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The changing landscape of Metropolis leaves our heroes backed into a corner |
"Freeze!" Officer Holt shouted as she trained her gun on the nut job currently wreaking havoc in the Metropolis Mall, "Goddamnit, I'll shoot if I have to!" "Take your best shot, copper!" Miri giggled as she danced around the department store and smashed multiple displays with her mallet, "You guys got no manners, you know that?!" "Fucking hell, I don't paid enough for this shit," Officer Holt groaned as the mad woman vaulted off of her mallet and crushed a mannequin. Already, four of her fellow officers had been taken out and knocked unconscious by this new crazy. It had started as a simple vandalism call, but this lady was fast and almost as crazy as Footgirl. Holt supported Meg Myers and her stance at first, but it would have been great to have a mask for backup right about now. The girl hadn't killed anyone, thankfully, but one of her fellow officers definitely had a shattered kneecap from a direct hit from that damn mallet. Holt was the last one standing, and all other units were being held up after a bomb had gone off downtown. It was up to her to bring this psycho in alone. Holt opened fire on the lunatic, but she managed to dance around the bullets like she was in a ballet. Holt couldn't get a lead on her, and her gun was empty within seconds. "Would you stand still?!" Holt shouted as she ejected her clip and reloaded. "Would it kill you to say please?!" Miri shouted back as she giggled like a schoolgirl. "You can't be serious!" Holt yelled, exasperated. Miri was having the time of her life. She'd almost forgotten why she was out here. Alexis had given her a new explosive she'd been tinkering with, and Miri had gotten to push the big red button! It was like a dream come true to set off such a marvelous explosion. She'd done as she was told, and had planted the bomb in an abandoned warehouse, and even without the sounds of screaming, the fireworks were simply lovely to watch. She'd smashed more things in the last four hours than she had in weeks, and it felt so good to blow off some steam. Then, the cops showed up. It was so nice to have people to dance with for a change. Granted, they hadn't been able to keep up with her, but it was still fun. Sure, she may have gone a bit overboard with one of them, but he should have zigged instead of zagging! "Why don't you try it?!" Miri yelled with an unhinged laugh. "This is insane," Holt said as she tried and failed to lead on the maniac in short-shorts. "Yes I am!" Miri cackled, "And you're a terrible shot, miss officer-lady!" "For the love of-" Holt groaned, growing desperate, "Would you please stand still and put your hands on your head?!" Miri was in the middle of a cartwheel when Holt shouted the word please. She stopped in a handstand and slowly turned around to face her. "Okie-dokie!" Miri shouted and flipped back onto her feet and put her hands on her head, "Was that really so hard?" Holt stopped and blinked in utter confusion. Was this lunatic serious? "This is a joke, right?" Holt asked, torn between holstering her weapon or not. "Are ya gonna cuff me or not?!" Miri demanded as she got to her knees, "Yeesh, if I paid taxes, I'd be super disappointed right now." "How many screws are loose up there?" Holt asked as she holstered her pistol and grabbed her handcuffs. "About a baker's dozen," Miri said, giggling at her own joke. "Why did I even ask?" Holt said as she handcuffed Miri and helped her get to her feet, "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." "You have the right to remain cute," Miri purred, leaning in close to Holt, "Kinda wanna see what's under that Kevlar, officer. How's about a sneak peek before taking me away?" "Ma'am, please exercise that first right," Holt practically begged. "Boo, you're no fun," Miri pouted, her eyes looking Holt up and down, "Eh, you're not really my type, though. Carry on, miss officer-lady." "If I said please, would you shut up?" Holt asked. "Nope!" Miri beamed, "I can't turn it off!" "This is gonna be a long fucking ride," Holt sighed as she led Miri to her car, "You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you." —--------------------- Jake was in complete agony and exhausted. Razor had kept him awake for the majority of the night with her sick and depraved games. She'd made good on her promise to use her two-way on him, and she had been merciless and unforgiving. She'd fucked his face and nearly bruised the back of his throat, and then had immediately flipped him over and pounded his ass without a care for his safety. Try as he might, he couldn't stop himself from crying out in pain. The most shameful part came