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The Story continues. |
Kevin quietly stands amongst onlookers as they stand in an half circle around an open plain at the edge of the island. There was a solemn silence about as there were fallen avians lined in rows on the open grass with the King standing at the very edge of the island staring silently into the skies. With Kevin watching in silence, undertakers break through the sobbing crowd walk in places white sheets over them. While, they carefully covered each body an eagle soars over the area and hovers above gently cradling two fallen avians in its’s talons. Flapping its enormous wings, it lowers the two onto the grass and it flies off. Then from the crowd Damion and Carmelia walk from the crowd carrying white sheets over their forearms flapping with the breeze. Damion with a serious visage, a far cry from his usual romantic self, approaches Ean’s body lying with his hands interlocked over his chest. Damion squats and places his hand on Ean’s chest. “You’ve save all of our lives, friend,” he says, eyes filled with tears. “Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.” He spreads the sheet over his body tucks the excess underneath, and fastens it with bleached rope around his shoulders, waists and ankles. Standing up, he sees Carmelia sobbing over Herria’s lifeless body. After the All Dragon appeared and unleashed a mighty torrent of energy at everything nearby, the eagle riders desperately tried to flee but the energy barrage was too swift and the eagles too exhausted. Seeing a white projectile jet straight for Damion and Carmelia Herria and Ean flew between the projectiles and their friends, offering their lives to save theirs. Sobbing on her hands and knees, Camealia’s tears cascade onto Herria’s pale face as she balls the sheet in her hands. “I’m sorry, Herria,” she says wiping the tears from her eyes. I’ll give my first-born harpy your name so you won’t be forgotten. Where ever you’re going, please keep Ean and Cody safe.” Camellia wipes her wet tears from Herria’s face before wrapping the sheet and fastening it with rope. Standing, Damien and Camelia back away from the formation of bodies as the King turns around and kneels beside his Harpie Commander’s body. Reaching over his shoulder, he plucks a red feather from his wing and places it in her hands. “You have done the avian people proud Amara. Use your strong spirit and lead our family to the sacred mountain and guide them to the lost city.” Picking up a white cloth and gold straps folded near his feet, he wraps the body and stands to address his people. Looking at the sobbing crowd, his eyes water as he takes in a deep breath and shuts his eyes. “My fellow Avians,” his voice boomed through the area. “Mothers, Fathers, sons and daughters. It is with joy that I announce that the brave souls who set off into hell itself has destroyed the wall and saved our people. But…” he takes in a deep breath and releases it. “It is with sadness to tell you that they gave their lives in the attempt. Here, our Hero’s lie in rest, waiting to be taken to the sacred mountain where paradise awaits.” Sobs through out the crowd intensifies as the king continues his eulogy. “Let us honor their deeds, their family, their memory by engraving their names in the great tree, where they will watch over and protect us. Let us give our final farewells.” “Then people from the surrounding crowd pour onto the field. Relatives of the fallen carrying various objects, ranging from dolls, wooden toys, jewelry and other memorabilia and place them on to their fallen loved ones. They give their final respects as they retreat back into the crowd. A silence settles over the area as the Tengu King gazes at the skies with tears rolling down his cheeks and onto his red beard. “GREAT EAGLES,” his voice echoes through the skies. “Give our fallen one last journey through the skies and lay them in their final resting place.” As a shadow overtakes the field, hundreds of eagles swarm in and they carefully and silently collect the fallen into their talons and fly away leaving an empty field in front of a weeping crowd. ### Later that day, the crowd disperses from the funeral and Kevin roams whistle top forest staring at the large and elaborate branches extended from the giant tree. Birds play in front of Kevin as he cruises across a roped, wooden bridge leading to a wooden house sitting atop a large leafy branch. As he walks towards the house, someone bursts from the door covering themselves with a black cloak, running as if trying to escape capture. Looking behind the figure didn’t notice Kevin standing in front of her and she collides into him and both tumble on their backsides. The cloak on the figure’s head slips off revealing her lush green hair and beautiful eyes as she rubs her aching head. Kevin shakes his head and sees the princess sitting with colorful feathers falling from her black cloak. “Whoa! That’s a lot of feathers.” Kevin says rubbing his aching head. “THERE SHE IS!” a tengu shouts as a group of avians fly towards them. “Oh no,” She says as she stumbles on her feet in an attempt to run away, but Kevin quickly stands and stands directly in front of her. “Hey I need your help,” he says. The young woman hops to the left and to the right to run past Kevin but he matches her maneuvers barring her escape. “Are you listening? I need you to tell me where I am.” Kevin says. “Would you please move?” the woman says glancing behind her as the avians near the two, “Find somebody else,” Kevin looks up and sees the group carrying spears and then at the person…wearing a black cloak…and carrying a glistening golden tiara in her hand. It wasn’t long before Kevin connected the dots. He quickly grabs the young woman’s hand holds her still. “What are you doing?” the woman says struggling to pull her hand away. “You need to give back what you stole,” “…Hey!” he shouts, waving at the group to gain their attention. “She’s right here.” Then a hissing spear scrapes his cheek and thwacks into the wooden board behind him. Kevin froze like a statue with an arm in the air and the look of disbelief on his face. An avian hurls another spear towards him and he raises his leg to avoid the weapon piercing his feet. “Hey! What’s your problem!! I’m on your side.” His words are ignored as more spears are hurled his way. He vaults back several times, dodging more spears and one scrapes his leg. Looking at the laceration on his leg, anger swells withing him and he quickly scribbles ‘SHIRA’ in the air in cold blue letters. A tornado of cold mist appears directly in front of Kevin and it condenses to a thin vortex. Kevin grabs the cold swirling funnel and it instantly solidifies into a cold blue, crystalline halberd which he raises and spins overhead. Twirling the halberd overhead the object blurs in sheer speed as cold winds spreads from it. Jasmine watches in awe as blue sheets of ice overtakes small leaves near the avians and soon their wings freeze over and collapse onto the trees. Slamming the rod end of his pole-arm at his side, he places a hand on his hip and scoffs at the groups. “Can’t I go anywhere where someone’s not trying to kill me?” Then a blunt wooden object smacks him in the back of his head and he collapses face first at Jasmine’s feet with the Tengu King standing behind him with his spear. Jasmines eyes widen in horror as feathers leak from beneath her cloak, the molting disease claiming her body, while her father had a saddened but angry