and she scanned the room for The Amazon or Myers. Neither of them were anywhere to be found. It was troubling, to put it lightly. Jake's sudden surge of magic wouldn't have been enough to eviscerate them completely, but they were gone. She spotted Meg's white suit on the ground, but her body was gone. A trail of blood led off into the distance, but she suspected it was The Amazon's. She hated to think that woman would get away, but they had more important things to worry about right now. Sam had been through hell, and Jake was surely aching and exhausted. Using raw magic was draining, and her friend had no training in casting. Whatever power he'd unleashed had come from desperation, and he'd need hydration, rest, and food sooner than later. Pam stopped in front of Sam, and she felt her heart break as she looked the poor girl over. Her emotions were muted, and all she could feel was fear. She bent down and untied her as she spoke softly, "Samantha, can you hear me? It's Pam, you're safe, honey." Sam stirred slightly, but she trembled as Pam's hand reached out and touched her, "Don't touch me. Please, I just want to go home." Pam frowned, but she withdrew her hand. "Samantha," she began, "Myers is gone. She's not going to be a problem for you anymore. We're getting you out of here and taking you home." "You're lying," Sam muttered, "I'm not going to fall for it again." Pam's eyes softened as she knelt next to Sam. "Samantha, look at me," she said sternly but softly as her hand started to glow, "This isn't a trick. I'm going to put my hand on your forehead, and I need you to try to relax and breathe. Can you do that for me?" Sam looked up at Pam, her lip trembling as she forced herself to make eye contact. Pam had to wonder just what the poor girl had endured, but that would have to wait. Sam nodded, and Pam placed her glowing hand gently on her forehead. Waves of soothing energy lapped at the fringes of Sam's mind, but Pam could feel her anxiety continuing to try to spike. She closed her eyes and tried to sift through Sam's muddled and terrified thoughts. She was careful not to pry, and eventually found memories of nights with Zoey buried beneath recent trauma. Pam pulled them to the forefront of Sam's mind, and she tried to steer Sam's thoughts to something other than unbridled terror and fear. They remained that way for several minutes before Pam removed her hand. "There we are," Pam said, trying to sound reassuring, "That's a little better, isn't it?" Sam took a deep breath and stifled a sob as she looked up at Pam, "It's really you, isn't it?" "There's only one me, dear," Pam replied with a small grin, "Your brother has been worried sick about you, and Zoey has been distraught since learning you were taken." "Jake," Sam said, shaking her head, "He's here, right? I…I remember seeing him, but I wasn't sure if it was real or not." "He's here, but he's worn out from fighting," Pam replied, noting that Sam was more disoriented than she'd originally thought, "Can you walk, Samantha? I can carry you if you can't." "I can try," Sam said, standing and stumbling a bit before catching herself, "Is she really gone, Pam?" Pam moved to help steady Sam. She could walk, but her legs were shaky from lack of use. "She's gone, Samantha," Pam assured her, putting an arm around her and helping her to walk, "Where she went, I can't say, but she won't be a problem for you anymore." Sam tensed upon hearing that Myers was still alive, "What if she comes back for me, Pam?" "We won't let that happen," Pam said, "I suspect Zoey will be keeping a closer eye on you going forward. She's been a wreck worrying about you, you know." "I'm not usually one for being watched, but I think I can make an exception for her," Sam said. Beth was checking Jake's pulse when the two of them approached. She looked up as they got close, "He's breathing, but I don't know what's wrong with him, Pam." "As long as he's breathing, he'll be okay, Kitten," Pam said, "Here, take Samantha and make sure she doesn't fall." "What happened?" Sam asked as Beth got to her side and wrapped an arm around her. "Big fight, bigger explosion, and then I have no idea," Beth answered. Pam got on her knees beside Jake and put her hands together. A golden glow began to form in her palms, and she slowly pulled them apart. She placed her hands on Jake's back and waited. After a moment, he gasped and shot up, "Get away from them!" "Jake, relax," Pam said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "It's over, and you won. The Amazon is gone, Myers is gone, and Samantha is safe. Breathe, my