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Anastasia the Tiger taur tells her tale to her young about her visit to a micro world. |
“Mother, please tell us the story!” Asked Boris, her son. His littermate Valentina came up beside him. “Yes, do tell us, you’ve always promised!” She begged. Anastasia sighed “I’ve told you when you're older!” Boris whined “Yeah, but we’re getting old enough! Dad is off hunting so we can’t play with him. Shadow is all worn out as well” Beside them lay Shadow, their grand Smilodon left by Zhoysa and Shira. Shadow was a particularly large male with jet black fur, thick bulging muscles, massive paws with impressively long sharp retractable claws and a temperament as gentle as his mothers. Anastasia held up her arms. “Fine! I guess it’s about time you heard it. I’ll tell you the story of the world of tinies I had an adventure in with your father and friends”. She sat down before them. “So, I was out alone on a hunt as usual. I was stalking a Deer. It was up ahead, completely unaware of me. So, I nocked an arrow to my bow and took aim. As always I had my claws unsheathed to hold me in place. I was pulling back with all my might on my bowstring. I remember my muscles bulging as I believe few other Tiger Taurs are as big as me.” Boris interrupted, “I’ve never seen a Tiger Taur as big as our mother!” Valentina nodded “me neither! Our mum is so big and strong!” Anastasia giggled “Now children, no need to flatter me! Anyway You two shall be as big as me when fully grown”. Boris and Valentina look down at themselves, each other then back at mother. “Now, where was I? Ah yes! I let the arrow fly. But then it hit me, a wind, so fierce, so strong it blew my arrow off course and made the Deer run. I had to sink my claws deeper as it was so powerful I thought it would rip me up and away. Then this light blinded me. I thought I had been hit by a hurricane, my claws were ripped out of the ground as I was pulled upwards”. Boris and Valentina gasped. “That must have been so terrifying!” Cried Boris. Anastasia nodded. “Yes. Not just that I blacked out as well”. Both youngsters shifted uncomfortably. Shadow grumbled and rubbed against them reassuringly. He groaned contently as they stroked the large gentle Smilodon. “So. I was out cold for how long I don’t know but what shocked me is where I came around. Clearly not the place I’d been in before that was for sure! Rather than Taiga before me was an expanse of green grass and grey hard stone. I first remember rubbing my head and checking I had lost any of my gear. My bow, quiver, arrows, sword, harness and water bottle were still attached at least”. Boris interrupted again “so what did you find first of the tinies mother?” Anastasia sighed “I’ve told you many times what I saw first!” She gestured with her arms wide. “Before me was an expanse of ‘huts’ of various shapes and sizes. Starting small on the outside and growing larger and taller the further in. But the smaller huts weren’t even the size of one of my toes!” She lifted her huge and wriggled her toes. Both youngsters giggled at the thought of the size difference. “There were just so many I was kind of shocked at it all at first. Surely it wasn’t real? So I took a step closer to the huts, judging by its size it was actually a city. What also grabbed my attention was the trails leading in and out of the city. Again, these were not even as wide as a toe”! Valentina butted in “what was on the trails mother?” Anastasia huffed “Strange, box like growly things. Their sounds were a little annoying to my ears, but what really made me gasp was the funny little creatures running around and riding in the boxes. Which I guessed were some kind of horseless carriage they rode within. I’d never seen such tiny creatures before. Two legs and arms clearly showing they weren’t bugs nor with all the things they had built.” Boris giggled “so funny to find such small creatures! I would love to meet them myself!” Valentina nodded “me too!” Anastasia laughed “well, you never know. But listen to my story if you ever visit as well!” “So, seeing the creatures I had to investigate and say hello! I squatted down over them and reached out. Making sure to keep my claws sheathed” Boris cocked his head “why mother?” Anastasia snorted “really Boris?” She lifted her hand with her claws unsheathed. Long and razor sharp. Boris gasped with realisation and embarrassment for his daft question. Valentina rolled her eyes at him. “Well. She didn’t want to slice them up, did she Boris?!” Boris huffed “Ok! I get it!” Anastasia sighed and continued. “So yeah I reached for them slowly. I told them I wouldn't be rough. But I don’t think they understood me. They seemed to speak complete gibberish but maybe its the size difference” Valentina spoke “perhaps our words sounded like growls and snarls to them?” Anastasia nodded “Well done, yes that’s what i figured so I tried to lower my voice a little.They tried to run, but i easily caught some of them. Nice and gentle of course! I lifted them up and held them flat on my palm. They were so scared and running about'' Valentina whined “aww!” Anastasia grinned “Yes, it was cute. But I could see I was scaring them. Once I had a good look and sniff I had to think of what to do with them. I clearly couldn’t talk with them or vice versa. So I folded my legs and sat down for a brief ponder.” |