expression on his face. “My beautiful daughter.” he disapprovingly shakes his head. “…why haven’t you told me.” ### The crickets chirp loud in the night as glowing butterflies flutter around and through two large birdcages dangling from the edge of a large branch connecting to the great tree. Rousing from his sleep, Kevin rubs his head as he stands to his feet, but stumbles as the cage sways wildly from his movement. He collapses on his backside fully awakened by the fall and his eyes slowly surveys the iron metal cage. “Ok, what did I get myself into this time,” he sighs as he slides against the iron bars, rising to his feet. Grabbing a set of bars nearby, he looks down and sees darkness beneath that even the fluttering butterflies couldn’t illuminate properly. “I can’t believe there’s a whole city resting on a giant tree.” He says looking at the numerous branches extending far away from the tree. “It must’ve taken years to grow something this big.” While he surveyed the impressive canopy, he hears a sweet voice humming a somewhat sorrowful tune behind him. Turning around he carefully walks across the birdcage not wanting the branch to snap from his heavy weight and sees princess Jasmine sitting with her arm wrapped around her knees and face buried in her forearms. imprisoned in a cage of her own, she sits amidst a pile of colorful feathers rocking slowly as she hums a lovely but sorrowful tune. “Hey,” whispering not to attract any unwanted attention. Jasmine stops rocking and humming hearing Kevin clearly, but soon continues rocking and humming ignoring his call. “Hey can you hear me?” He repeatedly knocks on the iron bars to get her attention. “C’mon I know you can hear me.” “Ugh, I know I can hear you…I’m ignoring you. Can you please be quiet? I want to be left alone.” A silence settles between the to as an orchestra of crickets blares around the area. Kevin grows restless unable to cope with his predicament. He knocks on the iron bar again to gain the princesses attention. “Ugh! What? For sky’s sake, what?” “Were, are we?” “Uhh, you’re in prison.” Jasmine says. “I meant were in Endina am I?” “I don’t see how this conversation is going to help either of us.” “Look, you got me locked up here at least you can do is tell me.” Jasmine whip towards Kevin in outrage lightly rocking her cage. “You think I got you locked up here? Had you just let me pass they would’ve left you alone.” “You stole something from them and they probably thought I was with you.” “No…you were arrested because you were trespassing onto Avian territory. I was arrested because I’ve been infected with the molting plague and they wish to quarantine me. Do you assume the worst in everyone you meet for the first time?” “The Molting plague?” Kevin says seeing feathers scattered over her cage. “Is that where you lose all your feathers and they don’t grow back?” She nods her head before raising her right wing. The majority of her once vibrant feathers were missing revealing a fleshy smooth dorsal fin. “Wow,” Kevin gawks at her condition. “How many people its’ affected so far?” “Enough to fill one of the islands.” “You’re talking about Greenpeace,” Kevin says. “You…know about Greenpeace,” Jasmine says in a more shameful tone. “One of your people told us about it. It seems rather cruel to leave innocents at the mercy of their enemies. Especially if they’re already suffering from a blight.” “What do you know.” Jasmine shouts in a teary eyed rant. “Everyone’s scared. Losing our ability to fly while the enemy relentlessly attack us…friends, family and nobles die by the dozens…what do you know?” Kevin drops to a cross-legged position and folds his arms. “Were I’m from, the lands were plagued and no food grew for a very long time. Daily life broke apart and…our king…decides to build a wall around a city, where he and his armies eat while everyone else starves and suffers at the hand of his dominion. I know about fear and desperation in times these, but I also know that if we put our mind to it, we can overcome anything life throws at us…” Kevin lowers his head in shame, thinking about Drake. “A good friend taught that to me…before I ran him off,” he laughs shamefully. “Do you ever wish you can see him again?” she asks. “I did in fact…just didn’t have the courage to tell him I’m sorry. I hope he’s doing ok.” “Where did you last see him?” “Actually he was helping all of you against the wyverns.” Jasmine eyes widen in shock. “Ofcourse I should’ve known.” She says scratching her head. “Your weapon looked different from his but…” She quickly stands to her feet and grabs the iron bars with her fleshy, featherless wings. Kevin sees feathers still on her legs though he saw a few fall of as she stood. “Drake.” Jasmine says. “Is his name Drake?” “So you know him?” Kevin says as he stands and leans against his cage with his arms folded. “He’s very noble.” Jasmine says smiling. “Willing to do whatever it took to save people in need.” “Well,” Kevin chuckles “Its also one of his flaws. Makes him take on battles he can’t handle.” “Well isn’t that why you’re there? To aid him?” “Yeah but he doesn’t make it easy. And I’m guessing he’s in danger again.” “What are you going to do then?” Kevin ponders for a few minutes as golden butterflies perch on his shoulders. “We originally set off to find Drake and that search has led us here. Ura was sent to find him in order to save her people. So, I’m guessing if I were to talk with him, he would want me to find out what’s happening here while he sorts out whatever predicament he’s in.” “So that settles it then,” Kevin snaps his finger. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this disease all of you are dealing with.” “But we’ve tried everything,” Jasmine shruggs. “Medicines, verses…everything and all it seemed to do is make things worse.” “Did you find the cause though. When it comes to curing diseases you have to find its cause, otherwise no matter what solution you can come up with, it won’t make any difference. Lets just think for a minute. When did this plague start?” “About twelve years ago.” Jasmine says. “Do you know the first person who had the disease?” Jasmine stared into the canopy lost in thought. “I believe it was one of our harpy maidens…Tamsa.” “What happened to her?” “…she vanished one day while she was resting in her bed.” A wave of confusion washes over Kevin’s face as he stares at Jasmine in disbelief. “None of you thought that was suspicious?” “Well, at the time it wasn’t that serious. She was the only one who had it at the time. We thought it was something unique to her.” “And when more people started to catch it, did anyone try to find her?” “Why is this important?” Jasmine asked. “Finding the first person infected, we can find out where she’s been, who’s she’s touched, and hopefully to the source of all of your problems. If you don’t know where she ran off to, can you tell me where she’s from?” “She’s from the east section of the canopy, we did search her home, but we didn’t really know were looking for.” “Then we are going to need to take a trip there.” Kevin says. “How are we supposed get out of here though.” Jasmine asks. “pssst…hey.” A voice wispers to the two from above. Both look up to see Ura leaning over a tree branch happily waving at the two. “Ura?” Jasmine gasps covering her mouth. “You’ve returned.” Ura leaps off the branch grabs an nearby vine, swings around the large bird cages and lands on the nearby wooden platform. Releasing the leafy vine she plants her hands happily on