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Rated: XGC · Book · Dark · #2272179
A series of stories involving my family's battle against Foreign movies.
#1042146 added December 25, 2022 at 10:30pm
Restrictions: None
A child's Terrifying trip to movies, XMAS edition! - Cirkus!
It was December 2, 2022, and you were just driving through the countryside doing some errands for your fiance`. As you drive along, you see a familiar looking beat-up Jeep parked on the side of the road. You then wonder why he is all the way out here? You get curious and check his social media and see he and his 'date' just left the international movie theater and was going to meet some people, but something went wrong and they ended up going elsewhere for seafood. They are now on the side of the road, waiting on a Christmas parade. You begin to look around for them, just to see if you can find the pair of douches! Just as you see a barrel with a fire inside, you see the two with other people! You see the asshole that your brother is going out with and you see your brother Ross trying to stay warm by the fire. You notice that his behavior is a bit off and immediately think he is doing drugs! So you rush over there and ask Ross what kind of drugs he did that night. Instead of telling you, he gives you a diatribe of how he isn't really doing drugs, he just took some anxiety medication earlier that night because something happened that made his anxiety raced. You immediately claim it's bullshit and question him again, but his date butts in and tells you to piss off! That was when you finally blow a gasket and go on a tirade yourself! During your tirade, you may or may not have said some racial slurs during your rage! Eventually, police arrive, and arrest a whole bunch of people that night, including Ross's date!

On Monday, on December 12, 2022, things at work would be going smoothly, until suddenly, you are quickly pulled away from your workstation. You ask what is going on and you were told that your supervisor needed to speak with you immediately! You wonder why the urgency though. You would be heading to your supervisor's office...and notice a couple of strange people. You knew right off the bat that they are Indian, but didn't know what they are doing. You were just about to start asking questions when your supervisor ask you all to come inside. Your supervisor would lock the door and begins to ask you questions. Sensitive questions. Questions in regards to how you feel about people from different places, races, and religions. You tell your supervisor that you have nothing against them. Your supervisor then tells you that these Indian people that are in his office...are members of an organization. They are members of the "India Association of New Orleans", and they have bought in some...unsavory stuff about you. You then quickly realize what is happening. This is yet, ANOTHER ATTACK ON YOUR FAMILY'S HONOR BY THESE MONSTERS! ALL THESE PEOPLE HAVE DONE FOR THE PAST YEAR IS BRING NOTHING BUT PAIN AND MISERY TO YOUR FAMILY! You quickly tell your supervisor that they have no proof for their claims! Your supervisor then plays something on an Ipad. It was an audio recording...of you...going on a racist tirade...against Indian people...weeks ago. After the audio was played, your blood was ice cold and you felt like your soul was just torn to pieces! You then try to cook up excuses, but your supervisor has had enough and tells you to pack it up...you are fired!

That night, you had a field day tearing up your trailer from floor to ceiling, letting out your rage! Your fiance` asks what is wrong and you tell her about the attack on you at work. She tells you that, first thing in the morning, she will have a word with the company's "higher ups" tomorrow. You then got on your knees and thanked God Almighty for your fiance`! Not only is she a precious angel, but her job allows her to work REAL CLOSELY with supervisors and the executives of the company. So far, she has quite a good standing with them, so this shouldn't be a tall feat for her!

A couple of days later, on December 14, 2022, you finally get word from your fiance` and found out you are working again...kinda. You won't be working the same job, but it will be for the same company! You once again got on your hands and knees and to thank the Lord for all of this! However, you won't be able to start until the beginning of January! You tell her that is fine! However, that was when you started running into bad luck again. Because you didn't do so hot in keeping up with some bills, both the electric and water company, are going to shut off your services until everything is paid for! You plead with these companies and tell them that you just lost your job, but they didn't get fazed one bit by it! The truth was, you decided to blow the last remaining money you had on getting more Moonshine...because that is always a smart decision to make! Regardless, you will worry about that nonsense later, you and your fiance` are packing up and heading to the family gathering for Christmas Eve!

