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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fanfiction · #2263987
As a new foot slave to Princess Peach, Toadette's life is taken for a hectic, erotic ride.
#1032585 added May 19, 2022 at 12:03am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 27 - The Shy Guys' Last Stand
The Red Station had two long hallways, and only one went unexplored.

This one wasn’t nearly as blocky as the other room. It resembled an open plaza. Really, the only unique quality was the large blue wall at the end. On it, a band of tape covered up a crackling section.

Well, how were we gonna solve this? I pulled out each pocket for reassurance, and there was no tool to help me.

“Maybe I could use this ball.”

That idea sounded smart before I thought about it. With my feet being combat weapons, broken toes would be suicide.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted an abandoned slingshot. Two stray bullets lay beside it.

“Worth a shot.”

Boy, aiming this was finicky. Pulling back was easy, but my fingers were freaking out, knowing they were clutching an explosive. I only had one chance of getting this right, and I wasn’t gonna waste it. So, with my feet planted and arm drawn back, I let the little bullet zip across the room.


Smoke came out the hole, and a small fire got started. Thankfully, it wasn’t big enough to burn this place to the ground.

“Easier than I thought,” I chuckled. Picking up the princess’s golden ball, I waddled into the dark room.

The flickering flames illuminated a white door at the end of this extended hall. What a clash of decor. All these childish decorations, and now they wanted to look professional with an office door?

I reached for the handle, only to bust my mouth on the ground.

There was no handle! It was just a smooth door, presumably locked shut.

“Screw you Shy Guys SO MUCH!”

Taking a few steps back, I rammed the door with this soccer ball. It didn’t budge. So, I went further back and repeated it with a scream. Still locked!

“What’s wrong!? My feet too strong for you!?”

I sprinted one final time, pushing through this stupid door. I dropped the ball and whipped out one of my flats.

“All of you are going—”


Someone crushed me from above, and the next thing I knew, my hands were being tied together. OW! And another one dropped on me. I could feel something wrapping around my feet, as well.

“I intended to handle you myself…”

That voice. It was the leader.

“But if you prefer being executed along with your friends, we can accommodate you.”

As the Shy Guys carried me, I got a good view of the tall man himself. He sat in an almost-bored position, leaning on his elbow. Next to him were two groups of Shy Guys stacked into towers and a gigantic rifle.

What the? It was rare to see even Her Highness’s troops wielding guns. Yet this platinum-coated one stood 2 metres long.

“I commend your bold strategy of facing us head-on just one day later, Toadette. Your intel-gathering is remarkable.”

A gruelling 20 seconds passed with the Shy Guys tying my midsection to a large chair. Ramming down that door like that really messed my shoulders up. Frustratingly, to my left and right were the three that I left behind. Directly to my left, Minh T. To my right, Penelope. Look a bit next to her, and you’d see the Sarasaland princess herself.

“Splitting up didn’t work so well, huh?” she asked.

“I found your ball. Too bad you might not get to use it again.”

The Shy Guys propped my feet on a table, along with the other girls. Man, my toenail polish was starting to chip. But that was a minor concern, considering we could hear mechanical devices moving throughout the ceiling.

“Princess Daisy,” the leader said with an echo. “Tell us how it feels to not only have been outsmarted by us, but to have lost your country, your status, and your unimpressive life.”

“I’m not giving up my home to a scum-sucking loser like you.”


A shock travelled through the princess’s chair! A flash came, and her body stiffened like a statue.

The figure cackled. “In a few minutes, you won’t be there to defend it. It’s about time we Shy Guys aren’t on the same underclass levels as fungi.”

“What’s he talking about?” I asked.

He continued. “Approximately 97% of Shy Guys in Sarasaland have suffered under your leadership. They crave a man who will end the advantages of you humans and the other sub-races. A man who cares for his fellow Shy Guys, General Guy!”

Clap! Clap!

Those mechanical devices? They dropped in front of all our feet.

Out of these tubes came two hairbrushes, at least on my end. For Minh T., they were toothbrushes. Two coloured feathers sprouted before Penelope’s soles. And in front of Daisy were a marker and a paintbrush.

“I don’t know if this is kinky or scary,” Minh T. said.

“This is the start of your punishment, Princess Daisy, for the atrocious treatment you have given to our people over the years!” General Guy spat those words out, they were so anger-fuelled. “Men! Engage the first phase!”

All at once, the machines made a move. I couldn’t hold my laughter in for a second once the brush bristles scratched my soles. It was just like sitting in that chair in the Playroom. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, just a vulnerable target to be tickled.

“Resist, you two,” Daisy coaxed, clearly referring to Penelope and myself.

Through her boisterous laugh, the little girl let out a broken “I’m sorry”. Those feathers were doing a number on her feet. Every sensitive area got a visit from the tip of a coloured feather, and poor Penelope lost it once they played with her toes.

Despite my dear princess’s attempt to stay strong, those art tools made her crack.


Oh, it was too late. As soon as her guard went down, she couldn’t help but giggle. All three of us had one thing in common aside from the laughter. We tried at various points to force our way out of these seats.

Every opportunity I got, I swung my midsection against this seatbelt. But it wouldn’t break! How were we gonna get out of this situation!?

To my left, Minh T. sat with a dead neutral face. No smile, no fear, no emotion.

“H-How are you not laughing!?” I screamed.

Her voice was strained. “Just biting the inside of my lip.”

Penelope and Daisy continued to fidget against these chairs, and my feet wanted to bust out of this bondage.

Again, it was that ribbon material. Not the thickest in the world, but very sturdy if our previous experience taught us anything. But I knew if we could find something sharp and position our feet just right, maybe we could cut our way to freedom.

