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In the aftermath of The Raven saga, our heroes past comes back to bite them… literally. |
Jake sat in the backseat of a black SUV alone except for the driver. Never in his life had he thought he'd see a zombie driving a vehicle, but he supposed he'd seen stranger things over the last year. A fleet of vehicles had arrived shortly after his driver pulled off, most likely an attempt at a shell game to prevent being followed. Admittedly, he had reservations about giving himself up, but he really couldn't see another way to save lives. He knew that Beth was pissed, but if it bought them time, then she would eventually get over it. At least, that was his hope. He wasn't fond of the idea of being shot by one of her rubber bullets again. "This isn't your fault, Jake," Ashley offered, appearing beside him, "Nor is this a wise idea. The depth that these parasites have in terms of a connection to the queen is completely unknown, and you're playing with fire here." "It was the only way to save those people, Ash," Jake countered, never taking his eyes off of the scenery as it passed, "You can try to convince me otherwise, but Courtney wouldn't be how she is if I hadn't gotten with Rebecca." "And I'd still be trapped in the voidspace," Ashley pointed out, "Pam wouldn't have changed sides, Beth wouldn't have the happiness she has with her, and this world would have most certainly ended up under her control. Yes, your choices have consequences, but you're only seeing the negatives." "You died in my arms because I chose to be with Rebecca," he said flatly, "It's because I chose her that I can never hold you in this life." "You never would have gotten to see me again if it weren't for her, though," Ashley said, "Were it not for her bringing me back in a desperate attempt to gain her powers, I'd still be trapped in the space between worlds. We would not be together, Jake, and there's nothing I would change about what's happened. Even if I cannot hold you, I'd do it all over again if it meant once more ending up with you." "Even so, this is my penance," he sighed, "I made this mess, and it's high time I did something about it." "Penance is something catholics believe, and last I checked, you weren't a religious person," she said, "You are voluntarily going to your end, our end." "Maybe that's for the best," he said solemnly, "What if she's right, Ash? What if Alexis, Megabutt, Goth, Courtney, and all the others just came to be because of me? Maybe it's time to try to face facts and see that I'm hurting more than helping." "Jake, I won't let you get yourself killed," Ashley said, "Please, don't make me take control again. You're being ridiculous! This city, this world, still needs good men like you. Do I need to remind you what awaits you when you die?" "I'll face whatever is to come regardless of the outcome," he said coldly. "Please, Jake, don't do this," Ashley pleaded, "Think about your friends, your family, think of everyone who depends on you, think about me, and if nothing else…think of what she would say." "Don't use her against me, Ash," Jake snapped, finally turning and glaring at her, "I am thinking about everyone else, and I'm not going to just lay down and die if I can help it. If there's even a chance I can save Courtney, I have to take it. If not and I have to die to save my city, then that's what I'll do. The world will move on without me, and maybe it'll be a better place." "Jake-" Ashley began. "Leave me be, Ash," he whispered, looking back out the window, "Just leave me to my thoughts, please." Ashley was quiet before nodding and speaking as she faded, "Very well, but remember that I'm here and I still love you. Please, just don't forget that, whatever happens." They'd been driving for quite a while when they reached the city limits. Jake could only watch the scenery from the backseat as it rolled by. His heart sank as he realized where they were heading. They turned onto an old dirt road that Jake knew all too well. The thick treeline that blocked the sun, the rustic old driveway, and the looming three-story home that sat off in the distance. This was where he and Courtney had been set to move to after their wedding. She'd spent her entire life-savings on the deposit, and had taken out a substantial loan to afford it. All the while under the impression that her billionaire husband would pay it off in a matter of months. After their engagement fell through, Jake had never bothered to keep his word, and he couldn't have been bothered to pay for the repairs. What was once a peaceful and serene location now felt ominous and foreboding. Several acres of land stretched out through the dense forestry, but Jake hadn't been back since he'd broken it off with Courtney. The car pulled up beside the house, the wood was rotting and dilapidated beyond belief. The roof seemed to be falling in, and he would have swore the place was condemned. The grass outside was overgrown and riddled with insects, and the front porch looked like it could collapse any second. The front door, a busted blue mess barely attached to the hinges, swung open and