On Christmas Eve, 2022, you gathered up with the rest of the family to celebrate Christmas! Of course, the last person to pull in was your asshole brother Ross! He was coming in with that "Rhonda Rousey" wannabe girl of his! They come by and celebrate for a bit. Your mother then seizes the moment and begins to ask a multitude of questions in regards to the asshole living with him. Ross just tells her to just cool it and her questions will be answered in due time! If you weren't with family right now, you would of smashed a Christmas mug over his head right now! Your family was going to heat up a huge pot of Gumbo, but the Gumbo wasn't quite done defrosting, so they decided to leave it to defrost more and cook up some other meat! As they cook some leftovers, Ross, being a jackass, asks what is burning, but they tell him that the smell is "normal." Ross would just roll his eyes and says whatever. When supper was done cooking, they cooked up strips of deer steak with the "jet black" gravy that Ross complains is burnt. It is served with mashed potatoes and Lima beans. After supper, Ross stated he has to 'check' something in his Jeep real quick. You would then hear tires squealing as you thought, "There he goes again, making another prison escape!" Later that night, your phones got notifications on them. It was a message saying that your brother Ross just uploaded an important announcement on his Youtube channel. You would all tune in to his video on Youtube and...learned something horrible...That ragheaded mother fucker that was just "temporary" staying with him...is now MOVING IN with him! Quite possibly meaning that the two are going to become a couple! And to top THAT OFF, you all find out he is watching another Indian movie that night! That's right, HE IS WATCHING ANOTHER DUMB INDIAN MOVIE ON THE NIGHT OF MOTHER FUCKING CHRISTMAS!!!

Your family's response is as follows:

Redneck Rampage Logo with some edits done!

You all spent the rest of Christmas night raging into the darkness! The kids cry themselves to sleep as the adults keep yelling about how this country is being taken over by terrorists!

The next day, on Christmas Day, 2022, and you, along with your family, would wake up with your blood still boiling from the video announcement last night! Your mother, along with your sister and her daughters, angrily blew up Ross's phone, but because Ross is totally a junkie who gets high off of anxiety medicine, it was only his female friend picking up the phone. After an hour of yelling and cussing, your mother finally gets the bastard himself! She yells at him to get off of his ass and get over here ASAP!
Another hour has passed and the prick finally arrives at the house! He is also the only cheery person at the household! He asks why everyone is so dead quiet, but no one continues to say anything. Everyone is still raging mad from last night that they can't even muster up a word to say without getting cranked up! Even while everyone is opening presents, nobody says anything! Even this bothered Ross, claiming that this whole scenario is the kind he expects from a horror movie! Eventually, more bitching occurs between Ross and his family before the asswipe leaves with his female friend!

That afternoon, you decided to head home to your trailer to hit some Moonshine! You notice that the outside lights on your trailer are not on! You thought a fuse has been blown or something, so you decided to ignore it for the time being! You then, while using a lantern, go up to the front door and try to flick the switch...nothing happens. You think there is some outage or something, but notice some neighbors have power still. You then go inside and try to turn the sink on to wash your hands off. No water is coming out. You think that is strange too. You then get spooked and started to make some phone calls and discovered exactly what happened...your utilities got cut off due to how behind you are on the bill payment! This got you pissed off, yet again, and you went into a cussing fit with both utility companies because they are choosing to shut your shit off this close to Christmas! Your fiance` comes in and asks what is wrong and you tell her. She then demands that you do something about the bills or do something about the water supply! You then frantically drove around, looking for somewhere to go or a shop that can help! You then spotted a Red Roof Inn with vacancy! You also find out that they got Jacuzzis! You quickly drive home and pick up your fiance`, as well as a few other things, and drove back to the Red Roof Inn! You tell her to wait outside the truck as you go inside! When the innkeeper asks for the payment, you pull out your wallet and notice that you are...flat broke!

You then try your credit card...bastard is maxed out as well! You then remembered WHY you are here to begin with...because you DIDN'T HAVE MONEY TO PAY YOUR UTILITY BILLS WITH...SO HOW THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR THE MOTEL ROOMS?!? Just then, a crooked idea crosses your mind! You remember hearing Ross making fun of one of his brothers because he got caught stealing his girlfriend's credit card and nearly went to jail while eating breakfast at a Wendy's! You didn't think this was the right thing to do, but desperate times call for desperate measures! You would go outside and see the perfect opportunity! Your fiance` is currently on the phone with her family, talking about how Christmas went sour for your family because of "a bad egg." While she is looking away, you manage to pull out one of her cards and bolt back into the Inn. You try the card and it went through! You go back outside and while you are hugging and kissing on her, you quietly slip her credit card back into her purse. She then asks how you paid for the rooms and you said, "Oh um, Santa Claus paid for them!" She thinks you are joking and giggles before hugging you again. You then make a totally smart decision to keep shut about using her credit card to pay for the room until her credit card statement arrives next month...
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1042146-A-childs-Terrifying-trip-to-movies-XMAS-edition---Cirkus