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The changing landscape of Metropolis leaves our heroes backed into a corner |
"So, what's it like having someone else in your head?" Miri asked, "I mean, I hear voices and all, but you've literally got someone living inside of you." Jake was sitting in his and Miri's cell trying biding their time until they could speak with Penelope. Miri had played with him for nearly an hour, and she'd continued after Nyx had left. Admittedly, she was gentler than she had to be, but he could certainly tell she'd been trained by both Rebecca and Alexis. She'd made him clean her feet, smothered him with them afterwards, and had sat on his face afterwards. She made sure he was okay after she was done, but he could tell that she'd enjoyed herself. "It's complicated," he replied, leaning back against the wall, "Ash is always with me, but she doesn't dictate what I say or do." "Lord knows sometimes I wish I did," Ashley remarked, leaning against the bed, "I love you, but sometimes you are an idiot." Jake grinned despite being insulted, "Right now, for example, I can see her leaning against our beds. I can hear her, see her, but I can't touch her unless I'm asleep or meditating. There's been a couple of times where she's taken over, but she mainly takes a backseat. We share a mind and a body now, so I've gotten a pretty significant boost in strength and speed. There's some weird bits that come with it, though. I don't crave blood or anything like that, but I know when she's angry or feeling strongly because I get different tastes in my mouth. Sometimes it's sweet, sometimes sour, and other times it's bitter." "And you're okay with all that?" Miri asked, sounding lucid for a change, "I think it'd be confusing and too freaky for me. This is coming from the girl who's killed to sleep at the feet of her boss too!" "Maybe it should be, but I love her," Jake said, smiling and looking over at Ashley, "She's been there for me since she came back, and even after…after she died, she still spent her time looking out for me. There's no one I trust more than her." "You really mean that?" Ashley asked, smiling at him sweetly. "Yeah, yeah I do," Jake said, looking up at Ashley. "Okay, I don't know what's going on, but it seems super sweet," Miri gushed, "I never got to meet her, but Goth wrote about her in some of her scriptures." "I'm guessing it was nothing flattering," Jake scoffed, "I loved Rebecca, but she was always insanely jealous." "Actually, it was written that she was as beautiful as she was deadly and deceitful," Miri said, recounting the stories she'd read, "Ashley Bilefoot, the usurper and vampire queen, played an integral part in the resurrection of the Goddess. One of the few oversights, and overestimations, of the power of the Goddess. She was resurrected to serve the Goddess, but proved too powerful to be contained, and so she had to be eliminated. Plunged into the eternal void, the Goddess brought her back a second time because she was part of the missing key to revive the woman we serve. While she was an adversary and a threat, Ashley Bilefoot was to be remembered as a reminder that everyone, and everything, comes to serve the Goddess. With her powers and looks, she nearly stole the heart of The Raven, and that was to be begrudgingly commended." "That may be the nicest thing that witch has ever said about me," Ashley said in disbelief. "Rebecca wrote that?" Jake asked. "I'm paraphrasing some of it, but yeah," Miri replied, "She fucking hated her, but she respected her tenacity at the same time." "Exercise time, inmates!" Riley shouted as the door to their cell opened up, "Get your asses up, and get to the fucking yard!" "Oh, goody!" Miri exclaimed, jumping up and pulling Jake to his feet, "Come on, Jake, let's go play a bit! Now remember, you can play with the other girls, but you come right back to me! What are you?" Riley paused and smirked at Jake as he sighed, "I'm your bitch, Miri." "Good boy!" Miri praised, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of their cell, "C'mon, let's go see who wants a turn with you!" "She lacks nothing in enthusiasm and acting talent," Ashley said as she disappeared, "I'm not so sure she has your best interest at heart, but she's certainly better than the others here." Jake couldn't refute her. Even as Miri nearly pulled his arm out of its socket to drag him along, she was still the lesser of many evils. Miri was crazy, there was no denying that, but she was also their best chance at surviving. He had to work to keep from tripping over his feet as Miri skipped