her hips as huffs in exhaustion. “Told you I’ll be back,” “Ura I thought you died.” He sobs wiping a tear from her eye. Ura rushes to Jasmines cave and she excitedly jumps repeatedly waving her arms for Jasmine to see. “I’m fine, im fine, see? It was dangerous but I made it back.” “Look,” Kevin interrupts “I hate to break up your reunion, but we need to get moving before the guards show up. Ura, you know of a way out these cages?” “Sure do, Gonna need your help though,” “What do you need me to do?” Smiling, ura points upward at the large branches holding the cages. Kevin looks up and his eyes widened in shock. “Of course, why didn’t I think of that sooner?” He mumbles. “Can you do it?” Kevin steps to the center of his cage. Holding out his hand, cold mist swirls around his arm and in shoots into a rod and solidifying into his halberd. Reaching with his pole-arm through the metal bars, he touches the overhead branch with the tip of his frost-laced blade and a sheet of ice swells across the canopy. Spreading like a virus, it coats every leaf and every vine in crackling ice while stalagmites grow from parts of the branch. Once the ice spreads over the two cages it ceases its spread as cold mist cascaded towards the depths below. “We won’t be able to make it if we fall, are you sure you’ll be able to save us?” “Trust me,” Ura says with a firm nod as she hops up and grabs an overhead branch. With a firm swing of her slender legs, she flips onto the branch, grabs two arching vines hanging from the canopy and tosses them at the space separating Jasmine and Kevin’s cages. Sliding down through the frozen branches via one of the vines, she hops on Kevin’s cage and ties the vine through the metal ring. She does the same for Jasmine’s cage as well and she stands huffing in exhaustion. “Whew,” wiping the sweat from her forehead, “I need to get some sleep after this. Haven’t rested several days.” She plants her hand on her hips as she carefully balances on Jasmine’s bird cage. “Alright, were all set.” Head tilted upward, Kevin wordily stares at the vine wrapped around the metal ring of his cage a to him, didn’t seem like it was strong enough to hold a falling cage. “Are you sure this’ll work?” Kevin scratches his head. “Nope,” Ura simply states as she bends her knees, leaps and stomps on Jasmine’s cage. The frozen branch snaps and Jasmine’s cage drops down into the darkness with her screaming fading into the distance. Ura swings over to Kevin cage and plants her feet onto the metal bars. Looking down into the dark forest below, kevin swallows a lump in his throat as he clenches the bars. “Ready?” Ura asks looking down at the fear stricken young man. “J..just give me a min…” Ura leaps and stomps onto the cage. The frozen branch snaps off and Kevin’s cage drops like an anchor. Kevin screams as the rapid descent lifts his feet from the metal cage and he floats with his hands clenching the bars. His hair wildly flaps from the fall as he hears snapping branches and rustling leaves. He also hears jovial laughter as Ura falls with Kevin’s cage while hanging on to the vine. The cage reaches the vines limit and it comes to an abrupt halt bouncing and spinning while suspended over the ground. Kevin’s world spins as the vine itself crunches from the many rotations before it snaps loose and both cages’ slam onto the leafy ground and roll downhill. Both Jasmine and Kevin scream as they bounce around their cages until it slams into a nearby tree shattering them into pieces. Hands planted onto the wet soil, Kevin pushes himself from the ground shuffling from beneath the mound of metal poles of the destroyed birdcage. He dusts clumps of mud of his blue cloadk as he surveys the dank dark forests. Towering trees with glowing, human-sized mushrooms sticking out of them with moss hanging from the low hanging branches. Jasmine shuffles underneath the pile of metal debris and Kevin quickly rushes to her side and removes the metal poles. Clasping her hand, he pulls her out from beneath the mound as she staggers forward and hunches forward with her hands on her knees panting. “You okay?” Kevin says. “Dear heavens,” she huffs with her hand on her chest. “That’s the second time I fell like that. I thought I was a goner.” “Whoohoo,” Ura slides down the tree, kicks off, flips in mid-air and lands with her arms open. “That was fun,” “Yeah, sure it was,” Kevin smooths his disheveled hair with his hands “Do you get a kick out of making people fall? “Ofcourse not silly,” Ura dismissively waves. “I just like flying with other people.” “Why?” “Well,” she gazes up at the glowing butterflies dancing through the forest. “I can’t really explain it but…when I flew for the very first time, it felt like being free. Your body is comfortably wrapped in a blanket of wind. Time stops, but you’re aware of everything around you. Its like being awake but more intense. Its something everyone should experience.” Then, Jasmine runs off leaving the two behind. “Hey, where are you going?” Kevin shouts jogging after her. Ura follows and the group trot through the damp forest floor. Rushing past giant trees, they stomp on fungi unleashing a plume of spores while they vault over large dead logs. “Jasmine,” Kevin huffs as he chases her. “Why are you running?” Running, Ura passes Kevin up, running with the same panicked urgency as Jasmine. “Ura what’s wrong with her?” Ura looks back. “Don’t you hear that?” he huffs as her feet mesh the dead leaves. Kevin looked ahead as sweat pours down his face, training his ears for any type of noise. Its then where he hears distant screams of dread as he sees moving lights or torches. Entering a clearing, the group stops at the nearby tree to see feathered Tengus and Harpies herd their featherless brethren out of their make-shift camps. People scream and cry as winged soldiers poke them with spears while others drop to their knees and plead with the guards. “Why are you doing this to us?” a woman cries as she’s dragged away by her collar by a Tengu. Jasmine’s eyes widen in horror as she watches the people who entreated her with care and love carried away with scorn and contempt. She was about to rush to their rescue, but Kevin halts her with an extended arm and a disapproving headshake. She glared at Kevin in outrage, but soon understood that there was nothing she could do. Then a loud shout through the village. “ANNACERES!!” The Tengu King bursts from a makeshift tent carrying a spear. He looks around the area in search of the named man with the look of fury in his eyes. “Show yourself!” he demands opening his lush red-feathered wings. Kevin, Ura and Jasmine stand quiet as his booming voice echoes through the area with their bodies pinned against the tree. Silence settles on the area as the villagers vanish into the distant darkness leaving the Tengu King alone. “ANNACERESS!! He stomps his spear into the ground. “If you are not our here, then I will personally see to it the everyone hiding here like cowards are thrown off the island. Jasmines eyes tear up hearing her fathers cold threat send chills down her spine. The lit torches crackle through the near empty camp as a nearby bush rustles in the distance. The Tengu King spins about and points his spear in Kevin’s direction and red static travels from his hand to the tip of his spear. The group freezes in dead silence hoping that he wouldn’t notice them. However, he walks forward training his spear at the tree the group was hiding behind. Kevin hearts beats in his chest as he pins his back