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Rated: XGC · Book · Dark · #2272179
A series of stories involving my family's battle against Foreign movies.
#1038141 added September 29, 2022 at 6:09pm
Restrictions: None
A child's Terrifying trip to the movies - Poran
*Star* *Star* *Star* The following story contains material that may offend some readers. Reader discretion is advised!*Star* *Star* *Star*

It was September 23rd, 2022, and you were just over at your mother's place. She is talking about how the group is going to some sporting tournaments that the kids are in tomorrow and would like everyone to join in. However, after checking your brother's twitter feed, you realize that your brother Ross isn't coming along again. Instead, he is watching another dumb Indian movie, Poran!

You couldn't goddamn fucking believe it! After all of the rage and turmoil, your brother is still watching all of the bullshit! "This makes me so goddamn mad, I could just, JUST...GGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Honey, start the car, we going to Wendy's!" "But honey, you are supposed to be on a di-," "Bitch, I said START THE GODDAMN CAR, WE ARE GOING TO A MOTHER FUCKING WENDY'S!!!"

The next day, while getting your equipment ready as your girlfriend drops the kids off at Granny's again, you check in on your asshole brother's twitter feed where the dumbass blows his cover. He talks about getting a bite to eat at a Panda Express before going to the movies!

That is just perfect! You will probably be able to finally get back at the bastard for all of the shit he has caused for the past several months!
You and your girlfriend would drive over to the Panda express and immediately spot your brother's beat-up Jeep. You then decided to slip into the restaurant and, to your surprise, only see Ross and his friend in the raggedy clothes. You didn't see his psychopathic friend anywhere, but then remember that he recently went to jail after trying to start a fight at a bar and grill. Ross would spot you coming in, mutters "not again" under his breath and goes, "And just what do you want?" "Oh nothing, just wanting to say hi to a certain asshole before he goes off to see another bullshit movie instead of hanging out with his own family!" He then rolls his eyes at that and says, "Look, I'm not a fan of being in 100 degree weather for over 12 hours, and I'm certainly not into sports!" You then try to grab at him to swing a punch, but he then splashes some soy sauce into your eyes, causing you to yell out in pain while being blinded! You then feel your brother grab your shirt and throw you onto the payment like a bag of trash before him and his buddy hop into his Jeep and take off like they are fleeing a murder scene! Your girlfriend runs outside and wipes away the soy sauce from your face. After you regain your vision, you sit there, paralyzed and shocked, out of fear, pain, and embarrassment. You no longer have the desire to continue on with the mission as you have just been utterly humiliated by your asshole brother again! You will have to return home now. But first, a gourmet meal is in order...
"Honey, get in the car, we going to Olive Garden!" "Oh come on Honey, can you please just start your diet alr-," "Bitch, I said GET IN THE GODDAMN CAR, WE ARE GOING TO A MOTHER FUCKING OLIVE GARDEN!!!"

*Star* *Star* *Star* FROM ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW... *Star* *Star* *Star*

You were in your trailer putting another pot roast on and just as you were about to get a cold one out, you get a phone call. You pick it up and found out it was your brother's girlfriend. She is calling you because your brother nearly choked to death when trying to swallow down an entire bowl of pasta at once! You ask if he would be alright and she tells you not to worry about him, worry about your other brother because he is back at the International movie theater with a scumbag again! You get pissed and unplug the pot roast before asking your fiance` to put on a dress quick, we are going back to the movies!

When you arrive at the theater, you decided to go with the previous strategy and keep your camera hidden away. Just after you buy tickets for the movie, you see your brother with that dirt-bag friend of his and immediately pull out your camera and started recording. A moment later, a group of people will come by and tell you to shut the camera off! Instead of complying, you decided to do an impression of Abu from "The Simpsons"

The group eventually dismiss you and walk off, with one of them waving their hand at you. You chuckle at this and soon follow your brother to the showroom with your fiance`. During the movie, you do your best to not fall asleep during this shit show, until an idea comes to mind! You waited until a violent scene came on before you started to shout "Allahu Ackbar!" out loud! as you keep yelling this, people understandably started to get upset at this and look around to see who was yelling that. You continue to yell that until someone grabs you and slams your face into the wall! You then realize it was security and they are done with your game! They toss you around like a rag-doll until you are dragged into the arms of police officers! Your fiance`, both enraged and scared, decided to intervene and try to pull you free from the cuffs! Unfortunately, another group of cops came and grab her and take her away to be arrested as well!

If you weren't in these cuffs, you would of busted out of these cops' grips and started kicking some serious ass! As you get pushed into the back of the cop car, you cuss up a storm at the officers while your brother and his friend continues to watch their movie, oblivious to you and your fiance` getting arrested!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1038141-A-childs-Terrifying-trip-to-the-movies---Poran