hee way to the yard. It was getting later in the evening, and honestly it didn't make sense why Amelia was letting everyone out at this time. As Miri dragged him along, he couldn't help but wonder what Duchess was planning. Knowing her, it was undoubtedly something heinous and nefarious. This was his chance to make progress, though, and he'd do whatever he had to do to make it happen. —-------------------- Amelia sat behind her desk watching the cameras. She'd watched the altercation between Razor and Miri with peak intrigue. She'd fully expected the little woman to be put down quickly, but Miri had surprised everyone with her brutality. Not only had she beaten Razor, she'd made an example of her before the entire prison. The way she moved and fought, though, it was all too familiar to Amelia. There was only one woman that she'd ever known to fight with such tenacity and psychosis. Alexis Hamilton, her old friend and cohort, had an eerily similar movement to Miri. Granted, Miri was a shadow of her old friend, but she knew those moves anywhere. The madwoman of Metropolis definitely had a hand in training this girl. Ordinarily, this wouldn't have been a problem. However, Jake's comment about having a date with Alexis had her concerned. She was certain Jake had been bluffing, but now she wasn't so sure. She'd been on good terms with Alexis for a long time, but she'd coveted Jake for as long as they'd known one another. She'd never acted on it, at least not while Alexis was around, because she knew what the crazed woman was capable of. Alexis was a force of nature, a ticking time bomb waiting to be set off, and Amelia had seen what she could do when she was pushed. Never before had she met anyone who relished pain and suffering as much as her; whether it be receiving or giving, Alexis didn't care. There were no boundaries when it came to her. She'd hoped to have enough time for Jake to crack and break without resorting to her last resort. Amelia had given Jake a taste of what she had in store while he was in solitary, but she hadn't thought that she'd actually have to use the Amazon. Time was running out, though. Even if she was wrong, she knew that Jake's friends would eventually come for him. Amelia shuddered as she recalled the screams that echoed in the cellars beneath Smother Ranch. She'd heard the stories of what the mysterious Pamela Lavely had done to Abigail, but she hadn't believed them until the screams came. She refused to share a fate even remotely similar to that of that hillbilly villainess. Miri had promise, and she'd already shown that her methods were effective. She'd nearly lost it when she saw her allowing Jake to rest, but he'd been more compliant after his nap. She'd watched as Miri forced Jake to worship her feet, and he'd done so without so much as a hint of resistance. Her methods were curious, but they seemed to be effective. However, she didn't have time to play the long-con. Maybe if she had another week, Miri's approach would work. She'd give the girl a chance, but it was time for her to speak with Jake again. She'd summon him before lights out tonight and once again tomorrow. For now, she'd allow Miri to work while she watched carefully. Amelia had adjusted the time schedule for the prison to ensure that Jake was still getting to spend time with his fellow inmates. It was also a chance for her to see if Miri could follow orders or not. She understood the possessive mentality more than anyone, but Jake was fair game until he submitted to her. After that, he would belong solely to her. Of course, she'd share her little boy-toy with her most loyal followers, though. If Miri could break him, then she'd offer her a position within her ranks with a promise to enjoy the fruits of her labor whenever she wanted. The door to her office opened and Razor stepped in. The girl was still bruised from her fight with Miri, and she looked ready for another fight. She was clean, currently. She'd showered after her humiliating defeat earlier in the day. Amelia had nearly written the woman off, but after seeing her take down five other women looking to abuse her, she'd decided to speak with her. She'd make an excellent enforcer for her upcoming plans. "You wanted to see me," Razor said, walking in and taking a seat. "I did, thank you for coming without a fight, dear," Amelia said, turning to face her, "Have a seat, please. A woman of your caliber shouldn't have to stand unless she wants to." "I'm good, thanks," Razor said, not wanting to allow herself to be in any vulnerable position, "Not to be rude, but what's this about?" "Straight