against the tree while hearing the kings feet walk closer and closer. “I am here, your majesty,” The Bulky Tengu stops and turns around to see an old man, face full of dried tears as he drops his cane to the ground, got on all fours and pressed his forehead to the ground. “Forgive me your highness, I wanted to spend a few moments alone before I turned myself in. I will go where ever you command.” “You fool!” the king’s teeth clench in rage as he raises his spear at his side aiming the tip at the old man ready to give the killing blow, but seeing the frail old man’s bowed, pathetic state, he relents and tosses his spear to the side. “I don’t blame you. I blame my weak heart, for allowing all of this to befall my people. Hundreds lie dead at my feet including my prized general and commanders. Young tengus and harpies full of hope snuffed out by the accursed dragon and now…” He stomps his foot causing a light tremor to rumble through the area as red static travel through his body. “MY ONLY DAUGHTER, THE PRINCES OF OUR KINGDOM IS INFLICTED WITH THE PLAGUE BECAUSE OF YOU!!” his voice echoes through the vacant village. The old man sobs in sorrow and fear as tears drip onto the ground clasping the dead leaves in his shriveled hands. “Forgive me sire!” he cries. “We’ve endangered our people and our King because of my cowardice. I will leave immediately an depart for greenpeace.” “No! you will stay.” The Tengu points to the old man. “You will be banished here…alone in this…” he looks around the dark lit forest. “Grave…while you reflect on what you have wrought upon us. I never want to see your face again.” The king then turns around and walks off leaving the sobbing old man alone as he cries pitifully on the ground. Opening his blood wings, the King leaps into the air and soars directly upward vanishing into the darkness. Kevin stands with his back against the tree hearing all that transpired. He sees Jasmine sobbing uncontrollably, wiping away tears from her eyes while Ura sits with her arms wrapped around her knees staring off in the distance. Kevin sighs, scratches his head and stares into the sky. Reminiscing, he recalls the days he spent outside the walls of Belle City and how cold the soldiers were when they were being slaughtered out in the field. I guess some things never change no matter where you go. Why can’t everyone just… He shakes the thought from his head. “Fear and ignorance are primary causes of catastrophe amongst mortals.” Shira speaks in his mind. “Well, we live in a world we don’t know all too well.” Kevin shrugs. “Can you blame them?” “The common bird doesn’t know what world they live in. Do you see them trying to exterminate entire races based on suspicion alone?” Kevin chuckles. “Fair point…I guess. Still doesn’t help though,” “Kevin,” Shira says. “Do know why I chose you?” “No.” “Its because of your willingness to face the truth. Back on Salatia, you discovered who your father and mother were and you stood against them, despite what you remembered about them. Oftentimes, people run from the truth because how ugly it can be, but with the courage to face it one can discover the deepest of secrets. Search for the truth in everything and the solutions will come.” “Understood.” Kevin nods resolutely. “Hey,” he taps Jasmine and Ura on the shoulder. “Crying and moping around here won’t solve anything. If we find what’s causing everything, then we can end this nonsense. Can you tell where we are from here princess?” Jasmine wipes the tears from her eyes as looks around the area. “I’ve only been down here a few times so I don’t know the way. But Annaceress lived down here I’m sure he can help us.” “Then let’s pay him a visit.” Kevin, Ura and Jasmine steps out from behind the tree and walks towards the sobbing old man as he remains bowed on his hands and knees with his forehead on the ground. Jasmine walks up to the village elder and gently touches his grey head. The man quickly raises his head in shock and his teary eyes widen in shock seeing the young, green haired woman squatting in front of him. “Princess, why are you here of all places.” The village elder wipes tears from his face. “You shouldn’t be here. I took away your honor and your beauty. The woman lowers her head in grievance and sobs. “Forgive me Annaceress. I wished no ill will towards you and your people and I’m sure father feels that way as well. Everyone’s just… scared.” The old man looks past Jasmine and see’s Kevin standing behind her with his arms folded. “Who is this young man.” He asks in a shaky voice. Jasmine stands and steps aside for Kevin to step forward. “ His name is Kevin. He arrived here in search of his friend Drake.” “Ah another foreigner. I heard Drake was instrumental in destroying the Dragon’s construct. I wish he were here so we can thank him. I know he fought hard to save us.” Kevin squats to the old mans level. “I need your help in finding a certain place.” The old man looks at the princess, seemingly confused. “Its Tamsa’s stead we’re trying to find.” Jasmine says. “I believe her home is located somewhere in the east canopy.” “The harpy maiden? She’s been missing ever since she’s been infected. Why seek her now?” “We’re just retracing some steps,” Kevin says. “If we want to cure this disease, then we have to take closer look at everything.” “It’s no use,” the old man shakes his head. “Once the plague started spreading I and a few others went to her domicile and cut off its branch to avoid further infection.” “Ok,” Kevin sighs, scratching his head as he tries to think of the next step. “Alright, point us in the right direction and maybe we can find something in the rubble. I just need to see it for myself.” “Very well,” The old man nods as he stands and dusts himself off. “It’s quite a ways away so stay close if you don’t want to get lost.” From there the group of four all traveled through the dark, dank forest with its towering trees and glowing mushrooms. Cicadas and crickets scurry across forest floor as worms slither around giant glowing mushrooms growing from the trees. “Man,” Kevin gawks at the leaves raining down from above. “No matter how much time I already spent here, I can’t wrap my head around how these trees can be so big.” “The trees are from Bastions Rise the land of the giants where everything there grows to enormous sizes.” “There’s a land full of giant things?” Kevin asks mildly shocked. “Yes, I believe the soil in their lands is enriched with some of the most complex verses buried beneath their lands.” “Imagine the size of their farms…they probably have corn bigger than the average man.” “Land of the giants can be a very perilous place for humans. Some of the smallest insects insignificant in other places are deadly there.” “Oh, no doubt.” “Brother Zen told me that the Mid august eagles are from the land of the giants.” Ura follows with her fingers interlocked behind her head. “That’s why some of them are suuper huge.” The old man nods at her statement. “As a matter of fact, the Dragons once dwelled on Bastions rise many years ago. But they were defeated in nation wide conflict and they fled here.” “Wait,” Kevin eyes the old man. “You mean to tell me they weren’t here before? Why’d they let them stay?” “Because at one time before, The Avians and the Dragons were close allies.” Kevin frowns as he scratches his head in confusion, unable to process what he was told. “I don’t get it. Just yesterday it seems like both of you were trying to obliterate each other.” “It was a long time ago.” The village