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The changing landscape of Metropolis leaves our heroes backed into a corner |
Three days after the events at Metro Plaza, Jake was sitting at his workbench in the Birdcage beneath Blackridge manor. He'd been hard at work trying to create new gadgets and modifications to his gear. Working kept his mind occupied, hands busy, and helped to provide a distraction from his past traumas. His most recent success had been Beth's ballistic upgrades, but he was currently trying to improve his birdarangs. A soldering kit sat beside a pile of birdarangs on the table. The casing for one was opened up, and he was trying to wire an electrical charge to it. He'd already created a prototype for one that was wireless connected to a control in his bracers. "How long do you plan on tinkering with your toys, Jake?" Ashley asked behind him, "We've been down here for hours now, and you need to eat something. Your hunger affects more than just you, you know." Jake sat up and sighed as he rubbed his eyes, "I know, I know. I'm just trying to stay busy and keep an edge over the criminal element, Ash. Everything with Courtney made me realize how unprepared we are." "And remote control toys are going to help you, how exactly?" Ashley asked. "First, it's a modified shuriken," Jake replied, "Secondly, there's a number of different modifications I can use with this idea. A remote electrical charge, an explosive, a scanner for different frequencies, or even a surveillance camera installed on it. It's a way to utilize long-distance tracking or short-range combat and distractions." "That's all good and cute, love, but what about the little box you made yesterday?" Ashley countered, gesturing to his latest invention, "Is it truly necessary, or even wise, to have something that can break a lock? In my time we would simply pick the locks or break down the doors." "I get that, but things are different now," Jake answered, "Doors are much stronger and so are the locks. Okay, I realize how dumb that sounds, but it's the truth! It's something that's good to have on hand just in case. It's like whenever we broke Havoc out of maximum security when Rebecca was in charge. We might not always have access to Pam's magic, or even Alexis' chemical concoctions to break through." "Fine, I'll concede your point, but can we please take a break?" Ashley sighed, "This is fun for you, but I am not a tinkerer. Far be it from me to stand in your way, but I would like to at least have some food if we are to continue this." "Okay, fine, you're right," Jake sighed, his stomach grumbling, "We can eat and I can review the documentation I pulled on Amelia, or is that not okay?" "Jake," Ashley began, "You know I'm not opposed to your work. I just want you to take care of yourself is all. That foul lummox of a woman is a nuisance, dangerous, and needs to be stopped. Personally, I say she just needs to disappear, but I understand you want to do things by the book. By all means, read and review all you like." "Alright, then let's go eat," Jake said, hopping off of his stool and heading toward the stairwell, "For the record, I agree it would be easier if she was just gone. The problem is, if she really is above board, that'll only raise more suspicions and flags. Those people seemed to genuinely be there of their own accord." "If you're referring to those cowardly deserters and former followers, then yes I agree," Ashley scoffed, "I may have loathed the witch, but even I view them as less than pathetic. I have more respect for someone who will stand beside their leader, repugnant as they might be, than someone who falters and flees. Sorry and mindless drones, that's all those women are." "Noted, but that's not who I was talking about," Jake said, "I meant the people who were there in bondage and collars. Weird as it sounds, it almost seemed like they were happy." "There are ways of manipulating someone into Stockholm syndrome," Ashley pointed out as they walked upstairs, "Starving someone, drugging them, or just simple behavioral conditioning are all age-old tactics that I myself have used." "That's true, but I didn't get that vibe," Jake sighed as they walked through the opening into his study, "I can't say for certain without Pam there, but they seemed content. There were a lot of people that embraced Rebecca's teachings, and maybe those people are just…displaced." "Talking with Ms. Ashley, master Jake?" Bruce's voice asked from the entryway of the study, "How is she this evening?" Ashley smiled at the old veteran. The man had yet to see her in person, but he'd listened to Jake talk about her at length for hours on end. He was a kind man that reminded her of one of her most trusted advisors during her time as a ruler. "Yes, and she's good, just a little frustrated with me is all," Jake replied as they walked toward the exit, "She's been on me about eating, and I guess I lost track of time." "I'm glad to hear that somebody other than myself is concerned about your well-being," Bruce said with a smile, "I've taken the liberty of preparing some stew to help combat the biting chill in the air. I believe Ms. Ashley is fond of venison, if I recall