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Rated: XGC · Book · Dark · #2272179
A series of stories involving my family's battle against Foreign movies.
#1038928 added October 21, 2022 at 8:22pm
Restrictions: None
A child's Terrifying trip to the movies - Godfather / Telugu
It was October 6th, 2022, and you are just now waking up to a strange message on your phone. You look at it and see that it was from your long time friend Jeffrey. He was wanting you to call him as soon as you have woken up. You quickly call him up and he gives you his usual greetings. He then decides to get to the point of why he called you this morning. He said that he has noticed your brother is watching a lot of foreign films lately as well as getting himself lost in the culture. He then tells you that your brother seeing all of these foreign films is starting to bring inspiration to him. You ask him what the Hell he means by all of this. He then tells you something you didn't think would ever come out of his mouth: him wanting to go see these foreign films himself and seeing what all the fuss is about. You get a little annoyed and tell him that the last time he went to see one of those stupid movies, not only did your family had to face natural disasters, but your sister has lost her goddamn home! He then tells you that he is sorry about what all has happened, but he still seriously thinks that you and him should watch these movies. You run out of patience and tell him that he is no longer your friend, he is dead to you now, and to not call you again! He then asks What the Hell is wrong with you, but you quickly hang up and block his number and e-mail. While your blood is still boiling, you needed something to not only calm your nerves down, but to fill up that big gut of yours! You go onto Facebook and see someone talking about a new product by White Castle:
White Castle's Castle Bites

You say to yourself before you, your girlfriend, and your kids head to the nearest Wal-Mart!

As soon as you find a good parking spot, you make a bee line to the nearest freezer section to look for the delectable items. However, as you scan the entire pizza roll section, you can't seem to be able to find anything that resembles "White Castle." You then start to get agitated and start to throw out the frozen bags of pizza rolls, thinking they got buried somewhere. Your girlfriend gets a little scared and tells you to please stop this. You tell her you won't stop until you get your hands on some White Castle pizza rolls! Then, an employee comes by, sees the mess you are making and not only asks you to clean it up, but to leave the store immediately! You again snap and say your fat ass is not leaving until you get your hands on some White Castle pizza rolls! At that point, security was called and your entire family left the store empty handed...

That night, while still butt-hurt over what happened at Wal-Mart, you decided to go on livestream and bitch and whine about everything that went wrong today and went on all through the night with your tirade.

The next day, on October 7th, 2022, you woke up early that morning feeling quite good about yourself after your livestream last night. However, you get a strange notification from someone saying that your brother has responded to your livestream last night. You go onto his Twitter feed and see this:
Pig in Sunglasses.

This made you so mad that you nearly punched a hole in the wall in response to this! You are once again in need of something to not only help calm your nerves down, but to fill up that gut of yours. You then think of a wonderful place to go and take the kids with you!

You and your kids have quite a feast during breakfast time! Things seemed to be going well until about an hour later after you got home, you noticed your daughter complaining about a tummy ache. She then suddenly hops up and runs to the bathroom and pukes her guts out. Your girlfriend hears all of the commotion and asks what is going on and you tell her that she just got sick all of a sudden! You two panic and you both storm onto social media to talk about your kids getting sick. Just a few hours later, both of your kids are happy and playing with their toys like nothing happened. Your girlfriend stands there in shock and wonders how the kids got over something like that so fast! You didn't know either, but then something clicks in her head and she asks if you fed them bad food. At that point, you remain dead quiet and she gets suspicious and asks, "You didn't go to McDonald's again did you?" At that point, you panicked and ran off with your girlfriend hot on your trail again!


The next day, on October 8th, 2022, everything has calmed down and you are back at another sporting tournament with your family. Your mother decided to check in with your brother Ross and see what he is doing. As she checks up on him, she starts to get pale and get all shaken up. You ask what is wrong and this is when you find out that, once again, your asshole brother is seeing another dumb Indian movie!

This made your blood boil again, as the last time this asshole went to see an Indian movie like this, you all went without power for 24 hours and your sister lost her home to the flood waters! You decided to check in on his Twitter feed and see this:
Meme made in response to a relative's shenanigans

This was the last fucking straw! You quickly grab your girlfriend and the kids and proceeded to head to the International Movie Theater! She then begs with you to please not drag the kids in because the movie looked violent, but you tell her that your boiling blood is not being patient today.

However, on the way there, you had to make a couple of pit stops...The first one being at a gas station. Right after your girlfriend pulls over and starts to pump up some gas, you flip out and go, "What the fuck?!? WHY DIDN'T YOU FUEL UP LAST NIGHT?!?" "Because I didn't know we were going for a long drive today!" "You should of fueled up the moment you was running low!" "Sorry, it was late, and I needed to put the kids to bed!" "YOU KNOW THEY HAVE PUMPS THAT RUN 24 HOURS A DAY, RIGHT?!?" Your girlfriend would roll her eyes as she finishes pumping up gas. Just as you near the movie theater, your big gut rumbled, and that could mean only one thing...you are starving! Thankfully, there was a McDonald's nearby and you are quite famished! You tell your girlfriend to drive over there and she replies with, "But honey, you went by a McDonald's yesterday and..." "I SAID GO TO THAT FUCKING MCDONALD'S!!!"

After filling up your humongous gut with greasy McDonald's slop, you continue your journey to the International Movie Theater...

You finally arrived at the theater, but don't see your asshole brother's vehicle anyway. You think you might of arrived a bit early. While outside of the vehicle getting your camera ready, a person approaches you and asks what you are doing. You look over him and notice that he is just some random, dorky dude. You tell him to mind his own business and he tells you that he knows that you are Ross's brother. At that point, you realize that he is yet, another one of Ross's buddies and is trying to start trouble. You quickly turn around and tell him to kindly piss off before things get messy and he just laughs and tells you to try. You two get into a shouting match and before you know it police arrive! Apparently, the security of the place has been alerted to your presence by the shouting match and has called the cops! You try to tell the police officer that some random dork started the fight, but a bunch of cops tackle you and started placing cuffs on you! Your girlfriend freaks out and runs out of the SUV and runs toward the cops! That was when things escalated quite quickly!

As you two get locked up in the paddy wagon, your mother comes by and picks up the kids who are screaming and crying out of pure fear. As you two are driven off to jail, you curse under your breath at your brother again as he has once again spoiled everything for you!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1038928-A-childs-Terrifying-trip-to-the-movies---Godfather--Telugu