elder pushes aside a dangling vine as they walk through the forest. “When I was but a child we’d held celebrations, traded verses and sometimes we even married each other.” “That was allowed?” “Yes, when races cohabitated, new unions form, in trade, power and love.” “How were the births like?” “Either Dragon, harpie or tengu. We are birthed from eggs after all.” “Nothing mixed?” Kevin raises an eyebrow. “Rare,” The village elder simply stated. “Though, it no longer matters. We’re, bitter enemies now, fighting and dying while our own sicknesses drive us with fear.” “Well, that’s what we came here to do. If we can find the source, we can somehow end all of this. I hope Drake is doing the same.” I was one assigned to investigate Tamsa’s condition.” The man circles around a large tree, with grey moss coating its base. If there’s anything you wish to know?” “Yeah,” Kevin curiously inquires. “What kind of person was she? Did you know her well?” “Well, her story is similar to the rest of us. Lost both of her parents to war, but she was old enough to live on her own. She seemed…” The man stares into the sky as he walks. “Withdrawn.” “She didn’t speak to anyone. However, she carried out her duties as a maid with perfection. So we believed she was coping with her losses.” “How was she after she was infected?” The village elder stops, placing his index and thumb on his chin. “Its hard to say. Her attitude hadn’t changed, despite losing her feathers. But she did seem a little more depressed that usual once we confined her to her dwellings.” “And how much time pass between her infection and her disappearance.” “About two weeks,” The man says continuing his trek through the forest. A silence settles between the group as disturbing thoughts ran through Kevin’s head. All of this seems like a set up. An infected woman going around infecting others in a span of two weeks before she ups and vanishes. I’m not sure why though. Everyone here believes the dragons unleashed the disease. Was she allies with them? Kevin bumps into the old man and his thoughts was interrupted. He looks to see the old man trembling as he gawks ahead in utter shock. “How, can this be?” the old man utters in disbelief. Kevin, Jasmine and Ura stares ahead and see a yellow light shine through the window of a perfectly intact house. Fitted with an triangular roof, the hut was plain looking with smoke ebbing from the opened window. “What’s it doing in a place like this.” Kevin confusingly stares ahead. “I was sure we cut the branch that held that hut.” The old man steps forward. “Why is it still intact?” Jasmine and Ura looks at each other confused. “What’s wrong?” Jasmine asks. “Its exactly the same way it was when we inspected it.” The old man seemingly says unable to answer Jasmine. “Its… Tamsa’s hut.” The village elder steps forward to investigate but Kevin grabs his shoulders and holds him still. “Wait,” Kevin turns the old man around. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this. I don’t want you walking into a trap or something so stay here and protect the princess while Ura and I investigate.” The man turns to the hut and worriedly stares at the white smoke ebbing from the window for a few moments before he sighs and shakes his head. “Very well,” The village elder steps back and stands besides jasmine. “Please take care,” “Right,” Kevin walks forward clasping his shoulder while rotating his arm. Ura walks up beside him as she raises her arms to stretch her back. “What do think we’ll find?” Ura hops several times in excitement. “Hopefully the truth.” Kevin and Ura approach the window and noticed a strange, sweet smell ebbing from the window. Hearing tapping on the wooden floor inside, both swiftly and quietly pin their backs against the wall. Not wanting to be notice, Kevin motions with his hands to Ura to get down and both squat with their backs against the wall. The clip clapping continues as it got closer to the window and Kevin controls his breath to keep from making unnecessary noise. A human shadow over takes the light as the individual stands in the window. Looking up, Kevin sees a pale hand with sharp nails grip the edge of the window. Kevin and Ura stare in awe as the figure inside takes in a deep breath and releases a satisfying breath. A black feather escapes the window and floats onto the grass between the two. Kevin’s stares at the obsidian quill and a cold, but familiar chill ran up his spine as the feather seemed…unnatural with a liquid like swirl coursing within the barb. The pale, sharp nailed hand releases the window seal and Kevin hears the wooden foot steps fade into the house. A metallic sound of a door groans open and the footsteps mysteriously fade before the door slams close. A few moments of silence pass and Kevin stands to look inside. The house looks just as plain inside just as it did outside with a crackling noise coming from fireplace from the far side of the room. A small table with a single chair sits the living room with a tea set made for just one person from which the sweet smell emanated from. Kevin scratches his head in confusion, trying to understand what he was seeing. “Hey, Look!” Ura paniclly tugs on his tunic. Kevin turns and see’s Ura pointing at the obsidian quill. Kevin’s eyes widen in horror as the grass and mushrooms surrounding the quill rapidly shrivel to black, limp foliage. “What the..” Kevin quickly turns towards the window and a sees a pale woman with solid black eyes and dark hair grinning at him with a black liquid oozing from her mouth and down her chin. flash before his eyes. Kevin gasps in shock as his heart nearly jumps out of his chest. He staggers backward and collapses on his backside as he huffs in exhaustion. He blinks and the window is vacant with no one standing in the window. “What happened?” Ura rushes to help him to his feet. “There…” Kevin looks around his immediate area still shaken from the apparition. “I saw something. It…” Kevin shakes his head reserving himself to investigate the matter in person. “Lets just see whats inside.” With the window already open, the two climbed inside and the first thing they noticed was the strange, but musty odor mixed with the fresh leafy tee inside. Despite the smell, the small house seems unusually clean. No dust, the wood inside seems fresher and newer than the outer walls with various orbs on the roof of the house brightly illuminating the room. Kevin and Ura circle around the room gawking at the walls, the table and the tea set. Ura picks up the steamy tea cup and lifts it to her nose. “The tea smells like its really good,” Ura says as she places it to her lips. “Whoah!” Kevin grabs her arm and takes the cup from her hands. “Don’t touch that, you don’t know what in it.” Kevin places the cup back on the small table as Ura scratches her head in confusion. “Look, just don’t…touch anything, okay? As clean as this place seems it’s making my skin crawl for some reason.” “Whats that over there?” Ura points into the next room. She rushes pass Kevin and enters a small room with a metal door at the floor with an iron ring. Kevin and Ura stares at the entrance for a few moments before squatting to get a closer look. Kevin runs his finger down the creases of the door where he feels a faint breeze tickle his finger. Ura lies prone and places her ear on the door. There, she hears faint sounds of a woman and a man talking, but couldn’t make out what they were talking about. “There’s definitely someone down there,” Ura rises to a knee. “Alright,” Kevin