Minh T.’s breathing intensified along with the pace of the toothbrushes scrubbing her feet. Huh, one was electric. Maybe if they activated the actual brush motor…


A loud whirring sound started Minh T.’s descent into giggles. She leaned forward to pull that brush away, but learnt quickly how restrained she was. How restrained we all were.

About two minutes in now, and the sensation was dying down on me. My toes may have been curling and flinching, but I finally took a deep breath.

“Phase two, men!” General Guy yelled.

The torture devices made a hasty retreat to the sky, and the chairs started shifting independently.

I sat across from Minh T., and Daisy was across from Penelope. Shy Guys ran up to us and started positioning our feet in front of the other’s face. Yuck, I couldn’t have been partnered up with someone whose feet were cleaner. Well, nothing was forcing me to lick.


Both us Toads locked up and squealed.

“Keep licking,” Daisy shouted. “Or those midget maniacs are gonna fry us into bits!”

Minh T’s feet were so brownish from dirt that even “dirt crumbs” were caked around her toes and stuck to her heel. The girl had no issue licking my feet, though. And so the tickling returned.

NO! I needed to lick or risk dying. I’d just wash my mouth out with soap later, if there was a later.

I sucked on Minh T.’s big toe. Firstly, it tasted nothing like a foot. It tasted like elements of earth mixed with a slight infectious flavour, no doubt caused by her wearing flip-flops through the sewers. Closing my eyes was the best way not to throw up.

Cringing, I gave the side of her feet a few licks before slurping on her pinkie toe.

To my utter horror, Minh T. was licking my feet with less passion. Her speed plummetted after a while. Even foot-freak deviants have to let their mouths rest after a while, and we just had jolts of electricity pumped in our bodies.

In between kisses, I ordered her to fight through this. I’d think of something, hopefully.

This felt like it was going on forever. While Minh T.’s speed dropped, my tongue became a desert.

“WHOA!” I suddenly spun around in this chair.

The Shy Guys were repositioning us. Now I had Penelope’s feet in my face.

Gross, they were covered in Princess Daisy’s spit already!! EW!! If I weren’t on the brink of death, I’d have used that General Guy’s rifle on him already.

Once more, with shut eyes, I licked Penelope’s thick arches before exploring her drenched toes. The taste wasn’t awful, but it surely wasn’t good. It was like tasting porridge or any other bland dish. Penelope didn’t have things any better. After all, her whining noises rivalled our licking noises.

“Miss Toadette!”

“Be quiet!” I yelled. She needed to let me think of a way to get us out of here.

“R-I-P my R-I-B-BON!”

Huh? R-I-P… Rip my ribbon? Yeah, like I hadn’t thought of that.

“Good try, but it’s not that simple.”

My vision blurred as I jammed all five of her toes in my mouth. My power was low, and my jaw wanted to fall off. I looked up at Penelope’s face to see her mouthing something. First, it looked like she was saying “my”, then “pig”, then “do”. At the same time, she removed her foot from my mouth and tapped her big toe on my lips. Yuck, it was SO slimy!

…This clever little brat. Finally, we saw eye to eye.

While licking one of her feet, I pushed the ribbon on my hands against her big toe. Her nail wasn’t too long, but it was long enough to apply pressure.

Just a bit more. Come on, Toadette, do it!

Yes, a small slit formed in the bottommost layer. From here, we fit three of her toes into that little hole. The spreading commenced. Those three toes made the hole so wide, this ribbon’s strength was becoming weaker by the second.


We did it! My hands were freed!

Using my own fingernails, I punctured and tore the red ribbons around Penelope’s chubby feet. Heh, and she was catching on fast. At that exact moment, she broke her hand bondage against my toes. Then my feet came free.

“Hey! What are they doing down there!?”

General Guy must’ve lost his mind when he saw us disengage these seatbelts from the side and come to the rescue of Daisy and Minh T.

“Sir, they’ve broken the bindings!” a Shy Guy cried.

“Wait! Those are the red ribbons!?” General Guy rose from his seat. “How could I have been so ignorant!? We had the gold ribbons ready to secure these women tightly.”

All four of us stood tall and barefoot. We had about 30 Shy Guys staring us down.

“Skip phase three! Men, attack!”

“Don’t just stand there, guys!” Daisy yelled, easily swatting away a Shy Guy.

One of my flats was right behind me. With a duck and a spin, I pulled a Shy Guy into it. My shoe might’ve been smoking him out, but this was the least these bozos had to worry about. You could hear Penelope smashing one’s mask in with her heel a short distance away.

The crackling was interrupted when two Shy Guys in pink robes backflipped on her head.

I could see one of them ready to ram her stomach once he hit the floor. Time to counter that little plan.


The Shy Guy that suffocated from my noxious flats flew right into his buddy. And I handled the remaining pink Shy Guy with an elbow to the eye.

“Thank you, Miss Toadette,” Penelope sighed.

“Thank YOU. We would’ve been literal dead meat back there if you hadn’t spoken up.”

I patted her on the back before going to clear out more Shy Guys. This excitement, it filled my body with a sense of invincibility. Suddenly, the energy was unlimited.

Minh T., over in the corner, stood still with a Shy Guy under her arch.

“Say you’re sorry,” she said, putting on her extra sweet voice.

No response came.


Ooh, seeing her arch go into his mask made me jump back a little. That was somehow more intense than what the royals or I had done beforehand. Though, Minh T. proved to be a bit nervous.

“Oh! I didn’t mean to step that hard!”

“Don’t feel too bad,” I yelled. “Keep that energy going!”


Behind me, Shy Guys rained from the ceiling, covered in red. Well, even more red. Bloody red. The next thing I knew, a shiny sphere rolled against the floor. It went from white to a crisp golden state, and Princess Daisy’s toes were there to hold it in place.

“Feels good to have you back,” she said to the soccer ball.

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