from when he'd inadvertently gotten off. Razor took note, and she'd viciously mocked him while continuing to rail him. For an hour and a half, Razor had used his face and ass for hee own pleasure and amusement. When she'd finished, she forced Jake between her legs to serve as a pillow while she drifted off to sleep. He was face deep in her ass with his chin on her pussy, and she fucked his face while having a particularly vivid wet and gassy dream. Jake was only freed once the alarms went off, and Razor reluctantly let him go. He needed a shower, but lord knew he wasn't looking forward to it. Nyx had been the one to once again escort him to the showers. The fact that there weren't separate showers was inconvenient to say the least. Jake wouldn't have been quite as worried if he hadn't taken an extreme beating from Amelia and had been kept up almost all night by Razor. The fact that he'd barely slept in the days leading up to his arrest certainly wasn't helping his awareness. He needed some rest if he was going to have a chance to staving off the lunatics on his block. Hell, he'd settle for a catnap at this point, or better yet, an ally in this madhouse. He'd been here less than a day, but he wouldn't last long if he couldn't figure something out. Then again, that was probably all part of Amelia's plan. Drain and strain until he eventually broke down and accepted her offer. "I won't let this place beat me," he said to himself as the hot water ran over his body. "I'd be more worried about it fucking you, pretty boy," Marri's thick and sultry voice called out over the running water and empty showers, "Oh, silly me, I should have said me fucking you! Mm, been a while since I fucked a billionaire. Such a sweet ass, and such a pretty mouth to boot." "Fuck me," Jake groaned as he tried to fins some strength of will. "Oh, I intend to, little man," Marri said, her massive cock already rising and beginning to throb, "Now, don't misunderstand me, sugar-lips. I want you to put up a fight. Makes it much more satisfying and fun." "Wanna weigh in on this one, Ash?" Jake asked, hoping that his soul mate would be willing to intervene, "Not gonna turn down you taking me for a spin here. Really not trying to get fucked again." "Talking to yourself, billionaire bitch?" Marri asked as she inched closer, "That's really not becoming of someone as pretty as you. Let's get something in that mouth, yeah? All I want to hear is you gagging on my cock! Come here!" "I'm about as drained as you, love," Ashley said, but Jake felt himself start to slip out of his body, "Still, I think I have enough left in me to handle her. I don't like having my shower interrupted by such a vulgar beast." Marri lunged forward with her humongous frame to grab Jake's shoulders, but Jake was already slipping into the passenger seat. For once, he was glad to have Ashley in control. They'd come to an agreement after Courtney, and while Ashley still disagreed, she respected his code of not killing. That didn't mean she couldn't inflict pain on their adversaries, though. Marri's large hands clamped down and tried to force him down to his knees, but Ashley was there and using everything she had to fight back. Jake's eyes flashed to red, but they were alone in the showers. Now in complete control, Ashley flashed a fanged grin at the horny titan before them. With a single powerful palm strike, Ashley broke Marri's hold on their shoulders. She stepped forward and threw a vicious knee into her massive gut. For all her fat, Marri was still quite muscular. Still, it was enough to make her stumble backward. "Ugh, what the hell?!" Marri exclaimed as she doubled over, "Scrawny little sluts like you shouldn't be that strong!" "Awe, what's the matter?" Ashley taunted as she piloted Jake's body and stepped forward, "What happened to that tough talk moments ago? Something about using that repulsive cock, right?!" Jake's hand shot out and coiled around Marri's ten-inch cock. With Ashley's added strength, he squeezed and twisted it. Marri was caught off guard, and trapped between unbridled arousal and pain. She let out a shuddering breath, and her cock throbbed in Jake's hand, "Stupid little bitch, you don't know who you're fucking with." Ashley rolled her eyes and leaned back to headbutt Marri with everything she had. The massive woman stumbled and recoiled from the forceful blow, and Ashley released her hefty member. "Let me guess," she taunted, "You're going to say how you like it rough, but this isn't exactly what you had in mind, is it? You wanted me to put up a fight, but you didn't expect this. Come on, fat-girl, let's see what you can do." "Oh that does it!" Marri growled, regaining her footing, "I was just going to fuck