friend, breathe and try to relax. Slow and steady breaths, Jake." Jake felt like he'd been run over by a truck. His entire body hurt, his head was pounding, and he felt more drained than ever before. He looked around as he tried to regulate his breathing. His eyes landed on Sam, and he tried to rush to his feet. No sooner had he made it then he fell back onto his face. "Jake!" Beth exclaimed. "That's why I told you to breathe," Pam sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and helping him to sit back up, "Samantha is fine, Jake. Well, as good as she can be after everything she's been through." "Ugh, what happened?" Jake asked, his head spinning as he sat up. "That is a good question, and one that I don't have a good answer for right now," Pam admitted, "You and I will need to talk once you've rested, but all that matters now is that we won. This nightmare is finally over. Although, I suspect the book isn't closed quite yet." "Where is Myers?" Jake asked. "Gone," Pam replied, "She disappeared shortly before you initiated a mild arcane discharge." "A what discharge?" Beth asked. "That explosion was raw arcana," Pam explained, "A feat that shouldn't be possible for anyone without training, let alone a male." "Why is that?" Jake asked, wincing as a pain settled in his ribs, "Dammit, I think something is broken. Pam, do you mind?" "Not at all," Pam replied as her hands started glowing and she began healing as she explained, "Warlocks and wizards aren't something that's common in magic. There are stories, yes, but magic comes easier to women. Whether it's genetic, chemical, or something else, I can't say. It's not impossible, or unheard of, but it's something that's incredibly rare." "Technically, Jake is kind of effeminate," Beth offered, "Maybe that has something to do with it." Jake rolled his eyes and shot his friend the middle finger, "Fuck off." "As amusing as that is, no," Pam smiled, "Whatever this is, there's something that we're not seeing. I'll need to do some digging before I can figure out what it is, but this has raised more questions than anything. Stop squirming, Jake." "It tingles," Jake argued. "Quit being a baby," Pam chided, "Honestly, Beth handles this better than you." "What happened to The Amazon?" Jake asked, trying to ignore the strange sensation of his bones shifting back into place. "Disappeared," Pam sighed, "Another woman to add to the list of villains at large, but one we can worry about another time. She took four bullets from Beth, an electric spear from myself, and the brunt of your blast. Even as strong as she seems, she's going to have to lay low before she can make another move. We have time to recover, and that's exactly what we're going to do." "No," Jake said, "We need to find her, lock up the prisoners that escaped, find Meg, and-" "You're going to rest, Jake," Pam cut him off, her tone leaving no room for arguing, "If I have to bind you to your bed for a week, I'll do it. You and Samantha have been through enough, and the two of you need to recuperate. When Beth was infected by Ashley, we forced her to take a leave, and we'll do the same to you. Besides, you have a date and some conferences to prepare for. Beth and I can handle things on the streets for a while." Jake wanted to argue, but he knew Pam wouldn't have it. "Fine," he sighed, hanging his head in defeat, "But I want updates on anything you find, and I'm not taking off for more than a week." "Dude, you are becoming a workaholic," Beth chimed in. "We can do that for him," Pam said, having gotten to know Jake well enough to know he wouldn't take no for an answer, "For now, why don't we leave this place behind?" "Yes, please," Sam piped up, "I'd really like to have a shower, and I kinda want to see Zoey." "Alright, let's go," Jake said as Pam finished her spellcraft. "Very well," Pam nodded, "Everyone gather around me." "I really don't like this teleporting business," Sam sighed. "You can walk if you prefer," Beth offered. "I'll make due," Sam said, standing beside Pam as she stood up and began casting. The four of them soon fell into the darkness, and they left the dank underground behind. Their nightmare was over, at least for now, but the city was still recovering. Much like the four of them, their home had been scarred in the wake of Meg Myers and her cult. They left with more questions than answers, but now they had time to ponder. It would be a long road to recovery, but they would walk it together. For now, they were all simply glad to have a break from the chaos that had erupted into the streets and their lives. |