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Jake, Beth, and Pam have to band together with old foes to stop the monster they unleashed |
Demons swarmed throughout the skies and the streets. Their roars were rivaled by the screams of the dying and fighting. Thunder and lightning rolled across the sky, and the rain continued to pour from the crimson sky. Jake did his best to put the noise and distraction out of his mind. The heat from the wall of flames at his back was slowly dissipating as he drew closer to the rubble. He could feel the sweat on the back of his neck, his hairs standing up, and his nerves screaming at him to run. He ignored it all in favor of finishing what he'd started so long ago. When he neared the remnants of the stairs to his home, the earth shook as a tremendous boom filled the air. Rebecca was somewhere beneath all of the debris. No, Rebecca was gone; Goth was all that remained, and she was waiting for him. A deep and guttural laugh rang out from the confines of the debris. It started slow and quiet, but it quickly built into a crescendo that chilled his bones. By the time it had shifted to a cackle, he watched as the body of Goth burst from the smoking rubble, and she rose into the sky. She spun as she took flight, and her wings unfurled to reveal the unholy abomination that she'd become. She cackled like a madwoman, and even on Alexis' worst days, he'd never heard a sound so downright malicious and psychotic. Goth hovered in the air and panted with rage as her maniacal laughter died down. She spoke in a tone that made his blood run cold, "My Raven returns to me as I knew he would. Have you come to your senses, dear boy? Are you ready to beg for the forgiveness of your Goddess? Fall on your knees, and perhaps I will show you mercy that you do not deserve." He narrowed his eyes behind his cowl and yelled up at her, "It's over, Goth! Surrender, and maybe we can undo whatever insanity your ritual unleashed! Let me help you!" She laughed at him, "You, help me?!" she asked before swiping her clawed hand and barking, "Don't make me laugh, you worthless excuse for a man! I have ascended beyond what your mortal mind can comprehend, and I have no need of your pathetic help! Now, kneel before me and beg like the dog that you are!" "I will never bow to you again!" Jake yelled, "If you won't surrender, then I'll bring you down the hard way!" "Insolent little worm," Goth chided as she held out her arms, "I have given you everything, and yet you still choose to forsake me! Your wretched heart and conviction are like a cancer corrupting and killing who you really are. The sin of defiance is poisoning who you are meant to be, but like an attentive master, I will pluck out that sin and scatter it to the four winds! I will start by breaking your body, and then I will let you watch while I dismantle your nefarious and infectious little friends!" "I'll die before I let you near them!" Jake yelled up at her. "By the time I'm through with you, you'll wish that you were dead, boy," Goth growled as her body began to glow, "Behold, the power of a true God! I will raze this city to the ground, and I will burn the sin from the hearts of every man, woman, and child! Everything, and everyone in this world will bend to my will! This is the decree of the almighty Goth Goddess!" Her voice began to distort as she finished her screaming declaration. Lightning crashed around her, and several bolts struck the ground around the manor. Jake and the others nearby could only watch as her body began to twist and morph into what she was at heart: a monster of biblical proportions. Her limbs and torso began to elongate, and her bones began to snap as they contorted into the shape of terror. The smoking gown that she wore disappeared, and her bare body was shown to all for a final moment. The ground cracked and split as fire and molten rock erupted from the ground in response to the power pouring out of her body. Her knees bent at an unnatural angle as her legs swelled in size, and her chest cracked in a disgusting way as her torso expanded. The creature taking shape was the culmination of everything that Rebecca had said and done; it was the result of eons of pain and suffering. Her hair grew into a mane of sorts, and the horns that adorned her head grew larger and fuller. Whatever flesh that was left on her blackened and burned as her body continued to change. Her arms tripled in size, and they looked more like a second set of legs than arms by the time it was finished. Her face shifted to something between an animal and a human. A nose that looked more like a snout, and a golden ring appeared between the nostrils. Her pupils had disappeared amidst the transformation, and all that was left were two slits that glowed with a red hot rage and hate. She fell to the ground and on