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Rated: XGC · Book · Dark · #2272179
A series of stories involving my family's battle against Foreign movies.
#1034574 added July 2, 2022 at 11:02am
Restrictions: None
A child's Terrifying trip to the movies - Rashtra Kavach OM
It was July 1st, 2022, and you are currently making plans with your family to celebrate Independence Day. You were just about to head out to the meat market to buy a whole bunch of meat to BBQ this weekend when all of a sudden, your mother sends you a distressing text message. She is freaking the Hell out because, once again, your jackass of a brother is seeing another Indian movie tonight!


Thankfully, you manage to get off work early so you can pick up your fiance` and head to the International movie theater again. As you near the theater, your blood begins to boil as you still couldn't believe he would rather be out here with these damn terrorists than with his own family! You get there just in time to spot that bastard and two of his friends going into the theater. You then see his psychopath friend's service truck, fresh from the repair shop. How the Hell he drove out here after last weekend's fiasco is beyond you. But it doesn't matter, you are going to get even with that bastard! You get your camera together and soon start to head inside! However, before you could even get near the front door, the two burly security guards from before stop you in your tracks before you could do anything! You tell them that your brother just stepped inside and you needed to see him right now! They tell you that if you don't have a ticket, you can't come in! Not wanting to deal with this bullshit, you try to swing a punch, but guards immediately slam you into a wall and put zip ties on, causing you to panic big time! You yell out to your fiance` that these terrorists are kidnapping you and to call for help!

*Star**Star**Star*FROM ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW...*Star**Star**Star*

You were at home playing with the kids when your girlfriend hears your phone going off. She picks it up and sees that it's your brother's fiance`. She is calling because your brother is being detained by security and is now under arrest for causing mischief outside of the International Movie Theater and she is freaking out! You then remember your mother telling you earlier about that asshole brother going to some dumb Indian movie again...

You then grab your camera's equipment and leave with your girlfriend and kids!

After you arrive, you panic a bit as you see a squadron of cars outside of the place. There were police officers and security guards as far as the eye could see! You then see your brother screaming his head off as he is loaded into the back of a cop car! You then see your brother's psychopath friend's service truck, and a devilish idea pops into your head.

You sneak up to the service truck, thinking "Wonder if he still leaves it unlock..." You then open up the back and go "yep, dumbass still leaves the truck unlocked!" You then, with great effort, climb into the back of the service truck, pull down your pants and squat! Your girlfriend asks what the Hell you are doing and you respond with "What does it look like? I'M TAKING A CRAP IN THE BACK OF THIS ASSHOLE'S TRUCK!!!"

You grunted and groan before you push out a nice, big pile before you pulled up your pants with a heavy sigh. "Oh yeah, that's the result of a dozen big macs pushing through your body all at once!" You say to yourself proudly as you hop down from the truck. You then decided to take a selfie with the freshly produced pile and post it on Twitter with the caption "Sup bro?", tagging your brother in the process. You then close up the door before you and your group takes off from the parking lot. Your girlfriend asks if it was wise to tag your brother on social media about it and you go "Look, he is probably in there still having a grand ol' time with his turban wearing friends!"

That night, you started to get angry text messages from your brother. He asked if you really broke into his friend's service truck and took a shit. You tell him "Yes you did" and he responded by saying that not only did his group have to smell it all the way home, but his friend yelled and cussed up a storm the entire time he was cleaning it out of his service truck. He managed to get it all out, but he is still furious over it. You tell your brother to take a chill pill and for the rest of the group to do the same thing before you put away the phone. Hours later, you were getting a call from a strange number, You didn't know who it was at first, but as soon as you picked it up, you knew exactly who it was...it was his psychopath friend, and boy he is hopping mad!!!


He yells angrily on the phone. You tell him that's revenge for all the shit he has done weeks ago! He then tells you to prepare yourself before hanging up the phone. You wonder what the Hell he meant. You thought that he was probably drunk off of his ass before you start to fall asleep...
An hour later, you hear your girlfriend screaming her head off and ask what is wrong. She points down the road and sees a familiar looking service truck driving down the road towards your house...as it gets closer, you can hear it playing a song...

