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In the aftermath of The Raven saga, our heroes past comes back to bite them… literally. |
Deep beneath Blackridge Manor, Jake sat running tests on Courtney's parasites and toxins. He'd stopped paying attention to the clock sometime ago. There wasn't any point in keeping track of time, not when there was so much work still to be done. Ashley had kept silent while he worked, and that was something he was thankful for. After everything he'd seen, he needed to find an antidote before more people became affected, or worse, infected. Currently, he was waiting for the fifth analysis to finish. The screen had been blinking for twenty minutes while it processed the results. His mind was exhausted. After the horrors he'd endured, ensuring Beth and Pam were safe, fighting with Ashley, and his previous night of drinking, he was nearing the end of his rope. As he watched the screen flicker back on his computer, he found himself slipping into an almost hypnotic state of mind. His blinks became slower, his eyes heavier, and his breathing became more rhythmic with every passing moment. Sleep was something he couldn't afford, something he desperately wanted to avoid. The vivid imagery of his hallucinations still clawed at the back of his mind, and he was afraid that slumbering might bring them back to the forefront. Jake's head snapped up as he felt himself beginning to nod off. "Get it together, Blackridge," he whispered to himself as he rubbed his eyes, "Everyone's counting on you." The screen on his computer had gone black, so he grabbed the mouse and gave it a few swipes. Nothing happened. He pressed the space bar a couple of times, but again the screen remained dark. The lights were still on, so he knew it wasn't a power failure. There was a strange and almost ominous silence in the Bird Cage, though. There was a heaviness in the air as well, the kind that felt stifling and made it difficult to breathe. Something was off, but Jake couldn't say what it was. He was startled as the computer screen suddenly flickered back to life. He shook his head and laughed to himself, but he stopped when he noticed what was on the screen. Instead of the status bar from the program he'd been running, there was only a black screen with a flashing red bar. It was odd, and he began checking to see if maybe his hard-drive had crashed. Then, words began to appear on the screen. Slowly at first as though somebody were typing a message to him. Hello, Jake, My, but don't you look tired? It's such a lovely night, and yet you seem awfully distracted. I'm curious as to how often you think of me. Do you miss me? Do you blame yourself for my death? Does the thought of my suffering at the hands of demons fill you with fear, or does it excite you to know that I am paying for my transgressions? You know who this is, don't you? Jake stood up, and pushed his chair back. "Rebecca?" he whispered to himself, "This can't be real." Oh, so you do remember me! I assure you, Jake, this is very much real. Would you like to know what they're doing to me now? Have you any idea what it's like to have your skin peeled back, your muscles ripped apart, and then be put back together again? The sheer agony of it all is nearly indescribable, Jake. "I must've fallen asleep," Jake said to himself, shaking his head, "Maybe one of those little bugs got on me again. Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Jake's panic rose as the lights throughout the cave began to flicker above him. Maybe it was nothing, but he felt more and more uneasy with every passing second. The sinking feeling in his stomach grew as he heard a crackling noise behind him. He whirled around, ignoring the words that continued flashing across the screen, and stumbled backward as he saw a pool or darkness appear on the floor nearby. It was different from the ones Pam created. It shimmered and rippled on the ground, and streaks of flame rose up from the puddle. When his back began burning, his heart sank completely. A pair of horns were the first thing to rise from the darkness, followed shortly by purple skin adorned with abyssal markings and ornate jewelry. The visage from many nightmares of his demonic master Lilith rose from the oozing darkness and fire before him. Lilith's tall and imposing figure stepped out of the darkness. Her skin seemed to have more of a glow to it than he remembered, and her hair flashed with streaks of strange amber lights as though it burned atop her head. The jeweled loincloth she wore to hide her nethers jingled as she walked towards him, but her breasts were exposed this time and swayed with every step she took. Her eyes glistened with a deep yellow glow, her long nails curled into a fist, and a malevolent