her mangled legs with a massive crash. She let out a roar that shook the city, and all chaos stopped in response to see what had caused such an infernal noise. She held out her hands, twin claws that dripped with an inky darkness, and two three pronged blades appeared in her hands. Just one looked to be twice the size of Jake. The final touch was a tail that whipped back and forth as she snarled down at him. It was barbed and spiked like her heart. She towered over him as she stomped forward, cloven hooves in place of feet. Each step shook the ground as she approached. She let out a laugh that brought all of Jake's fear to the forefront of his mind. "What do you think, darling?!" a mangled voice asked, "Is it everything you hoped for?! You brought this on yourself, my Raven, but let's not leave your worthless friends out of the fun!" Jake covered his ears as she let out a shriek that shattered windows nearby. The demons flying overhead and lurking in the streets froze at the godawful sound. Their eyes became glazed over and turned violet as Goth took control of them one by one. They halted their aid, and began searching for Beth and the others. What remained of Goth's followers fell to their knees at the sound of their Goddess' ear splitting howl. Their bodies began to glow, and their souls were ripped from their bodies and cast into the demons now serving her will. Their bodies never fell, but instead, they rose as lifeless corpses bent on carrying out the will of their master. The entire force of Hell that Jake and Pam had brought back with them, and the forces that Goth had assimilated, all turned their gaze on the heroes fighting against their new master. "This is what true power looks like, my Raven!" Goth proclaimed as she stalked forward, "All of the earth, all of Hell, and even the heavens themselves will bend to my beck and call! You have nothing! There is no hope! There is only my will, and my will is law!" Every nightmare that Jake had experienced paled in comparison to the horror before him. The monster that stood before him had swallowed everything that he'd loved, and in its place, it had spawned a new terror. Still, he stood his ground and readied himself for battle. "You're wrong!" he screamed at her, "As long as we draw breath, there is still hope!" "Then let's see how long that lasts!" Goth laughed in her mangled voice, "Let's see how long your little friends can fight while we perform our last dance!" While Jake prepared to engage in his final battle, Beth and the others noticed the countless eyes that were on them. "Fuck me," Beth groaned as she drew her pistols, "Looks like we're back to facing an army." "Everyone together!" Jason ordered, trying to regroup while they had the chance, "If we're going to survive this then we have to stand united!" "Oh, I'm ready this time!" Sally yelled as she readied her LMG, "Mama's got her baby back, and she is done fucking around! You hear me, you ugly sacks of shit?! Come get some!" "Well at least someone's excited," Pam sighed, "I can't say I share her enthusiasm, but it's good she's not afraid." "Addy, stay with me," Kait ordered her new apprentice, "If you get separated, you find one of the others." "Y-yes, ma'am," Adelaide stammered, trying to keep her nerves at bay. "You'll be fine," Kait tried to assure her, "None of us are what you'd call close, perse, but we don't abandon one another. Be ready because the hammer is about to come down." "Here we go!" Jason yelled as the first wave of demons swooped down from the skies. He, Beth, Sally, Zoey, and Sam all opened fire as they attacked in a swarm. Pam had called her duplicates back into herself to utilize their shared power, and sent a volley of chains from her fingers up at the demons. The sound of gunfire and rattling chains filled the air as the horde descended towards them. Several were cut down by the combination of attacks. Which ones were cut down by the volley of bullets contended with Pam's chains as they snaked their way through their ranks. Kait, Adelaide, and Alexis stood at the ready for any that managed to make it through, or for the ground forces rapidly approaching them. Their battle was only beginning, but only a short distance away, Jake was preparing for his own climatic duel. Jake took off in a sprint to the left, but Goth cut him off by slamming one of her blades down into the ground. He skidded to a stop as the bone weapon created a chasm in the ground. Goth laughed in her newfound and monstrous tone, "Leaving so soon, my love?! Come, indulge your Goddess in some much needed playtime!" Her voice sent shivers of disgust throughout his body, but he refused to give into the fear. He knew she could feel it, but he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing it in him. He didn't have a clue how to begin fighting her, but he'd