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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1043362-January-18--19
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#1043362 added January 19, 2023 at 11:39am
Restrictions: None
January 18 & 19
Prompt: The past is no where I want to go back to. That's the only thing I'm running from.


I am not really running away from the past, but I am not going back to it either. Past happened, done away with, and I lived through it mostly with joy or acceptance.

Yes, there were hurts, too, but they were lessons, also. Then, there are those many people lost to me, a hundred percent of them "dearly beloved" and I will always rejoice when recalling their joy and what they left in me and taught me about life, sometimes by providing some serious tests and introspection. But as I said, the past is done, finished, and I have to look forward for what little time is left to me here on earth.

*Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart*

Prompt: "Celebrate endings for they precede new beginnings." Jonathan Lockwood Huie Write about this in your Blog entry today.Write about this in your Blog entry today.


I am not sure each ending can provide a new beginning. But maybe going on with life, taking things as they come could be more like it. Then, there are always millions of new beginnings in life wherever one turns to and decides to give one of those a go.

I don't know if I can celebrate any ending. Neither would I care to. Some of the things that ended were too good to exist forever in this storm-ridden planet, in the first place. Did I feel sad and tormented with such endings? The answer is a big YES, but then, there isn't much I or anyone else can do about it. Endings are endings.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1043362-January-18--19