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In the aftermath of The Raven saga, our heroes past comes back to bite them… literally. |
Pam had been sitting in the car that Jake had loaned her for the last hour reading. She was parked near the warehouse district close to where the crime scene was. She debated on calling Beth or Jake to see what was taking so long, but she refrained from doing so. When she looked up, she spotted the pair of them standing in the distance. "A call would have been nice," she mumbled to herself as she sat her book down and opened her door, "Okay, let's see what's been going on." Pam stretched and straightened out her coat as she got out. A long black trench coat with a belt around the waist covered her violet blouse. A fedora with a scarlet band around the bottom sat atop her head, and her stiletto heels clicked as she walked. Beth had made the joke that she looked like if Dick Tracey became an escort when she selected her outfit, but she appreciated the classic looks with a slightly modern flare. She checked her pockets for the badge Jake had given her, and once she was sure she had everything, she approached the crime scene. She mentally rehearsed her lines as she neared an officer standing guard. "Excuse me, miss, this area is off limits," the officer said, holding up a hand to stop her. "Ah yes, where are my manners," Pam said sweetly, fishing out and flashing her badge to the officer, "I'm detective Pamela La-ahem-Irvine with Blackridge Inc." The officer looked at her badge then back at her. A well-meaning public servant, but he was clearly skeptical about her. "I don't see what a PI from Blackridge Inc. has to do with a serial killer," he said. "Officer Dougherty, is it?" Pam asked, looking at his shield, "Mr. Blackridge, as always, has a vested interest in the wellbeing of Metropolis as a whole. His company has hired me to oversee, investigate, and aid the MPD in any and all cases that are deemed…curious by typical law enforcement standards. I have a unique eye that Mr. Blackridge has taken notice of, and he merely wants me to offer my input on strange cases such as this." "Miss, in sure you mean well and all, but this is an MPD matter," Officer Dougherty said, shaking his head, "The only people with clearance to oversee these things are my brothers and sisters in blue. I'm sure Mr. Blackridge means well, but I'm afraid we don't need any outside interference or help in this case." "Ah, so that's why you've enlisted the help of two vigilantes, right?" Pam asked, gesturing to The Feral and The Raven speaking with Zoey in the distance, "Yes, it would seem I was unaware that the MPD deputized them. When exactly was that? I must have missed it in the papers." "Listen, lady," Officer Dougherty started, growing more agitated by her condescending tone. "Dougherty, let her through!" Zoey yelled in the distance, "She's got clearance!" Officer Dougherty looked at his superior officer and grumbled as he stepped aside. "There's a good boy," Pam chided, relishing his irritation. She walked under the police tape, and approached the others with a confident smirk on her face. "Do you have to rile up my team every time you show up?" Zoey asked. "I wouldn't if they'd learn to let me through without a debate," Pam replied with a shrug, "It's not my fault they want to be macho with someone they perceive to be delicate." "Pam," Jake said with a sigh. "Oh, look who decided to join us!" Pam exclaimed, "I take it you had a rough and fun night. Who did you bring home this time?" "Madame Sinclair," Beth answered in as posh an accent as she could muster. "Can we just focus on the job?" Jake asked in a pleading tone, "It's been a rough morning for me already." "Madame Sinclair, eh?" Zoey asked, "Hmm, sounds like a title one of my girls would choose at the club. You know you could always come by sometime, Jake, rather than finding randoms out on the street." "Again, can we please get back to work and discuss my personal life later?" Jake asked. "Fine," Pam sighed, kneeling down next the body and checking for any signs of magic damage, "It's funny how little weight the Blackridge name carries these days." "It probably has something to do with Goth's takeover," Zoey said, making sure no one was watching as Pam's palms began to glow, "She used the company to roll out those horrible collars and enslave millions. Combine that with Birdboy's apparent death, the fact that many believed Mr. Blackridge was Birdboy, and you have a tremendous lack of faith and mystique in the company. People believed that Birdboy and Jake were the same person, especially when they both disappeared around the same time. Now that Jake is back, people have next to no reason to trust the company. After all, where was Blackridge Inc. when Goth was running Metropolis?" "I suppose that's fair," Pam said, running her hands over the body for closer inspection, "What about The Raven? Surely people have put two and two together that they're one in the same." "The Raven isn't exactly a public figure," Jake explained, "I aim to keep it that way for the time being. I'm a nocturnal predator, most of the time, and it's hard to keep a low profile if I'm making public appearances." "True, but your height, build, and even the costume are virtually identical," Pam said, standing turning to the others, "I see no signs of any supernatural forces at work here. Whoever killed this woman wasn't versed in any arcana." "Only certain people in the MPD have started to make the connection," Zoey said as she looked over the corpse, "The wounds match the others we've found across the city." "Incisions made along the face, torso, and limbs with a high quality scalpel," Jake continued, "The same brand used by Dr. Murray in her last killing spree. Judging by the state of decay, I'd wager she's been dead for at least two weeks." "You're referring to the Babydoll Killer," Pam said, earning surprised looks from Jake and Beth, "Rebecca had me follow the various noteworthy villains in Citiville and in Metropolis. I tracked her case quite extensively until Rebecca decided it was unlikely that she would ever be bold enough to enter our territory. The last I'd heard, she had gone underground, though." "She had, but I'm guessing the chaos of Goth's reign of terror gave her a way to get back to work," Beth said, "I'm guessing she was targeting members of Goth's clergy who willingly