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Long, long ago, in a Newsfeed.... |
A Day In The Life... 02:25 HELLO! [ME]: Who's that? [IT'S ME]: It's me, you. Wake up I need to go. [ME]: It's the middle of the night couldn't you wait? [IT'S ME]: Well now I've woken up I need to go. [ME]: (Spluttering Indignation) You woke me up. Oh alright, let's get this over with. 02:35 - 02:45 02:48 03:10 03:256 03:33 04:10 [ME]: I can't get back to sleep. I know I'll start worrying about things that I need to do. [ALSO ME]: (Facepalms) That IS NOT the thing to do. 04:15 [ME]: Only an hour till I have to get up, surely I can grab an hour before then? 04:27 04:32 04:35 04:46 04:48 [ME]: I'm sure the alarms about to go off, I'd better check it. [ME]: Nope. Better try again. 04:50 [ME]: I may as well get up now, this isn't working. 05:15 (Alarm Sounds) [ME]: (From bathroom) Darn it, I thought I'd turned that off.... If you have hated every moment of this excruciatingly accurate depiction of my morning, then I would advise you to sign up for the "The Whatever Contest -- Closed for Now" ![]() Incidentally, someone very kindly sent me a 'Merit Badge to a Stranger' as part of the contest. I was chuffed to bits as I flatter myself that people don't come much stranger than me, well apart from that chap that has a Japanese Mail Order Muse of course, plain bonkers he is, anyway I'm rambling now so ,,,
If you want to 'stop the day please, I want to get off' |