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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fanfiction · #2263987
As a new foot slave to Princess Peach, Toadette's life is taken for a hectic, erotic ride.
#1045376 added February 22, 2023 at 9:50pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 34 - Lady Bow
While the Boo howled in pain, the other Boos directed their attention onto me. Whether they were out to kill me or just lick my feet like weirdos didn’t matter. My mission was to find any set of stairs as quickly as possible. Screaming, I rammed a door open, only to find a pile of crates.

I slumped my head. “This day keeps getting better and better.”

“Found her!”

Gasping, I nearly tumbled into the wooden pile. Three of the Boos slowly closed the gap, with one sticking out its flopping tongue. Damn, the one time I hurt a Boo, and I couldn’t even see how I did it.

Wait. I wasn’t facing him.

“Oh, why can’t anything go easy for me!?” I cried, dropping to my knees and sticking my legs out. While facing the dusty boxes, I shut my ears to enhance my hearing. Indeed, the Boos were still getting closer. Closer…

“How about we all lick at once?” a voice said.

“Sounds like a plan. One, two—”


My wet feet collided with two solid masses, then slammed them into a third screaming figure. Spinning upright, I chuckled at what I saw. Three deformed Boos between my smelly, nasty feet. Now who was in charge?

“That’s how it works, huh?” After knocking them to the ground with my heels, I scampered away. Not a second passed without me looking back to make sure I was clear. But now that I knew how to touch these things, at least I could form some strategy.

Opening door after door, it felt like the worst case of déjà vu. How many rooms could lead to dirty crates, seriously? By the time I entered a room with different visuals, the growling blob behind me had grown larger and larger.

“You want me?” I said, eyes fixed on the staircase. “Then come and get me.”

With no time to waste, I ran up the staircase as if someone had attached a rocket to my back. The hard, rickety wood did a number on my soles the harder I stomped, yet stopping wasn’t an option. Climbing these 19 floors would lead me closer to finding Minh T. and Penelope. And no stupid ghost was gonna put an end to my goal, not tonight!

The higher I rose, the better the brightness shone. Sublevel 2, sublevel 1… This was it! Kicking the last door open—even though it had a handle—brought me to a massive room. A worn-out couch? A chandelier? This had to be the living room equivalent, no doubt about it. But unfortunately, like all houses, there were people sitting who you’d rather not see.

All the Boos stared at me. Some with confused expressions, while others got devilish grins. Floating, sitting, it didn’t matter to me. I clenched my fists, puffed my chest out, and stepped on the table in the middle of the room.

“Hey! I just dusted that—”


Kicking people without seeing them would take some getting used to. Smirking, I slowly slid my foot along this little table. It left a heavy pile of dust and grit for these Boos to clean up later.

“I demand to see Lady Bow!” My voice nearly cracked. “And I will not repeat myself.”

As if they couldn’t piss me off further, their high-pitched snickers filled the room. My blood was boiling, my feet were getting ready to spring, and my breathing deepened. If even one Boo tried to hit me, his face would be as flat as paper.

One purple Boo flew before me. “Lady Bow, huh? And why exactly should we listen to—”

Nope, nope! I immediately spun around, grabbed the ghost, then tossed him into the table. After that impact, the only thing he felt was my nasty foot tainting his face.

“Not so sweet when it’s outside your mouth, huh?” I gripped my toes even tighter, making him shriek. “Don’t think I won’t take you all on!”

Just as I said that, a beige Boo dove for me. Screaming at the top of my lungs, I covered my eyes. Now my scream was overshadowed by the Boo’s screaming, for I slashed the little menace with my sharp fingernails. Knowing how their little invisibility game worked put the sassiest smile on my face. Meanwhile, my toes and the ball of my foot continued to pinch and crush the purple Boo below me.

“You want more of my feet? Do ya?” I asked in a cutesy voice, tapping the Boo’s tail with my other violent toes.

