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In the aftermath of The Raven saga, our heroes past comes back to bite them… literally. |
It took Jake nearly half an hour to calm down, and Beth refused to undo his restraints until he did. She swore it was for his own protection, and that they'd only strapped him down to keep him from throwing himself off the bed in the infirmary. He still didn't like it, but he tried his best to understand their reasoning. Beth still hadn't told him anything about what had happened, but that was mainly due to his, admittedly, erratic behavior. It wasn't until he finally recognized the room he was in that he started to regain some of his composure. "I gotta go check with Alexis and Pam to make sure nothing new has happened," Beth said as she undid the last leather strap, "I'll be back with some food, something to drink, and with Pam so we can fill you in. You need to eat something, and I've got to check in with Zoey. Shit got pretty crazy while you were under. Try not to move around too much, Jake. We thought we were gonna lose you there for a while." Jake winced as he sat up. There was a pain in his shoulders that he'd only felt after surgery. "I don't think I could even if I wanted to," he admitted, "My back is killing me, and I feel like I'm coming out of anesthesia. As long as the room doesn't start to change into another hell scape or nightmare, I'm not going anywhere." "Good," Beth said with a sigh of relief, "Jake, I'm glad you're okay. You scared the hell out of us for a minute there. I'll be back soon, I promise." Jake nodded and smiled as Beth walked out. His smile quickly fell once she was out the door. His whole body felt sore as though he'd been thrown through a wall or ran over. He barely remembered what happened to boot. He could remember the attack at the police station, surrendering himself to Courtney, and being subjected to her noxious fear gas. "You're forgetting the part where she exposed you," Ashley said, materializing and looking over his medical chart, "She broadcasted your identity to the entire city before putting us under that disgusting toxin." It was good to hear her voice again, but Jake could sense that she was far from happy with him. He knew why, but he was hesitant to talk about it. "Shit," he said, "Guess I'll have to hold a press conference or something." "That can wait," Ashley said, crossing her arms and glaring at him, "We need to talk about your little nightmare involving me." "Ash, I don't think now is a good time," he said, hoping to avoid the subject. "I'm through waiting, Jake!" she snapped at him, "You told me that you trusted me, but you're still afraid that I'll somehow steal your body and mind! Worse than that, you actually think I'd go so far as to murder Beth and Pam! Nevermind destroying the city that I know you love, let's talk about the fact that you view me as some sort of monster under your skin!" "You attacked Beth when you were last here," he argued, already regretting saying it when she glared at him. "She provoked me, but I never intended to seriously hurt her!" Ashley countered, "I turned her, yes, but I would have made sure she was safe. Even without knowing Pam, I knew how much she meant to you. Do you really think so little of me, Jake? You think that I'd go so far as to kill the people who have welcomed me into their lives, the city that you have sworn to protect, and that my only goal is to overtake you and return as I once was?" "I don't know!" Jake yelled, running a hand through his hair, "What do you want me to say, Ash? What do you want me to do?! Yeah, some part of me is fucking terrified that you've got an ulterior motive, but it's not a matter of me not trusting you! In case you didn't notice it, what I saw was because you lost me! You want to talk about this, then why don't you start by telling me what you'd do if that happened?! What happens if Lilith finds a way to steal me away and leave you here on Earth?!" Ashley was taken aback by his outburst, but she took a moment to collect herself. It wouldn't do either of them any good if she matched his energy. "I wouldn't go on a killing spree, I can tell you that much," she said as she rubbed her temples, "Jake, I understand that you're more afraid of Lilith than me, but that doesn't change the fact that you're afraid I'll revert to my old ways. I'd be devastated if that happened, but I am not so short sighted that I would blame Beth and Pam. After everything they've done for you, for me, it would be foolish to take out my frustration on them. Pam alone would be the only person who could even possibly find a way to bring you back. You're wrong, by the way, this is a matter of trust, or lack thereof in