and toothy grin was spread across her face. "Jake," she began as she advanced towards him, "I have been absolutely dying to see my little boy-toy in person once again. You did well, little man, and you've pleased your master greatly with the gift of that foolish whore." "This has got to be a dream," Jake said, nearly tripping over his chair, "You can't be here, there's no way!" "Oh, but I can and I am," Lilith laughed in a sultry tone, "Whatever that repulsive little monster girl did to you lowered the barriers between my world and yours. I've been watching you, Jake. Ever since I sent you to depose Rebecca and send her soul to me. You've put on quite the show, my little deviant. Murdering Rebecca, moping and crying, fucking anything that moves, it's all been quite amusing. You grieve over that woman, despite your oath to me, your lust for vengeance, and everything she did to you. It's all so utterly and pathetically human." "Shut up," Jake said, shutting his eyes in hopes of wishing her away. "Do not speak to me with such insolence!" Lilith roared, lunging forward and striking him across the face, "This isn't some petty hallucination brought on by that monster woman's parasites, Jake! I assure you, I am all too real. With every passing second, I grow in power and strength. I could tear the veil between your world asunder with but a mere thought if I so chose. You will show respect to those vastly superior to yourself, or have you forgotten that I own you?!" Jake's cheek stung from the force of Lilith's backhand. The reality of his situation came crashing down as he pushed himself into a sitting position. "Are you here to collect then?" he asked, "Come to drag me down to the depths of Hell to be your slave?" Lilith chuckled as she sauntered over to him. She bent down and cupped his chin gently to force him to look up at her. He winced when he felt one of her nails scratch across his face. She smiled at his obvious discomfort, "No, as amusing as that might be, I've simply come to visit you, Jake. I will have you in time, but your struggles in this life are softening up your soul. Your suffering here will make the pain I inflict in the next life all the more delectable. Of course, you could join me sooner if you would like. All you have to do is give in to those dark urges that you choose to deny." "What urges?" Jake asked, already knowing the answer. "Outwardly denying it doesn't make it any less true, little man," Lilith laughed as she stood up and presented him with a view of her wide hips and prominent backside, "You and I both know what I'm referring to. It's the only way that you can escape the crushing guilt, the exhaustion, and those horrible feelings of failure. Drinking numbs the pain, the flesh you chase distracts you, but it's always there regardless, isn't it? All you have to do is give in, Jake, and I can make it all go away." "You mean replace it with new pain," Jake corrected, getting to his feet, "No, this world still needs me." "Lies to comfort the weak," Lilith mocked, "Kill yourself, Jake, and I can return you to what you really want. You crave submission, to be dominated, and I can provide that for you for all eternity." "Go back to Hell where you belong," Jake spat. Lilith frowned as she spun around and grabbed him by the throat. She hoisted him into the air and brought him close to her face, "Pathetic little worm, you do not get to tell me where to go! I am a queen amongst my kind, the embodiment of perfection and sin! I go to and fro as I please, and no man, woman, or child will say otherwise!" She three him backward with ease and turned around. "Is that why Rebecca was able to outsmart you?" Jake rasped. Lilith growled as she held out a hand behind her. A hissing noise filled the cave as flaming snakes rose from the ground and rushed toward him. Their fangs dug into his limbs, and he cried out in pain. "You test my patience, little boy," Lilith sneered at him, "The witch deceived me and abused my grace. She is the reason that I no longer offer leinecy in my servants! A fact that you will learn the hard way. This I promise you, Jake Blackridge. You will pay for your insolence, pay for your hubris, and pay for that smart mouth of yours!" "Go ahead," Jake said weakly, "Finish me, if that's what you want." Lilith frowned and snapped her fingers. The serpents disappeared, but their bites continued to burn his arms and legs. "No," she said definitively, "You will go on suffering in this life, but you will know what awaits you in the next. I am your final destination, Jake, and I intend to make good on your word. Your soul is mine, and I will spend all of eternity using you for every sinful and devious desire that no man or woman has ever conceived. I will rip your tongue from your