sighs. Let’s try to be as quiet as we can.” Ura nods and Kevin grabs the iron ring and slowly lifts the door open. A rush of dry stale wind brushes their faces as darkness loomed deep within the metal stairwell. Safely closing the metal door, the two proceeded down the stairwell. A faint green light illuminated their pathway as they entered into an open expanse filled with metallic cylinders scattered across the metal floor. Kevin, and Ura silently walk amidst the many containers gawking at chains running from their tops to the bottom of a larger yet glass cylinder above. Kevin squints his eyes to get a better look at the glass container as it was filled with a green liquid that emits a pulsating glow. “What is this place?” Kevin head tilts upward staring at the rattling chains echoing in the chamber. “Make sure to rewrite the verses today, we don’t want any lapses in their power.” A masculine, but familiar voice echoes in the chamber. “Yes, your majesty,” a deep feminine voice reply. Curious, Kevin and Ura creep through rows of cylinders towards the center of the circular chamber directly beneath the large glass container hoovering above. and comes to a clear opening with two figures facing each other. One was the Tengu King holding his spear and the other was a black feathered harpie with a wing over her chest in respect looking up at him. “How are the cycles? Are they running properly?” “They’re running fine, but a little delayed. I think she’s trying to resist.” “Of course she’s going to resist.” The king sighs frustratingly rubbing his forehead. “If it persists, use the verse to force her to sleep.” “That verse is becoming less effective, with each use, your highness. I recommend more potent verse that can incapacitate her longer.” “We don’t know what that will do.” he sharply snaps. “She’s and ancient for goodness’ sake, was around when the very foundations of Endina was built. We’re already jeopardizing our lives doing this to her, I don’t want to tempt fate any further.” Why is the king down here and what’s he talking about? Kevin thinks. “Sire, she’s already killed several of our guards and if she had her way, she’ll destroy all of us.” The harpy replies. “She’s fighting the cycle and I believe she’s sending her thoughts to someone.” “How can you tell?” “I’ve been hearing faint whispers emanating from her chamber, though I can’t make out any of it.” “Curses,” the king spitefully turns his head. He folds his arms as he thought for a few moments while Kevin and Ura silently watched from behind the cylinders. “If she’s sending her thoughts then there may be someone who’s trying to interfere with out plans.” “You think it’s the foreigner, sire?” “Even if he was responsible, he’s already been dealt with. I’m sure the dragons are happy with that arrangement.” “What of the Alldragon. Surely his presence poses a threat to us all.” “The Alldragon is not our problem. It bears hostility towards its own kind than towards us. All I can say is stay on your guard and be ready in case intruders arrive.” “Yes, your majesty,” The red bearded king turns around and vanishes into the darkness and the harpy dusts herself off. “You can come out now,” The harpy says eying the canister Kevin and Ura is hiding behind. The two walk out from behind the container and confronts the black feathered harpy. “You’re bad at concealing yourselves.” She places her wings on her hips. “Notice all of you when you arrived at the house.” “If you noticed us, then that means that you wanted us to find this place.” Kevin narrows his eyes. “Maybe,” she shrugs, raising one of her wings as it morphs into an human arm. “Or, I could’ve led you into a trap.” She snaps her fingers and all of the lids in the storage cylinders opened unleashing an odious gas that smells like dead corpses. Kevin and Ura cover their faces as the obnoxious gas flooded the chamber barring their sight. As soon as the gasses dissipate, squelching noises shifts within the chambers as figures covered in green slime emerge. Kevin and Ura backs away as one plops on the floor like a wet rag and was motionless for a few moments. However, the figure springs to its feet, startling the two as it stood at lease two meters taller than Kevin. As the ooze clear from the head, a fair skinned woman with red hair, with a scar over her right eye. As the ooze clears from her body the entity opened its red wings and unleash an ear piercing screech, causing the two to cover their ears. With her body covered in red feathers, she leaps towards Kevin with a flying kick. Her sharp talons tears a piece of Kevins blue tunic off as he barely sidesteps her attack. “What is that? Whats happening?” Keivn spits as his back bumps into a nearby cylinder. The red feather harpy launches into the air again, flips and extends her leg for a guillotine heel drop. Leaning against the cylinder, Keivn slides on his backside as the harpies leg slams onto the storage container crushing it with her sheer strength. Sparks pop from the cylinder as the harpy calmly raises her leg from the folded container and lowers it to the ground. Kevin sits aghast as he stares at the femme fatal as two bare backed tengus walks up beside her one with black wings and one blue. Swirls of dark aura emanates from their bodies as black veins course through their faces, turning their eyes black with unnatural power. Kevin’s eyes case the three of them as he shuffles away to gain his footing. However, a tengu reaches, grabs Kevin by the tunic and raises him into the air. Feet dangling over the floor, Kevin clasps the creatures’ wrists, feeling their cold and slimy skin as they blankly stare at him like soulless drones. Releasing a hand, Keivn quickly scribbles COLDTOUCH and slaps his hand onto the tengu’s forearm. Crackling ice spreads from his palm across the tengu’s arm until it completely freezes up to its shoulder. Kevin kicks the assailant in his chest and his frozen arm snaps off as he collapses onto the floor. Sitting up, he yanks on the broken limb firmly clasping his tunic several times and he yanks it off and flings it away. Standing, Kevin backs away as the three figures calmly walk towards him. However, he bumps into Ura, who’s backing away from several more avians as they trap the two in a circle. “W..Whats going on here?” Ura trembles in fear. “They’re avians are they? Why aren’t they answering me?” “I don’t think they’re avians, Ura,” Kevin says staring at the wounded tengu walking towards him seemingly unfazed by his injury. “What are we going to do?” Kevin scribbles SHIRA in the air and swirls of cold mist gather into a sphere in the palm of his hand. He clasps the cold orb and a stream of mist shoots from his clenched fist that quickly solidifies into a halberd. “I’m going to take care of the three guys in front of me.” Kevin spreads his feet, and bends his knees as he trains his crystalline pole-arm at the group in front of him. “Use that opportunity to run.” Ura spins around and stomps her foot in protest. “I’m not leaving you behind, who do you think I am?” “No time,” Kevin says as he dashes towards the group standing in front of him, he rushes straight for the wounded tengu hoping to exploit it, but a loud bang rattles the chains dangling from the large cylinder hanging above the entire room. Everyone freezes and gaze upward as another bang echoes from the metallic cylinder. “It can’t be,” The black winged tengu gasps as she rushes towards the center of the room, directly beneath the cylinder. Her talons press