As it got even closer, you start to get a closer look at the service truck and...HOLY FUCKING SHIT, IT'S THAT FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!
He did not look happy, AT ALL!!!

You and your girlfriend watch in horror as his service truck pulls into the driveway and parks right behind both of your vehicles...TRAPPING YOU IN YOUR OWN HOME! He then gets out of the truck and...OH FUCK, YOU FORGOT HOW BIG HIS FRIEND IS! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, HE IS THE SIZE OF A DAMN BEAR!

He then proceeds to look around in the family's SUV before he starts to shake it like an irate monster! He then snorts before he angrily kicks it! Your surprised he didn't leave a dent on your SUV after that! He then proceeds to walk up to the gate and fiddles with the lock before he somehow opens up the gate and starts to climb the stairs to your porch...YOU ARE SO FUCKED RIGHT NOW!!!

You and your girlfriend frantically run around the house, locking up all the doors and windows, terrified to death of what is about to happen! He tries to go through the laundry room door, but you slipped an iron bar through it to keep him out! As you see his shadows, it reminds you of a horrifying scene from a "Friday the 13th" movie! He then proceeds to try to open up the doors in the family room. Thankfully, you have all the dead bolts on it, so he couldn't get in that way! He then storms off the back porch, cussing up a storm. However, the peace won't last long when you hear his heavy foot steps walking up the steps to the front porch...Oh crap, THEY ARE LOUDER THAN YOUR BROTHER'S FOOT STOMPS!!!

He then begins to bang on the front door like a blood thirsty maniac! He then decides to take a peek into the doorbell's camera...
Taken from a doorbell's camera


You yell out before you put in the deadbolts on the front door as well! Just as you do, you hear the psychopath call out your names before calling you a bunch of pigs! Just then there was a few moments of silence...BEFORE THE BASTARD STARTS TO KICK ON THE DOOR! You couldn't believe it, HE IS KICKING THE DOOR OPEN LIKE IT WAS MADE OF CARDBOARD!!!

Just then, the remains of the door falls down...AND THAT FUCKING BEHEMOTH STARTS WALKING IN WITH THAT GODDAMN SICKLE IN HIS HAND! You scream bloody murder and try to go up the stairs, but the giant grabs your leg and makes you fall down! You forgot how strong this bastard is! He is holding your leg and keeping you still, LIKE YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A CHILD! As he leans over you growling like a wolf, you kick at one of his legs, causing him to groan in pain! You then make a mad dash up the stairs...but then step on one of your daughter's barbie cars and go stumbling down the stairs...AND BACK INTO THE CLUTCHES OF THAT FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!!!

He then grabs you and lifts you up like you are nothing! Your girlfriend then tries to fight him off with a broomstick, but ends up getting grabbed as well! He then proceeds to bring you two into the family room. He throws your girlfriend onto a pile of toys and you onto the couch, demanding to know where the kids are! You tell him to go eat a dick and he growls before he pulls out an odd looking knife and stabs a hole into the wall, RIGHT ABOVE YOUR HEAD! He then demands to see your kids again and again you refuse. He then picks you up while growling, starting to lose his patience with you...that was when you remembered hearing from somebody on Facebook that this creepy asshole's weak point is his jaw! He had so much dental work done around the jawbone that hitting it just right would send this ghoul packing! You decided to test your theory and swing a mean hook! Just as your fist hits his jaws, he lets out a blood curling yell and kneels onto the ground, groaning in pain! IT FUCKING WORKED! Your girlfriend then grabs him, drags him outside, and locks him up in one of the dog's cages! He then starts to snarl as you two run back into the house and lock the door back up!

As you dial for 911, you DID NOT think this is how Independence Day weekend would start...
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1034574-A-childs-Terrifying-trip-to-the-movies----Rashtra-Kavach-OM