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Andre the Blog Monkey's Banana Bar / Week 4 ![]() ![]() Category 3 prompts: Is there truly a way to keep separate church and state (i.e. religion and government) especially in law/rule making for society? Explain and how would you recommend that be done or not done? CHURCH AND STATE Separation of Church and State came about at the end of the eighteenth century. Implemented in France to guarantee the freedom of the church. As it exists in the USA it is a process of having no official religion,and no religious test for office, now people who hold office are of various belief systems. There is a slight reference to this type of rule in the first amendment. To strengthen the statements in the first amendment a law was passed in 1962 prohibiting group prayer in schools. There are some benefits to this understanding of Separation of Church and State. People can choose their own religion, people can choose religion or not because of their experience and given knowledge, it takes the church out of governing, and puts a distance between politics and religion. No child can be forced to pray in a school system or follow a religion their parents or the child appose. A recent example of the way a church may try to influence government occurred when President Biden took office. He upheld the right to abortion by rolling back some of the previous administrations stops, that were applied by law to abortion. Since President Biden was the second Catholic to be elected as a USA President; some members of the Catholic church opposed his open statements in the favor of legal abortion. This follows the USA policies governing the right to choose. The way churches will have to respond will be to put enough people into the governing body, so votes on laws actually go the way a specific group of people wish to make it happen. It makes voting in elections in order to uphold freedoms a very important part of USA life. If you dive deep into the political history of the USA, you will find that the fight for individual freedoms has always been a part of the country. You really can never be sure the rights of a country are not going to be abolished by a church. Many churches choose to enter politics to try and gain their own ideas of what a society should be like. Many people came to this country to flee church rule in different countries. Catholic and protestant spiritual wars reigned in different places. Muslims and Jewish people have come to the USA in order to run a business or just live a daily life without fear of violence because of their belief systems. Individual rights are important so that if you attend some church, and you don't follow all their rules, you have rights to back up the way you believe and prefer to live as long as you don't think criminal behavior should spread to others. Personal comments: I've read in the Bible that the soul does not enter the body until the birth process. I think Luke 4 helps us understand there should be a place for people to rest. The truth I can see is that many people are fighting for that rest. We call it freedom. Right freedom fights all the evil that rests in the human form at times. We have science that is trying to find ways to stop terrorists without harming the terrorist. We have people who fed the whole country if they needed food during pandemic. The USA gave the citizens money to pay their bills during pandemic. Don't knock on our door with handcuffs for the innocent. The USA society is a complicated one. It takes dedicated people who understand a society that needs some freedom of belief, without trading on each other's spirituality. People to make the rules needed to live free from violence and mayhem. To find the God that Jesus presented and through the apostles to the whole world. How do we do it? Vote, research candidates, and pray for the right people in society to answer the call. Reference: www.britannica.com www.wikipedia.com www.Thefederalist.com All word count on WDC:696 |