a button on the floor and a flat metallic panel emerges from the crack of the floor. Placing a black shaded finger on the cold surface, she quickly scribbles various words coated with black energy that was too ineligible for anyone to recognize. “I didn’t think she’s strong enough to break the verses,” Then another rattling pound in the cylinder nearly quakes the entire room and Kevin and Ura stumbles to the ground. “She shouldn’t be this strong,” A sharp, black nailed hand burst from the cylinder covered in green feathers along with a stream of liquid that splashes onto the floor. “Not good, not good,” Kevin and Ura watch in awe as the hand clasp the breach and rip open the container in a loud metallic groan as more liquid pours from the cylinder. A green feathered head emerges through the opening revealing a humanoid feathered entity with gold glowing eyes, darkened lips and two slits at the roof of her pointed nose. Gazing at the being, Kevin and Ura slowly backs away as all off the feathered creature’s gaze longingly at the entity emerging from the container, as if the both of them didn’t exist. They slowly walk towards the center of the room as they eerily outstretched their arms in a strange display of wanting affection from her. Her golden eyes stare blankly at the group of avians below her as they expectantly gaze at her like a flock of desperate children. The large entity leans forward and slips out from the container and lands on a single talon that tears into the metal. Towering above the flock, the woman’s body is completely wrapped in her wings as feathers the size of swords collect beneath her. “It’s the harpy mother,” Ura whispers. Kevin confusingly glanced at Ura as she stares at the woman who’s taller every creature and object in the room. Its four large wings springs open releasing a heavy gust of wind that rattles the chains within the chambers. Her smooth stomach and thighs seemingly blended well with the rest of her feathered body as her opened arms flop down to her sides as she arches forward in exhaustion. The armless tengu walks up to the Matriarch with her head lowered and it being shorter than her, looks up and stares blankly at her. After panting for a few moments, the harpy raises her feathered head and stares at the blank faced creature in front of her. Rasing her hand, she longingly graces the creature’s sweaty cheek and stares sorrowfully into its eyes. “What’s she doing?” Kevin whispers as he taps Ura’s arm. Ura simply shrugs as she watches seemingly in a trance. Tears well up and cascade down the Matriarch’s cheeks and she shakes her head in disapproval. Slowly moving her hand from the tengu’s cheek, she clasps the Tengu neck as her face twists into a fierce scowl. She raises the tengu high into the air as she growls in resentment. Bones crack as she squeezes the life out of the creature until its neck snaps and its body goes limp with feet dangling over the floor. Keivn and Ura gasps in horror as the giant harpy releases the lifeless corpse onto the floor. Then she unleashes a blaring scream through the chamber forcing Keivn and Ura to cover their ears. “What’s happening?!” Kevin clasps his ears as they ring from the noise tearing through his skull. The harpy charges towards the group of tengus and harpies. Wings opened wide, she raises her forearm to her chin and back hands a harpy hard in the head. Its feet kicks into the air and soars over Kevin and Ura as its head bashes into the wall. Kevin looks as the dead harpy slides to the floor leaving a streak of black liquid on the wall. Opening her hands, the Matriarch’s nails curve into sharp black talons and she slashes a tengu across the chest. A black substance splatters across the cylinders and she repeatedly swings ripping into its flesh. Her hand covered in dripping black liquid, the Matriarch flings its victim away and slashes several more avians as the silently stand without resistance. “Ura covers her mouth in sheer horror seeing the harpy mother rip through one avian after another in feral rage as black ooze spatter across her wings. Kevin backs away as black liquid pools nears his feet. The Harpy mother thrusts her sharp nails into a tengu’s gut and it her hand ejects from its back covered in black blood. She lifts the twitching corps overhead and slams its body onto another tengu breaking its neck. Standing over the two bodies, she plunges her nails into their bodies and rips away the flesh as black ooze splatter over her face that’s still twisted in rage. “Stop!” Ura shouts as she rushes towards the chaos. However Kevin quickly catches up with her and snags her by the arm. “Ura, Stop!” he pulls on her arm. “You wanna get ripped to shreds too?” “She’s Killing them!” She twits her arm from his grasp. “We can’t do anything!” Kevin places his hands on her shoulders and spins her to face him. “I don’t know what’s going on either, but we need to get you out of here and warn the others before she escapes.” Ura’s eyes wells up with tears as she frowns in sorrow before nodding. “Good,” Keivn points towards the flight of stairs. “Lets get out of here.” The two runs up the stairs as the mother harpy massacres more avians. Crossing her forearms in front of her face, two curved blades eject from her wrists. With them, she rushes between several more Avians and spins as she slashes their torsos ejecting black plasma in all directions. Lifting a foot from the floor, she kicks a harpie in the chest and impales her against the wall with her talons before slamming her back on the floor. With a flap of her wings, the Matriarch vaults, spins in mid-air and slashes two more avians with her wrist-blades. Bodies collect on the chamber floor as only ten feathered Avians remain. She opens all four of her wings as she raises her arms into the air and her feathers glows bright green. Like leaves falling from a tree, her feathers pluck themselves from her large wings and started orbiting her body. Her body levitates from the floor as rows of feathers orbit her forming a sphere of fast-moving quills. Green static flickers between rows of rotating projectiles as a loud hum builds to an high pitch whistle. The Matriarch raises an arm across her chest and thrusts it towards her victims. An explosion of green crashing lighting erupts in all directions and collide with everything inside the room. Avian’s lift from their feets as bolts burn holes through their torsos. The remaining Tengu’s and Avians expire as their bodies smolder on the floor as green lightining touch the metal cylinders causing them to explode into violent sparks. The metallic floor door within the hut flings open as Kevin and Ura quickly exit the chamber. The young man slams the door close and slaps his hand on the surface allowing for his verse to take effect. Sheets of ice collect onto the metal surface and crackles across the cracks of the entrance sealing it away from anything inside. “That should hold…I hope,” Kevin mumbles as he grabs Ura’s arm rushes for the nearby window. They hop through the window and rushes away from the house running into Anaceres and Jasmine amidst the dimly lit forest. “We heard loud noises,” Jasmine stops Kevin with a panicked look on her face. “What’s happening,” “We need to…” The small hut explodes into splintered wood and debris as the Matriarch burst through the foundation in a violent gust of wind. The group of four covers their faces as wooden boards rain from the skies bouncing off their bodies while the four-winged harpy hovers high