correctly." "I could kiss this man," Ashley said, grateful that he was so thoughtful. "She is," Jake chuckled, "You're making me look bad, Bruce. If you keep it up, she might start second guessing her choice in men." "Don't be ridiculous, master Jake," Bruce chuckled as he led him towards the dining room, "While I've never met Ms. Ashley, she has made an excellent choice in a lifelong partner. Your father would be proud of the gentleman you've become. Your discipline is to be commended, sir, but you still need to maintain a balance in your life. Something that I'm sure Ms. Ashley agrees with." "Professional and wise, I imagine he was quite the lady-killer in his hay-day," Ashley said, "Fret not, my love, my heart beats with yours and yours alone." "You're definitely in her good graces, Bruce," Jake sighed, "Have I gotten any calls?" "Ms. Lavely and Ms. Thompson called roughly an hour ago," Bruce replied, "Ms. Thompson was quite upset that you hadn't replied to her, but I assured her that you were fine. Ms. Hamilton also left a message wanting to know if you're still planning to rendezvous this weekend. Given her usual erratic nature, she was surprisingly composed and understanding when I told her you were currently unavailable." "She's been full of surprises lately," Jake sighed, "Can you pull my files on Amelia and the documents revolving around Ravenfalls again, Bruce? I'll call Alexis after I eat and review what we have." "Still chasing after the elusive Dutchess, master Jake?" Bruce asked as they entered the dining room and he grabbed a bowl for the stew, "I'll pull them at once, sir." "Invite the man to eat first, Jake," Ashley scolded him, "He's prepared a meal for us, and the least you can do is allow him to join us." "Ash would like you to join me for supper, Bruce," Jake sighed, "I wouldn't turn down the company of an old friend either." "It would be my pleasure, sir, just let me retrieve the files and I'll join you," Bruce said as he walked back towards the study, "Ms. Ashley has my sincerest thanks. Perhaps Ms. Lavely could concoct a way for us to be properly introduced someday." "I can check with her the next time we have some downtime together," Jake said before asking Ashley, "Do you think that's something Pam could do?" "It's not out of the realm of possibility," Ashley replied, "Pam has grown quite exponentially as a mage, and it's possible that she could project my essence to allow me the chance to speak with everyone again. It would be nice to communicate on my own without you paraphrasing or ignoring what I'm actually saying." "I only do that when you're saying something embarrassing or you make a big speech," Jake countered, mildly defensively, "I see your point, though. I'll run it by her next time we talk." "I'd give her and Beth some time together before reaching back out to her," Ashley advised, "I know they called earlier, but there's no sense bothering them about this right now. As nice as it would be, there are more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Do try to be sociable with Bruce when he returns, love. Don't shut him out in favor of reviewing case files and documentation." "I promise, I'll put work on hold for the time being," Jake sighed, "Balance and all that, right?" "That is indeed what you should strive for, master Jake," Bruce said as he reentered the room carrying a stack of folders, "I trust that Ms. Ashley is reinforcing my earlier point." "Yeah, she was just saying that I don't need to throw myself into my work when I've got friends and family in front of me," Jake said, grabbing a bowl for his butler. "There you go again, paraphrasing for me," Ashley said with a smile, "Let's eat before it gets cold." Bruce sat the files down near Jake before taking a seat himself. He and Jake talked as they ate their respective meals. It was nice to be able to sit down and break away from his alternate life for a while. Bruce was, in many ways, a father figure for Jake. He'd practically raised him since his father had passed at a young age. Sometimes it was best to bend his butler's ear. More than that, though, Bruce was his friend. He loved Beth and Pam, but Bruce had been his instructor, his friend, and his biggest supporter before even Beth. It felt good to lose himself in conversation for a change. Ashley was right, his work could wait for a little while longer. —------------------------ Pam shot up in a start and a cold sweat. Her breathing was heavy, and she slowly brought her knees to her chest. She didn't know what time it was, and she wasn't entirely sure where she was. Her arms wrapped around her knees as she held them tightly and tried to remember where she was. She didn't know what time it was, but she slowly started to calm down. Looking around, Pam recognized the various familiar items of her and Beth's shared bedroom. She was safe; it had been another nightmare. It felt so real, though, and she silently cursed as she realized she was trembling. She spotted the clock on the wall, and she saw that it was only seven. She must have dozed off, but where was Beth? Her girlfriend wasn't in the room with her. Pam tried to suppress the panic that threatened to well up within