you, but now I'm going to rip that little boy-pussy in half! I'll fuck that pretty mouth so hard that you can't talk back for a week!" "Give it your best shot, cow," Ashley said, feeling a rush of adrenaline as she struck a fighting pose. It had been too long since she'd had a proper fight. She was almost as exhausted as Jake, but she needed to let her frustrations out. Marri was big, and Ashley had seen memories of past fights with Beth and Jake. However, she was all brawn and no brains. What Jake lacked in power, they made up for in speed and agility. Marri growled as she lunged at Jake, but Ashley easily dodged her with a sidestep. She leapt up and delivered a spinning kick to Marri's back that made her stumble forward. It wasn't enough to knock her down, but she knew that she felt it. Marri spun around and threw a wild swing at her, but Ashley leaned back out to easily dodge. Not through yet, Marri threw a left cross that Ashley ducked underneath. Closing the gap, Ashley unleashed a devastating combination of punches to her stomach. Every punch came harder and faster than the last, and she finished with an upward double-palm strike to her ribs that sent Marri into the air. A final spinning roundhouse kick sent her flying back and onto her ass with a thud. Ashley rushed forward before Marri could get back to her feet, and she flipped over her and grabbed the back of her head mid flight. She pulled Marri's head down and it crashed into the shower tiles. Jake's back was already sore, but a little pain was nothing they couldn't handle. Ashley rolled over to sit on Marri's chest and rained down a series of lightning fast punches to her face. She finished her assault by grabbing the sides of her head and slamming it down onto the floor once again. Marri laid there dazed and in disbelief from the surprise attack. "Let's be clear," Ashley said as she leaned down, "I'm not some piece of meat to be used, and you're lucky that I don't end you here and now, you repulsive tub of lard. Just because I can't kill you doesn't mean I can't hurt you, though. Get this through your thick skull: stay away from me." Ashley stood up and stomped on Marri's face before walking back to finish her and Jake's shower. "Think that might have been a bit overboard?" Jake asked as she scrubbed him and relished the scalding water. "I made my point," Ashley replied as she prepared to relinquish control once again, "Brutes like her only respond to force. I doubt she'll listen for long, but we should be safe for the moment. At least from her for now. There's still many more predators here just waiting for a shot, and then there's our lovely little mommy." "Please don't call her that," Jake shuddered as he remembered his long night, "That woman is worse than any regular criminal I've faced in years." "And yet, I can feel your dick twitching thinking about her," Ashley teased, "Should I start having you call me mommy when we're alone?" "Don't start with that shit," Jake warned. "Oh relax," Ashley laughed as she faded back into Jake's mind, "Given where we are, I would think you could use a laugh. What was it Beth said a while back? It's a joke, not a dick, so don't take it so hard." "Good to know she's rubbing off on you," Jake scoffed as he felt himself regain control of his body, "We can laugh later, but right now we need to focus on surviving." Jake finished washing himself and felt renewed by the hot water. Sleep would have been better, but this would have to suffice for the time being. He sighed as he turned the water off and exited the shower. He made it a point to step on Marri's over Marri's still prone body on his way out. He glanced down at her and grimaced. Ashley had done a number on her. Marri was barely conscious by the looks of her, and her nose was bleeding heavily. Oh well, she'd done far worse to plenty of innocent people. Jake had more important things to worry about than the well-being of his old enemies. He grabbed his jumpsuit and got dressed before leaving the showers. —------------------ Unbeknownst to Jake, Amelia had been watching his encounter with Marri. The former warden had installed cameras everywhere within the prison, and Amelia was glad they had. It may not have been ethical, but what was the least of her concerns. They'd come in handy, especially since Jake's arrival. She watched every second of his first night with his cellmate, and she hadn't been able to resist playing with herself at the halfway mark. Razor was relatively unknown in the underworld, but Amelia saw potential in the girl's sadistic nature. Her name was scrawled in her personal notebook for a later date. She'd been keeping a list of potential recruits in case plans with her current benefactor