to the point, I like that," Amelia smiled, "I couldn't help but notice your tenacity throughout my time here as warden. It's an admirable quality that few possess in today's age of soft heartedness and weakness. Your file is impressive, Ms. Ripper. Seventeen counts of aggravated assault, two counts of murder, and one instance of kidnapping. That's just what's on record too, but I'm guessing you have more skeletons hiding in your closet." "Your point being?" Razor asked. "Right, forgive me for taking too much of your time," Amelia apologized, "Although, I assumed you'd have time given you lost your newest toy." "Bitch got lucky, that's all there is to it," Razor spat, "I miscalculated on her. It's not often someone so short can pack such a hard punch, but it won't happen again." "Learning from one's mistakes is what separates us from animals," Amelia nodded, "It's the culmination of that mentality and your brutality that's led to this meeting. I could use someone of your particular talents for a little plan I have in the works. Of course, you wouldn't be much help locked away here." "You're offering me a job," Razor clarified, "Before I say yes or no, you should know I don't come cheap. Price is high, but I'll also need to have access to some toys to keep me entertained." "I can assure you that you'll be well compensated, and I have no shortage of fun for someone like you," Amelia said, "Beyond these walls I run a little retreat for individuals who crave treatment similar to what you've already demonstrated a knack for." "I'm not about to become some shitty camp counselor," Razor scoffed. "You misunderstand me, dear, the business I run isn't your typical resort," Amelia said, "You want people to have your way with, and I have plenty of people who'd love to spend time with someone like you. This wouldn't be your only form of compensation, of course. I've stockpiled more than a little bit of cash throughout my career, and I can ensure you're compensated handsomely for your work. And, if you prefer to have someone, let's say less indoctrinated with our lifestyle, we can ensure that you have that opportunity. As long as the individual has served their purpose, you can keep them to do with as you please." Razor chewed on the inside of her lip as she considered Amelia's offer. Deciding that she wasn't in any immediate danger, she walked around and took a seat across from her. "Okay, you've piqued my interest," Razor nodded as she sat down, "So, how do you plan on getting me out of here?" "Oh, I think you'll find that opportunities are endless when you're clever, dear," Amelia grinned, "Whether it be a chance to simply walk out, an extended stay in solitary, or a hint of collateral damage when necessary, we have options. Whatever happens, I'll be in touch with you once you're free. Please, take some time to consider what's best for you. Until next time, dear." "Hmph, sounds good to me," Razor said, standing and turning to leave, "Rumors about you are true. You've got a silver tongue." "I think you'll find I've got far more than that," Amelia smiled, "Oh, and try to keep this little chat between us. There are others I'm considering, but we wouldn't want just anyone involved in such a lucrative deal, would we?" "I can keep a secret, no worries," Razor smirked, "Good talking with ya, warden." Amelia waved to her potential employee. It would be good to have someone of her skillset in her employ, and it wouldn't be hard to get her out of prison. She'd hold off on cooking the books for now, though. On the off chance that she was right and Alexis was coming, she had no doubts that her old friend would provide an escape for many locked within her walls. With her meeting concluded, she was free to return to her studies. Amelia turned her attention back to the monitors, and she watched closely to see what was happening. As she watched, she weighed her options. Was she truly ready to unleash her hail Mary plan? No, not yet, she'd need to wait and see how Jake responded when she spoke with him. It was good to have it in her back pocket, though. He would be hers, whatever the cost. —---------- Miri sat on a bench centered on the outskirts of the yard. So far, nobody had approached wanting a turn with Jake. "Maybe I went a little overboard yesterday," she said, "I don't know, what do you think, bitch?" "Maybe a little, ma'am," Jake replied, trying to keep his cover, "You were just staking a claim, though. Would you like me to approach someone?" "Got somebody in mind?" Miri asked and teased, "Does my little boy-toy have a crush on someone?" "Ugh, this is beyond