her. She was in their apartment, and that meant that Beth was safe. However, there was a sense of dread that came with her nightmare when she awoke. Beth had experienced similar traumas when they'd first come together. It was an unfortunate side effect of Courtney's horrific toxins, at least that was what she told herself. Since their battle in the atrium, Pam had been seeing Dr. Murray in her dreams much more frequently. Whether it was the mad woman preparing to operate and torture her or the people she cared for, it was incredibly unsettling and terrifying. She sat still for a while longer before finally forcing herself to get up. Her legs were shaking, but she forced them to steady so she could venture out and check on Beth. She found her girlfriend in the dining room setting the table. A few different boxes of takeout sat on the table, and Beth was in the process of fixing them both plates when Pam walked in. "Hey," Beth greeted her with a smile, "I was just about to come wake you. I ordered takeout from that Thai place you like. I'd have cooked something, but I figured you probably wanted to actually, you know, have something edible. Are you alright?" Pam looked away for a moment as Beth finished. She must have still looked shaken by her nightmare. "I'm fine," Pam lied before sighing, "Just…another bad dream is all." Beth stopped and set the box of rice down. She walked over and wrapped her arms around Pam. "Sorry, I should have checked on you sooner," she said, "I know what it's like to relive terror." Pam faltered for a moment before she returned Beth's embrace. After everything that the little woman had been through, she still felt the need to apologize for something she couldn't help. "It's not your job to worry and check on me," Pam said and added, "Your concern means the world to me, but I don't want you troubling yourself over this. You took it upon yourself to get us dinner and clean, Kitten." "I could say the same thing about you," Beth countered, breaking their embrace and looking up at Pam, "Especially back at the castle, you didn't need to worry about me, but you did it anyway. I can't count the number of nights I woke up screaming only for you to hold me until I calmed down. That was something you didn't have to do, but you always took extra time with me. Maybe I don't have to, but I want to. I love you, you brooding badass." "I do not brood," Pam said, lightly chuckling and rolling her eyes, "I love you too, Kitten. Why don't we eat before it gets cold?" "You so do brood," Beth laughed as she grabbed Pam's hand to lead her to her seat and pull her chair out for her, "I don't mind it, though. I think it adds to your mystique. Do you…do you want to talk about your dream? You don't have to, but I know sometimes it helps." Pam shook her head and grabbed a pair of chopsticks as Beth poured her a steaming cup of green tea. "It was another one where I was strapped to an operating table," Pam sighed, "I was alone this time, but she was there. I remember…I remember being unable to blink. My eyes were being held open and my head was restrained. The doctor said she wanted to take my eyes and see if she could replace them with someone else's. She said that she wanted to make sure she gave me something to remember you by since you were, what called, a failed experiment. The last thing I remember is seeing her scalpel approaching my eye. Appetizing, I know." "Ugh, I should have dealt with her when we had her in the precinct," Beth sighed as she sat down and grabbed a fork, "That psycho was terrifying enough before the whole nightmare gas with Courtney. I'm sorry, Pam." "You have nothing to apologize for, Kitten," Pam said, "There were more important things to deal with at the time, and I still can't shake the feeling that we're missing something." "What do you mean?" Beth asked as she took a mouthful of noodles. "Don't talk with your mouthful," Pam reprimanded her before answering, "I'm referring to the journal that I found in Ravenfalls. Dr. Murray and Courtney were problems, but they came out of nowhere after Rebecca was dealt with. There are more moving pieces at play than I think we realize. I doubt that clown lunatic is involved, but I do wonder what sort of trouble is lurking around the corner." Beth chewed and swallowed, not wanting to offend her girlfriend, before she spoke again, "So, you think that someone is orchestrating all of this? What would be the point?" "Misdirection is a tool that, when utilized properly, can allow a party to flourish without interruption," Pam explained, "Courtney's entire scheme created mass panic and chaos throughout the city, and it drew all of our focus to stopping her. The mad doctor received small doses of Courtney's toxin to test, and she used it for her sadistic practices. The question remains as to why Courtney suddenly resurfaced? It could be happenstance, but the timing just feels off. The fact that Courtney was lurking with the abandoned projects from the Brunswick Corporation is more troubling. Rebecca kept extensive notes on everyone and everything, but Emily Brunswick was presumed to be dead by even her. Maybe I'm overthinking things, but I can't shake this uneasy