“ALRIGHT! You’ve made your point! We’ll— AH! We’ll bring you before Lady Bow!”

“Okay.” I folded my arms in pride while the Boo caressed his cheek. Before I knew it, two Boos elevated me three stories high. Huh, amazed they didn’t drop me to finish me off. Once my feet hit the floor, the spooks faded from view. All that stood in front of me was a giant brown door.

Calm yourself, Toadette. Do not break the door down…

I took a deep breath, then opened the door as if it were to my own home. Upon entering the room, the atmosphere… Didn’t change. Other than the darker surroundings, my sense of fear failed to grow. Although, my hearing picked up a new sound. More laughter, only higher pitched.

“Lady Bow, I take it?”

“I see my fame precedes me.” The voice came from above. Upon looking up, there was indeed a ghost lowering herself. “I appreciate you taking the time to visit our luxurious mansion, dear Toadette.”

I rolled my eyes. “REALLY? Didn’t know trapping visitors in dusty rooms was a token of appreciation. In fact, where are they?”

“Patience. If you act too carelessly, you’ll have to see your friends with Boo makeovers.”

Hmph, patience. All these Boos had been trying our patience since the moment they found us in the forest. Once this ghost finally descended to my level, I better saw her unpleasant self. Same shape, just green and with some red bows. Jeez, if being a Boo meant I had to look boring and samey, double count me out.

“Firstly, we regularly patrol the forest areas to prepare ourselves for potential guests in your mansions. You three happen to be the most recent ones.”

“We’re not really guests if you kidnap—”

“Wait a minute.” She put her fingerless stub hand on my lip. “Under ordinary circumstances, we’d have let you enter like anyone else. Yet in all my wisdom, I wanted to use this opportunity to experiment. I’m sure you’ve noticed my fellow Boos taking a liking to your feet.”

“Yeah.” I wiggled my toes. “Until I’m using my claws down here to slit ‘em open.”

Bow laughed. “It’s merely an element of being a ghost. Besides their particular foot odour and taste, you won’t find much appealing in the living. Especially ones with strong feet like you.”

I looked at my feet, and couldn’t help but nod in agreement. My feet did some heavy damage in the past weeks, and Shy Guys practically died from their stench. But, no! I wouldn’t let this demon butter me up.

“What are you getting at?” I stepped back, readying to kick her if the need came.

“We Boos have been hungry for a while, and your friends tasted splendid. Although, my curiosity calls for a change of plans with you. Don’t worry, sweetie. It only hurts for a second.”

My foot went right through her. Right when I forgot the rules, a sickening, slimy feel entered my stomach. Once I looked down, I noticed green goop sloshing from my middle section. Oh… What the? Why did I feel so cold? OW!

Curling into a ball, my temperature dropped to stinging levels. It was like all my organs got a taste of frostbite. Yelling my heart out, my breathing abruptly stopped.

But it came back. Though I awoke in the same room, there was a problem. Why was my body standing up when I couldn’t feel my muscles?

“So…” I said. “Being a Toad isn’t too different from being human.”

Hold on! I didn’t say that! I wouldn’t say anything like that.

“Don’t be alarmed, Toadette. I’ll only borrow your body for tonight. Afterwards, then we may discuss why you came here.”

She possessed me! Of all the things that could happen to me in this life, the last thing I wanted was a ghost to hijack my body. And no matter how much I internally screamed, not one word came out my mouth. It was just her speaking with my unique voice. But as I could still observe and hear everything perfectly fine, I had to watch the horror show unfold. This had to be a horrible nightmare. It wasn’t real!

Alas, everything appeared the exact same downstairs. The colours, the sea of Boos. This was real. As Lady Bow drove me to the first floor, a few Boos shrieked in horror.

“Line up, everybody,” she said, snapping her – or rather my fingers. “Lady Bow’s offering fresh feet for every Boo in the mansion to taste. Mmm, I can just smell the rank allure from here.”