joined. Men and women who were slaves, priests in her churches, and even a member of her royal guard." "The problem is, that several of the victims were killed after Rebecca's defeat," Zoey said, "If it is Dr. Murray, that means she's had to do some digging into who these people were before and after Goth's reign." "That, or she could have insider knowledge," Beth offered, "She could have been a part of that cult. She would have easily been accepted into her ranks." "I doubt that," Jake said with a sigh, "Dr. Murray would have been a loose cannon, and too self-serving even for Rebecca. The state of decay in the last few bodies found also looked like they'd been dead about a month. No, I think she's working with someone, or maybe was selecting her targets while Rebecca was in charge." "Hey, there's the old detective I remember!" Beth said, giving him a pat on the back, "It's good to see you using your other head for a change. So, what are you thinking? Babydoll wasn't exactly a social butterfly, and she doesn't play well with others. I admit, when you think about it, it's unlikely she was serving in Goth's forces. You think someone is feeding her information?" "Maybe," Jake said, looking up at the clouds rolling in overhead, "The question is who and why? What does anyone stand to gain from working with her?" "Eliminating loyalists, for one," Pam offered, "Despite Rebecca's death, there will be those who predict or hope for her return. These people could become a danger to someone else's agenda. Indulging a serial killer with a penchant for brutalising her victims would be an effective way to eliminate such a threat. Once the problems have been dealt with, the police pursue the killer, and the one pulling the strings remains in the shadows. Their path would be cleared, and they would be able to continue their work, whatever that may be." "You think this is a ruse," Zoey said, crossing her arms, "It's far-fetched at best, but stranger things have happened. If you're right, we can't divert any of our men and women without proper cause. The top priority will be finding and apprehending Dr. Murray." "We can cover both ends of the spectrum," Beth said, "You just keep us updated on any more finds, and we'll see what we can dig up about whoever this mystery group is." "I wish we could contact Jason," Zoey sighed, putting a hand to her head, "He kept talking about something coming after Goth." "Did he mention a name?" Jake asked. Zoey shook her head and sighed, "No, you know how Jay was. All he kept saying was that the endgame was yet to come." "Well, that's vague and unsettling," Beth said. "Nothing we can do except investigate," Jake said, "All we can do is remain vigilant, and try to stop whoever is working with Babydoll while finding and apprehending her." "Wonderful," Pam said snidely, "And here I thought that we might actually have some time to breathe. A serial killer, an unknown entity, or entities, and who knows what else waiting for us." "Comes with the job," Beth said with a shrug, "That's why we work in shifts for patrols. If one of us finds something, then we can rendezvous, but it's not that bad." "I'm going to-" Jake started before his phone started vibrating, "Shit, it's work. Is there a place I can take this?" "Fire escape on the left alleyway," Zoey said, gesturing to the shadows. "Thank you," Jake said as he rushed out of sight and up the fire escape before taking his phone out, "Talk to me." "Mr. Blackridge, hi, this is Anderson Marks, the head of your marketing division," a man's voice came over the line, "Yes sir, I-I am sorry to disturb you on your day off, but I was wondering if you might be able to make it into the office today?" Jake frowned as he tried to recall the man. For the life of him, he couldn't put a face with the name. He shrugged it off, but he found the tone of his voice mildly unsettling, almost as if he were scared. Jake chalked it up to it being his first time speaking with him, and tried to remain as professional as possible, "Yes, Mr. Marks, it's good to hear from you. I'm afraid I'm a little tied up with other matters today. I'll be in the office tomorrow, but today, I'm afraid, I'll have to remain absent." "Mr. Blackridge, sir, I have an urgent matter that requires your attention," Anderson said slightly frantic, "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you pop into the office?" Jake's frown deepened as he tried to figure out what was so important. He'd been absent for the last few days, sure, but the last he'd checked in things seemed to be returning to normal at his company. "Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow, Anderson," he said after a moment, "I'll be in early in the morning, and we can discuss whatever issue you've encountered then." "Sir, I-" Anderson began. Jake saw Beth signaling him and quickly cut him off, "Anderson, I'm sorry, but I have other matters to attend to right now. It can wait, but I promise we'll talk in the morning." Jake didn't give him the chance to respond. He ended the call, and made his way back down to the ground. He felt bad about blowing off someone in his company, but there was a serial killer on the loose. From the way Beth was signaling, it seemed like they'd found something else as well. Things were definitely returning to normal, but in Metropolis, that wasn't always a good thing. He saw several officers scrambling to get to their cars, and Zoey was briefing Beth and Pam on something. Whatever it was, he hoped it was something to lead them in the right direction. —------------------------ Anderson Marks sat in a chair in the basement of Blackridge Inc. He was tied to the chair, and he was sweating profusely. "Mr. Blackridge," he said, hoping that his employer was still there, "Mr. Blackridge, sir, please!" The hand holding the phone to his head moved away and closed the old flip phone. "He's not coming, is he?" a cold and slightly strangled voice asked, "What a pity, and here I thought Jake cared for his employees. Then again, I suppose I should have known better. After all, he did abandon me in favor of that hulking whore." "Oh God, please," Anderson begged as the woman placed her hands on his shoulders and walked around him, "Please, I tried. I did what you asked. He'll be here tomorrow, miss, please!" Flakes of her skin fell from her hand, and she leaned in next to his ear. Anderson shuddered as he caught a whiff of