faced countless foes without a plan before. He launched into a backward handspring as Goth proceeded to rake her twisted weapon along the ground. Jake only just barely avoided getting cleaved by the titanic weapon, but she swung the blunt side of her other weapon at him while he was in the air. It crashed into his back, and he was sent flying through the air. He landed in a rolling heap on the ground, but he pushed himself back to his feet. She wasn't just big and strong, she was fast in her new body. This would surely be a battle for the history books of his city. Goth leapt into the air with more power and speed than should have been possible, and she landed in front of him. The ground quaked from the might of her landing and colossal weight. The tremors nearly knocked him back on his ass, but against all odds, he managed to remain standing. She let out a low chuckle as she proceeded to deliver a kick to him that almost shattered his ribs. He could hear the crack of his bones and his suit from the blow. Pushing the pain aside, he pulled out his grabbing gun and fired it at her horns. The dull click reminded him that he'd lost one of his tricks during their precious scuffle, and so he landed on his back in an ungraceful clump of pain on the ground. He willed himself back to his feet again, and he threw the useless tool to the side. He'd have to rely on his own body to beat her; his body and his mind were all that he had left. "What's wrong, lover boy?!" Goth asked, continuing to mock him, "Is this really your best?! Perhaps I was wrong to choose you to be my Raven!" It had been a mistake for him to accept her offer. He snarled as he dashed forward and between her legs. If he could get behind her, then maybe he could find a way to scale her backside. Maybe then he could slide the edge of the demonic blade across her unholy throat. The stench of decay grew stronger the closer he got, and he could smell the distinct odor of arousal as he passed between her legs. The thought that she could be even remotely turned on by the carnage around them spoke volumes to just what she'd become. He heard her laugh again, and he realized that she had let him get close. She hopped up, and her mutated backside rapidly descended towards him. He'd be crushed beneath her, or worse, would end up inside of her! The thought caused his adrenaline to spike, and he quickened his pace to the other side. Jake dove into a slide just as Goth's backside crashed onto the ground. He caught his first glimpse at her back; hunched with various jagged spikes of bone jutting out from it. Her tail swung back and forth as she let out a disgruntled huff. Jake tried to grab onto the large barbed tail to attempt to scale his way up to her neck. The tail was almost twice as long as him, and it was like rough leather to the touch. He threw his body at it and latched onto the coarse skin, taking care to avoid the jagged spikes protruding from it. The second Goth felt him touch it, she whipped it up and down with a sadistic laugh. Jake nearly lost his grip when it came down and shattered the ground upon impact. He was able to keep his hold, but he knew he wouldn't be able to climb anything at this rate. The momentum was too much for him to get a foothold. Goth slammed her tail once more, and Jake knew he had to do something fast to get away from her. Thinking quickly, he rode the inertia as she brought her tail back up, and he found himself once again flying through the air. He summoned the dagger to his hand, but Goth spun, drove one of her weapons into the ground, and snatched him out of the air before he could get too close. She brought him to her face, and began to squeeze his body in her hand. Something popped and he screamed in pain as she laughed. He glared at her through the pain, and stared into her glowing and haunting eyes. The monster before him wasn't even a shadow of the woman he'd come to know and love. "Mm, I could just eat you up, my Raven," Goth laughed, opening her mouth, flashing her fangs, and giving his body another painful squeeze, "That might be a fitting punishment for your defiance! Swallowing you whole, passing through my digestive system, and getting burned alive by my insides…I could always resurrect you with my new powers! How does the idea of becoming part of me sound now, love?!" She'd completely lost it. The very thought of suffering such a fate made his blood curdle and skin crawl. He cried out once more as she squeezed him again. He had to do something, anything, to get away from her. The image of her innards eating away at his flesh, the memories of all the horrible things she'd done to him, and the things she'd had him do all came to the forefront of his mind. Beyond the immense pain and pressure he felt, his anger swelled and began to turn to rage. He could feel something inside