mouth with my toes, only to return it to you so you can taste every inch of my filth. I'll use you as a personal sweat rag , and I'll watch the acidity burn your skin with a smile on my face. I will fill your holes until you burst, and there will be no escape from your pain and my pleasure! You exist only to serve me, boy, and you would do well to remember that!" Her promises terrified and excited Jake. He shuddered as he tried to remain bold, "I don't serve you yet, Lilith. There's nothing that could make me give in either." "We will see, little worm," Lilith laughed, seeing through his bravado, "I am eager to see how long you can maintain that lie. All paths lead to me, Jake, and I am nothing if not patient. It's been nice catching up, you pathetic little morsel, but I grow bored listening to your insolent tongue. I have a whore below who is in need of my more immediate and intimate attention." "Wait!" Jake exclaimed, "Rebecca, what are you doing to her? Was that really her on the screen?" "You wish to see her?" Lilith asked, a wry and wicked grin on her face, "Allow me to grant you this mercy, although you may regret asking, boy." Lilith held out one of her large hands, and a small flame began to form in her palm. It grew in size and translucent until Jake could see Rebecca's face in the center. It panned out and he could only watch in horror at what she endured. She was chained to a pillar and surrounded by succubi and incubi. Their forked tongues caressed her tear stained cheeks, and he could see raw and unbridled fear in her eyes. Then, he heard her scream as one of them plunged their claws into her stomach. He watched as they removed their clawed hand along with some of her entrails. A strange plume of smoke billowed out of one of their mouths and into Rebecca's as she screamed. They swarmed on her, and her body disappeared in the mass of demonic essence, but her screams continued to echo throughout the cavern walls. Lilith closed her hand and extinguished the fire. "Was it everything you hoped for, Jake?" she asked as she prepared to take her leave, "Her death at your hands was what brought this to fruition, but the betrayal of a lover is a mercy compared to what she endures now. She'll die a thousand deaths, and a thousand more before I let her soul go. In your death, you will be reunited with her as my slave for eternity. You will watch while I torture her, and she, in turn, will watch while I use your body for my own pleasure. My wrath knows no bounds, but I owe this joy to you, little man. We'll speak again, Jake, and I look forward to our next encounter." Jake could only watch as Lilith slowly descended into another pool of darkness. She laughed as she faded, and the mark on his back burned once more as she departed. Jake gasped as he shot up. He was still in the Bird Cage, but he was no longer on the floor. He panted as he looked around. He was back in his chair, and the computer screen was showing a completed progress bar instead of the black and red letters. He must have fallen asleep after all. It was a dream, or another of Courtney's toxin induced hallucinations. He sighed as he leaned back in his chair, but then he felt a sting on his forearm. His eyes widened as he looked down to see two puncture marks from fangs and a burn forming. "What the hell is going on?" he whispered to himself. "You need to sleep," he heard Ashley say behind him, "No more drinking, no more caffeine, just us in your bed." "Ash, I don't know if that's such a good idea," he said, memories of Lilith still fresh in his mind. "She won't come again so soon," Ashley said, trying to reassure him, "Let me help you, Jake. I can keep the nightmares at bay for one night. It's three in the morning, and you've done all that you can do for tonight. We need to sleep, and then we can begin anew when we wake. Please, let's put things aside for tonight and sleep." He was silent as he debated whether or not to argue with her. "Okay," he finally said, "I guess it'll be better to start fresh anyways. So, was she really here? That wasn't just some vision from Courtney's parasites?" "I wish it were," Ashley said, crossing her arms, "I'm afraid that with the witch no longer holding her powers hostage, Lilith has managed to return to her former glory. She was, long ago, one of the most powerful forces in all the Nine Circles of Hell, but that changed when she was tricked by a mortal. She became a laughing stock, and she was barely a shadow of her former self. Now, I'm afraid that she has regained her strength and then some. She prevented me from even attempting to make contact with you during that vision, but that is something I aim to prevent going forward. Come, we can talk more about it in the morning." "Great, so I gave a demon