Courtney stepped outside with a maniacal grin on her face. She wore a white wedding gown, and Jake was certain it was the same one she'd bought for their ceremony. "Oh, good!" she cackled as she skipped down the stairs and threw his door open, "I've been absolutely distraught worrying about you, honey! Supper is getting cold, and you were supposed to call if you had to work late!" Jake stared at her, unsure if she knew who he was or not. How could she? "What are you playing at, Courtney?" he asked, trying his best to sound intimidating. "Don't be coy, love-bird," she said, her tone still sounding jovial and delusional, "It's just you and I here, at least for the time being. I've been waiting for this moment for so long, and I won't have your alter-ego spoiling it for me! Now, get out of the car, Jake. I'm not someone who likes to be kept waiting!" "I don't know what you're thinking, but I am not-" he began before she growled and grabbed the collar of his suit. She dragged him out of the seat with incredible force, and threw him on the ground. She planted her foot on his chest, a stiletto heel digging into the kevlar with an impressive amount of weight. "I think that you've stood me up long enough!" Courtney roared, her voice echoing in the emptiness of their surroundings, "Do you think I'm that much of an idiot, Jake?! You can hide behind that ridiculous mask and moniker all you want, but I know the man who broke my heart when I see him! Don't sit there and deny it when we both know who's really behind the mask! Now, get up and get in the house!" "How do you-" he started before she growled again and kicked him in the ribs. She was strong, stronger than even he realized. He swore that one of his ribs had cracked from the force of her kick, and he rolled on the ground away from her. Courtney followed after him and hoisted him up by his cape, "I know because I'm not an idiot like half the city! Don't worry your pretty little head, though, my darling little bird. I'll explain everything once we get inside and get you secured. I have got so many fun games for us to play, stories to swap, and amazing things to show you! Trust me when I tell you, it's simply to die for!" She pushed him away once he was back on his feet, and all he could do was stare at her. She was nothing like he remembered. She'd been a timid, mild-mannered, and polite young secretary when they'd met. Now, Courtney was as demanding and insane as both Rebecca and Alexis. The smell of death lingered around her, both from her breath and her body. There was something beyond foul about her, and it went deeper than just her altered body. She was rotten on the inside, but was it the parasite or her hatred that had done it? He couldn't say for certain, but Jake felt responsible either way. "Courtney," he began, hoping to reason with her, "I'm sorry, okay? I know that this isn't you, that you're just angry and hurt. Let me make this up to you, let me help you." "You don't know the meaning of sorry, Jake, not yet," she hissed, "This is me now, love-bird, and you're going to accept it. Every inch of me, every nook and cranny, and every thought inside my head, you're going to know me now more than you ever have. You think I need help, but I've never been more awake and alive than I am now! I may be the only one who sees you and your little friends for the monsters they are, but that's all going to change soon. Oh, and in case you're thinking of letting that monster inside of you out, my children have explicit orders to attack the city should communications with me stop." "How did she know about me?" Ashley asked inside of Jake's head. "That's right, vampire girl, I'm more aware than either of you thought," Courtney said with a giggle, "Not only did you cheat on me and leave me for that Gothic bitch, you merged with a vampire queen! I guess I should have done this when we were together, eh? Maybe then you would have stayed with me since you have such an apparent thing for monsters! Now, march, you sorry excuse for a man!" "This is worse than I thought," Ashley whispered in his head, "You still think she's able to be saved, though. Our only hope is that Beth and Pam can find us." Jake walked ahead of Courtney and up the steps onto the porch. Courtney followed close behind him, and she roughly shoved him as he opened the door. He fell onto the dusty floors of the old home, and got his first glimpse of the interior of the house. The furniture was the same that had been here when they'd looked at it. Old wooden end tables, filthy and moldy furniture, strange pictures of families that neither of them had ever met, and everything seemed to have a thick layer of dust on it. There was a stench in the air that Jake couldn't place, but it reminded him of his adventure into Hell. Whatever it was, it was pungent and putrid beyond belief. "Don't mind the mess, darling," Courtney said as she stepped over him, "I've just been so busy planning our special day that I haven't had time to clean! Why don't we go into the dining room? We can chat while I eat." "Courtney, listen," Jake began as he got to his feet. "No!" Courtney screamed, getting in