fell through. It was unlikely, but she hadn't survived as long as she had without being prepared. She'd purposefully instructed Nyx to escort Jake to the showers after the other inmates had finished, and to let Marri off of her leash for a while. However, Jake was simply full of surprises. She hadn't expected him to have a fight in him after his beating and abusive night, but then that was what made him special. He would make such a perfect sub, a magnificent tool, and he could be the instrument in her rise. If only he would see reason. One day, one day soon, he'd come to understand that she was right. She had heard about his time serving Goth, and her contacts reported that he was happy during that time. With Goth gone, a vacuum was left in Citiville and Metropolis, but more importantly, within Jake. The poor boy needed someone to control him. He'd see sense, sooner or later, and she'd do whatever it took to push him to that point. "Riley, I need to see you," she said as she turned from her monitors and spoke into her intercom. "On my way, boss," Riley immediately replied. Amelia closed her notebook as Riley arrived. "Close the door, dear," Amelia said as she stood up, "It would seem that Mr. Blackridge isn't quite getting along with new friends. Marri tried to pay him a rather friendly visit, and offered to, shall we say, scrub his back. Mr. Blackridge responded in kind by beating that glutton senseless." "Bird-bitch got Hippogirl?!" Riley asked in shock, "Shit, Nyx owes me fifty bucks!" Amelia smiled, well aware of the betting pool the girls had placed as to who would be the one to break Jake. Nyx had bet on brawn, but Amelia had the ace in the hole. It just wasn't time for her to play her card yet. "Indeed she does," Amelia said, "I want you to go and fetch Ms. Percy and move her to laundry duty. Tell her that she's going to have some help today, and that she needs to show our newest addition proper procedure. Oh, and make sure they're not disturbed while working. I'd hate for someone to get in the way of their important work." "The day after cabbage rolls too, you're absolutely brilliant, boss," Riley laughed and grinned maliciously, "Consider it done." "That'll be all, Riley," Amelia said and her subordinate took her leave as Amelia sat back in her chair, "Let's see how well you handle an old flame, Jake. Megan has been practically itching to get her hands on you, or should I say get you under her." If nothing else, this would be entertaining to watch. While she was ready for Jake to break, it was fun to watch him struggle and fight. It would be interesting to see how Megan handled her turn with Jake. She was a smart girl, a talented fighter, and filled with fury and frustration. The collar around her neck was the cherry on top of her hate. Jake had designed it to keep her powers in check, and she'd been stuck wearing it since her capture years ago. Combined with the fact that she and Jake dated, it was sure to be a memorable encounter for the two of them. Amelia turned her attention to the screens showing the laundry room and waited for the show to start. —------------------ "Nyx, warden sent me to relieve you!" Riley called as Jake and his escort walked back towards his cell, "Warden seems to think that Mr. Privilege here needs to learn a thing or two about work. He's on laundry duty until lunch." "Well, I was starting to wonder if I'd see anyone other than Nyx," Jake scoffed as Riley walked up, "Amy finally let you crawl out from under her foot?" Riley scowled and punched him in the stomach. Jake doubled over as the wind was knocked out of him. Riley grabbed a fistful of his hair and forced him back upright, "Watch your mouth, inmate," she hissed, "You don't get to call her that. That shit attitude of yours is part of the reason you're in here. That and the fact that you're too stupid to take a good deal when you've got it." "Still smarter than you," Jake weakly taunted her, "Then again, it's that lack of brainpower that makes you such a good follower. The best minions can't think for themselves." "Oh, I am gonna enjoy making you into a songbird," Riley growled. "Riley, not now!" Nyx stopped her friend before she could use her nightstick for a more creative purpose. "You're lucky I'm on a schedule, bird-bitch," Riley hissed, "I can't leave your trainer to do all the work herself, but I'll be seeing you soon enough. We're gonna see how much a slut you are soon. I can't help but wonder if the rumors about your gag reflex are true or not." "Get moving, inmate," Nyx said, shoving Jake at Riley, "I'll see your scrawny ass later." Riley led Jake at a much more brisk and rough pace than Nyx. Jake knew that he'd upset her, but he could have cared less. He was