queen her throne back," Jake sighed as he got to his feet, "You ever think you've got bad taste in men? I'm not exactly running ten for ten on decision making here lately." "A handful of bad choices doesn't discredit the man you are, Jake Blackridge," Ashley replied, "You can be an idiot, but you have a good heart and you mean well. Let's get you to bed, Jake." "Yeah, alright," he said, yawning as he stretched, "I hope you're right, Ash. Sometimes I think you're seeing something that isn't there." "How quick you forget, I know you inside and out now," Ashley said, "I know the man you are, and I'm pleased to say that I wasn't wrong while I was alive. No more talking, you need to rest. Be a good boy and do as you're told." "That a preview of the dreams I'm in store for?" he asked. "I will give you what you crave, and I will ensure that you're sleep is pleasant," Ashley replied, "Not another word, Jake. Let me take care of you for the remainder of our night." Jake nodded his assent and walked up the stairs. There was something comforting about relinquishing control for a night. Ashley cared for him, he knew this. It was a pale substitution for the real thing, but it was something he would savor all the same. Still, Lilith's words rang out in the back of his mind. She was right. He was tired, filled with grief and regret, and he had thought about ending it all on some of his worse nights. He had to keep going, though, at least for now. If for nobody else's sake than his friends. Maybe Courtney was right, and maybe the city would be better off without him and Beth. He'd often wondered if the rise of the villains was due to their presence, but he had to press on until Courtney was dealt with. Maybe then he could decide whether to hang up his cowl or not, but until then, he had to continue. —------------------- Pam had been the first to wake after the night of horror that she and the others had endured. She'd waited to pull herself out of bed until Beth had begun to stir. Pam had been up later than her girlfriend, but she'd always been an early riser. She'd felt the familiar feeling of Beth wrestling with night terrors, and she'd done everything she could to comfort her while she slept. She knew that Beth hadn't shared everything that she'd seen, but she knew enough to know it had more than rattled her. The way she shook and whimpered in her sleep were obvious enough tells, but she could feel looming fear and terror rolling off of her. Pam had tried to soothe her with her touch, but it had only gone so far. It angered Pam to no end that Courtney had virtually undone months of progress in one night. They'd managed to overcome this hurdle before, though, and they would do it again. As infuriating as it was to go backwards, Pam was nothing if not patient, and Beth had come a long way from their early time together. As long as they could stick together, she was confident that they could prevail in their personal war of terror and fear. Pam would have to reassure Beth more often, but that was a small price to pay. So, Pam waited for Beth to wake before she got up that morning. It was important that Beth knew that she was still there, that she was safe, and that she was real. Pam had already seen what powerful illusions could do to Beth, and she knew from experience that it took time readjusting and discerning what was real and what was fake. Once Beth had woken up, Pam untangled herself and got dressed. Beth went about her morning routine without much of a word, so Pam took it upon herself to cook breakfast for the two of them. A batch of pancakes, some eggs, and a bit of extra bacon for them to share. Cooking was always relaxing to Pam, and as much as she loved Beth, the poor girl was practically inept in the kitchen. Pam had found one of her old tomes she'd taken from her room in Citiville. She held it in place with her telekinetic powers as she stirred the eggs and batter. A little morning reading never hurt anyone, and she was set on trying to learn more about the school of restoration. There was more than the simple healing spells she knew, but she had often overlooked the school in favor of more offensive or practical magics. The page she was currently reading dealt mostly with spells to repel, stagger, or maim the undead. Until last night, Pam hadn't given any thought to the practical uses of such magic. In hindsight, she supposed it would have been beneficial whilst they were fighting against Ashley and her legion. Of course, there was no guarantee that Courtney and her own monsters were actually undead, but Pam couldn't sense anything from them. They moved like wild animals, ate raw flesh, and looked like they were decomposing. Learning a new spell never hurt, and she was willing to try anything at