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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1043377-Thankful-Thursday-January-19-2023
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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1649240
Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block
#1043377 added January 19, 2023 at 4:57pm
Restrictions: None
Thankful Thursday: January 19, 2023
Istijlál (Majesty), 1 Sulṭán (Sovereignty) 179 B.E. - Thursday, January 19, 2023
Feast of Sulṭán

On the third Thankful Thursday in January 2023, I am thankful for the merit badges I received between 1/13/23 and 1/19/23.
Merit Badge in Celebration
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   In celebration of you completing every single month of challenges at  [Link To Item #TCC] , from the very beginning,  [Link To User schnujo]  has purchased this MB for you. Along with the MB comes 13 raffle tickets from the  [Link To Item #2163388] ! *^*BalloonB*^* Congratulations on this HUGE accomplishment and good luck with the raffle tickets! *^*Balloonb*^*   Merit Badge in Hearth of The Witch's House
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*^*Cat*^*    Congratulations! You are one of the Lucky Friday the 13th Winners at  [Link To Item #151515]  for January 13, 2023!

*^*Witch*^* Merit Badge in Growth
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Congratulations on having completed at least one entry for each month of  [Link To Item #2109126]  for the last six years! By doing so, you've certainly grown your port and, most likely, your writing skills! Merit Badge in Writing
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I wanted to congratulate you on your success in completing 6 years of  [Link To Item #2109126] ! WOW… that's whopping minimum of 72 contests that you’ve entered. An amazing achievement, I’m so proud of you. 🥳🎊🤩 Merit Badge in Drama
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Dear  [Link To User nfdarbe] 

You have now completed 6 years of  [Link To Item #2109126] ! That's over 72 contests entered! 
Congratulations on a job well done.

Annette Merit Badge in Determination
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*^*Vine2*^* Congratulations on completing an epic challenge! *^*Vine1*^*
This badge is in recognition of the impressive amount of effort you put into  [Link To Item #2109126]  You deserve a *^*Crown*^* and *^*Icecreamb*^* *^*Icecreamv*^* Merit Badge in Consistent
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 Congratulations! Way to hang in there with the  [Link To Item #2109126] Merit Badge in Overachiever
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Congrats on working in  [Link To Item #2109126]  for every month since it started. That's quite the accomplishment. Merit Badge in Brilliant
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Congratulations on completing  six crazy years  of contests while participating in  [Link To Item #2109126] . That's brilliant! *^*HeartV*^* Merit Badge in Job Well Done
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    This badge has been sponsored by Schnujo/Jody in celebration of your success in "The Contest Challenge" *^*Thumbsup*^*

    Merit Badge in Historical Fiction
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Here to deliver a special party for you completing six years of  [Link To Item #2109126] .
Seventy-Two entries or more are an achievement worthy of historical archiving. Merit Badge in Teenie Bo Beanie Baby Boo
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Congratulations on completing  [Link To Item #tcc]  from the beginning. Merit Badge in Overachiever
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I honestly have to take my hat off to you!*^*Shock*^* It's simply  amazing  how you pulled through such a  long-running  challenge with so many  different  contests, prompts and challenges to your creativity as  [Link To Item #2109126] . It takes discipline and determination and a will to go beyond your creative comfort zone that I definitely lack. *^*Wink*^* Well done!*^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Paranormal
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In celebration of completing every single month of  [Link To Item #2109126]  for six years... you're out of this world! Merit Badge in Good Things Take Time
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For completing 6 years of  [Link To Item #2109126] Merit Badge in Crosswords
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Congratulations on completing 6 years of  [Link To Item #2109126] ! That's a minimum of 72 contests entered! You are amazing! You must have solved a lot of writing puzzles to achieve this. *^*Smile*^* I hope you keep writing and succeeding. May the Lord bless you and all you do! *^*Bighug*^* Merit Badge in Astrology
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Congratulations on finishing 6 years of  [Link To Item #tcc] ! Great job! Merit Badge in Positivity
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Wow! Great job meeting and exceeding the challenge at  [Link To Item #tcc] . That’s positively amazing. Keep up the great work. Merit Badge in Fearless
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Congratulations on completing  6 years!  of  [Link To Item #2109126] Merit Badge in Endurance
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Congratulations on completing every month of  [Link To Item #2109126] !  What an effort! Merit Badge in Optimistic
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Awesome!  I'm glad to celebrate with you for completing every month of  [Link To Item #2109126]  for 6 years, way to go.
Merit Badge in The Contest Challenge
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Great work completing a whole year of  [Link To Item #2109126] !  This challenge is no joke and you did it!  You should be very proud of yourself.  I know I am!  *^*Bighug*^* Merit Badge in Determination
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This is in celebration of your success in the Contest Challenge. Merit Badge in Happy
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    Happy Celebration!  This is in celebration of your success in  [Link To Item #2109126] Job well Done!. Samberine *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Chocolate Emporium
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Huge congratulations on completing another year of  [Link To Item #2109126] . You rock most wonderfully.

I thought you might like some chocolate to celebrate *^*Smile*^*

Keep writing!

Rachel *^*Heartv*^* Merit Badge in You Rock
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For your unstinting continued devotion to participation in  [Link To Item #2109126] !

I am thankful for the awardcon I received for "Driving out DarknessOpen in new Window..

I am thankful that I won first place in "The Writer's CrampOpen in new Window. for "Driving out DarknessOpen in new Window..

I am thankful that my poem "Epistle to CupidOpen in new Window. was featured in "Comedy Newsletter (January 18, 2023)Open in new Window..

© Copyright 2023 Prosperous Snow celebrating (UN: nfdarbe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Prosperous Snow celebrating has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1043377-Thankful-Thursday-January-19-2023