stuck in this hellhole with women who wanted him dead or broken, and he'd happily ruffle the feathers of anyone who was dumb enough to follow Amelia. That didn't mean it was a smart decision, but he was already in for a world of hurt as it was. He'd pay the price for his comment later, sure, but he'd take the small victory while it lasted. They arrived at the door downstairs to the laundry room. He couldn't help but wonder who they'd decided to train him down here. He was alone, and it was eerily silent. The floors above were always noisy, but here all that could be heard was the sounds of the washers. Riley threw the door open, and shoved him inside. "Have fun with your trainer, dumbass!" she shouted as she slammed the door shut. Jake had landed on his stomach from the sudden and rough shove, and he saw a pair of black boots approaching him. "Jake, what a nice surprise!" a familiar and happy voice said, "I was wondering when you'd show up. When they put me on laundry, I was pretty pissed until they told me that I'd have some help." "Fuck," Jake whispered as he pushed himself up to loom at his ex, Megan Percy, "Megan, how's it going? You're, uh, you're looking good." Megan's smile fell quickly as she reared back and punched him in the face, "Don't give me that shit, Blackridge!" she shouted as Jake stumbled back, "You fucking asshole!" "I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're still pissed about what happened," Jake said as he rubbed his jaw. "Which part, dickwad?!" Megan demanded as she stepped forward and stomped on his foot, "The part where my boyfriend dumped me, or the fucking collar you strapped to my goddamn neck?!" Jake grimaced as he stepped back again. She'd gotten stronger, but she'd always been a heavy hitter. "So that's a yes then?" he asked. "What the fuck do you think, shithead?!" Megan shouted as she swung at him again, but missed when Jake ducked under her and spun around to her backside, "You ruined my fucking life, you miserable little shit! Do you have any idea what it's been like rotting in this fucking place for years on end?! Stand still so I can beat your pretty ass!" "Yeah, I'm not gonna do that," Jake said as he deflected two more jabs at his face, "This might come as a surprise, but I'm not going to stand here and take a beating." "Then do the smart thing and give me the fucking combination to get this thing off my neck!" Megan shouted as she feigned a punch and managed to sweep his legs out from under him, "Or maybe you want to have some fun like we used to? You always did beg me to sit on your face, remember? Of course, you could never handle a few weak little farts." Jake quickly launched into a rolling handspring before Megan could drop herself down on him. He caught a glimpse of her wide hips and bulbous ass as he got back to his feet. She was almost prettier now than when they'd last fought. "Little?!" Jake scoffed, "Last time you gassed me, you knocked me out for half the night! Your farts are as big as your ass, Megan!" "Oh, boo-hoo, Birdboy can't handle a little stink," Megan mocked him, fake crying before launching herself at him again, "I doubt you were complaining while you were licking Goth's swampy ass!" "What the hell are you talking about?" Jake asked as he ducked and dodged a flurry of punches and kicks, "Don't tell me you actually believe those ridiculous rumors in the media." "I remember how you fought when you locked me up, idiot," Megan snapped as she surprised him with a sudden uppercut and knocked him back to the ground, "Just because people like fucking Marri are too stupid to put two and two together doesn't mean we all are! You think changing your stupid suit and lying to everyone is enough to fool someone like me?! I was top of our class, moron! Last chance, bird-bitch, give me the fucking code, or you're going to be sniffing yesterday's lunch!" Jake tried to get back up, but Megan forced him onto his back with her boot. "Not happening," he said. "Suit yourself, dumbass," Megan shrugged as she spun around and dropped her big butt onto his face, "I'll let off some pressure while you think about it. Oh, feel free to squirm and scream. Fucking love it when someone screams into my ass!" Jake was brought back to his high-school days when he was first discovering his submissive side. Megan had been his first experience with facesitting and breath-play, and he remembered the feeling of her big ass on his face almost fondly. Her butt was always her best feature, and it was somehow firm and plush. The smell of stale farts was also familiar, and it turned his stomach as it filled his nostrils. For as gorgeous as she was, Megan had always had some of the worst gas imaginable. It was worse now than