this point. Besides, maybe there was something within the tome that could help Beth deal with what she was going through. "Zombies," Pam scoffed as she flipped her pancake, "Utterly ridiculous, but then again we've faced down demons and vampires." "Not to mention the fact that you're practically a witch," Beth chimed in, startling Pam and causing her to jump. The pancake she had been cooking fell to the ground, and Pam scowled at her ruined efforts. "Damnit," she cursed with a sigh, "I'm going to put a bell on your collar if you keep sneaking up on me. For the record, I identify as a sorceress more than a witch." "It's not my fault that you're distracted," Beth said with a shrug, "I thought this stone thingy was supposed to let you know when I was near. What's the difference in a witch and a sorceress again?" "It's a runestone, and I have to hone in on the signal it releases to use it," Pam replied as she poured the remaining contents of her batter into the pan to start anew, "A witch is someone who practices magic that is specifically considered taboo or outside of the social norm. A sorceress is more of a practitioner of the arcane arts in many forms. Although, your conventional sorcerer or sorceress has intent to harm another through the use of more offensive magics. This held true for me, and in some cases still does, but I've also began daveling into schools that go beyond your typical evocation, abjuration, and invocation." "So, then what's a wizard?" Beth asked before adding, "What have you been working on?" "Think of a scholar," Pam replied, "A wizard seeks to understand and utilize all aspects of arcana in all its forms and application, regardless of social acceptance or dismissal. A wizard may not use every school, but they will understand every school. Are you following me?" "Kind of," Beth replied, leaning against the counter while Pam finished, "So, a witch uses magic styles that are frowned upon, a sorceress specializes in offensive magic, and a wizard is like a jack of all trades." "I suppose if you wanted to simplify it, then yes," Pam said, flipping her last pancake and using her powers to take the eggs off of the stove, "To answer your other question, I've started to study aspects of restorative magic that go beyond just healing. Given what little we know about Courtney, I figured it might be beneficial to study potential ways to turn her followers away. If nothing else, then perhaps I can find a way to craft a spell that might be able to prevent her little monstrosities from affecting us, or possibly find a way to help ease the trauma that they induce." "This is about you trying to erase what I went through," Beth said, her tone dropping slightly, "Pam, I just need time to move past it. I don't need you erasing what I went through." Pam shook her head as she finished cooking and started grabbing plates and bowels, "It's different from altering memories, Kitten. What I'm proposing is a way of helping to mend a fractured mind. A sort of mental healing spell, if you will." "I thought Dilatrix said that wasn't possible," Beth said, moving to help Pam, "When Jake was all busted after the hotel, she said she couldn't undo the damage that Rebecca did to him." "She did, but I'm talking about something different," Pam continued as she poured the eggs into a bowl, "It's not erasing memories, or removing a stretch of time, I'm trying to figure out a way to ease the burden of mental scars and help them to heal. I am just unsure of how to proceed with it without invading or altering the mind. Grab some silverware, dear." Beth did as she was told and fished out two butter knives and two forks. She grabbed the plate with the bacon and carried it over to the table. "What about an enchantment?" Beth offered as she set the table and went back to grab some juice, "Maybe some sort of healing magic, or whatever you called it, could be put on something like a necklace or a ring. That way it could offer some kind of comfort and maybe work through the wearer's skin." Pam contemplated Beth's idea as she placed the food around the table. Beth returned with a bottle of apple juice and a bottle of orange. She pulled Pam's chair out for her and helped her to get comfortable before taking her own seat across from Pam. "That's actually not a bad idea," Pam remarked as she started to fix herself a plate, "If I could find the right combination of enchanting and restorative magic, then I could create an item that could, at the very least, diminish the effects of psychological trauma." "I might not understand everything you do, but I've got good ideas up here," Beth said, pointing to her head before grabbing some food, "Do you really think that Courtney is a zombie?" Pam sighed as she finished fixing her plate, "I