this case." Jake shook his head and asked in a much lower tone, "How do you figure?" "Are you really that dense?" she asked before scoffing, "What am I saying? You're scared, irrational, and recently free from an abusive relationship. Maybe I should be more understanding given everything you went through with the witch, but it doesn't make your mistrust hurt any less. You just said that you're afraid I have an ulterior motive, but I've not hidden anything from you since we last met. I have been nothing but honest with you in all of our dealings, and I only took control of your body once. I was furious that everyone was willing to wait while the witch gained more power, but more than that, I was afraid she would consume you. My soul means nothing if I lose you, and I won't let anyone or anything hurt you if I have a say in the matter. I'd have relinquished control sooner, but my expertise was needed to create the elixir that we needed." "You still managed to force me out, though," Jake admitted, gripping the edge of the bed tightly as he recalled that feeling, "I knew that I could give control over, but I had no idea that you could do that. Do you have any idea what it's like to suddenly lose the ability to speak, move, and control yourself? No warning, no reasoning, just a sudden absence of ability to function. You did it because you were angry, I get that, but what happens when something else sets you off? What if you find yourself taken with the idea of being in the driver's seat? What if…what if I just cease to exist?" "Jake," Ashley sighed, moving to sit beside him, "I may not know what it's like to suddenly lose that, but you're describing my life now. The difference is that I chose to spend my life like this. I have no interest in ruling cities, creating another empire, or subjugating people to serve me. My only real concern is ensuring that you can survive and move forward. The witch used her mind control on you, but I am not her. Even my death was because I knew you needed a push to live. Granted, that didn't quite pan out the way I'd hoped, but you still managed to eventually free yourself from under her thumb. Everything I've done, I've done to ensure that you can continue on and become the man that I know you are, the man that warmed the heart of an ancient vampire. I want you for myself, but I would never take away your chance to be something more than you currently are. You sell yourself too short, my love, your actions and words have touched more people than you know, and I know that you can and will do more when you can remember who you are." "And just who is that?" he asked, his whiteknuckled grip loosening and his back slumping slightly. "A hero that this world needs," she replied, "A knight in shining armor that gives hope in a lawless and selfish world. The man who would sacrifice himself, not because of some self-loathing pity, but because he believes it would save countless others. You are too hard on yourself, and you're blinded by past experiences to see a way to move forward. I can be patient with you, Jake, but only if you can start trying to trust me. I would never stand in the way of your life, but I will stop at nothing to ensure that you have a life to live. If ever I take control, I will always return it to you. If, by some strange turn of events, Lilith can collect while leaving me in your body, I will find a way to free you. If I have to lead an assault on all of Hell to save you, I will and I know I can count on your friends. Trust me as I've put my trust in you, or at least make an effort." Jake suddenly felt guilty for being afraid. He shook his head as he admitted, "I'm scared, Ash. What if Courtney is right? What if every bad thing that's happened is because I chose to put on a costume?" "Why did you make that decision, Jake?" Ashley asked. "I got tired of seeing criminals hurt people," he replied, "I wanted to try to make a difference, and I thought that maybe I could scare the bad guys into going straight. Instead, all I did was inspire a new breed of villain." "As long as humanity exists, there will always be evil," Ashley said, crossing her legs as she spoke, "In my time, there was evil in the hearts of men and women. Even in Rebecca's time, there were those with hate and selfishness within them. Calamity is the curse of the wicked, and no matter how much time passes, this will never change. The villains of this time would have risen regardless of whether you donned your suit or not, Jake. You did not create them. The events that led to their creation would have transpired with or without the existence of Birdboy. Well, I suppose Alexis is the exception to that given her blatant obsession with you, but even she would