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Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #2287709
Related to Happiness Port/Thankful Thursday/Happy List (mthly)
#1046238 added March 11, 2023 at 11:30am
Restrictions: None
March Happy List
Things that make me happy:

Word Search Puzzle books
Meditating on the Take Up Your Cross Prompts
Reviewing other's work
That I get to talk to my family on a regular basis
That my muse has decided to end her vacation

That my mom will get to go on her first cruise this year at the age of 79; I'm excited for her.
That my kids are looking to upgrade their apartment
That my kids are willing to take care of me, even if I cannot go back to work. (I guess this would be grateful, as well)
That I can watch history videos on YouTube. I enjoy entertainment as well as learning.
Grace that is shown to me on a daily basis.

That the "fog" is finally starting to lift.
That I have a good relationship with my children.
That I have a planner, and am starting to make some short term and long term goals for myself.
That I only have one more doctor appointment for March: a sleep study to get my cpap machine back.
I'm finally starting to see the hope of a light at the end of the tunnel.

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