ever before, and he could hear her stomach rumbling above him. It was only going to get worse from here, unfortunately. Megan bounced up and down a couple of times on his face before settling in and grunting above him. The roar that came from her gas was almost deafening, and the stench of spoiled cabbage quickly assaulted his senses. BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTT "Man that felt good!" Megan shouted as Jake bucked beneath her in response, "Oh yeah, squirm with that smell, baby. Where are you gonna go, idiot?! I feel another one coming. Open that nose for me, Jake!" The smell was unbearable already, and he'd been stuck under Megan for hours before. He'd need to figure something out soon, or else he'd be spending an afternoon buried in her big ass. Another ominous rumble from up above signified another blast of putrid air. Megan was preparing to put Jake in the middle of a storm, and Jake could only try and fail to throw her off of him. PPPPPHHHHHHRRRRRRRNNNNNN BBBBRRRRAAAAAPPPPPPPP BBBBBBRRRRRRPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTT "Oh yeah, three for one special!" Megan cheered as she started grinding her ass on his face, "How's that smell, bitch? You like that? Yeah, I bet you fucking do. Want some more?" She was crueler and more twisted than the last time they'd fought. Jake felt like he'd throw up any second, and he could feel Ashley gagging right beside him. As much as he didn't want to give her the satisfaction, Jake couldn't stop himself from shouting into her asscrack. He kicked and bucked again in an attempt to dislodge his face from her ass, but Megan put her knees on his arms. The soles of her boots pressed on the back of his head, and he was pushed deeper into her hungry, smelly ass. There was a sense of panic that started to wash over him the longer he laid under her. Between her noxious fumes and the pressure from her barring down on him, he wasn't sure how much longer he could last. Megan stopped her grinding for a moment and settled herself on his face. She leaned to the side and gave Jake another breath of her ass air. PPPPPPHHHHHHRRRRRRNNNNNNNTTTTTTT "Oh man, I almost feel bad for you," Megan cackled above him as she rocked back and forth, "Well, I would if you weren't such a piece of shit. You know, this is where you really belong, Jake. Under my big butt, huffing my farts, and I could make this a permanent thing if you just give me the fucking code!" Megan slid forward slightly, and Jake gasped for fresh air. Unfortunately, it was stained by the lingering odor of her last emission. "I'm not giving you the damn code, Megan!" he shouted as he coughed. "Starting to think you're enjoying yourself and playing hard to get," Megan shrugged, "Look, I'll make you a deal, Jake. I'm not an unreasonable woman, and I'm willing to forgive you for leaving me for that skank Beth, locking me in this shit hole, and even putting this stupid collar on me. Matter of fact, if you give me the code, I'll even use my powers to get us out of here. I can keep you safe, and you can spend your days worshiping my sexy ass. What do you say?" "What is with everyone trying to bargain with me?!" Jake shouted, "If you think I'm stupid enough to shackle myself to your lies, which best case involves me being a fart slave, then you're out of your damn mind!" "Ass slave, but close enough," Megan corrected him, "Your choice, bird-bitch. I've got plenty left in the tank, and you're gonna take these farts for me. Get ready for more, ass-face!" "Megan, don't you-mmph!" Jake tried to argue as she slid herself back and buried his face back in her ass. "Mm, I can feel your breath tickling my ass," Megan moaned, "I'm half tempted to slip out of this and have you eat these farts straight out of my ass. How does that sound? A gassy rimjob, doesn't that sound like fun?" "I know we have an agreement, but this girl is pushing me to my limit," Ashley growled in the back of his mind, "I'll kill her if you just say the word, Jake." "No," Jake thought back, "Believe me, it's tempting, but that's not how I do things." Megan's stomach gurgled once again, and she taunted him from up above, "Got some more fresh air for you, Jake! Ready or not, here it comes!" BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPP Another sickening ripping escaped her ass, and Jake's mouth and nose was flooded with the foul taste of her gas. "Ugh, if you're not going to kill her, then get this gasbag off of us," Ashley coughed, "Think, Jake, you can still get out from under her. She's got your arms pinned, but your palms are on the ground. Roll, love, roll and get this foul whore off of our face! I know it's hard, but you need to calm down and use that pretty brain of