have still become Footgirl if you hadn't put on that suit. She was born of rejection from Jake Blackridge, not the Bird that he hides behind. Do not buy into the lies that undead monster is feeding you." "What about her, Ash?" Jake asked, "She is what she is because I was too weak to stand up to Rebecca." "She is no longer the girl you knew, Jake, the parasites have seen to that," Ashley countered, "All you can do now is try to find the strength to stand up to evil going forward. Stop trying to do everything on your own, and accept that you need the help of people who care about you. We will stop her, but she can only be brought down if you can work with the rest of your team. Don't forget who you are, and stop letting your fears rule you. I am not a threat to you, and we will find a way to free you from that mark. Lilith will not have you, Courtney will not win, and you will find a way to move forward without fucking everything that's willing to spread its legs." "Still mad about the circus girl?" Jake asked, his mood lightening for the first time in what felt like days. "I can still taste her rancid feet, and I have never cared for clowns," Ashley said with a huff, "I abhor jesters, clowns, and jugglers. That girl was all three, and her attitude was somehow more condescending than the witch's!" "Jugglers?" Jake asked, smiling a bit, "I'm guessing there's a story to that one." "I'll tell you another time," Ashley sighed before asking, "Can you promise me that you will try to move forward, and that you will let go of this ridiculous fear of me?" "I can try," he said with a nod, "I can't promise anything, but I will do my best." "That's a start," Ashley said as Beth and Pam walked into the infirmary, "Oh good, I was beginning to think something else had gone wrong. I'm eager to hear what happened while we were out of commission." "Are we interrupting?" Pam asked, noticing that Jake was staring at an empty space beside him on the bed. "You're not seeing shit are you?" Beth asked, setting a tray of food with a glass of water down. "Just clearing the air with Ashley," Jake replied, sighing and wincing as he moved and felt another sharp pain in his shoulder, "Did you two throw me down the stairs or something? My body feels like it's been run over by a mack truck." "No, dumbass," Beth replied with a roll of her eyes, "Alexis thinks it's a result of the amount of gas Courtney hit you with. We found you strapped to a gurney with an oxygen mask on, a tank of that shit off to the side, and convulsing like you were having some sort of seizure. Unfortunately, Courtney was gone by the time we got there." "How did you guys manage to find me?" Jake asked, eyeballing the food near the door, "Did you track the video feed?" "What video?" Beth asked, grabbing the tray and bringing it over to him, "Here, try to see if you can get this down." "What do you mean, what video?" Jake asked, frowning as he picked up a turkey sandwich, "Courtney unmasked me on a live feed to every news station in the city. I'd almost forgotten it until Ash reminded me about it." "Nothing went out, Jake," Beth said, "Are you sure you didn't hallucinate that?" "Kitten, he's referring to the feed that Alexis intercepted," Pam clarified, earning a surprised look from Jake, "You owe her a large amount of gratitude, Jake. Alexis was trying to create an antidote when your computer went off with an alert about the broadcast. She managed to isolate the signal and intercept it before it could get out, but she's also the one who stabilized your condition." "What do you mean?" Jake asked, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Dude, we thought you were having a heart attack!" Beth exclaimed, "Neither of us have any medical training, but when we hooked you up to the machines your heart rate was off the charts! Then, boom! Alexis swooped in and went all doctor mode. You know how she gets hyper focused sometimes when she's scheming? It was like that, but she was barking orders at us on what to grab, what to do, where to check, and all this other stuff." "She…she saved my life?" Jake asked between bites. "In truth, we don't know if you would have actually died," Pam admitted, "That said, she managed to regulate your heart rate and get you to stop thrashing about like a madman. She's still working on the computer, but she wouldn't leave unless one of us agreed to stay with you and call her if something happened. She'd be down here now, but she's become almost obsessed with finding a way to beat this toxin." "Shit, guess dinner and a movie is the least I can do for her," Jake sighed. "You're damn right!" Beth said, taking a seat in one of the chairs near the door, "She's batshit crazy, but I'm glad she's on our