of him clawing to get out. It wasn't Ashley, it was something else. He didn't know what it was, but whatever it was screamed at him to let it out. Jake's body began to burn from the inside out, and he let whatever was inside of him out. He fought to get his arm free, and conjured the dagger into his palm. He drove the tip of the blade into Goth's hand, and she let out a howl of pain as she dropped him to the ground. His body remained suspended in the air by forces he didn't understand, though. "You miserable little shit!" Goth screamed as she stepped back from the searing pain from his attack, "You think cheap little tricks will stop me?! I'll obliterate you!" She quickly snatched one of her swords from the ground, and Goth swung it at his hovering body. The edge of her blade stopped just short of his body, and a shimmering orb could be seen rippling upon impact. Furious and unfettered, she reared back and swung again at his floating body. Again, the blade was repelled by some sort of forcefield around Jake. Infuriated, Goth dropped the three pronged weapon, and reached out to cry to crush whatever was protecting him. Her clawed hands coiled around the barrier surrounding him, and she began to squeeze it with all her might. Seeing that it still refused to give, she growled as she threw him to the ground. Goth raised one of her cloven hooves and began stomping on Jake's protected frame. She would shatter whatever spell this was, and she would break his being for attempting to defy her. Jake had been in a sea of disbelief and exhaustion as whatever was inside him erected the strange bubble. His body was sore, his mind spent, but whatever this was seemed to be rejuvenating him slowly. He didn't have a clue how to manipulate the forcefield, and he was faintly aware of the beating Goth was giving it. He knew it wouldn't hold forever, but his body was frozen within it. All he could do was wait and try to will whatever this was to work for him. Despite his best efforts, all the surrounding energy did was continue to restore his broken body. That left him with only a fleeting hope that it would hold out against Goth's relentless assault. While Jake contended with Goth's monstrous new form, the others fought a losing battle against the hordes of Hell and Goth's minions. Jason, Beth, Sally, Sam, and Zoey were quickly expending the last of their ammunition. Kait, Alexis, Adelaide, and Pam continued to work alongside them to deal with any that broke through their hellacious gunfire. Pam kept many of the flight based demons at bay with her spells, but Kait and the others were forced to face the other ranks themselves. Adelaide kept close to Kait, and despite her lack of training, the girl's will to survive made her more of a force to be reckoned with. She stood at Kait's back doing her best to hold her own, while Alexis tenaciously bounced from enemy to enemy. Alexis handled the brunt of the demons, and Kait dispatched Goth's near zombified minors with Adelaide. "Jay, catch!" Beth yelled as she tossed her pistols to him just as his assault rifle ran dry. Jason dropped his assault rifle, and grabbed Beth's pistols out of the air. He spun around and opened fire just as a pair of parademons got close. He put one down with a bullet between the eyes, and slammed the butt of one of the pistols into the other's face when it got close. "There's too many!" he yelled as he lined up another shot and brought another one down. "No shit!" Sally exclaimed as she used her machine gun to knock another demon away, "We're fucked if Birdbrain doesn't turn the fucking tides!" "Then we fall fighting!" Sam yelled as reloaded her pistol and fired at a demon approaching Zoey, "We're neck deep in the shit here, and I'll be damned if I go out like a fucking spaz!" "That's the spirit!" Alexis cheered as she wrapped her arm around a demon's neck and brought its body crashing to the ground, "What's life without a little murder and mayhem?! This is chaos, baby, and I am fuckikg loving it!" "Everyone, pull back!" Pam yelled as she channeled a large surge of energy throughout her body, "Behind me, now!" Nobody hesitated to retreat and cluster behind Pam. Her body began to glow a brilliant shade of white as her energy reached a crescendo within her. Dozens of demons and minions rushed their group in hopes of dismantling and devouring them. Pam raised her right hand just as white flames appeared on her, and she brought it down to her knees with a mighty cry of rage. A blast of pearly fire shot out from her body, and the wave cut through and dissolved the flesh of their enemies. Screams and wails of pain and anguish filled the air as their bodies burned and fell to the ground. At least twenty of their enemies had fallen, but there were still countless more waiting for a chance to strike. "Get ready," Pam said, her