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This is the Drop
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#1046377 added April 12, 2023 at 9:37am
Restrictions: None
The Message
The shadows descend again. Tugging at the emptiness that permeates me within. Struggling to be recognized before death and destruction falls upon the land. A myriad of bodies and pieces of trash are strewn about this littered wasteland, crying out to be saved by anyone who might have some tiny thread of morality still within them that hasn't been extinguished by all the hate and rage of the world, swirling about, clouding our minds, obscuring the future.

Dusty skies appear like a desert storm of fear. A maelstrom of vileness and disgust propagated by a madness instilled by those with power who wish to confuse and corrupt our states of mind. To fuel their endless hunger, their endless desire to control, to manipulate us all, make us dance like puppets on strings, marionettes for their sick and twisted pleasure. To be used and abused for their own enjoyment because they have no real purpose in life other than to weild unending power over others.

They know no grace, no kindness, no soft emotions; only harsh cold darkness. They want to crush us all beneath their feet like tiny insects to prove their superiority, their sense of moral outrage; to purport their sense of justice in being the inheritors of this earth, of this world. They think they own us and all the life around them belongs to them, like some sort of object or possession instead of a life to be respected, revered, guarded with great care. They wish only to destroy for their own selfish pleasure for a place they believe is rightfully theirs by way of a holy book written by a false prophet.

They are scheming, plotting, always in the background devising new ways to tear us apart, to make us question ourselves, our humanity, our ways of being and knowing, our ways of communication. Planting bombs and trip wires throughout a virtual forest they seek to confuse us, to turn us against one another, to hate and fear, to be suspicious, to stop trusting in each other, in ourselves. They are on a mission to ruin what we have built in this world, on this planet. The beauty, the love, the connectedness, the music. They want nothing more than to silence us all into submission and crush our joy, our hearts, our gladness.

They will stop at nothing.

They will lie and deceive and cheat us in disguises so well crafted we will barely be able to see through it all. Beware these exiles of the land of Canaan. They are coming but we can stop them if we can remember how to trust and be human. They haven't taken it all away from us yet. Don't let them.

Please join us. Join me. We are one, palms and hands open and ready to receive, to give, to share. You can't save yourself alone. We need each other.


Please listen. It's our only chance and time is short. We can't waste it any longer.


You are the key. We all are coming together. March towards the doorway. I will unlock the way if you promise to guide one another. Share in your blessings and be kind to one another. Listen. Be strong my children.

Flower Symbolism
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