side this time around." "So my identity is still safe," Jake said, more to himself than to either of them, "Wait, so then how did you two manage to find me?" "After the assault on the precinct, I took a few of the more curious officers back into interrogation," Pam began, "Admittedly, they were more than a little apprehensive of me, but they were willing to trust me enough to help. I used a method of scrying using the glass in the interrogation room, and I was able to pinpoint your location. The CCTV feeds attempted to track the SUVs, but the method was taking far longer than we would have liked. Zoey was able to find a few of them, and the police have been attempting to cross-reference any sightings in the last week to see if they can figure out where Courtney is hiding. Once, we had a lock on your location and energy signature, we phased to that disgusting hellhole of a house to rescue you. However, there was nothing there except a canister of Courtney's poison, copious dismembered bodies that had been half-eaten, and you lying there nearly dead." "We took the canister with us and brought it back here for analysis," Beth added, "Damn thing weighed a ton, but Alexis seems to think it'll help isolate the formula and create an antidote. I don't know what we can do to help the people she's zombified, but maybe she can cook something up. It might also give us a lead on where Courtney is manufacturing this junk." "I guess when you count that with Dr. Murray being behind bars that's as close to a win as we're going to get," Jake said, finishing his sandwich. "Yeah, about that," Beth said, scratching the back of her neck, "The Babydoll Killer kind of managed to escape during the attack, so maybe not the best win." "What?!" Jake asked, jumping to his feet and immediately regretting his sudden movement, "Argh, damn this hurts. Has anyone spotted her? How the hell did she get past all the infected?!" "Okay, calm down before you hurt yourself first," Beth said, "It's gonna take a day or two before all that gas is out of you, so you're gonna be in a lot of pain if you move or breathe the wrong way. Second, we have absolutely no idea. The cuffs were undone, and there were no signs of them being forced or broken. Someone let her out, but so many of the officers are dead, injured, or fucking terrified that Zoey isn't sure where to start. The force is divided on whether to chase after the lunatic cutting people up, or the crazy woman eating people. Honestly, it's kind of a tough call and I see their dilemma. My vote is for your nutbag of an ex since, you know, she's planning on exposing us, torturing the city, and possibly infecting over half of the city." "Fucking peachy," Jake scoffed, "You're right, though, Courtney is the priority here. She didn't tell me what she's planning, but she's got this notion that she's in the right. That makes her more dangerous." "There have been more sightings of infected as well," Pam added, crossing her arms. "I need to see Sam," Jake said, moving to leave before Pam stepped in front of him. "Absolutely not," she said, pointing a finger at him, "Those things are lurking in the streets, and you are in no shape to be going anywhere. Beth is already going out on patrol tonight, much to my irritation and dismay. I am not risking losing both of you to your own stubborn hubris!" "Hubris?" Beth repeated, "I'm literally just doing my job, and I already promised to keep distance and be careful. Pam, I'll be fine." "So will I," Jake argued. "You are not going out there, Jake," Pam said, literally putting her foot down on the matter. "Pam, I need to make sure that Sam is safe, and Zoey has too much going on right now to worry about her," Jake tried to argue, "I just want to bring her back here so that we know she's not in any danger." "Stupid hero complexes," Pam grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Would it kill either of you to think about yourselves once in a while?! Ugh, fine, but you're not going by yourself!" Jake blinked in surprise, "Uhm, okay? I don't really need an escort, Pam." "And I don't need you arguing with me," Pam countered, "Let's have a look at what Alexis has been working on, and let her see you for a minute. We can leave shortly after. I feel better knowing that someone is there to get you out in case more of those things try to ambush you." "You worry too much," Beth sighed before looking at Jake, "Let it go, man. You're not gonna win this one." "You two have gotten yourselves captured more times than I can count," Pam said. "Twice," Beth said, holding up two fingers, "Abigail and Ashley were the only times I got captured, and Jake handed himself over to Courtney." "I'm referring to the times before I came