don't know, to be honest. Her physiology fits what I know about this type of undead, but she has much higher brain activity and intelligence than your typical undead. The notion seems far fetched, but we've faced many monsters that are beyond what we believe to exist. If I'm right, then these spells might minimize civilian casualties until we can find a cure. She's clearly infecting others, but there's no guarantee that it is because she's some sort of zombie. Hopefully, Jake will have had some sort of breakthrough by the time we rendezvous with him today." Beth's face fell at the mention of their friend. "I'm worried about him," she said as she pushed some of her eggs around, "Even before last night, he's been getting worse. He was so defensive last night, though, and I know he had to have gone through something awful." "I know it's difficult, and you don't want to hear this, but all we can do is wait for him to open up," Pam said, cutting into her pancake, "Speaking of last night, though, I don't suppose you're feeling up to discussing what you went through, are you?" Beth immediately tensed at the mention of her nightmares. "Pam," she began before Pam quickly cut her off. "You don't have to, if you don't want to," Pam said quickly, "Black Hells, I'm being such a hypocrite. Here I'm telling you to be patient with Jake, and yet I'm continuing to pressure you into opening up." Beth gave a half smile at Pam, "It's weird to see you flustered," she said, "It's nice and kind of cute, but it's still weird since you're almost always so composed. I guess that just means you care, though." "I do care," Pam said earnestly, "But, I don't want to force you into anything. I'll be here whenever you're ready to talk." "It's fine," Beth said, "Let's eat, and then I'll tell you what I saw." "Beth, you don't have to do that," Pam said, "I can wait, I'm just worried about you is all." "I know, but it's fine," Beth said, "Maybe talking about it will help me to move past it. I don't know for sure, but maybe keeping it in is making me more afraid. I'm used to doing shit on my own, but I'm not alone anymore. If you're willing to share the load, then who am I to say no?" "That's surprisingly mature for you, Kitten," Pam admitted, "You're right, though. You're not alone, and I'm more than happy to help you carry any burdens." "Are you saying I'm immature?" Beth asked. "That's your takeaway?" Pam countered with a small laugh, "You can be, yes, but I didn't mean that as an insult, Kitten." They spent the remainder of their morning eating and talking as though nothing had happened. After they ate, Beth cleared the table and began doing dishes. Pam went to their living room while Beth cleaned and waited for her. Cleaning had become something akin to meditation for Beth since she'd gotten together with Pam. Pam said it had something to do with her submissive side. It was something that Beth could do to turn her brain off for a short while. While stressful for some, Beth found it almost relaxing in a strange way. The fact that it made Pam happy was just an added bonus to her. She enjoyed it, and she needed any happiness she could get with everything going on. Once Beth finished, she joined Pam in the living room to recount her experience. Pam returned the courtesy Beth had given her and didn't say a word as Beth spoke. It took Beth some time to finish, and she paused several times to collect herself, but Pam was patient with her. Occasionally Pam would reach out and touch Beth to remind her that she was here, safe, and it was okay to stop. Beth soldiered on, though, and she pushed through her apprehension. Retelling everything took over an hour, but Pam waited until Beth had completely finished before she spoke. By the end of it all, Beth was shaking once again. "That's horrible," Pam said, once Beth had finished and gone silent, "So, does this mean you're afraid that I'll eventually turn into Rebecca?" Beth nodded, "Yeah, that's why I was actually a little relieved when you told me what you were afraid of. I guess it's reassuring to know that you're worried about that too." "I see," Pam said. "Guess it seems kind of selfish to be glad that you're afraid of something, huh?" Beth asked, slightly sheepish. "I think," Pam began, standing up and walking around to stand in front of Beth, "That you're being too hard on yourself, as usual." "What do you mean?" Beth asked, genuinely confused. Pam knelt down in front of Beth and took hold of Beth's hands, "You're always so critical of yourself," she said, running her thumb along the top of Beth's hands, "You have doubted yourself since the moment I first met you, and even that night in the woods. You put on this brave facade and act so tough, but you've always been this second guessing and