Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1039663-A-childs-Terrifying-trip-to-the-movies---Sardar
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Rated: XGC · Book · Dark · #2272179
A series of stories involving my family's battle against Foreign movies.
#1039663 added October 25, 2022 at 1:44pm
Restrictions: None
A child's Terrifying trip to the movies - Sardar
*Star*The following story contains explicit material, reader discretion is advised!*Star*

It was October 21st, 2022, and you were waking up to a normal morning per usual. You were just up cooking up some pancakes, when you get a phone call from your sister. You pick it up and ask what she wants. She tells you that one of her son's birthday is coming up and she wants you to get her son a special gift for his birthday. You ask what he wanted and she tells you something that made you freeze in place...she wanted you to get her son a PS5!

You told her that trying to grab one right now is like trying to score a glass of water in Hell! She tells you that she and her sons are coming over and you HAD BETTER FIND A WAY TO GET HER SON A PS5...OR ELSE!

Eventually, she comes over with her sons and you and your whole family decided to go and drive to the first place you think of when it comes to video games...GAMESTOP!

You would go to the store and ask around for a PS5. A Gamestop employee tells you that they do not have a PS5 at this time! You get mad and tell them that this is for a boy's birthday! He then tells you that they get sold as fast as they come in! You holler and cuss up a storm more before your whole group storms out of the store. You begin to think of another place to go to look for a PS5 and you see another store holding a promise...TARGET!

You go into the store and as you head to the electronics section, you see a familiar looking black dude scanning the price tags. You begin to wonder where you have seen this big boy before and then it hits you...You recognize him as one of the orangutans that is currently using your brother as a "boy toy" so to speak. As he finishes up, he turns around and sees you. Instead of storming over and punching your face in, he puts on a fake smile and keeps up with the store's formality in order to keep his job. "Hello, welcome to Target, how can I help you?" He asks in a fake, happy tone. You tell him that you are looking for a PS5. He again continues his charade and says that they don't have one. As a matter of fact, he hasn't seen a PS5 IN MONTHS! As he explains this to you, your blood begins to boil again and soon, you hit boiling point...
"Yeah, I'm sure you haven't 'seen' them in months...thief..." "Erm, excuse me?" He asks, confused. You continue with your tirade. "Yeah, I bet when the store closes up, you load them up in your car and sell them off online for EXTREME PRICES YOU GODDAMN, GOOD FOR NOTHING, THIEVING, NI-" Before you could continue, a team of security guards tackle you like NFL players! You were then thrown out of the store and was told to leave before the cops get called! Defeated, you decided to look for another video game store. You come across a store in an online search and see a store with a retro look inside. You recognize this gaming store...it's the one Ross's roommate works at as an assistant manager! You shrug before you decided to head over to the store. When you arrived, you had to walk a block from the parking lot and head to the store. As you go in, you see that the wallpapers on the bottom half are a deep blue, like the ocean, and the upper half is of a beige color. Above the front desk is a portrait of Princess Zelda, with replicas of the Master Sword and Hylian shield on the sides of the portrait. It was a display of Ross's roommate's favorite video game series. You then see Ross's roommate, and he is pretty much the embodiment of a homosexual man. He has the lisps, the "hand gestures", and wears tight clothing that helps to accentuate his um..."assets" so to speak...
He would ask what you needed and you tell him you are looking for a PS5. He says he doesn't have one, but he has a spare PS4 he could sell. You then feel obligated to tell him about how much of an ass Ross has been to his own family and his roommate just states that he does talk to him about it, but Ross always gets defensive and says, "Well maybe if they aren't close minded bigots, they wouldn't get so offended!" You manage to buy a PS4 and leave. Your sister is a bit pent up, but eventually calms down when seeing how happy her son is.

The next day, on October 22nd, 2022, It was another day of a sporting tournament. One of your brother calls you and asks if you have spoken with Mom today and you tell him no. He then says that he is getting worried and you should go in and check on her as she has not picked up the phone all day. You tell him fine and you quickly grab your girlfriend and you both leave the house in a hurry! After speeding down the highway, you would arrive at your mother's house. You look around in her trailer and don't see her. Just as you were about to make a phone call, you hear a blood curdling scream and knew instantly it was your mother!