yours." Ashley was right. He'd done it before, and he could do it now. The stranglehold of Megan's farts was borderline overwhelming, but he could still overcome her. Megan laughed above him, and Jake used her distracted state to get his hands in position. His hands planted, Jake threw his legs up and back, and pushed with everything he had to uproot Megan from his face. "What the?!" Megan exclaimed as she found herself falling back and landing on the floor, "Hey! I didn't say you could get up, fart-bitch!" "I didn't ask," Jake said, panting as he savored the somewhat fresh air and struck a fighting stance, "Look, Megan, I'm through playing games. I'm not giving you the code to that collar, and I'm done being nice. Either you back off and back down, or we can see who's a better fighter. Your call, but I doubt you're as good without a dozen copies of yourself." "You're going to threaten me with an ultimatum?!" Megan laughed as she got back to her feet, "This coming from the guy who was just sniffing my ass. I don't need a clone to beat your sorry ass, Jake. I've been locked up here for years, and I've picked up a few things. Not much else for a girl to do other than study, read, and break in a few newbies as fart cushions." "Then let's see if you're all talk," Jake said, circling her. "Man, you have no idea how far out of your depth you are," Megan scoffed, walking around Jake and keeping her eyes locked on him, "I was joking about the rimjob, but after that little stunt, I think it's a good idea. You're going back under my ass, I'm gonna take off my suit, and you're going to taste every fucking fart that comes out of my sexy ass." "Gods, she's full of herself," Ashley snorted, "Shut her up, Jake. This little cur needs to learn her place in life." Jake stepped in for a quick straight jab, but Megan saw it coming and sidestepped with ease. She raised her leg and kicked his side, but Jake brought his arm down to trap her. He pivoted with his hip, and launched her into one of the industrial washing machines. Megan's stomach hit the machine, but she pushed herself off quickly and recovered. "Lucky shot," she growled as she stepped towards him with her arms raised, "Let's see how long your luck lasts, eh, babe?" Jake rolled his eyes and raised his arms to block two strikes from Megan. He was tired, and he could feel his reaction time slipping. However, he'd had enough abuse from his ex for one day. He blocked another punch and countered with an elbow aimed at her jaw. Megan slid out of the way and grabbed his arm. She threw herself forward in a front flip and twisted Jake's arm. She landed on her feet and kept a tight hold on his arm. Megan slowly stepped around him and continued to twist his arm. She kicked the back of his knee, and forced Jake down onto one knee. Her other hand snaked around his neck, and she started to apply a sleeper hold. "This is your best?" Megan asked with a dark chuckle, "You've gone soft, Jake." "Don't count me out yet," Jake said as he grabbed her forearm holding his throat and threw himself forward to slip her over him, "I'm just getting warmed up, Megan." Megan rolled and landed on all fours. She smirked as she stood up straight, "This is almost fun. Too bad you're such a dumbass. We could have had a lot of fun together, Jake." "Is she actually enjoying this?" Ashley asked in disbelief, "Are you?" "Feels good to stretch, I'm not gonna lie," Jake said aloud, talking to both women. Megan ran at him and jumped to try to land a couple of punches. Jake blocked her again and stepped back to avoid her knocking him down again. Jake's back hit a basket with a hanging rack on top of it. He grinned as he got an idea on how to end his time with his ex. He reached behind him and grabbed the basket. Jake slung it around and launched it at Megan, but he ripped one of the bars from the side. It was light and flimsy compared to his usual staff, but it would work for what he needed. Jake spun it a few times to get a feel for it, his hands staying close to the center of the pole. The basket had crashed into Megan and knocked her back a few steps. He swung it a couple more times and held it behind his back with one hand extended out at Megan. "Can't let me use my powers, but you can use a weapon," Megan scoffed as she recovered from the surprise attack, "You just get more and more pathetic with every passing second." "I thought you said you didn't need powers to beat me," Jake said with a smirk. "I like you better when you've got a mouthful of ass," Megan growled as she rushed at him once again. Jake was ready for her. He was running on fumes, but he could end this quick enough. He stepped to the side as she tried to shoulder tackle him. He swung his impromptu