her rotting breath. "That's a whole other day of waiting, Mr. Marks," she said in a sultry tone of voice, "It seems that I'll have to send a more…prominent message to get his attention. You know, Mr. Marks, you smell delicious." "Please, ma'am, I'll do whatever you want," Anderson begged, growing more terrified by the second, "Just please don't hurt me!" "I've already left a little gift for our heroes, but I think you can help to spread my message," she said, inching her mouth closer to his neck, "I'm a patient woman, but I'm not happy when I'm hungry. Don't worry, Mr. Marks, I'll only have a light snack before turning you loose. You should be grateful, you're going to be a part of history." "Miss Teller, what are you-ugh!" Anderson started before screaming as his tormentor sunk her teeth into his exposed flesh. She took a tremendous bite out of his neck, and slid her tongue into the open wound. Anderson was all too aware of the odd sensation of her tongue probing into his neck. He felt something strange slide into the wound, something that slithered into him. He screamed for help, but they were locked in the darkest corners of the basement. The wing was practically abandoned, and he knew that nobody was coming to save him. His abuser withdrew from his neck, and began taking bites out of his shoulders, then his arm, and finally stopped at his chest. She pulled away with blood dripping down her jaw, and admired her handiwork. His body went limp, but it started to convulse after a moment. Her parasites were already making a home in their new host. A new creation, a subject, to serve her whims. She wiped the blood from her mouth and smiled at her budding creation. She untied the ropes to let him stand. It would be an hour before he was ready, but she was ready to send him out as soon as he was mobile. "Marvelous," she mused, "Let's see The Raven and his little accomplices ignore you and the others, my sweet little child. Hmph, I do hate waiting, though. Let's see if I can't find someone else to play with in the meantime." —---------------- While examining the body of Dr. Murray's most recent victim, Zoey received a call reporting another body downtown. Jake had followed behind Beth towards the seedy part of town where the body was discovered. Pam drove herself, following closely behind Zoey. They arrived in slums of Metropolis. The body had been discovered in a back alley behind an old pool hall. Nothing could have prepared the heroes for what they found, though. The body ofba young woman had been discovered, but it looked as though someone had mutilated her. Her torso was laying a few feet from her legs, and her limbs looked like someone had taken literal bites out of them. The expression on what was left of her face was one of sheer terror and agony. "Jesus," Beth breathed as she looked the scene over, "I know we don't live in a perfect city, but I didn't know we had cannibals in Metropolis." "This is gruesome, even by the standards that I've witnessed," Pam agreed, looking away from the poor girl, "What would possess someone to do such a thing?" "This is a new one," Zoey sighed in frustration, "Robberies, muggings, theft, murder, all things that are normal here, but this…this is something else entirely. Here I thought that Goth was the worst I'd ever see." Jake didn't comment as he bent down to examine the bite marks on the arms. The blood had dried, but the body couldn't have been more than a day old, if that. His eyes roamed over her body and up to her neck. "What the hell?" he whispered to himself as he saw something slither inside of her exposed flesh. "See something, boy wonder?" Beth asked, noticing Jake's surprise and disgust. "I'm not for certain, but I think there's something in her neck," Jake replied, standing up and stepping away from her body, "Zoey, send me a report from the M.E. as soon as you have one." "I'm sorry, did you say you saw something in her neck?" Pam asked, crossing her arms. "I hope I'm wrong, but yeah," Jake answered, "It could be nothing, but something about this doesn't feel right." "Which part?" Beth asked, "The lack of suspects, the chunks of flesh missing, or the fact that you think you're seeing something inside of her? Did anyone see anything suspicious, or do we have an ID on the victim?" "No, and nothing yet," Zoey replied, bending down and grabbing what was left of her arm, "Getting a match is going to be difficult too. Whoever did this felt it was a good idea to eat her fingers. We can use dental records, but that's going to take longer." "So a smart cannibal," Pam said, earning disgusted looks from her friends, "They took into consideration her fingerprints. My question is, why would they choose to do this out in the open?" "These are questions that I never thought I would be answering," Beth sighed, putting a hand on her helmet, "Whoever did this was smart enough to know that we could identify the body with fingerprints, but reckless enough to do it in the open. Alleyway or not, this place leaves a lot of room for potential witnesses." "Maybe that was the point," Jake said. "What?" Zoey asked, giving Jake a confused look. "Yeah, you lost me too," Beth said. "Maybe they were hoping to be discovered, or at least have the body easily found," Jake explained, "Grizzly as this is, it doesn't add up why they'd do it out in the open unless they wanted to be found." "To what end, though?" Pam asked, putting a hand on her hip, "I agree that it certainly seems plausible, but why would someone want something like this to be seen." "Sending a message maybe?" Beth offered. "You don't think that this was meant for you three, do you?" Zoey asked, "What message does this send?" "That nobody is safe," Jake replied grimly, "Out in the open, behind closed doors, whoever this is doesn't care about being caught. Gnawing off the fingers just makes it harder to tag the person, but it doesn't diminish the threat. We need to do some digging into the area, and we need to see if anyone saw anything strange recently. Something they might not want to talk about, or something that they can't explain. We'll probably have to squeeze people for information, but this is where our world takes over where the law can't." "I appreciate what you all do, but I'm not a fan of hearing you talk about beating citizens," Zoey said, running a hand through her hair, "You do realize that you're discussing interrogating civilians in