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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1036167-Barely-Eighteen-Again
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1036167 added August 5, 2022 at 11:30pm
Restrictions: None
Barely Eighteen Again
Barely Eighteen Again

About three single paragraphs per hour early this morning that I got written for my second scriptwriting project, The Final Ritual. That’s because I only had around six hours to write them while at work. Should have had another thirty minutes to do one or two more. But there was some reading I needed to do for work. And it took about a half hour to do.

Since all of them were either four or five lines long, I think that writing this many single paragraphs is very good. It should be nine four-liners and nine five-liners. But I may be wrong about that. I don’t think that I am because of the way that I have set up my Story Outline. But I could be wrong about that too. It wouldn’t be the first time.

If I keep writing like I have been doing, I may just get this Story Outline finished by the end of the weekend. After all, if I have been getting eighteen in about six hours, then I should be able to logically get thirty-six in the next two days because I am working a twelve-hour shift the next couple of days. At least I should be able to do that.

Only I don’t need thirty-six single paragraphs per day. All I need is about thirty. And I will be able to finish this Story Outline. I should be able to get thirty single paragraphs done per day. Especially, since twenty-four of them are for the Teaser Act and the Tag Acts aka three-liners. Sixteen tomorrow and eight on Sunday.

The only problem that I may be having is that I have been trying not to double up on Dinill’s paragraphs. He starts and ends each Act in my Story Outline. But I have been trying to not do that every other Act with Marri doing the same thing. Only in opposite Acts. That isn’t a problem for Marri because I don’t need to do it for her.

It will be for Dinill because he will be ending one Act and beginning the next one. I have been trying to adjust that so that this doesn’t happen. But it’s getting very hard to do. So, I’m probably going to just write it like all my other single paragraphs with the character names starting them off. After all, this is a Story Outline.

I’m probably the only one who will ever read it. Some Producers or Agents might want to read it too. But most don’t. If not all of them. The Scene Outline they may want to read. But most of them don’t want to do that either. All they are interested in are the scripts. Some may want to have the Scene Outline to read too. But most don’t.

In the Scene Outline and the script, there shouldn’t be any problems with this somewhat problem. That’s because I have at least two Establishing Shots at the beginning of each Act. I don’t like to do back-to-back paragraphs that start with the same word or in this case character names. But that won’t be a problem for the Scene Outline or the script.

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