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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1036084-Thought-I-was-Over-It
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1036084 added August 3, 2022 at 11:42pm
Restrictions: None
Thought I was Over It
Thought I was Over It

The ‘it’ I am referring to in the blog title above has nothing to do with my writing. Well, in a way, it does. After all, it is the reason why I didn’t get any writing done on my Water Wars scriptwriting project today either. But it’s not directly responsible for it.

What am I trying to write? The ‘it’ in the blog title is the cold that I thought that I had almost gotten rid of. I am still coughing quite a bit. But overall, I thought that I was over my cold. Now I’m not so sure about that. Especially, after what happened last night or didn’t happen.

Last night was almost as bad as the last three days aka my days off from work. I didn’t get too much sleep. It was a little better than the last couple of nights. But not that much better. I think I got about five hours of sleep last night. Maybe about six if I was lucky.

My lack of sleep wasn’t the only thing that keep me from working on this project today. I also had to prepare for work. And that took me most of the day to do. Now I think that I’m ready to return to work at midnight my time. At least I think that I am when it comes to my writing.

Of course, when I return to work in about an hour and a half, I will continue to work on my second scriptwriting project, The Final Ritual. Since what little I did last Sunday morning I didn’t like, I’m going to start my Story Outline for this project all over again.

I thought about starting the Scene Outline first. And then use it for my Story Outline. May still do it that way. But I want to give the Story Outline another chance. Why am I doing that? I’m doing it for two reasons. One reason is my Scene Outline will take a while to do.

The second reason is I can always rewrite my Story Outline if I need to do it. And I probably will. But it’s a lot harder to do with the Scene Outline because it’s more story detail than the Story Outline. The Story Outline just tells the story. It’s the Scene Outline that brings it to life.

Don’t know how far I will be getting into my paragraph Story Outline for this project tomorrow morning. But with ninety-six paragraphs it may not be that many. If I get about twenty of them done, I may be lucky. Of course, I want to do a lot more than that. Double would be better.

Forty paragraphs would almost be half this project. And with three to five lines per paragraph, I may be able to do that many. Then again, I may not since only eight are three lines long. The other thirty-two will be sixteen four liners and sixteen five liners.

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