his face and glaring at him, "I've listened to your excuses, your lies, and your bullshit for long enough! It's time you listened to someone else for a change, and you're going to hear what I have to say! Dining room, mister, now!" Courtney stepped to the side and pointed down the hall. Her teeth were yellowed and jagged, but Jake wasn't sure if that was a side effect of the parasites or not. He slowly passed by her and walked towards the dining room, "Whatever delusions you're playing at aren't worth it, Courtney," he said as he passed. "Yes, tell me more about how I'm insane and a monster," Courtney chided as she followed behind him, "Aren't you more curious about how I know about your blood-sucking soulmate?" "I, for one, am anxious to hear how she knows about me," Ashley said, appearing in the hallway and looking at some of the photos on the wall, "Just do as she says for now, Jake, I'm sure she'll spill everything before this is over. It's a wonder she hasn't already at the rate she blathers on." Jake rounded a corner and his stomach turned upon entering the dining room. A small round table sat in the center of the room with two chairs on opposing sides. A large pot sat in the center of the table, its lid off and a repulsive smell emanating from it. A plate of human hands, fingers sitting beside the palms, was off to the side of the pot. A rack with one severed arm and a severed leg sat on the opposite side. Courtney chuckled as she confidently strode around him and took a seat at the end of the table. Jake could only watch in disgust as she licked her lips and grabbed the ladle from the pot. A bloody broth with chunks of what he assumed was flesh poured out into her bowl. "I hope you don't mind if I eat while we talk," she said with a wicked grin before adding, "Actually, I could care less if it bothers you. Have a seat, Jake. Here's how this is going to work, I'll answer your questions, however stupid they may be, but once I'm finished eating that's the end of it. Go ahead, ask whatever is going through that ignorant head of yours." Jake slowly took a seat at the table across from Courtney. He didn't like this, the smell alone was making him sick, but he didn't have much choice in the matter. "How do you know about Ashley?" he asked, "Nobody knows about our trip into Hell, and you were dead at that time." "I was never dead, you self-centered bird-brain," Courtney pointed out as she stirred her flesh stew, "I was trapped in the very warehouse where you kept several of your little toys, but that's not what you asked, is it? I know about that thing inside of you because you're scared that she'll take over. I saw what you saw the other night, and I have to say, you're more screwed up than I ever imagined." "How?" Jake asked, leaning in despite the blood and grime on the table, "How is it possible for you to see what we went through?" "There's a smart question," Courtney said as she took a mouthful of her stew before answering, "I mentioned the link between myself and the infected, as you and others have so kindly been calling them, but I didn't mention everything that link allows. Anyone who is under the influence of my babies is open to the queen, i.e. me. All I have to do is focus on whomever I choose, and I can watch as they struggle against their darkest fears. It was a tough choice between the three of you, but you've always been my focus, Jake. After you abandoned me, this city, your best friend, and countless others, I was filled with so much disgust and rage! You ruined me, Jake Blackridge, and you handed this city to Goth on a silver platter! So, when the time came for me to watch you squirm, of course I just had to see what you were afraid of." Jake sat back as he listened. So, Courtney genuinely didn't know that Beth was still alive, or that she was The Feral that she so blatantly despised. "What happened to you, Courtney?" he asked after a moment. "Before or after you ruined my life?" Courtney countered as she slurped her soup before setting it down, "Where to begin, hmm? Let's see, girl meets guy, girl falls in love with guy, like an idiot, he promises to take care of her, she spends her entire life's savings on a fucking house, takes out a mortgage on said house, then guy turns into an asshole and snubs her for a Gothic whore, and the girl ends up filing bankruptcy to avoid having her life ruined further! Then, and this is where it gets great, said Gothic bitch sends her lackey over with the guy's best fucking friend naked and on a leash, to roll out devices designed to enslave the entire city! Girl gets desperate, tries to find a way to fight back, since he's clearly more interested in getting his dick sucked than helping people, and she wanders into the abandoned research and development warehouses!" "Courtney-" Jake began. "Let me finish, bird-brain!" Courtney screamed, slamming a knife down into the table before letting out a sigh, "Where was I? Oh, right, the warehouse of the billionaire jackass and liar! So, the heroic, brave, and foolish girl decided to try to find something that could break the effects of the collars. Wouldn't you know that her luck