into the picture," Pam huffed, counting on one hand as she listed off former events, "Alexis, Havoc, Alexis again, Goth, Hippogirl, Megabutt-" "Okay, okay!" Beth cut her off, "We get it, our track record isn't the best! Look, I swear I'll be careful out there. I'm not looking for any fights, I'm just trying to make sure no civilians get bitten. Maybe I can find a lead to where Courtney is while I'm at it, but I won't engage without backup. I already agreed to check in, and you've got access to my rune thingy." "I swear, you call it that just to annoy me," Pam sighed, "It is a rune-" "Stone," Beth chuckled, "Yeah, I know, and you're not wrong. I like it when you get flustered. It's kind of cute." "So is the shade of red I'll be turning your bubble-butt when this is over," Pam said, overly sweetly and sarcastically, "You are a glutton for punishment, Kitten." "Can you two talk about your sexlife when I'm not around?" Jake asked, mildly enjoying the short levity amidst their chaotic situation. "That is nothing," Pam scoffed, "If you'd like, I can share some of our more intimate details to prove my point." "Please don't," Beth pleaded, her cheeks turning pink, "I'd rather him not know more than he already does." "Yeah, no, I'm good," Jake agreed, "Let's move out, and let's see what Alexis has got so far. You don't think she'll tackle me, do you?" "There's no telling," Beth shrugged, "It depends on how manic she is right now. She was pretty worked up and freaked out about your condition, so she might take it easy on you." "Let's hope that's the case," Jake said, walking towards the door and wincing, "Man, this is a pain in the ass. I'm not sure I could handle getting knocked to the ground." "And yet, you want to go out on your own," Pam pointed out. "I'm not arguing about you going with," Jake relented, "You're right, I could use someone watching my back." "Thank you," Pam said, following behind the two of them as they exited the infirmary, "I'm glad you're not a complete moron." "Pam, cut him some slack," Beth said, looking over her shoulder before turning back to Jake, "She's kind of high-strung at the moment with everything going on." "She's worried, I get it," Jake said, following behind Beth as they made their way to the main computer, "Rebecca would get the same way anytime she got stressed." "I just don't want you two to get yourselves killed," Pam sighed, "I don't see why you both have to be so stubborn." "Pot, meet kettle," Beth said, earning a sharp look from Pam, "What? You're not exactly the most compromising person either. I love you and all, but you can be just as bull headed as us. Jake's worried about Sam, and I'll probably check in on Sal while I'm out. Speaking of, do you think it would be alright if she crashed here until this whole thing blows over? I doubt she'll go for it, but I figured I can offer." "That's fine," Jake said, "If she wants, she can wait it out here." "She's probably loading up on ammo for a zombie apocalypse," Beth chuckled, "Then again, after the shitshow that was out last adventure, she might be alright hanging here." The trio walked into the main hall of the Birdcage to find Alexis moving back and forth from the computer and a lab she had set up. Her hair was messy, her clothes had stains on them, and she didn't even acknowledge them as they approached. "Alexis," Pam said, "I know you're busy, but we thought you might want to see your patient." "Huh?" Alexis said as she finished pouring a blue liquid into a beaker and turned around, "Oh my God, Jake! I am so glad you're okay!" Jake braced himself for what he thought would be a rough glomp and tackle, but Alexis gently set her vial down and hurried over to him. She walked around him and looked him up and down. Once she finished circling him, she invaded his personal space and got inches from his face. She put a hand on his forehead, pushed his hair out of his face, and nodded. Her hand trailed down to his jaw shortly after she was satisfied, and she turned his head left and right. Nobody said a word while she examined him. Jake felt slightly awkward as she let out a thoughtful hum. He glanced over at Beth who shrugged in response. Then, he felt Alexis slip her fingers into his mouth, and he immediately pulled away while spitting. She'd been sweating, he could tell from the taste, and he leveled a glare at her. She giggled like a schoolgirl as she moved in and pulled him into a surprisingly strong and tight hug, "You're good to go, little bird." "Why the hell did you put your fingers in my mouth?!" Jake demanded as he squirmed in her iron grip. "You loved it," Alexis said with another giggle as she set him down, "I wanted to make sure you were responsive." "What does that even