demeaning," Ashley scoffed, "Act or not, tell her she's pushing it." Jake agreed, but he wasn't going to say anything to Miri in public. "I was just thinking that it might help break the ice, ma'am," he replied. "Eh, why not?" Miri shrugged, "Go ahead and make first contact, bitch." Jake nodded and looked around to see if he could spot Penelope. Thankfully, he found her lifting weights across the yard. He took a deep breath as he crossed the way to speak with her. Penelope was curling a dumbell when Jake walked up, and she glanced up at him between reps. "Jake Blackridge," she greeted, "Shouldn't you be sucking the toes of your new mistress? Did she decide to let you off your leash, or have you decided to see what experience can get you? I've worked a bit of a sweat, and I could use a good cleaning, little boy." Jane suppressed a shudder, but Ashley was quick to speak, "She's arrogant for someone who looks like she might throw her hip out in bed." "Actually," Jake started, "I was hoping to talk with you, if that's okay." "My time is valuable, boy, and I'm not looking for a friend," Penelope dismissed him, "If you're not going to help me scratch an itch, then you can go back to your mistress." "I think you're going to want to hear what I've got to say," Jake tried to push, "It's about Miri, but more importantly, Footgirl." Penelope paused midlift and looked up at him again. "What would someone like you know about her?" she asked, "That's a big name to throw around for someone as pathetic as you." "Alexis and I have a bit of history, if you'll remember," Jake replied, "Matter of fact, she and I had a date scheduled for yesterday. She's probably not happy with the turn of events." "You mean embezzling from your company and aiding a hero who put most of us in here?" Penelope asked, "I would think she'd be furious that someone as sad as you would work with her enemies. Then again, Alexis has never been one to make sense." "Pretty sure she's not worried about that," Jake said, "I'm also thinking that she's not happy with having her plans disrupted." "If you're going to ramble and waste my time, then make yourself useful," Penelope sighed, "Since you won't shut up, you can talk between licks. As I said, I've worked up quite a sweat, and I seem to have forgotten my towel. Get over here, boy." Jake knew this was a possibility, but he'd hoped that this could be avoided. "Don't you dare," Ashley said as Penelope raised her arm to reveal a hairy armpit, "This is going too far, Jake!" Once again, he agreed with her, but he knew there wasn't another option. "I said, get over here!" Penelope snapped, her hairs stretching and wrapping around his face to drag him into her sweaty pit, "Much better. Honestly, you young ones have such a difficult time following directions. Lick, little man, do it or I'll make you pass out." The stench of Penelope's pits brought back horrid memories of past encounters. It was never pleasant, and the smell of her sweat and body odor overwhelmed his senses. He knew she wasn't bluffing, though, so he reluctantly licked the sweat from her hairy pit. Ashley gagged in the back of his mind, and Jake repressed one of his own. If this was what it took to enlist her help and get her to listen, he'd endure it. It wasn't anything he hadn't done before, and he'd certainly done worse in the past. However, that thought didn't make his experience any more enjoyable. "Good boy," Penelope praised, leaning her head back, "It's been a long time since I've had someone pay me the respect I deserve. It's a shame you've been claimed. I could use someone like you to clean my ass. Now, what were you saying about Alexis?" It was difficult to speak between the sweat burning the back of his throat and Penelope's unshaven armpit hair. He pulled back just enough to be able to reply, "I'm trying to tell you that she's coming. I don't know when, but Miri works for her. I'm Miri's for now, but only because Alexis is allowing her to have me." "Bold claims from a sweat rag," Penelope scoffed, "Put some effort into it, boy, this is pathetic." Jake could feel Ashley's rage growing beneath the surface. It only intensified when Jake did as he was told. He closed his eyes and tried to double his efforts. More of her sweat ran into his mouth, and he shuddered as it dribbled down his throat. "Jake, let me out and at this crone," Ashley snapped, "No amount of help is worth this disgusting and degrading humiliation!" "Now, let's say I believe you," Penelope said, "And for the record, I am skeptical at best. What exactly brings you to me, little boy? Break and speak, but be