just kept on giving?! While searching for that mystery item, she happened to find the remnants of another woman that Mr. Blackridge had undoubtedly ruined, or rather what was left of her company! Strange and unusual wonders that her feeble little mind couldn't comprehend surrounded her, but in her amazement, she fell victim to the oldest trope in the fucking book! A goddamn piece of pipe on the floor! Girl falls into an empty barrel, knocks the racks behind it with it, and had a glass jar fall and break on her head!" "No," Jake whispered, "Those things weren't in one of my warehouse, there's no way." "What a surprise?" Courtney sneered, "The idiot billionaire isn't aware of what's inside of his many warehouses! Yes, Jake, this thing on my neck was indeed in there! Amazingly, the glass jar that shattered knocked me unconscious, but moreover, shards of that glass slit my fucking wrists! When I came to, I was in agony, weak, and unable to climb out of the barrel. Then, one of your brain dead workers came down to seal up the place! I bled out, cold, alone, and terrified in a vat with nobody even noticing I was gone! I kept thinking that surely you wouldn't forget me, that you would come along to rescue me. I was a foolish little girl then. I died sometime the next day, but not before my lovely accessory here showed me what a fool I really was!" "Courtney, let me help you," Jake said, still feeling a need to reason with her, "I can get that thing off of you, bring you, back with Pam's help, and I can make things right." "Don't patronize me, hero boy!" Courtney growled, snatching the arm and biting into its flesh after finishing her bowl of stew, "I've seen your filthy mind, and I know that you're only acting out guilt! You don't give a damn about me, or anyone but yourself! Besides, I'm quite happy with my new outlook on life. This beauty brought me back from the dead, and it gave me purpose where I had none! I'm alive because of her, and it's given me a chance to expose you and your friends for what you really are: monsters and villains. The fact that you think I'd let that disgusting and murderous witch anywhere near me is enough to make me vomit! I'll see her hang before this is said and done, but not before I am through with you, Jake Blackridge!" Jake swallowed nervously as he watched Courtney rip the flesh from the bone on the arm. It was an absolutely horrific sight to behold, and he felt like he might be sick any second now. "What are you planning, Courtney." he asked. "There is the big question," she smiled, her mouth still dripping blood as she sat the arm down, "You'll find out soon enough, blunder-bird, but I won't ruin any of the surprises. I'd hate to spoil our evening together. Speaking of, you have yet to comment on my dress! It cost a fortune, you know, and my parents disowned me after you stood me up! Although, I suppose in the end it wasn't so bad. After all, they do taste delicious." Jake furrowed his brow at her last comment, but then his eyes went wide. "You didn't," he said. "Oh, but I did," Courtney giggled, "Daddy dearest never even bothered to look for me, and my mother was happy to go along with his idea. Having a daughter who got deserted was just too shameful for them I guess, but I think I got the last laugh!" "Dear God," Ashley said, turning her back to the scene, "Even in my day, this would be considered barbaric. Jake, she has to die." "Courtney, why are you doing this?" Jake asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "Oh my God, you never listen, do you?!" Courtney shrieked, slamming her fist down, "I am doing this because of you! You abandoned me, left me to die, and you abandoned Metropolis! Everyone has suffered because of you and your selfishness! The world deserves to see you for the fraud that you are, Jake, and I will be the one to show them! Then, once I've dealt with you three troublemakers, I'll give this world what it truly deserves! A better, unified, and peaceful world where…whoops, almost let that one slip!" "What are you planning, Courtney?!" Jake demanded, "I'm done playing these games!" Courtney snarled at him as she stood up. She stomped around the table and slapped him across the face, "You're done when I say you're done, Jake! You want to know what I'm planning? That's too bad! Ugh, and now you've spoiled my appetite with your ignorant attitude! Hmph, I suppose it's time to move onto the next part of our evening together!" "Go to hell," Jake spat as he tried to recover from her slap. Courtney growled as she punched him in the jaw and knocked him to the ground. She marched over to him, and grabbed hold of his collar to drag him into the next room. "Oh, like your ex?" Courtney asked, deliberately mocking him as she forced him towards the living room, "I might hate that sadistic cunt, but watching you're visions taught me something. You pushed her into becoming that monster, Jake, but that's what you do, isn't it?! Everyone, and everything, you touch becomes collateral damage in the wake of your shit choices! Oh, look at me, I'm the great hero of Metropolis! Nevermind the fact that I'm the cause of everyone's suffering, all