body returning to its usual state, "They won't fall for the same trick twice." "Then let's mix it up a bit," Beth said as she summoned her sword and readied herself for a more personal fight, "I'll cut these bastards down, and I'll make sure they remember my name when they're burning in Hell." "Kitten, are you sure you're ready to go again?" Pam asked, worried that Beth was pushing herself too hard. "I have to try," Beth replied, brandishing her sword, "If I'm going to die here, then I'm going to die fighting. I'll take as many of these sorry fucks with me as possible too!" "Finally," Kait grinned, "For once, we're in agreement. I'm right behind you, Feral." "Oh, I am just brimming with excitement!" Alexis squealed, bouncing on her heels, "Let's fucking go!" "I'm with you three," Adelaide said, her voice trembling ever-so-slightly as she kept close to Kait. "Guess that means we're support," Sally sighed as she reloaded her machine gun and stepped up. "This is easily the craziest night of my life," Zoey remarked, "Magic, demons, mayhem, and working beside known felons." "It's a magical night!" Alexis agreed cheerfully, "Now, stop ruining it by talking!" "Ignore her," Sam said, cooking the hammer back on her pistols, "I wish you'd have stayed at the clock tower, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad you're here with me." "Would you two cut the lovebird shit?!" Jason demanded, "We've got a war on our hands, and I'm sick and tired of reminding everyone! We need to take out as many of these bastards as possible in case Jake fails. If he loses, then we've got a monster that'll be hot on our heels. Clear a path, and focus on surviving!" "Yeesh, someone needs to get laid," Alexis scoffed just before she charged forward to meet a hulking demon head on. Kait, Adelaide, and Beth didn't comment as they advanced to meet the bulk of Goth's forces before they got too close. Pam stayed back with Jason and the others with her spells at the ready. She drew on everything she had to utilize every trick, spell, and trump card she knew. Her chains wouldn't be enough, and even with the aid of her emotions, it would take an army to stop the waves of enemies that came for them. Raising her hands, Pam called forth the skeletal warriors that Rage used, and she poured all of Courage's reserves into her offensive magic. Beth began cutting through the ranks of demons and minions, and Pam could feel the familiar tug of Rage's possessive concern at her mind. She would work to keep everyone safe, but the selfish side of her vowed to get Beth out and away if things took a severe turn. Whilst the others were keeping busy trying to avoid getting overwhelmed, Jake had been struggling to find the will to move. Goth had nearly shattered his protection, and his fear began to turn to anger. He had to get out of this situation lest he become a stain on her hoof. The feeling grew into a need, and as Goth moved to destroy what was left of his barrier, that need manifested into an explosion. A burst of crystalline energy shot out and upward into the heavens, and Goth was sent stumbling back by the sheer force of it. It hadn't been enough to knock her down, but it was enough to give Jake some room to breathe again. His body felt like new, and he didn't waste a second getting to his feet and sprinting away from his monster. He heard her roar from behind him, and he felt the ground quake as she chased after him. He reached into his utility belt, and threw a series of birdarangs at her as he rounded a corner. He aimed for her face, and his hope was that he'd take out one of her eyes. In response, Goth leaned back and spit out a ball of fire that engulfed his projectiles and headed straight for him. Jake had to dive forward to avoid getting obliterated by the massive ball of flame. The blast as it hit the ground sent him flying, and he could feel the heat on his back as he rolled along the ground. This wasn't working. He needed to take a different approach, but he was clueless as to what to try. He may as well have been trying to fight a walking building, but he had to try something. He got back to his feet, and decided to go against his better judgement. The only thing he had that could hurt her was the dagger from Lilith. He had to get in close if he was going to have even a chance at defeating her, so Jake ran towards her. Goth stopped and flashed a toothy, yellow grin as he dashed towards her. His only hope was that Ashley's reflexes and speed were still active despite her absence within him. Goth let him get close before she threw her fist down to try to crush him. Jake changed direction just as her fist slammed into the ground, and he managed to avoid a crushing blow. Moving as quickly as he could, he charged at her hand, and delivered a fast slash to her wrist before she could retract her