above. “Shoot,” Kevin curses as he glares up at the being glowing against the dark tree. Jasmine’s eyes widen in shock seeing the majestic terror as it lowers itself back to ground level. “The harpy mother…” Jasmine trembles in excitement. “She’s alive?” “RUN!!” Kevin pulls Jasmine in the opposite direction. “She’s dangerous.” The four breaks into a full sprint kicking up leaves as they rush past a large tree but the Matriarch slams onto the ground in front of them with a rush of wind kicking up dead leaves into the air. With her sharp claws and talons dripping with black plasma, the light green feathered harpy rises from a knee. The party of four tilt their heads as they watch the giant harpy scan the four of them with her glowing gold eyes. Her obsidian-soaked wrist-blades sink back into her forearms as she walks towards them. A sense of dread washes over the party as they slowly back away from the harpy as her wings fold behind her back whilst walking towards them. Jasmine fearfully claps her hands on her chest, while Anaceres swallows a lump in his throat, staring up at the Matriarch. Kevin and Ura bend their knees, ready to pounce should the need arise. The tall Harpy raises her hand towards Ura and opens her mouth to speak but nothing but moans came out. Voice straining, she stops and places her hand on her throat realizing she couldn’t speak. After a few moments pass, she releases her throat and steps towards the group with an extended hand towards Ura. Backing away, Ura’s foot gets snagged on a vine and she drops on her backside as the matriarch leans in to touch her. However, Kevin jumps in front of the creature and points the tip end of his halberd to her face. The harpy backs away from the frost ebbing blade as Kevin walks forward thrusting his spear at her repeatedly. “Get back!” he threatens shoving his pointed pole arm at her chest. Tilting her head to the side, she amusingly stares at Kevin as she stops and allows he pointed blade to near her chest. Blinking her eyes, she raises her arm and gently touches the spearhead with the tip of her finger. Kevin freezes in shock as she holds his halberd in place. Kevin grips his pole arm and shoves it, but the weapon doesn’t budge. He pushes it several more times to break through her strength but to no avail. Then she walks forward with her finger still touching his blade and he leans in using his legs, stomach and arms in an attempt to push her back. However, his eyes widen in shock when his feet slides backward with his heels collecting leaves and dirt as the woman normally walks forward pushing him and his weapon back with just her finger. “How strong is this woman?” Kevin’s ivory teeth clenches as he struggles against her. Her glowing eyes glare at Kevin before she halts and effortlessly plucks is blade away. The sudden burst of force from her finger forces Kevin back several feet as he staggers on his back side. Slamming his weapon into the ground, he springs back to his feet and dashes towards her with an overhead swing. However, the harpy opens her palm parallel to her face and blows. Kevin’s hair waves in the ensuing wind as it lifts him off his feet and carries him towards a tree. His back slams into a tree and falls face first into the ground as bark and twigs rain on him. “Kevin!” Ura shouts rushing towards Kevin, but the matriarch swoops in like a hawk and snags her by her shoulders, before flying off into the distance. Jasmine runs after her and stops as Ura’s screams fade into the distance. “Hang on Ura,” Jasmine shouts, with her hands cupped over her mouth. “We’re coming for you,” Jasmine quickly rushes to Kevin, prone on the ground and she drops to her knees and starts shoving him. “Kevin! Are you ok?” “Ughh,” Kevin crunches leaves in his fist as he pushes himself from the ground coughing and heaving. Leaning on the tree, He places his hand on his lower back and stretches to ease the dull pain. “Ura, she took Ura,” Jasmine pleads to Kevin. “God, that really hurts,” Kevin’s face twists in pain as he rests against the tree. “Where did she take her?” “She vanished in that direction,” Jasmine points towards the distant tree. Beads of sweat pours down his face as he stares in the pointed direction with crickets darting between scattered bushes. “Alright,” He sighs swiping dead leaves from his cotton tunic, “Stay here with the elder and hide, there’s something going on and I don’t’ think you’re safe here.” “You need to be careful against the harpy mother,” Jasmins says placing a concerning hand on Kevin’s shoulder. “She’s extremely powerful,” “I can tell,” Kevin says before he takes off running towards the destination. ### Ura’s feet dangle and kick in the air with her arms clasping the harpy’s rough, yellow talon as it pinches the collar of her black tunic while both soar over mushrooms, bushes and small trees. Cool wind rushing through her panicked face, she did everything she could to hold onto the talon for fear of falling from such a high and speed. Beating her four large wings, the Matriarch glide between vines, dive beneath arching branches, and vault over others until she reaches a large nest made from leafy twigs and smooth vines. The harpy releases Ura and she rolls onto the nest until she halts face down. Ura releases an exhausted breath as her face remains buried into the nest. Despite the twigs, the nest felt comfortable as the soft leaves gave a fresh aroma that calms Ura’s nerves. Pushing herself up from the soft but firm floor of the nest, Ura stands, scratches her head and pats the leaves off her torso. “Was this here the whole time?” Ura looks down at the leaves covering her feet. The nest sat atop a network of branches coming from four trees each littered with green glowing patches of moss that gave the warmth of the evening sun. Ura walks to the edge of the nest, places her hands on the wall of twigs and looks down below. All she saw were shrubs and occasional owls that silently soar after small rodents scampering between bushes. “Ughh, I don’t have any flight gear that’ll help me get to the bottom. I have to find a way out of here.” While she looked down below, the matriarch with her expansive wings quietly floats from above. A several large feathers raining from above catches Ura’s attention and she whips around with her head tilted at the Matriarch towering above her. Ura swallows a lump in her throat as she plops onto her backside with her knees quaking in fear. “P..Please…d..don’t eat me,” She says. The harpy reaches down and Ura tucks her head withing her forearms anticipating the worst but the Matriarch clasps Ura beneath her arms and lifts her close to her bosom. Arms wrapped around her torso Ura gazes into the Matriarch’s golden eyes as she feels her strong heartbeat beath underneath her soft breasts. The giant harpy gently rubs Ura’s head smoothing over her disheveled hair as the coolness of her feathers eased Ura’s anxiety. Her muscles loosen, and strong wave of nostalgia washes over her. “W.what’s happening,” Ura rests her head on the softness of the Matriarchs’ chest. “Its my first time meeting her, but it feels like she’s been with me my entire life.” Using her voice, the harpy sings a wordless, but pleasant song that made Ura’s eyes heavy with drowsiness. Ura smiles as she allows herself to fall asleep in her mother’s arms as her as lush leaves sprout along the wall of twigs on the nest. Fully asleep in her arms, the Matriarch gently places Ura into the nest and scoops a blanket of leaves over her lower body. |