that matters is that I exist!" Everything Courtney was saying struck an immense cord in Jake. Her words hurt, but not because of her mockery, but because of there was truth in them. The more she taunted him, the less he felt like resisting. His struggles died down until they reached the living room. Jake looked around to see armchairs, a couch, and an old bubbleglass television with a VCR sitting around the room. A large table, much larger than the one in center of the room. The chairs and furniture had either been pushed aside or seemingly ripped to pieces. Two large canisters sat beside the table, and steel restraints had been mounted to the table. Upon seeing all of this, Jake tried to thrash and kick free from his captor. In response, Courtney lifted him up and slammed him down onto the table. Her hand clamped down on his throat to hold him in place. "You're not going anywhere, Jake," she said, her face inches from his, "I'm going to have a little fun with you. You like fun, don't you, Jake?" "Courtney, stop this," he begged, struggling to breathe as she tightened her grip and her nails dug into his throat. "I don't think so, lover-boy," she said, running her tongue along his exposed cheek, "Mm, you taste delicious! I can tell you're afraid too, Jake. There's something about the sweat people excrete when they're scared that is just mouth watering! Mm, it would be so easy to just gobble you up, but that would be too painless for someone like you. Have you noticed it yet, Jake? I've made a small adjustment to the room, but knowing you, you're probably too stupid and self-absorbed to pick up on it! Look up, my sweet little bird." Courtney giggled as she moved away and began humming to herself. Jake looked up as she fastened the restraints on his wrists and ankles to hold him in place. A red light from a camera could be seen hanging from the ceiling. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Giving you a choice, lover," she replied as she returned beside him, "That little camera is wired to broadcast when I press this button. You have two choices, Jake. You can let me take off that stupid mask, or I can peel back your flesh alongside it! Either way, the world is going to see you for who you are, and they'll know that the billionaire who abandoned them is also the hero who betrayed them! You have sixty seconds to decide before I start ripping that suit and your flesh apart!" "Courtney, you can't-" Jake began before she held up a hand. "Fifty seconds, Jake," she cut him off, "Better make up your mind, unless you want to see the inside of my stomach." Jake tried to fight against the restraints, but they were too strong. Jake struggled as much as he could, but he couldn't break free. As much as he thought his city might be better off without him, he absolutely did not want to experience being eaten alive. He hated it, but there wasn't another option. "Fine!" he yelled, "Take the mask off, Courtney! It's not like it matters anymore. Someone will stop you." "Keep telling yourself that, you worthless little worm," Courtney said with a grin, "And people say I'm a monster. Would a monster be so kind as go give a miserable excuse for a man like you a choice?!" "Jake, this won't end well for us," Ashley said, "That little whore even used iron on the cuffs, so I can't even break us out. We should never have agreed to this." "What other choice do we have, Ash?" Jake muttered. Courtney busied herself around the room as she prepared for her moment of triumph. The lights in the room flashed as she pressed the button on the table, temporarily blinding Jake as she began speaking, "Ladies and gentleman of Metropolis! This is the one and only Courtney Tellar coming to you from an undisclosed location! Do not adjust your televisions, boys and girls, this is a magic moment in Metropolis history! For years you've all suffered at the hands of tyrants, villains, and monsters alike, but how many of you have stopped to consider why? Why is it that Metropolis seems to have a plague of super-powered fanatics running rampant like a festering wound?! The answer, ladies and gentlemen, lies just behind me! Say hello to our latest interpretation of a hero!" Jake continued to struggle as he yelled, "You won't get away with this, Courtney!" "Ah, the old and tired cliché," Courtney giggled as she walked around the table, "Yes, we've heard that line a thousand and one times, Mr. Raven, but I'm afraid nobody is coming to save you! Good people of Metropolis, haven't you wondered where your heroes were when Goth was ruling? Sure, they saved the city, but not before letting her ruin countless lives, my own included! Again I ask, why do we have so many villains? Could it possibly be because people like this idiot in a suit inspire criminals to be more?! Of course that's the reason! I have a special treat for all of you tonight, though! Tonight, we meet the man behind the mask!" Courtney giggled like a mad woman as she sauntered around Jake and trailed her rotting fingertips along his chest. "You know, Metropolis, I wasn't always this way," she said sadly, "I was once like the rest of you. I was a citizen