hand. Goth roared in pain as soon as the demonic blade cut into her flesh, and she increased the speed of her attacks. It wasn't much, but at least Jake had managed to land a blow. He was pushed on the defensive as her fists started flying and puncturing holes in the ground. Her fists came too fast, and he couldn't land another attack before she pulled back to try again. Dodging and dancing around her furious assault, he looked for any opening in her relentless offense. Without another option, Jake charged closer and went for her ankle. Maybe if he could impale one of her ankles then he could get a better chance at wounding her. He zigged and zagged his way closer to her legs, barely avoiding her colossal fists as they rained down around him. Against all odds, he arrived at her ankle, and Jake plunged the dagger into her ankle with as much force as he could muster. The blade dug into her, and Goth let out a scream that shook the heavens themselves. Before Jake could withdraw his blade, he was suddenly ripped from the ground by an unseen force. Goth fell to one knee, but Jake was brought to her snarling face. Her eyes glowed with a familiar shade of purple once again, and she growled at him, "Enough of these games! I am through toying with you, my Raven. Did you really think this would be so easy?!" Jake tried to move, but he couldn't. He'd forgotten about her magic, and now she was using the full extent of her power. He felt a pressure on his arm, and the sound of bones snapping was briefly heard before he screamed in pain. Next, his chest was treated to the same excruciating treatment. "Rebecca," he whimpered, "I know you're in there. Please, stop this!" Goth snarled and slammed her fist into him. "Do not invoke that name!" Goth shrieked as she moved to stomp on him, "That worthless and pathetic whore is no more, and you have lost the right to say that name! Too long I have suffered in the back of her weak mind, but now that miserable cur is finished! I am all that remains, and I will be this world's reckoning!" Jake took the full brunt of her brutality from her stomp, and his body felt like it was on the brink of destruction. She bent down and scooped him up in her hand. She gave him a painful squeeze to remind him of the difference on their power, and of her sheer anger and outrage at him. "Behold, little man," Goth growled, rolling him in her hand to show him the scene beyond, "All your efforts, everyone you care about, all of it is coming to a swift end! Your only hope was within me, and you have shunned your Goddess one too many times! I want you to watch as your little friends fail!" Jake didn't have a choice other than to watch while the others continued to struggle. Sam, Jason, Zoey, and Sally were out of ammo, and they had resorted to using their guns as melee weapons. Pam fought beside them, but even her magic and power wasn't enough to stem the tide that threatened to overtake them. Kait and Adelaide were surrounded by demons and brainwashed followers alike, and the two of them were fighting a losing battle. He saw Alexis get thrown by a large demon who then charged in to pounce. Beth was doing her best to cleave through their ranks, but her battle before must have left her exhausted. Her movements were becoming sluggish, and he knew it wouldn't be long before she too was overwhelmed. They were losing, and all he could do was watch from the clutches of his monstrous ex. The Birdmobile and bikes were too far from them, and they were too covered to escape. Suddenly, his world shifted as Goth slammed her fist and him into the ground. She'd released him from her spell, but his entire body hurt from being within her clutches. His left arm was shattered, and his ribs felt like they'd been cracked. For good measure, Goth delivered another brutal punch to his already battered body. She stood over him triumphantly, but she wasn't through yet. She slowly moved her foot over him, and she began to gradually step on his lower body. He screamed as she applied more and more pressure to him. She was careful not to break him, but she made sure that he felt every ounce of agony. They'd come so far, but they'd been undone by her insanity and brutality. "Now you see it don't you, boy?!" Goth laughed, savoring the feeling of his dread and hopelessness, "I told you that I am eternal! You are insects, worms, compared to me! My power will wash over this world, and I will bring new life and order into it! You could have joined me, you could have been with your beloved whore, but you chose to defy the will of a God! I should thank you, boy, truly. If it weren't for your own hubris, then I would still be trapped within that filth's mind, buried beneath her weakness and emotions. Because of you and those wretched worms beyond the walls, I am free! This world is mine, and I will remake