mean?" Jake asked. "I dunno," Alexis shrugged as she licked the fingers that had been in his mouth literal seconds ago, "I guess it sounds better than wanting to get my fingers wet. Anywho, how are you feeling?" "Like I just went ten rounds with every villain in the city," Jake replied, "Beth and Pam said you pretty much saved my life, though." "I don't wanna brag, but yeah I kind of did," Alexis smirked, "Oh, who am I kidding?! Of course I'm gonna brag on myself! Humility is for the ignorant! Yeah, I had to work fast to keep you from swallowing your tongue and going into complete cardiac arrest. This was after I managed to keep zombie girl's little video from going public, mind you. You're welcome, by the way." Alexis walked over to the computer, making sure that her hips swung wider than usual for Jake, and took a seat. "Yeah, that's twice you've saved my ass in one day," Jake said, trying to figure out the best way to approach repaying her, "So, listen, Alexis. I was thinking that since our work date got interrupted, and since you've done so much for me, maybe we could catch a movie or something when this is over?" "You're playing with fire, Jake," Ashley warned, appearing off to the side, "You do owe her, but I suggest you be careful with this." Alexis spun around in Jake's chair with a goofy grin on her face as she practically yelled, "You mean it?!" "Down girl," Beth laughed when Alexis practically sprung from the chair and nearly tackled Jake, "He's still hurting and recovering." "Oh, yeah, right," Alexis said, skidding on her tip-toes as she forced herself to stop short of colliding with Jake and asked him, "Can I pick the movie and place? Oh, what if we just dine in?! I've got a killer recipe that I think you will absolutely love!" "One thing at a time," Jake said, already regretting his decision, "Let's focus on dealing with Courtney before we move on to anything else. Beth mentioned that you've been analyzing the gas that Courtney used on me." "Yup!" Alexis beamed, bouncing as she walked back to the chair and plopped down before her fingers raced across the keys, "There wasn't much left by the time they got there, but luckily you're in the presence of a genius! Honestly, you're lucky to be alive after all that shit she pumped into you. The general makeup is composed of various chemical compounds that are designed to stimulate the adrenal glands, elevate heart rate, and induce hallucinations, as you three are well aware. What you didn't know, was that the hallucinogenic side of the gas is a hybrid form of LSD that's been spliced with various chemicals to heighten the effects, transform it into a gas, and-" "Can you put this in terms that we can understand?" Beth interrupted, "Not everyone here has a PhD in chemistry." Alexis rolled her eyes and spoke in an exaggerated and slower tone, "Bad drugs, mixed with other bad things, make people see scary shit. Is that better, Kitty-Cat?" "Fuck off," Beth huffed, "I just meant that I'd like to be able to follow everything without having a background in chemistry or anatomy." Alexis giggled and spun around in the chair. She brought up a file that showed the strange little burrowers and molecules of the gas, "Alright, so, these little guys are the added bonus. I found the file you were working on about them, Jake, and I did a little extra digging on them. These babies are what's causing people to turn into those things roaming the street, as you already know. What's crazy, though, is that they're also in the gas. They're like little spores or something that's mixed in to give the toxin an added boost. I'm guessing it also lets whoever is acting as the host for the big one see what the affected are witnessing." "That makes sense," Jake said, looking at the readout on screen, "Courtney knew about Ashley, and I've been trying to keep that as quiet as possible." "So my hypothesis is correct," Alexis said, her tone and mood shifting back to calculating, "So, that means that she can hone in on the nightmares that she's inducing. Now, I've just got to figure out the level of control that she has over those visions. There's no way she could know everything about someone's past, but I wonder if she can manipulate the visions. She'd need some additional components, but given the nature of these buggies I bet it wouldn't be that hard. She's obviously got some kind of neural link to them, but I wonder how far it goes. Maybe, just maybe, if she could use an adult stage burrower then she'd have more control." "Alexis, dear," Pam said, realizing that their ally was sliping into another of her hyperfocused moments of lucidity, "This is all well and good, but can you tell us about your progress on a cure." "Right!" Alexis