the presence of the acting commissioner of the MPD, right?" "You supported my work when I was running point alone months ago," Beth pointed out. "I was a forensic analyst back then, a lowly grunt on the force," Zoey said, "At that time, I wasn't bound by the amount of red tape that I am now. I support you three, especially after everything with Goth, but I've got a close eye on me after that whole fiasco. The public is still skeptical about the MPD, and we're actively working to try to regain their trust. Birdboy and Catgirl had a following, but people don't trust The Feral or The Raven just yet. The opinions are divided regarding you two, and shaking down civilians doesn't seem like a good way for you to build a rapport." "It's not like we're going out and beating people senseless," Beth said, "If someone knows something we need them to talk, though. If we don't get answers quickly, then we're gonna be dealing with more half eaten bodies piling up in the streets." "I know, and that's why me and the rest of the force won't stop you," Zoey said, "That doesn't mean that the public will respond well to it. You three operate outside of the law, but I can only turn a blind eye as long as you're getting results. Please, just keep that in mind." "We will, Zoey, I promise," Jake said, trying his best to reassure her. "A promise from the boy billionaire who's been drinking away his fortune, forsaking his company, and bedding anyone willing to spread their legs, who wouldn't believe that?" Pam said, her tone more sardonic than usual. "I know I've screwed up," Jake said, growing more frustrated with every instance of his mistakes being brought up, "I don't need everyone reminding me of it every few seconds." Pam gave him a hard look before closing her eyes and softening her tone, "I know that you're going through a lot right now, Jake. We're worried about you, that's why we've been hard on you. Tell you what, why don't you and I go out for a drink this evening? It'll give us a chance to talk, you an opportunity to drink without indulging in your increasingly standard debauchery, and I'll know you got home safely." "I should really be out working this case," Jake said, tempted but not wanting to abandon everyone again. "Go with her, I can handle this," Beth said, "I'd feel better knowing you were with one of us, and it's just scaring some bad guys into talking. They're more afraid of me than you." "That's because you'll kill them," Jake said. "Relax, I've got a clip of rubber bullets, a few actually," Beth said, "No sense in giving Zoey more paperwork." "That I can appreciate," Zoey said with a smile, "Just try not to rile the underworld up too much. The last thing I need is another war when we are just starting to regain control of the city." "Eh, if someone wants to go to war, that's when I'll put them down," Beth waved her off, "Relax, I'll make sure that nobody does anything stupid. If there's someone out there who knows something, I'll make them talk." "Alright, fine," Jake said, breathing a sigh of relief, "I'll go out with Pam. Just send me the toxicology reports and anything from the bodies, Zoey. I know I've been absent, but that changes today." "I'll get them sent over as soon as our M.E. has something for me," Zoey said, "You three can go ahead and get out of here. We'll take it from here. Jake, please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Oh, and try to call Sam every once in a while. She worries about you a lot, and a phone call would really help to ease her mind." "I'll call her once I'm back at home and I'm out of the shower," Jake said. "I'll pick you up around six," Pam said, "Try to wear something decent." "Is this a date?" Jake asked, trying to crack a joke. Beth gave him a smack in the arm and said, "Don't get any ideas, buster, she's mine." "It was a joke!" Jake said, rubbing his arm. "Please, you're not my type," Pam said, rolling her eyes, "I will see you at six. Don't make me wait." "Yes ma'am," Jake said, falling back into an old habit. "Kitten, be careful and call us if you need anything," Pam said before turning to leave, "I'll see you around, Zoey. Keep us updated on the cases at hand." "Will do, you three watch yourselves out there," Zoey said as everyone parted ways. —------------- Jake stepped out of the shower, and grabbed the towel sitting on his sink. He dried off his hair first, and started wiping down his body immediately after. He wiped the steam off of the mirror, and stared at his reflection. The tattooed and scarred face and body that stared back at him sent him into a slight daze. His eyes trailed down to his chest where he still had scars from one of Rebecca's more intense punishments. He closed his eyes and saw her snarling face as she cracked her whip and screamed, "How dare you fail me again! You will learn your place, Jake, one way or another!" "Memories are a funny thing, aren't they?" Ashley's voice snapped him out of his stupor, "Some days you get stuck on the good, but others all you can recall are the bad. It's odd how your memories of her seem to be equal, considering how long you two were an item." He shook his head and stepped away from the mirror. Ashley was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, kicking her feet against the stone basin. "I don't know if funny is the word I'd use," he said, taking a deep breath and trying to stop his hands from shaking, "Damn tremors again." "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were sick," Ashley mused, looking over his naked body, "Then again, I suppose in a way you are. Love is like a virus, infecting and changing someone in ways they can't even imagine. Hmm, looks like those squats are paying off. What I wouldn't give to be able to give that little ass of yours a squeeze." His cheeks flushed and he turned to her, "Ashley!" "What?" she asked with a shrug, "I'm just admiring the view. Don't act like you wouldn't enjoy it. If I could, I'd bend you over my knee and turn those pretty cheeks as red as your face." Despite his embarrassment, Jake could feel his member twitch. "Would you stop?" he asked. "Ha, you're too easy, my love," she giggled. "Okay, I'm gonna ignore you for the rest of the night," Jake grumbled. "Oh don't be like that," Ashley said, hopping up and walking over to him, "You know I'm just having fun." Jake sighed and finished drying off, "I know, Ash, I know." "So, are you excited for your