it in the image of greatness!" Goth began to grind her hoof on his body, and Jake let out another scream of pain. Could all of this have truly been avoided if he and the others had taken Rebecca's offer? Were they really the cause of the monstrosity crushing him? Jake tried to push the thoughts from his mind, but it was easier said than done. All of this pain and suffering was still because of him. Goth would destroy everything, and he was still the primary culprit behind it! He'd chosen to stand against her after bending to her machinations for so long, and where had it gotten him? There had to be something he could do, anything! He racked his brain in an attempt to figure something out, and in a vain attempt at staving off the constant pain she was causing him. "Ah, the delicious taste of agony and victory!" Goth cackled above him, "I really do owe this triumph to you, little man. You are unworthy to be called my Raven in your current state, but fear not, my little lover. I will remake you just as I will remake this world! You will receive the gift of salvation and mercy from me, but only after you've paid your penance. Your miserable little band of rebels will also serve a purpose, those that I deem worthy anyway. Elizabeth and Pamela are two that I will keep, and I will enjoy punishing them. Their pain and anguish will bring me joy for years to come, and I will make you all watch while I take turns breaking your spirits. I will wipe the slate clean, wash away your sins, and in their absence, I will create something glorious! You three will be the instruments of my will, both tools and toys to serve my every need! The others, well, I will take my time snuffing out their lives. When I am done, all will know the true cost of defying this world's Goddess!" Goth finally lifted her hoof from his body, and Jake rolled onto his stomach. He began crawling in an attempt to get away from the nightmare that mocked him. He scanned the area for anything that he could use to kill her, but he couldn't see anything. The closest thing was the Birdmobile, but what good would that do against her? Then, he remembered. He'd taken the remote control he'd been tinkering with from R&D! It was attached to his forearm, and all he needed was to activate it. He hadn't properly tested it, but it was the only chance he had. He cried out as she took hold of his legs and squeezed them with one hand. She hoisted him back into the air, and laughed at his pain. He quickly tried to find the right settings on the remote before it was too late. "Where do you think you're going, little worm?!" Goth demanded, laughing at his pathetic struggles, "There is nowhere for you to run, not anymore. You should have fled when you had the chance, but you were too arrogant for your own good! Now, what shall I do with you first? I could use a nice snack after the night that I've had. I haven't eaten since your pathetic band of miscreants decided to attack! Hmm, I bet your fear will make you all the more tasty. Then again, I find your defeat and struggling both amusing and arousing. Perhaps, I should use you as the toy you are. I wonder how long you could survive in my pussy. Do you know what the best part is, my little lover? No matter how many times I kill you, I can simply bring you back to me! The Well of Souls is mine, and all things pass through it, and conversly, through me now! There. Is. No. Escaping me! I will be the last thing you see as you fade to darkness, and I will be the first you see when you return!" He found it! Jake had managed to find the targeting system, and he quickly punched in the coordinates for the anti tank gun on the birdmobile. He had one shot at this, but hopefully that would be all that he needed. He prepared to fire and yelled at Goth, "Anyone ever told you that you talk too much?!" "How dare you!" Goth screamed, unaware of the gun on the Birdmobile raising and turning towards her, "Still, you continue your pathetic insolence! I am going to-oof!" The round fired with the sound of thunder, and it zoomed past Jake and into Goth's chest. The force was enough to free him, and she fell backward from the impact. Jake summoned everything he had left in his body as he spun in the air, and conjured the dagger from Lilith. He held it out as he landed and drove it into Goth's chest. She let out a howl that shook the area, and everything that had been following her commands froze. The fires surrounding the grounds died down, the demons froze and fell unconscious, and the bodies of Goth's followers collapsed one by one. Jake stayed atop her body as it convulsed and finally froze. Goth gasped and shuddered as her power left her body. Her body began to revert back to its mortal form, slowly at first, and then rapidly. Jake held onto the dagger until he was sure that Goth was finished, and he only