quick about it." The way she spoke reminded him of why he'd had such a hard time fighting against her. Her tone was commanding, but she was fair as far as villains went. Cruel, yes, but she at least rewarded good behavior. "I need your help to ensure I get out of here without much hassle," Jake said, trying not to breathe through his nose, "Your shape-shifting abilities would be invaluable in getting me out of here." "Smarter than I give you credit for, I'll say that," Penelope mused, "If you're right, and again, I don't think you are, why wouldn't you just go with Alexis?" "Alexis is likely going to want to have a talk with Amelia," Jake explained, "She's not going to be entirely thrilled with the turn of events, and she's likely to make anyone involved in hurting me pay. Right now, that includes you and a few others." Penelope released him, and Jake fell into her gagging. His face landed between her sweating breasts, and he had to fight to free himself from her chest. A sickening pop could be heard as he pulled himself free. "So, you're proposing that I help you, and then what?" Penelope asked, crossing her legs, "You'll tell Alexis that I was instrumental in keeping you safe? Don't make me laugh, boy." "I'll tell her you helped me, and that you don't need to be on her shit-list," Jake explained, "No tricks, no gimmicks, I'm just trying to get some help." "If you're wrong or lying, I'll take you from that airhead, and make you into my personal slave for the duration of your stay here, understand me?" Penelope asked after a moment of deliberation, "I mean it, Blackridge. If you think that I can't take that little bimbo, then you'd be-" "I believe you," Jake cut her off, "I do, and I've seen what you're capable of. Honestly, I'm surprised you never made a move on me." "Fighting over scraps is beneath me," Penelope scoffed, "I knew that I'd get my chance with you eventually, but I wasn't going to stoop so low as to fight for you. Pretty as you are, you're simply not worth the effort. At least, that was what I thought. I know a submissive little simp when I see one, and it's clear that you're better than I originally thought. However, I'm not so foolish as to go against the maddest woman in Metropolis. I live to rule, not to serve as a mindless foot cleaner." "So, does this mean you'll help me?" Jake asked. "What do you need from me, boy?" Penelope asked, "Make it quick because you're not finished cleaning me. You chose to approach me, and your little mistress seems to be enjoying the show. I don't want to waste my freetime talking when I have a sub in front of me." "I just need some of my gear," Jake explained, "I'm not asking a lot, and whatever you can bring me should work. I really just need to be able to fight back when Alexis arrives." "Change into one of the guards, sneak into where they keep belongings, and bring you a few toys," Penelope said, rolling her eyes, "Very well, that's a simple enough request. Consider it done, boy. Now, I believe you still have a job to do." Jake sighed at his bittersweet triumph. He'd managed to gain an ally, but he was still going to have to serve Penelope until everyone was called back to their cells. There was no telling what Miri had planned either. She'd let him rest, but she was clearly eager to play with him. He was dreading the rest of his evening. He closed his eyes, swallowed his pride, and nodded his understanding to Penelope. Ashley wouldn't be happy, but a deal was a deal. Besides, this wasn't a permanent arrangement. Jake silently resigned himself to the task at hand, and he reluctantly got on his knees to resume his worship. —----------------- Beth sat in the back room of her and Pam's apartment across from a tied up and unconscious Karen. Pam had returned from Eclipse shortly after dropping Krissy off, and she'd unbound Karen once they arrived at their home. Beth's helmet was off, along with her jacket, but she kept her gear on for what was about to happen. She'd been waiting for ten minutes, and she was growing impatient. Pam brought her a bucket of water, but she hadn't used it yet. Deciding that there was no time like the present, Beth grabbed in and slung it at Karen. Karen jumped as the ice water connected, and she growled as she looked around, "What the fuck?!" "Hello, Karen," Beth said, dropping the metal bucket, "You're a lazy bitch, know that?" "Who the fuck are you?" Karen sneered, noticing she was tied up, "Why the hell am I tied up?" "I'm sure a lot of girls asked you the same thing," Beth said, her tone calm as she stood up, "What did you tell them, I wonder? Did you tell