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Can past life lovers solve a mystery? Will love prevail? |
Ashlyn sat around the lunch table with Team and Pharm. "The swim club is making us do a competition day after tomorrow," Team whined. Ashlyn looked at him softly. "Ok, so they are making you swim to see if you are competent enough to be in the club," Ashlyn said before taking a bite out of her celery. Team looked at her, annoyed. "That's not the point," Team said to her. Ashlyn looked at Team. "Ok, what do you want me to do about it?" Ashlyn asked him. She snapped her fingers and said, "I know I can fake a medical emergency to give you more time. Say it's an American disease thing." He once again looked at her, annoyed. "That's not what I need help on," Team said to her, annoyed. "Ok then, what is the point," Pharm says. "I just want you two to be there for it. To support me," he says to them. Ashlyn looked to team, then Pharm. "I don't like public social gatherings. I've always had this social anxiety like if I'm in a big crowd, I start to get dizzy and can't breathe," Ashlyn said, looking down at the table. "Please say you will be there," Team asked her, taking her hand, "Please, please, please" Ashlyn looked at him funny and slowly pried her hand from his. "I'll be there too, so if you start to panic, I can help," Pharm said, touching her shoulder. "Fine, I will go," she says softly, "But you better get accepted in." Team smiled significantly at her and said, "I'm gonna be the fastest there" Ashlyn looked at him, smacked his shoulder, and said, "Maybe I should call you fish boy." Ashlyn then got up laughing as she grabbed her tray and bookbag. "HEY," Team said as he quickly got grabbing his stuff and chased after her. Ashlyn breathed as she walked into the bleacher area of the pool. She looked around as Pharm stood next to her. "Just breathe. You can hold onto my shirt sleeve if you feel anxious," Pharm said, looking at her to ensure she was ok. Ashlyn nodded as she looked at Pharm. "I'm fine right now. There aren't many people," Ashlyn said, "let's grab those seats." Ashlyn pointed to an empty row. As they sat down, she sat her backpack on the seat next to her. Ashlyn looked to Pharm. "It's the same way as in the states," Pharm said, assuring and patting her arm. Ashlyn looked to Pharm with confusion on her face. "I figure it would be the same," Ashlyn told him. Pharm looked and then laughed nervously. "Right," he says, laughing. He then pointed to where a group of men came out in swim trunks. "Oh look, there's Team," he says, changing the subject. Ashlyn looked at the group as they both cheered. "TEAM," Pharm and Ashlyn said in unison. She then went quiet, dropping her arms as she noticed Dean walk out. "H-hey Pharm," Ashlyn asked with a serious tone. Pharm looked at her curiously, "Yeah, what is it?" Ashlyn kept her gaze on Dean. "Who is the tall guy with black hair and the clipboard," she asked. "I think Team said that's Dean. He is the swim club president," Pharm said, looking at Dean, "hey, are you ok? You look like your dog got run over." Ashlyn tilted her head as Dean stopped and looked at her. Her lips parted as her breath caught in her throat. "Hey, is it your anxiety? Is this too much for you," Pharm said as a tear rolled down Ashlyn's face. She looked down, cleared her throat, and then looked at him, wiping away the tear. "I'm sorry, what," she asked him softly. "Are you ok," Pharm said, panicking a little? She nodded as she wiped away the other tear. "U-uh yeah, sorry, it's the air here. I guess I'm not used to it," Ashlyn said as she straightened herself up. Team looked up to Pharm and Ashlyn and waved with big grins. Dean looked to Team, Pharm, and Ashlyn as they waved back. Win looked to Team softly, then the group, and then to Dean. "Why don't you get Team to introduce you to her," Win told Dean. Dean looked to Win and tsked his tongue in annoyance. "I'm fine to let's just do this," he says, shrugging Win off his shoulder as Win laughs at him. Ashlyn watched the swimmers as they prepared for the race's start. She occasionally glanced over in Dean's direction as he was also watching the swimmers. Ashlyn looked back as the whistle blew and the race started. She smiled as Pharm cheered for Team happily and then back to the race. They both got up screaming as Team completed the race in the first place. Everyone gathered down in the pool area as most of the others left. "Team, I take it back to saying you needed muscle," Ashlyn said to Team. Team tsked his tongue, looking at her sulking. "Guess that means your buying me dinner," he told her playfully. Ashlyn nodded softly. "Ok, I'll treat tonight," she says, putting her hands in her pocket, "But we will have to watch what you eat. That body of yours can go away quickly." Team looked at her in annoyance as Pharm and Ashlyn left. They both stopped laughing as Win and Dean walked up next to Team, stopping. Ashlyn looked at Dean softly, closing her mouth. "Hey, Team why don't you introduce us to your friends," Win said. Team looked to Ashlyn and Pharm. "Win and Dean, this is Ashlyn and Pharm," Team said to them. Pharm waved to them, stating, "Hello" Ashlyn looked at Dean quietly. She looked to Pharm as he nudged her lightly. "I-I'm sorry. I'm Ashlyn," she says, flustered. Team laughed, "You act like a reprimanded kid." Ashlyn looked to Team in annoyance. Win looked to Ashlyn, "I heard we had an exchange student from the United States." She looked to Win and nodded. "Yes, I'm from America," she says to him. Win and Team laughed. "Hey, what's wrong with you," Team said, draping an arm over her shoulder and giggling. Ashlyn looked at them both. "Sorry," she says softly. She then looked to Dean, noticing he hadn't taken his eyes off of her. "Hey, we were about to go eat. You two want to join," Pharm asked them. |