night out with Pam?" Ashley asked, hoping to change the subject and ease her beloved into a more relaxed state, "I, for one, am glad you're going out with her. You need to be around friends right now, and not those hussies you've been picking up." "Yeah, actually, I am looking forward to it," he replied, grabbing a button up shirt, boxers, and jeans he'd set aside, "I'm surprised she suggested it, to be honest." "She worries about you, Jake, we all do," Ashley said, eyeing him carefully as he got dressed, "What I'm surprised by is the fact that Beth agreed to it. I know she worries too, but she is awfully protective of her mistress." "Ha, Pam has made it abundantly clear that she isn't interested in any guy, let alone me," Jake said, slipping his jeans on and fastening his belt, "Beth isn't worried about me stealing her girlfriend. Those two were made for each other." "Don't forget to call Samantha," Ashley reminded him. "Already on it," Jake said, pulling Sam's number up and waiting for her to answer. "Hello?" Sam answered after a few rings. "Sam, hey, how's it going?" Jake asked, "It's been a few days since we spoke, and I figured I'd check in and make sure you were doing okay. You haven't been up to any trouble have you?" "Hardly," Sam snorted, "Between Beth going around beating the shit out of bad guys, Pam using her freaky powers, and you doing whatever it is you do, I haven't had the slightest interest in causing trouble. Got in a fight with some bitch at a bar, but I was gone before the cops showed up." "Uh-huh, and the fact that you're dating the police commissioner has nothing to do with that, right?" Jake asked, and he could practically hear her blushing. "That's not-I mean we're not…oh, shut up!" Sam snapped defensively, "Zoey and I are just close, that's all." "Still haven't asked her out yet, have you?" he asked, craning his neck so he could put his shirt on. "Keep it up, and I'll come by your place, kick your ass, and trash the place again," Sam warned, "Don't think I'm scared of you, or that stuffed shirt butler of yours. How is Bruce anyways?" "On holiday visiting family in Wales," Jake answered, "Relax, Sam, I'm just messing with you. For what it's worth, I think Zoey would say yes if you asked her." "Yeah, yeah, that's what Sal keeps saying too," Sam sighed before asking, "So how have you been holding up?" Jake could hear the slight concern in her voice. Part of him wanted to lie and say he was fine, but then he didn't want to risk jeopardizing the relationship they'd been building. "I've been better," he said after a moment of silence, "Still hurting, but I've been getting by." "From what I hear, you're getting into random strangers," Sam said. "Oh for the love of- does everyone know about that?!" Jake asked with a roll of his eyes. "Beth texted me, and I saw you leaving the circus with some tall weirdo last night," Sam replied, "She was big too. I'm guessing you had a fun night." "I…don't really remember," he admitted. "You did, but I certainly didn't," Ashley commented, looking at her nails, "That cunt needs to learn what a shower is. I may not have much room to talk, but even the witch smelled better than that whore." Jake glared over at Ashley, and Sam laughed as the silence went on, "Guessing Ash is filling you in on the details?" "Something like that," he grumbled, "Anyway, I just wanted to check in, and let you know I'm still alive." "I'm glad you did," Sam said, "This whole brother sister thing is still weird, but it's nice to hear from you. You know, in a way that doesn't involve you trying to arrest me." "Yeah, it's definitely different," he laughed, "I gotta go, but I'll call you sometime tomorrow?" "What's the rush, got another big date?" Sam asked. "Going out with Pam, actually," he replied. "Dude, are you trying to get shot?" Sam asked. "It's not like that," Jake said, rolling his eyes, "I don't think I could seduce Pam even if I tried." "I don't see how you seduce anyone with those dumbass tattoos," Sam said. "Haha, I'm rolling over here," he said, lacing his tone with sarcasm. "Not a joke, but glad you think it's funny," Sam said, "Alright, I gotta see if I can fix my bike. I got a new exhaust that I'm tinkering with, and it's gonna take me all night to get it ready. If this works, then my baby is gonna wake the dead!" "Right, well, have fun with that, Sam," he said, finishing buttoning his shirt, "I'll call you tomorrow once I've got a minute." "Hey, Jake?" Sam asked before mumbling, "I love you." "What was that?" Jake asked, knowing what she'd said. "I said, eat me!" Sam snapped. "Love you too, Sam," Jake said with a laugh. "Ugh, you're such an ass," Sam said. "Takes one to know one," he laughed, "Seriously, love you, Sam." "Yeah, yeah, love you too," Sam said in a mocking tone, "Talk to you later." She hung up immediately after, and Jake grinned as he stuffed his phone into his pocket. "She's getting better at expressing herself," Ashley said, "I suggest you get down stairs, though. Pam might be friendly, but she's not one to test." "Yeah, you're probably right," Jake said, grabbing his socks and shoes and hurrying out of the bathroom. —----------------- Pam had pulled up just as Jake was walking out the doors to his manor. He'd gotten into the passenger seat, noting old Nine Inch Nails playing over the speakers. For the life of him, he couldn't understand Pam's taste in music. NIN wasn't surprising, but he expected more metal from his Gothic friend. He'd heard her listen to everything from folk to death metal while riding around with her. They drove into the city to a bar that had recently opened back up in midtown. Sebastian's, a local bar that was a unique combination of upscale and comfort. Warm amber lighting, cherry wood floors, and tables made from repurposed doors from the warehouse district. The booths and chairs were all lined with a fine red leather, and the walls were decorated with replicas of famous works of art. Jake thought that Rebecca would have liked the atmosphere of the place. He and Pam sat in a booth tucked away in the back. A martini in front of Pam, and a glass of imported scotch before Jake that Pam had ordered for him. "I thought you were a wine drinker," Jake remarked as he raised his glass to take a sip. "I thought you'd have learned to stop making assumptions about me by now," Pam countered as she stirred her martini and took a sip, "I prefer a well-aged