feeling that there is danger on the horizon." "It'd be asking too much for us to have a break," Beth sighed, "You could be onto something, but do you think this Emily chick is behind all of this craziness?" "I can't be certain," Pam replied, "All I know is that she's been missing for years, and the initials in the journal were EB. We can only handle one problem at a time, though. Dr. Murray is our primary objective for the time being, and I'm not saying that because of these damned dreams. The longer she's out there, the more dangerous she becomes. She may not have powers, but she's cunning, conniving, and cruel. Abductions may have been minimal for now, but those figures are based off of reports. It's easier to circumvent the police than you realize, and a woman like Anna is capable of operating without being seen for quite some time." "Way to set the mood, babe," Beth said, trying to lighten the somber atmosphere, "Sorry, I know you've got a solid point, but do we have to talk shop right now?" Pam pursed her lips for a moment before taking a sip of her tea. She wasn't typically one to get swept up in their work, but maybe Jake was rubbing off on her. "You have a fair point," Pam sighed, "I suppose there's no real harm in tabling this discussion for the time being. Shifting gears, how have your experiments with Jake's formula been going?" "Mm," Beth started before swallowing her food and answering excitedly, "Great, actually! Turns out, the gel inside the casing is a perfect binder for a lot of my recipes. I think that I can create a concussive ballistic reaction upon impact. Right now, I still need a bit of force to cause the blast, but I think I can make a puddy out of it and shoot it to create the same effect. If I can stick it to someone and get them around a group, I should be able to knock them all on their asses with one well-placed shot." Pam smiled as she ate and listened to Beth. While she didn't share her lover's blatant enthusiasm, she loved seeing her so excited. It was a pleasant distraction and reminder that not everything was dark and hopeless. Beth may have lacked a fundamental understanding of magic, but she had taken to alchemy like a fish to water. Poisons, bombs, antidotes, and other odds and ends had become her girlfriend's specialty. It was almost ironic that she was lousy in the kitchen when she was such a natural in a lab. She'd been trying to improve, but she still had a long way to go before she was a confident cook. They ate and talked over the course of an hour, and things felt almost normal between them. Domestic life was still new to Pam, but she was adjusting well enough. They retired to the living room shortly after eating. Beth would handle the dishes later, as she usually did. Pam didn't mind waiting. She knew Beth would keep her word, although the first few times had resulted in a mild fight between the two of them. It had been one of their earlier compromises after moving in together. Pam had expected things to be done the second she asked back then, but that had been a product of her past environment. While they were at the castle, Beth had jumped whenever asked, but outside of those walls she fell back into old routines. It wasn't bad, but it had taken Pam time to adjust. It had made their relationship stronger, and they had never been closer than they were today. Beth turned on the television to watch the local news. It wasn't her favorite, but it helped to remain up to date on current events. The nature of their work meant they had to try to stay in the know with every media outlet. There was a press conference on the television, and a woman with bleach-blonde hair and piercing blue eyes stood behind a podium. Neither Beth, nor Pam, recognized her, but she wore a white pantsuit and a white scarf was tied around her neck. "What in the world?" Pam asked as she glanced up at the screen, "Turn the volume up, Kitten." Beth nodded and did as she was told as the woman introduced herself, "Good people of Metropolis, my name is Meg Myers, and I have a simple question for you all. Are you better off today than you were last year? This city used to stand for something, but then vigilantes began to move in. With them, they brought super-powered men and women to light. These criminals surfaced because of a challenge issued by the people behind the masks, and the MPD chose to both aid and abet these so-called heroes. A badge used to mean something in this city, but what power does it hold in the face of those that act outside of the law? Brazen, brash, and reckless behavior was issued in, and now we have imitators who act more ruthlessly than their predecessors!" Beth frowned as she sat up and listened, "What the hell is the woman on about?" Meg Myers continued her speech, "I ask you all, would that horrid monster have come to power? How many of your lives were shattered under that monstrous woman's rule?! The billionaire playboy, Jacob Blackridge, seemingly conspired with the so-called Goth Goddess, and it was his company that supplied her with those evil, life-ruining devices! Everyone praised the impeccable Birdboy and Catgirl, but they abandoned us in the face of true hardship and pain! That, my