them it was because you thought it was, that it was where they belonged, or did you just tell them to shut up?" Karen narrowed her eyes at Beth and scoffed, "Listen, pinkie, I don't know where you get your facts, but you're fucking with the wrong person. I'm a detective in the MPD, and it won't be long before someone comes looking for me." "No one is coming for you, Karen," Beth dismissed her, circling her, "Nobody cares about a sadistic detective in this city, and even if they do, they won't find you. Keep acting tough, though, I want to see how long you can last." "Fuck y-oof!" Karen started before Beth punched her in the stomach, "You little cunt, I'm going to get out of this. When I do, I'll make you beg for your fucking mommy!" "Funny, you sound like you believe that," Beth said, meeting Karen's glare with one of her own, "I've done this before, lady, but it's been a while. I might be a little rusty, but I promise this is going to hurt you a lot more than it's going to hurt me." "What are you talking about?" Karen asked, watching as Beth pulled out a knife, "Hold on a damn minute, you can't do this!" Beth scoffed as she swung the blade down and drove it into Karen's thigh. She was careful to avoid an artery, but she twisted it to make sure it hurt. Karen screamed in agony as Beth taunted her, "How many girls said the same thing to you, huh?! How many times did you ignore them for you own sick games?!" Karen grit her teeth in frustration and leaned her head back to headbutt Beth. It connected, and Beth stumbled backward two steps. "Those girls were worthless pieces of gutter trash," Karen spat, wheezing through the pain, "Nobody would miss them. Why the fuck do you care?!" "I care because I've been one of those girls," Beth replied, rubbing her lip to see if she was bleeding, "I know what it's like to be scared and alone, and I know what it's like to feel weak and helpless. It's people like you that drive me, Karen. Consider me a voice for the ones who couldn't speak for themselves, a fist for those that couldn't fight back, and the embodiment of fear and hate!" "Save your fucking speech for someone who gives a damn," Karen spat hatefully, "I'm not afraid of slaves, slut. That's right, I see that collar around your neck. Why don't you bring out your owner, and I'll have a conversation with a grown up." Beth frowned as she drew her pistol and fired a shot at Karen's uninjured leg. It was one of her nonlethal rounds, but Karen still screamed in fury and pain. "I really don't like being written off, Karen," Beth explained as she holstered her gun, "See, this collar might tie to me to my mistress, but it doesn't make me less of a person. I'm not a slave, I'm a sub, a pet at worst. You're not worthy of speaking to her, and she's given me permission to inflict as much pain and suffering as I see fit to you. Lucky me, but unlucky for you because I don't like you. I hate people like you. However, I'm not unreasonable. I'm going to ask you some questions, and if you answer them honestly, I'll make your death quick. Rest assured, though, you're not leaving here alive." "You're bluffing, bitch," Karen spat. Beth tilted her head and shrugged her shoulders. She unzipped a bag sitting on the table and pulled out a bull whip. She let it extend and rolled her wrist, "Yeah, I don't really care if you think that," she said as she cracked the whip a few times, "You'll come around soon enough. You're probably going to tell me to go fuck myself, but I'm gonna ask anyways. Where is Meg keeping Samantha Blackridge?" "Eat shit," Karen snarled. "Suit yourself," Beth shrugged, rearing her arm back and cracking the whip. Karen shrieked as the whip connected with her chest. Some of the fabric of her shirt was ripped by the first strike. Beth cracked it again, but this time it struck Karen's face. Karen howled as Beth hit her again and again. The entire time Beth's face was cold and filled with hate. For ten minutes Beth whipped Karen without mercy or care. By the end of it, Karen's shirt was torn and shredded, and she was bleeding profusely. Her throat was raw from crying out in pain. She'd tried to bite her tongue midway through, but it had been a vain attempt. Karen panted as Beth rolled the whip up and put it away. "Who are you?" Karen asked through her labored breathing. "The girl who knocked you out in your apartment, dumbass," Beth replied as she zipped her bag up, "Don't recognize me without my mask, do you?" "You're Pamela's bitch," Karen sneered, chuckling as she leaned her head back, "Oh, this is too fucking good. You know what she's done, right? Who she