scared little girl. My little fireball burning bright in an attempt to conceal your fears and insecurities." "Not really seeing what understanding what you're getting at here," Beth said. Pam rolled her eyes before continuing, "I'm saying that a large part of your rough exterior is a projection of your own doubts. You feel relieved that I'm worried about turning into the monster Rebecca became, but you're beating yourself up because of it. You say that you've embraced becoming The Feral, but you're scared of what you might become if you go too far." Beth bit her lip for a second before speaking, "Maybe I am afraid of becoming that thing from my nightmare, but what am I supposed to do? I'm not exactly great at expressing feelings and stuff, in case you hadn't noticed. Talking through this thing doesn't really seem helpful either." "Believe me, I'm well aware," Pam said with a smile, earning a slap on the hand from Beth, "Articulation isn't one of your specialties, but I'm not proposing that we talk this out. I think that the two of us, together of course, can help to balance one another out. As endearing as I find your methods, I despise seeing you in despair. The old proverb about yin and yang applies well to us, and I think that as long as we stick together we can disparage one another from becoming something neither of us wants. We're human, Kitten, and that means we are flawed, but two can withstand adversity better than one. We will get through this, however long it takes, and we won't give that undead sadist the satisfaction of tearing us apart. We just have to remember that we aren't alone anymore." Beth was silent for a minute before she chuckled softly, "Sometimes you sound like a walking dictionary, you know that? Alright, I get what you're saying, and I think we can make that work." "It's called being well read, my little pet," Pam said, rolling her eyes once again, "There are more words than just profanity in the English language. Besides, I thought you liked the way I talk." "I do," Beth said, pulling her legs up onto the couch, "It's kind of hot when you use big words." "Yes, because that is the affect I was aiming for," Pam scoffed before sitting down beside Beth, "The point remains, that we can withstand whatever schism Courtney is trying to create by standing together. Neither demons, nor magic, nor any force in this world or the next can break us if we stay together." "Alright, alright, you win," Beth said, leaning over and laying down on Pam, "So, what do we do now?" "We wait," Pam said, tracing patterns on Beth's stomach, "There's not much sense in pursuing an enemy we know nothing about, not when Jake and Zoey are investigating as we speak. One of them will call when they have something, and that's when we make our next move." "I hate waiting," Beth pouted. "I know, but every time you've rushed into something you've wound up in peril," Pam said, "Work on your potions and custom ammunition, watch a movie, play a game, read a book, or take a nap." "We just woke up like an hour ago," Beth pointed out. "Then find something to occupy yourself," Pam said, "Use this time to prepare for the battles to come. I'm going to do some studying, and maybe I can learn a spell that can help us." "Fine," Beth said, pushing herself up, "I've got some shells I've been meaning to use anyways. Maybe I can use some of those White Rot Mushrooms to cook up a grenade or something." "That's the spirit," Pam said, grabbing her book and returning to her page, "Beth, you know I'm here if you need me, right?" "I know," Beth replied, "Thanks, Pam, I appreciate it more than you know." The two of them spent the next few hours in separate rooms. Beth tinkered at her workbench on new recipes, and Pam read through several pages of her tome. Time passed by at a slow rate, but the two of them did their best to prepare for whatever was to come next. Eventually, after some time, Beth's phone rang. She picked it up to see Jake's name flash across the screen. "Hello?" "Hey," Jake's voice came over the speaker, "I've got something that you and Pam are going to want to see. Think you guys might be able to come by?" "Yeah," Beth said, putting away her projects, "Let me get her, and we'll be there in a few. See you soon." "Great, I've got to try to call Zoey," Jake said, "I'll see you guys soon, and…never mind, I'll talk to you when you get here." "Uhm, okay?" Beth said, "Everything okay?" "Yeah, yeah," Jake replied, "I mean, probably, just…I'll talk to you when you get here." Beth was about to ask something else when Jake suddenly hung up. She frowned as she pocketed her phone and grabbed her gear. "Pam!" she called out as she got ready, "Jake called, we need to get over to his place!" "Ready when you are," Pam called back. |