dear people, is the only thing that I agree with Ms. Tellar on! However, this leads me to my next question: where is the criminal Courtney Tellar? Was she brought in for questioning and processing? The MPD refuses to comment on her, and I find it odd that such a prominent criminal has remained out of the press." "This is preposterous," Pam scoffed, now leaning forward to watch and listen more intently, "Who the hell is this woman?" "We hailed The Feral when she first arrived, but should we be trusting our safety to a killer?" Meg Myers asked, "I'll give you my honest opinion: we were scared and alone. That terror that we felt justified our acceptance of such a brutal and murderous vigilante. We cheered when she murdered Mega-Butt, but aren't this criminals still people? How many of our own misguided citizens has this monster put down? Did they not deserve a chance for redemption? If I am elected mayor, I will personally be seeing to the restructuring of our police force, and our correctional facilities. These vigilantes need to be held accountable, as does the illustrious Blackridge company, and I will personally oversee the investigation and possible prosecution of the guilty! Let's work together and bring this city back to its former glory! We don't need cowards hiding behind masks to save us, and we can show them that the law still means something to good people!" "You have got to be shitting me," Beth scoffed as a crowd began to cheer in the background, "This is the woman that's running for mayor?" "That was a brief highlight from mayoral candidate Meg Myers' most recent rally," the anchor woman, Jennifer Martin, announced as the political rally paused and shifted to a small screen, "The independent candidate has been gaining ground in the latest polls based on her platform for reform and her pledges for justice. Her commentary regarding the controversial heroes and Blackridge Incorporated has sparked heated debates amongst citizens. After the debacle with Courtney Tellar only a short while ago, public opinions on those in masks has been incredibly divisive. The head of Blackridge Incorporated has also been under scrutiny as of late, but that seems to have tripled in the wake of Ms. Myers' more recent remarks. This station has elected to remain unbiased in an effort to keep you all well informed, but impartiality won't negate the question of Courtney Tellar's whereabouts. Whether one sides with Ms. Myers or not, the fact remains that nobody has seen or heard a word about the infected madwoman since her last broadcast on Halloween." "Yeah, that's because she's downstairs in Jake's fucking special holding cell!" Beth shouted at the television, grabbing the remote and about to throw it. "Beth," Pam snapped, stopping her girlfriend from potentially destroying their television, "I understand your upset, but let's not ruin another television." The short and curt way Pam used her name brought Beth to a halt. She glared at the television for a moment before dropping the remote and sighing, "Ugh, this just pisses me off, but you're right. We've done nothing but risk our lives out there, and the people wanna act like we're the bad guys. I'm sick of hearing that it's because of us that people like Goth, Havoc, Courtney, and other sociopaths exist, or existed! Then, they want to throw me under the bus for getting fed up with seeing thugs and criminals get arrested and released to go back to their same bullshit!" "Breathe, Kitten," Pam said sternly but gently as she moved to sit beside Beth, "Yes, this is frustrating, but you don't need to let them rile you up. They don't know what you've been through, but there are plenty of people in this city that support your approach. One woman screaming for your prosecution won't erase the amount of lives you've saved." "Pam, this is a woman running for office who wants to make it impossible for us to work," Beth groaned, throwing her head back, "If she wins this stupid election, then she's going to do everything she can to force us on the run." "Then we adapt, as we always have," Pam assured her, wrapping an arm around her girlfriend, "We've had to change how we operated before, and we can do it again should the need arise." "What about Jake?" Beth asked, her attitude dissipating and shifting to concern, "He keeps saying that he's fine, that he's not worried about his company, but it's already been under a ton of scrutiny. He's doing everything he can to rebuild and restore goodwill, but how's he going to do that if that witch is blocking him at every turn?" "Jake is more resilient than you like to give him credit for," Pam replied, "Despite everything, he continues to fight against his circumstances and negativity day in and day out. Yes, he struggles, but that boy doesn't know how to quit. Even if this meddlesome Myers woman wins and tries to intervene with his affairs, Jake won't abandon his quest for redemption. However, this worry is based on speculation, Kitten. There's no guarantee that this mystery woman will win." Beth sighed and laid her head on Pam's shoulder, "I guess you've got a point, but that's not exactly comforting. Politics aren't my forte, and I don't trust the systems