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Lyrics I "steal" & beats I "hear" in my mind that I spit to remind. Political & literal. |
From my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8XsVTLCz5/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Gotta work in the morning so just gonna kick back and watch this classic (I Am Legend). It is an excellent movie. I give it 👍👍 The cover of this dvd reminds me of Dogmeat. He’s an awesome companion you will find amongst the trash at the scrapyard while wandering the Capital Wasteland. I feel quite an affinity for Dogmeat, you see / I used to dumpster dive when I was poor and homeless as a teen / Then I worked at the Langford dump when I was in my 20s / I even spent some time wading knee deep in old spaghetti / looking for someone’s passports they threw out accidentally / But my trashy roots go even further back than that in my family / as we got shipped around by the military / and they didn’t pay my grandfather a very good salary / 6 kids and then me / being the best we could be / albeit a bit dysfunctionally / but still we mostly living our lives quite freely and happily... in this halfway to communist country of ours. No stripes and no stars. We had rights and freedoms that men died to protect. We had women and men who broke their necks. For the freedom of expression the Canadian government is sworn to uphold. Or so we're told. https://twitter.com/TheRealAgent_99/status/1588009060116598784?t=M_a9B_cSNZq86QL... #ProudWhiteTrash 🤘 #DVD #IAmLegend #WillSmith #Movie #SometimesIStealLyrics #WithAppreciation ❤️ #WhiteAmerica |