As soon as those words left her lips, the room turned into an ocean of white, violet and beige. Then the mass became a line that appeared to go through doors. How many Boos could there be in this place?

“Ah… 2401 Boos. Guess I’ll have one on each foot for approximately two seconds.”

Doing the math, ugh, how I wished Minh T. were here. Would that be 600 minutes? Divided by six… TEN HOURS!? I had to watch my feet get licked for ten straight hours!?

“Or how about five on each foot for two seconds at a time? Might hasten things a tiny bit.”

That would reduce this to four hours. Despite sounding like a big improvement, we likely wouldn’t have enough time to reach Her Highness by tomorrow morning. Was it already tomorrow? Too bad my phone was nowhere in sight to answer that question.

Bow lay on the couch, dangling MY feet over the edge. With a giggle, she clapped her hands and wiggled the toes.

“Warm them up, boys.”

Ew, ew, ew! Five Boos licked my right foot at the same time, even having their giant tongues mix together. Good thing I couldn’t control my mouth, otherwise I’d have puked all over myself. Ugh! One got its tongue between my toes! All the while, Bow was just laughing.

“It’s so ticklish!”

If the Boos weren’t slobbering on my feet, some were giving them the wettest kiss imaginable. They violated my poor feet from every angle just to fit all five ghosts on each. The tops? Soaked. The soles? After two minutes, they were more wrinkly than a granny’s feet. The sides of my feet? Jeez, some Boos humped my feet from that angle. Even if they had no dicks and it only lasted two seconds, the sheer thought made me queasy.

How could I make this better? For a movie-length foot worship session, I needed to entertain myself lest I go crazy. Immediately, shutting my eyes was out of the question.

While the ghosts piled up on my feet, I tried to erase them. You know when you’re a kid, and you can easily pretend fake stuff is real? Well, I employed that strategy, but erasing them wasn’t a breeze. These assholes needed to be replaced. But with who?

“It was foolish of me not to sample this girl myself when I had the chance.” Bow made my breasts shake for the Boos while gifting them my feet. “But the sensation…”

As she faced her subjects again, all she saw was that line of spooks. Yet I saw a Toad on her knees, licking my feet with as much force as she could. Her brown eyes couldn’t stop looking into mine, as if she was in a trance. But the girl’s attention remained on my feet, always licking up my soles or sucking my pinkie toe. She’d even coo when I spread them, technically inviting her for a trip between my digits.

The only sad part was being unable to feel the girl’s tongue on my soles. It was like a dream. No matter whether it was real or not though, she kept me going. I wanted to see her moaning as she sucked my toes like candy.

Mmm… Minh T.…

“Oh boys!” As Bow flipped me on my stomach, I no longer saw the line of Boos. “Phew, this is much more comfortable.”

Back to a better world, huh… Minh T. was an odd choice to imagine licking my feet like this. Even knowing about her fetish, why would I be happy to have her do this? Despite trying to think normally, I let out a silent moan when those Boos sucked my feet again. Minh T.’s face and high-pitched sounds wouldn’t leave my mind. As soon as she left a swirl of saliva on my heel, I wanted to squeeze this couch so tightly.


The Toad disappeared along with the sensation of tongues on my soles. When Bow flipped me upright, she exhaled a long moan of satisfaction. Along with the panting, she made me look like I ran a marathon. And when looking down, my toes couldn’t have looked messier if they’d been swimming in mud. That Boo who complained about cleaning dust now had a pool of spit waiting for him. Damn… four freaking hours.

“It’ll be a long while before I experience that again,” Bow sighed.

A stabbing sensation returned in my body, yet this time, the temperature spiked to volcanic levels. I blinked rapidly, watching the green ghoul spiral out of me while slime oozed out my stomach. Then, in a scene reminiscent of a murder scene, just with comical green blood instead of red, I fell to my knees. “You…” Even breathing that one word sent a sting into my chest.

“I believe you had some business to conduct with me, yes?”

Don’t lash out, Toadette. This would be over soon. Hopefully.