in place. And why does that name sound so damn familiar anyway?" "You caught that too, eh?" Pam asked with a frown, "I can't put my finger on it either, but I know I've heard that name before tonight. It's nothing we should trouble ourselves with tonight. Why don't we take the evening for ourselves?" "Is that your way of saying you want to play around?" Beth asked. "I wouldn't veil such an interest after the other night, Kitten," Pam chuckled, "No, I'm simply suggesting we relax tonight unless we get a call. You can play one of your games and I'll watch." "What if we play something together?" Beth asked, looking up at Pam with puppy dog eyes, "We haven't sat down and done anything with your D&D campaign I'm a while." Pam smiled and shook her head, "If that's what you want to do, then I'm game for it. I'll fetch my books and your folder." "Awesome," Beth said as Pam stood up. A night off sounded like exactly what the two of them needed. Between the stress of tracking the mad doctor, the political news moments ago, and Pam's nightmares, it would be nice to have a chance to relax together. If a call came in, they would respond, but they'd enjoy their downtime while it lasted. It was far and few these days, but that only made it more valuable. With a serene smile and her mind on her ranger, Beth got up and headed to their bedroom to grab her dice. —-------------------- Elsewhere in the city, the young upstart Meg Myers was preparing to retire for the evening. It was getting late, and she'd spent the better part of the day campaigning. She had another rally in two days, and she had some files to review before the event. She walked into her studio apartment and set her briefcase down on the ornate glass table. She would look over the reports from one of her colleagues later tonight. Now, she was ready to let her hair down and relax. She removed her blazer and sighed as she took in the air of her modest home. The sound of scuttling could be heard in the other room, and she grinned as she remembered her guest. Meg Myers unbuttoned the top button of her blouse as she walked through her home to her bedroom. Sitting not far from her bed was her guest, the estranged half-sister to none other than Jake Blackridge himself. She was tied to the chair, and while she was awake, she had a black sack still secured over her head. Meg would tend to her soon enough, but first she needed to slip into something more comfortable. Her skin seemed to visibly crawl as she walked quietly to her bathroom. She left the door open, and relished the sounds of confusion coming from young Samantha. It was always such a delight listening to new toys and intiates flounder and struggle in the face of the unknown. Meg opened a contact case and reached up to remove her blue lenses. A pair of stark white eyes stared back at her in the mirror. She smiled for a moment before frowning as she looked at her hair. She absolutely detested this shade of blonde, and she missed her natural hair color. However, she'd chosen this form for a reason, and she had openly committed to this approach. There was no backing out of it now, and she would have to deal with it for a while longer. It would all be worth it in the end. The second step in her grand plan to take the city as her starting ground for sheer domination. She couldn't get ahead of herself, though. As much as she loathed the heroes, they'd proven themselves to be more formidable than she first anticipated. Although, up until now they'd been dealing with her pawns and patsies. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she grabbed it to answer, "Speak." "I've located the man you requested," Amelia's voice quickly replied, "Just as you predicted, he arrived at our little establishment seeking refuge. Nyx seemed intent on keeping him, but I have given strict orders for him to be left untouched." "Good," she said with a chuckle, "I'd hate for you to disappoint me after all I've done for you, Amy. Keep him safe until I send for him, and you'll have your reward when the time comes." "Consider it done, Eva," Amelia said smugly. Meg scowled at the phone as she hissed, "Speak my name without permission again, and I will personally raze your worthless little project to the ground. Just because you have a use now doesn't mean your not expendable and replaceable, Amy. I can easily find another to take your place, and you can serve as entertainment for my dearest sister. Do I make myself clear, young lady?" Amelia stuttered and Meg could practically see her flinch on the other end of the line, "Y-yes, ma'am, my apologies for speaking out of turn. I meant no disrepect, and I merely meant that as a show of trust." "If you want trust, than prove to me that you are capable of following simple instructions," Meg said, "Otherwise, you can trust that I will make you suffer. I have worked too hard and too long to have my work be undone by simpletons. Do not make me regret enlisting you in my plans, Amelia. There will be no need for further communication unless I choose to contact you. Keep your phone on, and do not let my call go unheeded. Carry on with your little games, but do not think for a second that I'm not watching you. One hair on that man's head out of place, and I will let my sister have her fun with you before I boil your skull and use it to sip my morning tea." Amelia swallowed and apologized once again, "I wouldn't dream of it, Ms. Myers. I'll check on him at once and ensure that he is both safe and comfortable." "See that you do," Meg said as she hung up the phone and let out a tense sigh, "Honestly, good help is so hard to find these days. I'm surrounded by incompetentance on all sides. Hmm, I suppose I shouldn't keep my little houseguest waiting any longer, though." Meg walked out of her bathroom with purposefully hard footfalls. She ripped the bag from Sam's head, and smiled at her. Sam looked around in anger before her eyes found the visage of Meg Myers standing before her. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but-" Sam started threatingly before she frowned and asked, "Hold up, aren't you that blonde chick running for mayor?" "Indeed I am, Samantha," Meg chuckled as she walked around her prey and slapped her hands down on her shoulders, "You're a difficult woman to get a hold of, did you know that?" "What the hell do you want with me, and why am I tied up?" Sam asked, her tone shifting back to harsh, "I don't give a fuck who you are, you're messing with the wrong bitch." Meg rubbed Sam's shoulders and chuckled, "Oh, I'm absolutely shaking in fear. You're going to be an integral piece of my little plan for reformation in this city, Samantha. I'd watch your tone with someone holding all the cards, though. Consider that a free bit of friendly advice, and the only tidbit you're going to get from me." Meg walked back around and knelt in front of Sam. Their eyes locked, and Sam finally noticed the unnatural white eyes staring back at her. "What the hell?" Sam asked, suddenly becoming nervous, "What are you talking about?" "You're going to tell me everything about Jake Blackridge and the Raven," Meg explained, nonchalantly and almost uninterested, "Your dearest brother is quite the thorn in my side, and that pesky mask of his is even more of a nuisance." "I don't know what you're talking about," Sam lied, looking away from her captor, "Even if I did, I wouldn't rat to someone like you. Go fuck yourself." Meg grinned as she roughly grabbed Sam's chin and forced her to look at her, "I was hoping you would say that, and I'd be lying if I said I was surprised. I suppose that defiant attitude is what draws the commissioner to you, eh? Like a moth to a flame, she's enthralled by your rebellious attitude and that pretty face." "W-what are you-" Sam started before she was cut off by Meg suddenly wrapping her other hand around her throat. "Don't play coy, Samantha," she chided as her skin literally crawled and took the form of Sam's girlfriend, her voice even changing to match, "You're my good little girl with a naughty streak, aren't you?" Meg held the form, and Sam's throat, for a second longer before letting go and shifting back to her usual self. She laughed as she watched the confusion of terror fill Sam's eyes. "What the fuck are you?" Sam gasped. "I am your host for the foreseeable future, Samantha," Meg laughed in response, "You and I will be spending quite some time together, and one way or another, you're going to give me what I want. I'm afraid my days are quite hectic, but my evenings…well, let's just say you should have my undivided attention. I wouldn't want you to grow bored during the day, though, so I'll be sure to tire you out while we're alone together." "G-get away from me," Sam said, trying to find some way to escape as Meg's body shifted again to take on the form of Jake. "What's the matter, Sam?" the imitation of her brother asked, "Don't tell me you're afraid to talk with me. That hurts after everything we've been through." "Stay back!" Sam screamed, and realized that maybe she could call for help, "Somebody, anybody, help me!" Meg kept Jake's form as she walked around, but she changed back as she grabbed a fistful of Sam's hair and leaned in close. "Scream all you want, little girl," Meg laughed, "My walls are soundproof, and nobody is coming to help you. Your screams are just music to my ears. Why don't we get started for our first night together?" Sam continued to scream as Meg began to cackle in delight and glee. She would pry what she wanted from the young girl's lips and mind, but she would take her time with it. She wouldn't kill her, no, she was worth more alive. However, she could have fun breaking her down. Samantha would be an instrumental piece in her grand machine, at least for this portion of her plan. The lover of the commissioner, the family of Jake Blackridge, and the ally of The Raven. She was one step ahead already, but this girl didn't need to know that. She walked over to her dresser and opened the top drawer. Buried beneath her unmentionables were her tools and toys. She would start small, but it would hurt all the same. The mallet, the knife, and the rope would be a nice introduction. She could always heal the naive little thing if she went too far, but she didn't need to know that. She turned around with a wicked grin and advanced toward Sam to begin their first session together. |