served?" "Pam followed Goth, and she's broken more women than I can count," Beth answered as she grabbed a handful of knives off the table, "I know her past, and she knows mine. Oddly enough, this is how we spent our first night together." "Why aren't you attacking her then?!" Karen demanded. "Because, she saved my life," Beth said, her hand shooting out and grabbing a fistful of Karen's hair, "You might want to hold still for this next part, or, you know, answer my first question." "Screw you," Karen snapped, spitting in Beth's face, "You and your fucked up mistress can go to Hell!" Beth nodded suckerpunched Karen's jaw, "That's what I expected. Let's get started, shall we?" Beth twirled one of her throwing knives as she knelt down beside Karen. She drove the blade through Karen's hand, and locked it against the arm of the chair. Karen bit her lip to keep from screaming, but Beth knew she wouldn't last long. Without a word, Beth took another blade and moved it to Karen's fingernail. Slowly, methodically, and brutally, Beth drove the tip of the blade under Karen's nail. Karen couldn't fight back the scream she'd been holding back any longer. Beth ignored her as she continued to drive the knife deeper under the nail. This was what she'd chosen for herself, and Beth was out of pity and time. She'd talk eventually, Beth knew that. It was just a matter of time and terror before she broke. —--------------------- Meg Myers sat at her vanity mirror while her sister finished playing with their esteemed guest. Sam was crying once again, but she tried to stifle her sobs to avoid another beating. Myers wasn't fond of the sound of her wailing, and she'd received a severe beating the night before because of it. Her lip quivered as she stared at the floor. How long had she been here? Was anyone ever going to come for her? Where was her mistress? Did she even care about her anymore? Meg insisted that she didn't, and that she was alone with her from now on. She'd swore that she would never leave this place, and that was after Sam had spilled everything she had on Jake. Meg's phone rang, and she sighed as she answered, "This had better be important." "Ms. Myers, I'm sorry to disturb you after hours," a young intern replied, "I haven't heard from Detective Black in hours, and I have word that the commissioner is on the move." "Is she now?" Meg asked, standing up, "Well then, I suppose our dear detective has finally met her match. Oh well, one less loose end to have to tie up. Initiate Zeta plan, and spread the word that darkness is falling. It's time to shake the city walls." "Zeta, ma'am, are you sure?" the intern asked. "Are you questioning me, Malcom?" Meg asked. "Just making sure I heard you right, ma'am," Malcom replied, "I'll give the order. What about Mr. Blackridge?" "I expect I'll be seeing him soon enough," Meg said, "Don't bother alerting Ms. Ritters of what's happening. Let's see how well she can think on her feet." "It'll take a few hours before the code word takes effect, ma'am," Malcom advised, "Eight hours should be enough, but I just want to make aware of the time-line." "Yes, I'm well aware, Malcom," Meg said, "I appreciate your concern and due diligence. I'll make sure you're rewarded for your loyalty and devotion." "Thank, Ms. Myers," Malcom said, "I'll begin the process now." Meg hung up without another word. She smirked as she walked over to Sam's bruised boddy, "It would seem that your little friends are finally pulling their heads out of their asses. It took them long enough, but I've been preparing for this, Samantha. It's time for your life to finally serve some semblance of purpose." "W-what are you g-going to do to me?" Sam asked, her voice trembling with more fear than she was proud of. Meg reached out and ran a hand across Sam's cheek. She smiled before slapping her across the face. "Use you, of course, you little moron," Meg frowned, "Emily, it's time for us to move to the final location for this leg of our plan. Take Samantha, and feel free to play with her while we wait. I need her alive, sister, but have your fun." The woman in red grinned as she walked over to Sam and grabbed her hair, "Understood, sister, I'll make sure that she's still breathing. Come, whore, let's go have some fun." "W-wait!" Sam screamed as Emily opened a portal with a wave of her hand, "Please, don't do this! Please!" Meg smiled to herself as she watched her beloved sister step through the portal. She chuckled to herself as she sat back down, "The fireworks are finally going to start. Let's see how well these pathetic heroes can handle a shell game." |