merlot or cabernet, but it's been a long time since I had a quality vodka. The scotch you have there is something of a unique blend from Japan. I nearly ordered a glass for myself, but I couldn't pass this up when I saw they serve Crystal Skull. I swiped a bottle when I was barely eighteen because of the shape, but I was shocked at how smooth it went down. I figured that given the nature of our night, it might be a good idea to have something stronger than my usual." "Huh, you just keep surprising me," Jake said, savoring the taste of his drink, "This is incredible. How did you find this?" "I thought you'd enjoy it," Pam said with a grin, "Beth prefers the cheaper whiskies over the top shelf stuff. It drives me mad how often she'll choose a bottle of Foxx over an actual Canadian whiskey. I found that particular blend of scotch while on a reconnaissance mission for Rebecca back when she was still seizing control of Citiville. I had to seduce a Sergent in the CPD to gain access to the files he had on the various gangs and other villains in the area. Needless to say, that evening was his last." "You realize you're casually admitting to murder in front of me, right?" Jake asked, trying to ignore the sadness filling him up at the mention of Rebecca. "You realize that your best friend now kills criminals, right?" Pam countered before reaching out and placing her hand on his, "It's okay to feel sad, Jake. I miss her too, you know. She was a lunatic, but she was my friend." "Right," Jake said, a half smile appearing on his face, "I know it's supposed to be normal to be sad, to mourn, and all that, but…I don't know, I still can't believe she's gone. It's all the more difficult to deal with since I'm the one who killed her. I know what Lilith is doing to her, and it kills a part of me every time I think about it." "You know?" Pam asked, "Care to elaborate on that?" "Not particularly, no," Jake replied earnestly. "Jake," Pam said sternly. Jake sighed and tilted his glass up. He downed the contents and let the warmth spread through him before setting it down and staring at the glass, "I get…flashes, images, of what she's going through. I hear voices, and not just Ashley. They…they whisper terrible things to me late at night in my dreams. Promises of what's to come when my time here is done." "The mark," Pam said with a nod and sigh, "You have a link to the underworld, and that means a connection for Lilith to exploit. Now that she's ruling over that circle of Hell, she has the ability to transcend it and enter into this world again." "Is that all it is?" Jake asked with a scoff. "Normally, a demon requires a ritual to be summoned, but you accepted her as your master," Pam said with a frown, "You belong to her; body, mind, and soul. I'm not surprised that she's toying with you." "Glad I decided to come out tonight," he said with a roll of his eyes, "This is doing wonders to boost my spirits. Have you at least made progress on undoing this thing?" "Not as much as I would like," Pam replied with a somber tone, "The texts that I have available speak of rituals to summon, banish, or commune with demons, but the only mention of binding is the effects it can have on mortals. What I have read is just a retelling of what we already know. You entered into a pact with Lilith, your soul is bound to her for eternity, and you are subject to her whims and desires. She may choose to possess you, but that isn't what she wants. She wants you to suffer through life, and for your torment to grow in size and measure. The more pain a mortal is in, the more delicious the soul is for the demon in question." "Well, this is certainly comforting," Jake said, motioning for a waiter to come over, "Can I get a bottle of this, and a bottle of whatever she's drinking. Don't tell me the cost, just run this card and bring it to us." The waiter took his gold card with a nod, and hurried off to fetch the bottles I'm question. "That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" Pam asked. "You just told me that I'm doomed to be a toy for a demon, and that she wants me to be miserable," Jake countered, "I think having a few drinks is an acceptable response to that. You know more, I can see it. Go ahead, tell me what else you learned." Pam waited for the bottles to be brought to them, and for Jake to pour himself another glass before continuing, "The mark you bear grants you abilities unlike many mortals, but it comes at a cost. It is like an anchor for Lilith to use whenever she sees fit. She can invade your dreams, appear before you, and can even take control of your body." "Yup, definitely gonna have another drink," Jake sighed as he downed another glass and poured another. "Jake, stop," Pam ordered, putting a hand on his arm to stop him from refilling his glass, "These are absolutes, and you are the one who asked. I will remind you that it was also you who chose to accept her deal, despite all of us urging you to decline. However, it does not mean that your situation is hopeless." "Let go of my arm," Jake warned, but Pam matched his glare and he eventually relented. "Smart move," Ashley said, appearing atop the booth just above him, "I'm not fond of the idea of getting lashed by her chains. Listen to her, Jake. She's telling the truth, and I believe she still has more to say." "So then what's the good news?" Jake asked, releasing the bottle and leaning back. "There may be information on this plane that pertains to unraveling Lilith's mark," Pam replied, and Jake perked up at the thought, "It's not for certain, but if it is here, it will be back in the castle libraries. Perhaps even in Rebecca's personal chambers. She battled with Lilith's influence for centuries before she eventually succumbed to it, and even then it was because she chose to divide her psyche. With the right counter-spell, I may be able to undo what has been done." "So the only option is to go back to where this all started," Jake said with a sigh, "I can barely stand the sight of my own home, let alone her castle." "Nobody is asking you to go," Pam said, relaxing and grabbing the glass skull, "I'm willing to make the trip myself. You and Beth are needed here to keep things in check, and I know the castle better than either of you. It was my home for years, and even in a dilapidated state, I should have no problem locating the tomes I need." "Beth won't go for that," Jake said, pouring himself a