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A collection of stories about my family's trip to the movies going sour quite fast! |
It was Election Day 2022, and you just got done voting at the polls! You felt quite proud of yourself and decided to head home to your fiance`! Days later, you would be looking forward to the weekend. As you figure out plans to do things with her, you decided to randomly check in on your brother and see he is planning to go see the new Black Panther movie! You couldn't believe it, your brother Ross is going to see another movie loaded to the brim with darkies! However, that wasn't the worst of it. You get a phone call from your boss and find out that...you have to work this Saturday! That is complete and utter bullshit! You were going to hit up a Buffalo Wild Wings and watch some UFC! But oh no, you have to go in to work for your asshole boss...THAT IS FUCKING BULLSHIT! Saturday Morning... This was such horse shit, YOUR BROTHER AND HIS FRIENDS ARE OUT HAVING A BALL AT THE MOVIES AND YOUR ASS IS STUCK AT WORK! During your lunch break, you hear about how awesome the movie is from your coworkers and this made your blood boil even more! You immediately ran up to your supervisor and ask to go home early for the weekend and he says this. "Oh yeah, of course you can, and tomorrow, and the day after that...and the day after that...and the day after that...in other words, if you don't get back to work soon, your alcoholic ass is fired!!!" You get a bit ticked, but walk out of the office quietly and head back to work. As you continue to work, your blood continues to boil at both your supervisor and at your asshole brother!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It was Election day for you and you just got done voting! ![]() ![]() Later that night, you, your girlfriend, and your two kids were out looking for a place to eat for supper. As you drive by a Dairy Queen, you notice a familiar looking couple. You would have a closer look and see that this couple was actually your brother and his 'date'! You decided to turn around and start to head to the Dairy Queen. Even though your blood is pumping, you have recently started getting nervous around your brother's 'date', as he gets quite aggressive whenever you try to do something to your brother! You stood outside the front door of the restaurant and waiting until your brother's date slips out of sight before you ran inside and started to shove a camera into your brother's face. Ross: And just what do you want? You: Hope you are happy... Ross: Happy about what? You: About you planning to see that movie with all the darkies in it... Ross: Ok look, that mindset of yours is outdated and should of been buried with our father! And another thing... You: About that, if he was still here, he would blow his top, storm into his bedroom, and reach for his... Before you could finish, you see your brother's date coming back out of the bathroom, asking what the Hell you are doing. You try to explain yourself, but before you could do so, he would run over and swing a right hook, punching you hard and sending you to the ground in a heartbeat! You feel something come out of your mouth and realize that it was a crown from one of your teeth! ![]() ![]() As you lay on the ground in a daze, you hear your daughter screaming and crying because she just witnessed her Daddy getting knocked out. As you continue to lay there, your brother and his date would quickly leave the place as if they were fleeing from a crime scene...which it technically just became. about twenty minutes later, you asked everyone in the place, including the staff, why they didn't call the police. They said that they felt like you got what you deserved. Both upset and embarrassed, you and your family quickly leave the place. Days later, on November 12th, 2022, and you and your girlfriend were heading to a new movie theater to try to get vengeance against your asshole brother! This new theater supposedly could play movies in 'Cinemark XD' format. As you two approach, you would see quite a crowd outside. You then see your asshole brother, his roommate, and his roommate's friends in the line. You decided to take this perfect opportunity and chase after him! While he is stuck in a line, you decided to grill him about recent events. Then, you see something that you hoped you wouldn't see...the gargantuan security guards from the International Movie Theater! You forgot that this new theater is next door to the Hell hole! You tell the guards to mind their own business and this is not where they worked! Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears, as they continue to ask you to step away from your brother...before one of them lifts you up and throws you into a trash bin! You couldn't goddamn believe this! First you get your teeth punched out and now you get thrown into the trash bin by some horrible brutes! You would wait until the crowd clears before letting your girlfriend help you out of the trash bin. You would feel so embarrassed by what just happened that you didn't even bother to go inside the theater. Instead, you and your girlfriend flee the scene as quickly as possible! That night, you decided to cook up some spaghetti and meatballs for your family. You notice that the meat isn't exactly in good quality, but decided to cook it anyways. After you finish cooking the meatballs, you decided to try out the meatballs. In doing so, you try to keep a straight face, hoping that your girlfriend wouldn't notice. As your girlfriend tries it, she tells you that the meatballs taste a bit off. You tell her that it was just the seasoning. She then asks when it was the last time you went to the grocery store. You tell her that you couldn't go because you spent all of your money on medication to help heal you up from the...donkey incident... She then rolls her eyes and tells you that she isn't eating that 'nasty ass spaghetti', causing you to start losing your cool and punching some cabinets! She then tells you that you can punch the cabinets all you want, she still isn't eating the spaghetti! You get even more mad and throw the pots and pans across the kitchen, yelling at her, "Fine, THEN START THE CAR, WE WILL JUST EAT AT MCDONALD'S THEN!" She then tells you that she doesn't have money either, which you quickly fired back a reply with, "BUT YOU HAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD!!!" She tells you that the card is only for gas purchases and emergencies. You tell her that this is one of them, but she tells you that it really isn't. You then scream and holler some more before the whole house ends up not eating supper because all the meat has gone bad and you pretty much have wasted your money on junk. While everyone else is asleep, you were still wide awake with anger...that was when you decided to livestream again, bitching and whining about various things from how your supper got ruined to how you got embarrassed in public at the movies again, to how a video got flagged and taken off of Youtube because of 'child abuse', even though you think that was bullshit and that bullshit claim was made by a certain Indian couple, to how your brother's 'date' assaulted you at an ice cream parlor. You were up all night blowing some serious steam! Early the next morning, on the 13th, you check to see if your girlfriend is still asleep before you quietly go into her purse and steal her credit card! However, while taking it out, her purse spills onto the ground and you slip out of the bedroom before your girlfriend could wake up. After you drive off, you decided to drive through a Wendy's to get some breakfast. As you drive by with quite a bounty, you were hoping that everyone in the house, including your girlfriend, was still asleep. Unfortunately, as you step in, you noticed that everyone in the whole household was awake...including your ticked off girlfriend. As you pull out some food to eat, your girlfriend storms over to you in a pissy manner. "Well honey, that looks like some good food...I also happen to notice my credit card is missing...you wouldn't happen to know where it went to...right?" "Where what went?" "MY DAMN CREDIT CARD!" "I have no idea what you are tal-" before you could finish, she reaches into a pocket and pulls out her credit card. At that very moment, fire begins to burn in her eyes. "SO YOU DID STEAL MY CREDIT CARD HUH?!? SO NOT ONLY ARE YOU A FAT FUCK, YOU'RE A GODDAMN FATASS WHO ALSO HAPPENS TO BE A FUCKING THIEF!!!" Before you could argue with your girlfriend, you notice your daughter reaching for some french toast. You snap and yell at your children to back away from the food. Both your daughter and son break out into tears and scream their heads off, as they just wanted food since they haven't eaten in over twelve hours. At that point, you see the flames in your girlfriend's eyes burn even brighter. You then realize that you have just gotten yourself into a pickle... |