You immediately run inside and see that your mother is screaming and crying while laid out on the bed. You ask her what is wrong and she, with her face covered in tears, tells you that your asshole brother is, once again, SEEING ANOTHER DUMB INDIAN MOVIE!

Has he lost his goddamn mind?!? Last fucking time he went to a movie like this, YOU SPENT A NIGHT IN JAIL, ALONG WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND, AND YOUR KIDS HAD NIGHTMARES FOR DAYS!!!
Infuriated, you and your girlfriend make another mad dash to the International Movie Theater! When you arrive at the theater, you notice that it isn't as busy as usual and think this one should be easy! You again decided to hide the camera in your pants and manage to get in by buying a ticket to another movie. You then find the showroom that your brother and his doofus friend would be in and just before you could get far, you see his friend in raggedy clothes come out of the showroom and start to head down the hall towards you! You two manage to hide behind some fake foliage as he walks by, possibly heading to concession to get a snack or something. You then slip into the showroom after turning your camera on and started to record! You look around the room and notice it is barely empty...except for two people. Your brother, Ross, and a familiar looking dork! You remember that dork from last time! And as you watch the two snuggling up close with each other, you realize that they aren't just friends...they are lovers! You couldn't believe this, THIS IS NOT MAKING YOUR FAMILY LOOK GOOD! Not only is your brother seeing another dude, IT WAS A DUDE OF ANOTHER RACE! If your father was here, he would bring new definition to the term "Ragin' Cajun!" Before you could do anything, you see Ross's date get up and walk towards you. You panic and hide behind a trash bin. You waited a minute or two before you poke your head out and see that the overgrown dork is gone! You then thought, "Finally, now is my big chance!" You then come out of hiding and start to head to your brother! For some reason, your brother isn't looking at you and looks to be zoned out, possibly high on his anxiety medicine again! Before you could say something, you hear a familiar voice from behind saying, "What's up fatass?" You panic and just as you turn around, you get lifted up and slammed into the wall by the damn dork! You try to say something, but you are so spooked, you get choked up! He then says, "I told you not to try anything funny, didn't I?" You remember him sending you a text message earlier, warning you not to try anything funny, but didn't think much of it. He then says, "Next time, I won't be so nice!" He then chucks you down a small flight of stairs! You and your equipment are unharmed, but you get so spooked, that you grabbed your equipment and bolted out the door!

Out in the parking lot, you tell your girlfriend to start the car because of how spooked you are. She then tells you that your mother sent another text that the game is going to be over in an hour and they are planning to go to a farming event. You then let out a sigh and tell her that is fine, but you have to go home and pick up the kids first. When you arrive at the rural fair, you help get the kids out of the car and walk by a pumpkin patch. Your group then makes a bee line to the petting zoo as you start to help yourself to some beer. As your group keeps walking by the live stocks, you start to get a bit more intoxicated. Eventually, you get so drunk, that you are finding it a bit difficult to just merely walk. Eventually, you slip on something and end up falling into the donkey's den.

As you start to get up, you notice that somehow, your shorts got ripped off by the metal fence as you fell in like a drunkard! As you get on your hands and knees, one of the donkeys start to walk over to you. As he walks right by you, you notice that he has...quite a woody...you then start to wonder why he is getting behind you...then is wrapping his front legs around you...and starts t-

It has been two days since the incident at the pumpkin patch. You are both in terrible pain and are heavily embarrassed. You have not gotten out from underneath the bed sheets for the past two days due to the embarrassment. You turn on the TV while hidden and you see that the UK has a new prime minister...Rishi Sunak!

You couldn't fucking believe it! WHERE THE FUCK DID THE PRETTY BLONDE GIRL GO?!? SHE JUST BECAME PRIME MINISTER, AND NOW THESE PEOPLE ARE TAKING OVER THE UK! You hide further under the blanket, frightened at the thought of these psychos taking over the world...
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1039663-A-childs-Terrifying-trip-to-the-movies---Sardar