smaller glass, "She's not going to let you go by yourself." "Despite our newfound status, I still have the final say in things," Pam said, refilling her own glass, "I won't force her to do anything, but she'll understand that I'm doing it to help you." "The last time you went rogue, you two nearly broke up," Jake pointed out. "That was because I lied to her," Pam said, taking a swig of her glass, "I broke the trust that we had developed, but I won't make the same mistake twice. She has my phone number, and I'll give her a runestone to allow her to communicate if I can't answer my phone. She's not magically inclined, but she can use enchanted tools relatively easily. Which, by the way, brings me to my next talking point. Have you noticed any other changes in yourself, Jake?" "You mean besides the nightmares and overwhelming sadness?" Jake asked, earning an eye roll from his friend, "No, why do you ask?" "I noticed something unusual about you sometime ago," Pam replied, studying him carefully, "It started when we were back in The Citadel fighting Dorothy, and I saw it again when you were fighting Goth. You did something that a man shouldn't be able to do; you managed to utilize the fabric of the weave." "Sorry, you're going to have to speak plainly," Jake said, confusedly, "I heard Rebecca, Aurora, and I've heard you mention that term, but I have no idea what that actually means." "So pretty, yet so simple," Pam sighed as she tried to simplify the explanation, "The weave is the fundamental fabric that runs parallel to the material world. It's the basis through which all spells are crafted and cast. It exists alongside the very air that you breathe, but few are able to tap into it and harness it. Even with an arcane focusing tool, it can be difficult to use, but women have a natural inclination toward spellcraft." "That something Rebecca taught you?" Jake asked, taking a slow sip of his whiskey. "Yes and no," Pam answered, "She taught me how to zero in on it, but it's been a proven fact, one that has been lost to the ages, that women have a better grasp on it than men. There have been a few over the centuries that have proven this fact inaccurate; Merlin, Vlad the Impaler, Allister Crowley, to name a few. The blood of a warlock is incredibly rare, though, and yet you seem to have an uncanny ability to manipulate the weave when under duress. The fact that you do it without even trying is further evidence that there is more to you than meets the eye." "You're saying that I've got some magic in my veins?" Jake asked before scoffing, "And here I thought I was just a muggle." "Don't be cute," Pam said, rolling her eyes again, "I get the reference, but I'm being serious. This is big news, Jake." "Not a J.K. Rowling fan, I take it?" Jake asked, downplaying the news without trying. "On the contrary, I've got first editions of every book, but that's not the point," Pam replied, surprising him yet again, "The point I'm trying to make, Jake, is that you have the means to utilize a gift that few in history have been able to. That said, it will also make you susceptible to otherworldly forces. It explains why both Ashley and Rebecca were drawn to you." "Okay, let's say what you're saying is true," Jake said, leaning in and putting both hands on his glass, "Why is it just now starting to show?" "My guess?" Pam asked, "When you accepted the mark from Lilith, it awakened something that was dormant within you, but then this started before then, didn't it?" "What do you mean?" Jake asked. "Oh, of course!" Ashley said, springing to her feet and standing beside him, "Those damned birdarangs you used against me! I had thought that the witch gave them to you, but she taught you how to enchant! Oh, you are a naughty and crafty little boy, Jake." "I thought enchanting was just something that dealt with carvings and a few hard to say words," Jake admitted. "Ugh, you can be such a dimwit at times," Pam scoffed, taking a drink from her glass, "The markings and incantations are meant to hold the magic. The source of the magic comes from bending the fabric I've been talking about, and binding it to whatever you're enchanting. Rebecca couldn't access that back then, but she must have seen you tapping into it. It makes sense that she would withhold that information from you, though. She wouldn't have wanted you thinking you didn't need her." "Clever bitch," Ashley grumbled, crossing her arms. "So let's say, just for the sake of argument, that you're right," Jake started, "How does this come into play with everything else we've been talking about." "It means-" Pam started before a woman in leather cut her off by leaning over the table. "Hey there, cutie," the woman started, "What's a lovely woman like you doing with a lame tight-ass like this?" "Excuse me, but we're kind of the middle of something here," Jake said, trying to remain as polite as possible. "Butt out, loser," the woman sneered at Jake, and he could smell the beer on her breath. "I can handle this, Jake," Pam said. "Oh, I bet you can, sweet cheeks," the woman said, grinning sweetly at Pam, "Mm, how's about we get outta here, and I show you something this scrawny runt never can." Pam looked their uninvited guest up and down. Leather pants, a tank top, and a thick and tight fitting leather jacket were what she had on, and her hair was shaved on side. What was left of her hair had been dyed a deep shade of green. "Walk away while you still can," Pam warned, shooting the woman a glare, "This isn't a date, but I'm trying to have a conversation with a close friend. I'm not in any mood to be bothered, and furthermore, I'm in a committed relationship." "Tch, sounds like you need to loosen up, baby," the woman scoffed, "I'm Clarice, and I think you need to see what you're missing." "I don't give a damn who you are," Pam said coldly, "I'm not asking you to walk away, I'm telling you. My girlfriend can be quite…aggressive when the mood strikes her, but I'm no slouch when it comes down to it. Leave me, now, or I promise you, you will regret it." Clarice scoffed, and tried to run a hand through Pam's hair. Jake looked on, ready to intervene, but before he could blink, Pam had made her move. She snatched Clarice's hand, pulled her down, and placed another hand at the base of her neck. "Gah, what the fuck?!" Clarice demanded. "Listen, you dense ogre," Pam snarled as she leaned down, "I don't make idle threats, and