who believed that heroes were here to help, and that someone would always come to my rescue. That was until the day this man let me die! The woman I am now is because of this foolish and selfish little bird! Take a good look, Metropolis, and see what your heroes create! I'm human no longer, but I am more awake now than ever before! My life was taken and forever changed by this man, and now I'm going to unmask his ugly little face once and for all! They say you shouldn't meet your heroes, but I say that the truth is worth any price! So, say hello to the man responsible for me, and the man responsible for everything that's happened and will happen in the coming days! Ready, little bird? It's time to meet your adoring public, and for them to see what fools they've been for trusting you!" "Courtney, stop!" Jake screamed as her fingers found the switch to unlock his mask. The material unfolded from his face, and all that was left was a loose fitting helmet. Courtney had on a triumphant grin as she pulled the helmet from his head and exposed him for all to see. His shaggy hair fell down over his face and eyes once it was free. Jake closed his eyes as though it would make a difference, but he slowly opened them. New fear found its way into his mind as he realized the gravity of his situation. Everyone would know who he was, and most likely despise him for abandoning his company and city during Goths reign of terror. What would happen to his company? What would become of thr Blackridge family name? "That's right, Metropolis!" Courtney exclaimed with glee, "It's none other than Jake Blackridge himself behind the mask! The very same man who let that witch enslave you all with her collars! The same man who was too busy spending time under that witch to be bothered to care about any of you! The very same man who abandoned me not once, but twice! The man who made me into the woman you see now! Go ahead, Jake, say hello to the city!" "I didn't…I never wanted anyone to get hurt," he said weakly, feeling more ashamed and guilty by the second. "What's the old saying, folks?!" Courtney asked, her excitement continuing to mount, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions! Guess what, Jake?! People did get hurt, people died, and all because you only cared about your own wants! Heroes…a silly little title that we give people who will inevitably let us down! That's all you are, Jake, a disappointmenting idea that only serves to cause pain and suffering! He claims he never wanted any of you to suffer, but if that were true, wouldn't he have been here for us?! Lucky for all of you, I'm willing to do what needs to be done! This coward calling himself a hero will be punished by yours truly! Take some comfort in knowing that the man responsible for everything that's happened, and everything to come, is suffering before any of you. Farewell, Metropolis, I'll be seeing you all soon, you have my word!" With another press of the button, the lights and camera feed were brought to an end. Jake was left lying there wondering what had just happened. His secret identity had just been exposed, but it was evident that Courtney wasn't through yet. Jake lost the will to struggle. There was no escaping the restraints until Courtney saw fit to release him. "You got what you wanted," he said through gritted teeth, "Now let me go, Courtney." Courtney whirled around to stare at him, "I already told you, Jake, you're not going anywhere," she said, sauntering around him and towards the twin canisters, "Although, I think that went rather well. Of course, I won't be able to see how well until I return to the city, but I can wait. That was just the appetizer for what's to come, Jake. You and I are just getting started, lover-boy. That was just a little show and tell, but now it's time for the real fun to begin!" "What do you mean?" Jake asked as Courtney started adjusting the canisters, "Courtney, what are you talking about?!" Courtney chuckled as Jake's panic continued to rise, "Oh, I think it's better to show you. I did say that I had some things to show you and games to play, remember? You experienced just a fraction of my toxin last time, but I've got a special new batch I've been working on. Let's see just what the big, bad bird is really afraid of! Relax, or don't, I could care less. You're going to breathe deep and give me a good show, lover!" "Courtney," Jake said as she revealed a mask connected to the twin canisters, "Couetney, stop! Don't do this! Courtney, Courtney!" He thrashed and screamed as she got closer, and she laughed harder in response. One of her clamy hands clamped down on his forehead. Her impressive strength kept him still as her other hand inched the mask closer to his nose and mouth. His eyes went wide as it made contact and he felt the rush of foul air begin filling his lungs. His struggles began to die down, and his limbs felt heavy as his anxiety spiked yet again. The last thing he saw was Courtney's toothy grin as he slipped a world of nightmares. He heard her cackle one final tome as everything faded to black around him, "Nighty-night, hero, I can't wait to watch you squirm!" |