staff in an upward arc aimed at her jaw, but Megan twisted to dodge at the last second. Jake shifted his hands and swung the staff in a wider arc. Megan ducked under it and pushed up against it with her hands. She managed to get a hard punch to connect on Jake's jaw, but Jake took the blow without flinching. He threw his head forward and his forehead crashed into hers. Megan stumbled back with a grunt, and Jake capitalized on the opening with the hardest swing he'd thrown in a long time. The rod connected with her jaw and knocked her into the air, and Jake spun around to deliver a follow-up slam to her stomach that managed to knock her out. The rod bent from the impact of his final attack, but Jake was finished with it. It clattered to the ground as he dropped it and fell onto his ass panting. "Nice catching up with you, Meg," Jake sighed as the door to the laundry room swung open, "Great, now what?" "What the fuck?!" Riley shouted as she looked between an unconscious Megan and Jake, "Goddamnit, inmate, get on your knees!" "I'm sitting down, dumbass," Jake scoffed as he reluctantly complied, "This was self-defense, by the way." "You think I'm buying that crap?" Riley asked as she approached him with a pair of cuffs, "You just bought yourself some time in solitary, bird-bitch!" "At least we'll have some peace," Ashley remarked as she watched Jake get roughly cuffed, "Well, assuming that bitch doesn't have something up her sleeve." —------------------ Amelia had watched every second of Jake's encounter with Megan. It was wonderfully entertaining to watch. For a brief moment, she'd thought that Megan would manage to break him. Yet again, Jake had managed to pull through. It was equally infuriating and fascinating to watch. Twice now Jake had managed to dig deep enough to overcome the odds. Her notebook was sitting in her lap, and she'd put a question mark next to Megan's name. The girl showed potential, but it seemed that there may have been some lingering feelings for Jake. While possible, it hadn't been what cost her the fight. She'd toyed with Jake too long, and she'd gotten careless while using him. She was young, though, and with proper leadership could be something great. Had she been able to get the collar off, Amelia knew the fight would have ended quite differently. Riley was clearly upset at losing the running bet, but she would get over it. A little time alone would actually do Jake some good, but it wouldn't last too long. Jake wasn't the only criminal in solitary right now. She smiled to herself at her own genius. It wasn't quite time for her big reveal, but that didn't mean she couldn't start to stir the pot. Jake's suffering was still only getting started. She'd let him rest, briefly, but he wouldn't have the peace he hoped for. There were still a lot of variables in her plan, several moving pieces, but nothing she hadn't prepared for. It was just a matter of time before Jake broke down. "Uhm, boss?" Nyx's voice came over the intercom, "We've got a new arrival, and she's…well, she's insisting on speaking with you." "What?" Amelia asked with a frown, "Take them to processing." "Hey!" a shrill voice cut through the peace of her office, "You're not turning away the disciple of the greatest villain this city has ever seen! Nobody turns me down, you fat bitch!" "Get the hell away from my radio, you fucking psycho!" Nyx snapped, "Sorry about that, boss. This one's feisty. She's bit me three times, and she twisted my goddamn nipple. Want me to teach her some respect?" Amelia hesitated for a moment. Who the hell was this girl? "No," she said after a moment, "She wants an audience with me, so that's what we'll give her." "Boss, are you sure?" Nyx asked, "This girl is absolutely nuts." "Damn right, fatty," the shrill voice proclaimed loudly and proudly. "A little crazy may be exactly what we need to tighten the screws on our newest addition, Nyx," Amelia said, hatching a new plan, "I need to speak with this girl first, but I like her spirit. Bring her to me, and I'll call you when I need you." "Yes, ma'am," Nyx said. There was a risk to bringing in a new player, yes, but Amelia was willing to consider new talent. She hadn't gotten where she was by being unable to adapt. Whoever this girl was, she clearly didn't know the meaning of fear. If tempered and used properly, it could be exactly what she needed to succeed in her plans. Myers was busy outside, and distracted at that, so that meant that Amelia had an opportunity to continue building her own regime. Of course, what Myers didn't know wouldn't hurt her. She smiled to herself as she leaned back in her chair and waited for Nyx and the new arrival to enter her office. This day was truly full of surprises. |