I'm only going to say this once. If you want to keep that hand, then I suggest you remove yourself from my presence. My girlfriend would simply beat you senseless, but I prefer to play with my prey. I'll break that hand, and I will show you things from your darkest nightmares. Now, I'm going to let go of you, and you're going to make a choice. You can tempt fate, test my patience, and see that I'm not bluffing, or you can walk away and find some other girl to pester." Pam kept her word and released Clarice. Jake looked around the bar to see that quite a few people had taken note of the scene unfolding. Clarice jerked up and stared at Pam, who simply sat there and waited. "Stuck up bitch," Clarice muttered as she turned to walk away. Pam watched her leave, and savored the fear that she felt radiating off of her. She often forgot just how delicious fear could be, but nights like this were a stark reminder. Once she was sure she was gone, she turned back to Jake, "Sorry, where were we?" "You're not even going to acknowledge what just happened, are you?" Jake asked, with a grin. Pam shrugged, "Beth and I have been training together for months. She was drunk, off balance, and lacked discipline. I'm sure you could have handled her, but I'm not a fan of having someone else fight my battles." "Remind me not to piss you off," Jake laughed, grabbing his drink. "I would think you wouldn't need reminding," Pam pointed out, sipping her vodka. "I think we were-" Jake started to try to return to the topic at hand when someone yelled. "Hey, turn that up!" "Ugh, what now?" Pam groaned, growing sick of being interrupted. They turned to the television to see a reporter standing in front of Blackridge Tower. "This is Valerie Vickers, reporting live from Blackridge Tower," Valerie said, gesturing to the glass tower in the distance, "We've received reports of a potential hostage situation within the building from an unknown female assailant. The police are arriving in the scene as we speak, but whoever our mysterious evildoer is, they're asking for the city's newest heroes personally. The video that we are about to play may be disturbing to some of our viewers at home. We've been instructed to play it by the woman in question in order to save what few lives are left in the building." The screen turned to static for a moment before a familiar face to Jake appeared on the screen. "No fucking way," he breathed. The woman in question had long brown hair, an angular face, dark skin that was littered with veins that appeared black. Dark circles lined her bloodshot eyes, and it looked like parts of her skin were falling off. Her mouth was stained with blood, but Jake knew her all too well. Courtney Teller, his old secretary and ex girlfriend. The video came into focus more, and he knew her by the clothes she wore. A pencil skirt that was faded and stained, and a familiar white blouse that was torn and tinged with scarlet. Jake looked on in disbelief. She was dead. That was the last report he'd seen regarding her. He'd seen her death certificate himself, and he'd helped to write her obituary. There were three men tied to chairs in the background as she sauntered away from the camera. "Greetings, Metropolis," she said in that sultry and seductive tone he knew too well, "Some of you may be asking who I am, but that answer doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm here, and I mean business. So many of you have put your faith in people that have forsaken you. Goth, a flawed justice system, heroes that fall, and even new heroes that you barely know. Faith is such a funny thing, isn't it? I too was once like you. I believed in the fallen heroes Birdboy and Catgirl, but they failed me, just as they failed you. They let that monster into your city, and they allowed her to steal your lives. They let the monsters in, but that's not all those has-been heroes did. They created new ones, and gave rise to a new Era of evil for all to witness!" Courtney walked behind one of the men, put her hands on his shoulders, and continued, "With new enemies, come new heroes, though. Some of you, have started to trust the likes of The Raven and The Feral, but I ask you: why? Who are these new masked freaks, and where did they come from? Does it matter? No, I suppose that doesn't, but where were they while we were enslaved?! These heroes show up, and expect us to trust them without question. I'm. Not. Buying. It! I say, that these heroes need a test. Let's see how they stand in the face of fear, shall we? I'm calling these three out, and yes, I did say three, Metropolis. Let's see how strong your faith in them is, and let's see how quickly that faith turns to fear. Do you trust them? That's your mistake. I despise them, but I'm a fair woman. At midnight, I will feast on these little worms you see before me unless they arrive to stop me. If the MPD decides to intervene, I will kill and eat these hostages, and to show you I'm not bluffing…" Courtney trailed off and opened her mouth. Jake and Pam looked on in horror as she slowly sunk her teeth into the man's neck. It wasn't like watching Ashley feed, this was much more horrific. Courtney gnawed at his neck for a moment before finally pulling away. Blood squirted out of the open wound, and Courtney chewed on his bloody tissue for a moment longer. The man's screaming stopped as suddenly as it began. "You have until the stroke of midnight, heroes," Courtney said as she swallowed the mouthful of flesh, "Don't keep me waiting. I get particularly vicious when I'm hungry!" Pam looked over at Jake and asked, "Friend of yours?" "Something like that," Jake said, shaking off his disbelief, "We have to get back to the manor. I need my suit, and you need to call Beth. I'll explain on the way." "Oh, I am just dying to hear this story," Pam said, standing and walking towards a dark corner, "That girl does look strangely familiar, though." The two of them entered the shadows while everyone was distracted. Pam checked to make sure that nobody was looking before using her powers. The shadows crawled up their legs, and eventually blanketed their bodies. They sunk into the ground, and were gone before anyone in the bar could turn around. They traveled in the space between realms at blinding speed towards Blackridge Manor. Neither of them knew what to expect, but they both had a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach. |