let go once she was back in her human form. All that was left was the visage of Rebecca. Her body was bare, and she laid there gasping. "Jake…" she weakly breathed, "Jake, is that you?" Beth, Pam, and the others slowly recovered and tried to rush to Jake's side. Jake sat on the ground beside Rebecca, and he tentatively held out a hand. She looked up at him and smiled. "Rebecca?" he asked, unsure if this was another trick, "Rebecca, is it over?" She weakly nodded and smiled up at him, "It…is…finished. The demon…the demon is gone. After all these years…I…I can't feel her presence. I'm…I'm free after all this time." He'd done it. He'd finally brought an end to the Goth Goddess, and now all that was left was the woman she was before. He scooted closer to her, and wrapped his arms around her, "Don't talk," he whispered, "Save your strength. Maybe…maybe we can still save you." She shook her head and raised a hand to gently stroke his jaw, "Still trying to be a hero, my knight in shining armor," she chuckled before coughing up blood and tearing up, "The man I loved, the man I lived for, is finally holding me like I dreamed. All I…all I ever wanted was this. I betrayed, murdered, and stole from everyone and everything without a second thought. Everything I did…everything was because I thought you needed more, needed someone stronger. I've been such a fool." "Rebecca, please," Jake begged, "Just stop, none of that was you." She weakly shook her head and continued to stroke his cheek, "I wish that were the case, my love. Influenced though I may have been, it was my desire that caused all of this. If I had only stopped to ask you what you wanted, then maybe we could have been happy. All I ever wanted…it was right in front of me all along. My selfishness is to blame for all of this. Tell Pamela that she was right, and tell Elizabeth that I'm sorry. You…you deserve more than what I've given you, but this world…this world doesn't deserve you. You are…a good man…Jake Blackridge. Don't cry for me, my love…I am not worth your tears." Pam and the others had gotten closer now, but they stayed back to watch. Pam could feel the regret, pain, and sorrow emanating from Jake and Rebecca. The monster was gone, and all that was left was the woman she'd known as a friend and mentor. This was their moment, and she kept a watchful eye on everyone in their group. She wouldn't allow them to interrupt their last moments together. Pam would grant Jake this, and she would grant Rebecca a final favor. Rebecca was dying, and Pam knew that the dagger would soon work its magic. Her soul would be dragged down to the depths of Hell, and Lilith would have the revenge she so desperately sought. Pam just wished that it had worked faster, and that Jake wouldn't have to endure what was about to happen. "Rebecca," Jake whimpered, tears rolling down his cheeks, "Please, you can't leave me, you can't. I still need you." "No, my Raven," Rebecca coughed as she felt the magic begin to burn her from the inside, "It was I who needed you. Save your tears, Jake. Pamela will help to keep you safe, and this world needs good men like you. I…will never…forget you, Jake Blackridge…I…love…you. Go…go and bring hope to those who need it…" "Please," Jake sobbed, "Please, just stay with me. I don't care what happened before, I don't. I can't do this alone!" "You…are never…alone, my beloved," Rebecca said, her life beginning to fade from her eyes, "You have something…something I never did: friends. Thank you, Jake…because of you…because of you, my mind is finally quiet…I wonder…I wonder if Dilatrix knew this all along…clever old bitch…I accept…whatever…fate…awaits me in…the next…life…good…bye…my love." With those final words, Rebecca's hand finally fell from his face. Her body went slack, and a dark red light engulfed her body. A sinister laugh filled the air as the sky opened up, and the demons flocked toward the portal. Jake could see the spirit of the woman he loved flying into the void. He had freed her from the madness, brought an end to the chaos, but in the end, he'd condemned her to Lilith's vengeful hands. His city was safe, but at what cost? He brought her lifeless body closer to his chest and began to cry. He wailed and sobbed uncontrollably as he held her close one last time. With a heavy heart, he looked up and watched as the portal closed once and for all. The rain continued to fall and mask his tears, but the pain he felt dwarfed the aches of his body. It was finished. The Goth Goddess had been slain, but it had come at a hefty price. Jake had lost the one woman left alive who understood him, who cared for him, and who he had loved with all of his heart. His sobs increased as his body wracked with grief and pain. He wailed at the top of his lungs while his friends looked on, unsure of what to say or do, "Rebecca!" |