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Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1035822 added July 28, 2022 at 11:48pm
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Only Teaser Act One So Far
Only Teaser Act One So Far

Teaser Act One is the only completed Act that I got written yesterday at work. I did get a little bit of Act One finished too. But it was only a few single sentences for my second scriptwriting project, The Final Ritual. Why did I get so few single sentences written yesterday at work aka about twenty-five?

Because it took me longer to do the prep work done than I thought that it would take. It took me almost three and a half hours to do them. Four if you count my first patrol. Which is the longest patrol I have a work each shift. I hoped that it was only going to be a couple of hours to do this at the most. Maybe closer to three. But not three and a half hours.

I also had a little trouble with Teaser Act One. Knew what I wanted to write because of my Act Breakdown that I have done for the main characters in this movie. But I didn’t know how to write it. Why did I have problems doing this? It’s because I changed the format a little bit. Dinill is the main, main character in this movie. So, I changed it so that he starts the movie instead of about five minutes into it like it was before.

The storyline is still the same. All I have done is change it a little bit because of Dinill. I also changed the number of scenes in this movie. It was for thirty seconds per scene aka a half of a page in the script. But now I have changed it to fifteen seconds per scene. That give all of my characters a little over one and a half times the number of scenes per Act.

Especially, for Dinill’s four family members. They were getting four scenes per Act twice. And only two scenes the other ten Acts. Now they are getting two or three scenes for the Teaser Acts and the Tag Acts. They are also getting four or five scenes for the eight main Acts. Most of them are five scenes.

Dinill and Marri changed a lot too. Especially, Marri because she now has sixteen scenes with fives. She didn’t have any in the thirty second version. And I never liked that. That’s one of the reasons why I went to the fifteen second version. But the main reason is still Dinill.

Don’t know how many single sentences that I will be able do get written today. I would like it to be about three hundred and thirty-five. But I will probably be lucky if I get half that many written. And that is a long shot too. About one hundred will take care of the first three Acts of this movie. I would like to get through Act Four too. But I’m not going to count on anything until it happens.

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