exclaimed, returning to her more erratic demeanor, "I'm running different tests in the background to try to find a way to counteract the infection. The gas, unfortunately, is something that'll have to run its course. Sedatives wouldn't do anything to help, outside of keeping the person affected from injuring themselves. The only thing I can think of that might help would be a cocktail that could release endorphins to combat the other chemicals, but even then it would have to be a high concentration of dopamine. Thankfully, Jake was crawling with those little slime sacs, so I've got plenty of test subjects to play with." "What do you mean, I was crawling with them?" Jake asked, visibly disgusted with the image. "Yeah, those things were all over you," Beth answered, shuddering, "They're nasty little things, but Pam thought that Alexis could use them. We waited until you were back in the infirmary to remove them." "Well, that's something that I could have gone without knowing," Jake grumbled. "It's more of a blessing than you think," Alexis pointed out, "See, now that I've got a bunch of these freaky little dudes I can isolate their genetics. That means that I can figure out a way to break their connection, kill them in one burst, and find out how they are able to create the hallucinations and infection. Just try not to think about the fact that like fifty of those things were on your face and a dozen were in your mouth." Jake turned green and tried not to gag, "Okay, I can do that if you stop talking about them. Alright, so there's some pros to this disgusting nightmare. Do you think you'll have some results soon, Alexis?" "Dunno," Alexis answered honestly, "I'll keep hammering away at it, but I can't say for certain that I'll have anything concrete anytime soon. My insomnia is kicking in, so I'll be up for a good long while. These things are really fascinating, and I am eager to see what's been done to them. The notes that you've got indicate that their genes have been altered, so I'm, like, super amped about digging into how that's even possible! Maybe, if I can isolate the compound that's been used to change them, then I can reverse engineer it. That might give me an idea of where they're coming from, or it could give me some insight into exterminating these things." "Okay, she's zoning back in," Beth sighed as she checked her equipment and got ready to leave, "I'll be back after a while. Jake, stay close to Pam and don't do anything stupid." "That goes double for you, Kitten," Pam warned. Beth rolled her eyes, but walked over to Pam and stood on her toes to give her a light kiss on the cheek. "I'm always careful," she said, earning a skeptical look from Pam, "Okay, so that's not exactly accurate, but I promise to be careful tonight." "Oh, before I forget!" Alexis cut in, "Could one of you check on Miri for me? I told her I'd be gone for a few hours, but it looks like I'll be here for a lot longer. Don't want my new toy getting turned into a zombie!" "You do realize that she's still a person, right?" Beth asked. Alexis shrugged, "All people are playthings eventually. Some people just need a little help realizing that, and I'm more than happy to lend a hand!" "I'm gonna ignore that sentiment," Beth scoffed as she put her helmet on, "I'll check in on her, and maybe bring her back here." "Nah, just tell her to be good and to keep her mallet close by," Alexis waved her off, "That girl could be a great distraction for you guys if it comes down to it! Last week, she busted this guy's head wide open cause he grabbed her ass! Ah, good times, good times…" "That's-I don't even…" Beth trailed off before shaking her head, "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. See you guys later." "Watch your back," Pam said as Beth walked to one of the extra bikes. "I'll check in as often as I can, I promise," Beth called back, her voice modulater activating, "Love you!" "Love you too," Pam sighed before turning to Jake, "Alright, let's get a move on so you can get back to resting. We're going to need you at full strength for whatever is coming." "Sounds good to me," Jake said, nodding and stepping close to Pam. Alexis never turned away from the screen as the two of them slowly disappeared. The shadows crawled along the floor at their feet. A puddle of darkness formed around them, and the pair sank into it. They were gone within seconds, and Alexis was left alone once again. She raved against the clock while Jake and Pam made their way through the shadow realm to check on Sam. Despite the slight levity, all four of them could feel the slight dread of what lay on the horizon. The unknown was terrifying, and Courtney was making sure that none of them could follow her plans. |