“I’m coming in service of Princess Peach,” I said, searching my pockets for a letter that couldn’t be found. “Well, you jerks took the letter from me, but she requested some kind of shoes from you. And these special seeds, too. Cough ‘em up.”

Bow laughed the whole way up the stairs, always maintaining a good distance from me. “Ah, I’ve been informed of that. The princess’s handwriting is unmistakable. Expect them by tomorrow, for they’ll need some polishing after years of gathering dust.”


“11:59 to the dot.” She stopped before the door on the second floor. “While we handle our business, you’re to wait here.”


Within this dusty room was an old-fashioned bed. Whoa! For the first time in forever, I could actually see outside. The raindrops constantly shot the window, and only two candles illuminated the square area. But more important than the dated decor or dust bunnies were the figures in the bed. When we exchanged looks, the little one came running towards me, tearing up.

“Miss Toadette! You’re alive!” Penelope buried her face into my chest, sobbing. Even though these were clearly tears of joy, the sight of a kid crying put a lump in my throat. Nevertheless, I couldn’t spot a new injury anywhere on her body.

I squinted at Bow. “So, what exactly were you gonna do if I didn’t comply?”

“Seeing as you don’t know the first thing about possession, I never had to worry about disobedience. Even if you retaliated, the most danger you were in was walking home with wet pants.”

“So this was all a stupid game?” My eye twitched. “You took hours from us just to play some pranks?”

Her wide smirk pissed me off so much. “Everyone’s got a selfish side they have to flaunt. Additionally, I had to spice your feet up somehow. The heat in that basement room—combined with your running about—surpassed our expectations. The other Toad, in particular, tasted scrumptious.”

My frustration lingered after fully entering the room. The only thing that had a chance of calming me was the sight of one girl. Wrapped under the sheets, the snoring Toad looked like she had a rough day. Though, she still remembered to sleep on the opposite end of the bed like a weirdo. If there was anything she could take from this day, it was that she encountered Boos and lived to talk about it. Even if they intended no harm, her heart could’ve burst at any second just from panic.

I spun, but the door shut. It was only the three of us now, listening to the violent thunderstorm surrounding this building.

Without even removing my clothes, I fainted on the mattress. Penelope hopped onto the other side, with Minh T.’s legs serving as a warm wall between us. The girl endlessly talked about what went on when we lost each other.

“And we were running around in this library. Ms Minh T. couldn’t breathe, so she was leaning on one of the books. Then I hear her laughing and look behind me. You won’t believe this—there was a book with a mouth licking her toes. When I tell her that, she went, ‘Wait, WHAT!?’ And then BAM—she kicked it better than a Chargin’ Chuck.”

I chuckled, my eyes struggling to stay open. “She actually fought, huh?”

The girl nodded rapidly. “Mmm-hmm! When we jumped off the lift, she said, ‘If Toadette’s gone, then I’m going to protect you, Penelope.’ And she actually grabbed a book in the library and whacked a Boo in the backside! So that’s how you’re supposed to hit them.”

As she narrated the events, my hand developed a mind of its own. I don’t know why it did this, but it was rubbing Minh T’s leg. Not a quick little pat for congratulations on her bravery. No, this was slow and kind of like a massage.

Sure enough, Penelope talked so much that her vocal cords needed lubrication. “Get some sleep,” I said, “because we’re outta here first thing in the morning.”

It took no more than six minutes for her to pass out. And once she was sleeping like a baby, I removed my glasses and prepared for slumber myself. However…

“Good job,” I whispered to Minh T., who only responded with more snoring.

But I didn’t care to look at her face. I knew if Penelope was okay, she had to be fine as well. Her big toe looked like it wanted a kiss. It was just lying before my lips, occasionally twitching. Sighing softly, I scooched over just enough to where her toe could slide into my mouth. First, I wiped some of the filth with my shirt’s collar. Then, I fell asleep with my tongue wrapped around her big toe.
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