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Jake, Beth, and Pam have to band together with old foes to stop the monster they unleashed |
Rebecca sat in her bedroom on the large wing back chair she'd had moved from her and Jake's shared apartment. Her eyes were closed as she prepared for the arrival of her guests. The would-be resistance was coming for her, and they were playing right into her hand. Thanks to the abilities she'd gained from Dilatrix she had learned of their plan. Desperate and sad, they intended to mount a surprise assault on her forces. If a show was what they wanted, then a show she would give them. Still, she felt troubled. She should have been able to see every possible outcome now, but Dilatrix's powers were more complex than she'd anticipated. Chronomancy had always been considered a theoretical form of magic among mages and scholars of the craft. The fact that someone existed who had mastered it had been almost impossible to believe. It had been what drew her to the enigmatic woman to begin with. Rebecca had taken powers from countless beings in the past, though, but she'd never had this much difficulty accessing their abilities. The woman was either more cunning than she'd given her credit for, or her powers were more difficult than she'd been prepared for. If only she'd done this sooner, then maybe she could have mastered the art of it. She could see fragments of events to come. The fires of battle, the screams of the dying, and the destruction of this beautiful home. The end, however, was blocked by an unknown force. She was confident, yes, but without the certainty of knowing for sure, it was disconcerting. Was it some unknown variable, or was it perhaps some ward that Dilatrix had placed on herself? Perhaps it didn't matter. Her might was beyond anything that Elizabeth and the others could touch. So then, why did she feel a sense of unease? Maybe it was the paranoia creeping in after her battle with Pamela. Her former disciple and apprentice had shown a great deal of power, and while she wouldn't admit it, she had been shocked by the achievement. If things had been different, she would have even felt proud of the young magistrate. She sensed great potential from her when they'd first met, but ascension was something beyond the young woman's ken. There was a knock at the doors to her room, "Enter," she said, opening her eyes to see who it was. The doors opened and three members of her most trusted council walked in. They knelt before her before the black haired Trcia addressed her, "Most esteemed Matron, we bring news from our scouts. The rebels are doing just as you predicted. We've lost forty of our own, but they knew what was at stake and died honorably." "Excellent," Rebecca said, rising from her seat and motioning for them to stand, "What of my Raven and Pamela? Have your scouts managed to locate them?" "No, ma'am," Pearl, the woman to the left replied, "They are the only two that are left unaccounted for besides the rogue police woman. We suspect that after the display of power from you that they've gone into hiding. The heretic is the only one foolish enough to stand against you, but even she is desperate and on the verge of failure." "Pamela would not abandon her beloved little pet," Rebecca said, crossing her arms and turning to stare out the window, "Nor would my Raven abandon his people. They are foolish, but their conviction would not allow them the luxury of retreat. I know them too well to believe that they'd simply tuck their tails and run for the hills." "Perhaps this is a good thing, your grace," Valerie offered, "They are desperate, and that makes their decisions rash and simple to overcome. If they show themselves, we will be ready and we will bring them to you." "What do you three know of desperation?" Rebecca asked without turning around, "You speak of certainty and victory because of their plight, but you know nothing of what that mentality brings. Desperation gives way to unpredictability, and the hope they cling to only gives credence to their so-called cause." "Grave Mother, the others are playing right into the trap that you have set forth," Tricia said, confused by her Goddess, "We follow you, we serve you, and in your name we will snuff out their cause. We will bring them to the light of truth that you offer. There is no force on this earth that can stand against you. They will fall, just as you predicted, this we swear to you." "Their desperation makes them more dangerous, girls," Rebecca said, grimly, "I know this because I took what I have out of desperation. When one is backed into a corner the animal inside comes to light. Be ready for the fight to come, and expect the unexpected. Even with my power and knowledge, I cannot say for certain what is to come. Those three have surprised me before, and I doubt that they are without some trick up their sleeve." "Forgive me, Goddess," Pearl began, "Are you saying they may prevail?" "I am saying that things are not always as they appear," Rebecca clarified, "Fear not, young Pearl. I will be with you in the battle to come. They will know fear, failure, and they will remember my name. I will carve it into the heavens themselves this night, and all will know that there is only one true God in this world. It is not a man in the sky, but a woman scorned centuries ago who clawed her way to godhood. The only salvation this world has is through me: The Goth Goddess!" They crossed their fists over their chests and changed together, "Hail Grave Mother, Maiden of Darkness and Walker of Truth! Praise be to the Black Matron, our savior. Hail the Goth Goddess!" Their praises were like music to her ears. They would sing songs of her for eons to come after tonight. She would usher in a new Era of peace and prosperity tonight. She would chain Jake and Pamela to her side if she had to, and she would use Elizabeth as the tool the girl was. She'd bend them to her will and use them as instruments of it. This world was hers, whether it knew it yet or not. Together, they would enact a new law and give the denizens of the world a new purpose. She was the sword of justice in an otherwise sinful world, and she would cut down all who chose to stand in her way. ----------------------- Jason had made it to the building adjacent to Blackridge Manor. The grounds of Jake's old family home were beyond extensive, but he had a good view of the surrounding streets. He had taken the roof access to find a vantage point from one of the windows on the upper floors. He was the first to arrive, but it was all according to plan. He needed to get into position to provide covering fire for the others while they worked. The heavy bag of artillery slung across his back clinked and clattered as he made his way through the upper levels. He set it down beside the stairwell as he readied himself for any surprises waiting for him here. Zoey had been right about the armored trucks and emergency vehicles moving towards the Manor. Lines of firetrucks, ambulances, and military trucks formed a barricade surrounding the mansion. Squad cars were placed strategically around the streets to allow for Goth's soldiers to use for cover. He hadn't even attempted to count the amount of men and women marching through the streets. It had to have been over half the city down there ready for war. Six of them versus an army of fanatics. He didn't like their odds, but it was better to die on their own terms than serve that madwoman again. It was shaping up to be a long night by the look of things. There were soldiers, snipers most likely, patrolling the upper floor. If they were up here then there were likely more below. He pushed his finger to his earpiece and quietly whispered, "Hold position until I say. I've got a number of guards to deal with here, and I need to place charges around the support beams in case things go sideways." "You're gonna blow up a hospital?!" Beth asked. "It's that or get ambushed and you lose your support," he replied, "I don't like it anymore than you do, but the city can rebuild and recover. Stay silent and hidden until I say so." "Copy that," Beth sighed, "Be quick about it, though. I'm not sure how long we can keep hidden." "Roger, over and out," he said. Jason pulled out a knife from his coat and a silenced pistol. He was going to have to be careful with how he approached this. His position was the cornerstone of any chance of success they had. Beth was confident in Jake and Pam, but he didn't trust heroes anymore. Until they arrived, they were on their own. He crept through the shadows of the hospital halls with his weapons at the ready. The snipers would be at the windows, but he knew Goth well enough to know she'd send sentries to protect them. If she knew their plan, then their men and women would be on the lookout for him. He hugged the wall as a young man stepped out from a room carrying a machinegun. Judging from the wood finish, he guessed he'd been armed with an AK47. A quality piece, but highly illegal and extremely loud. He definitely couldn't afford to be spotted now. The young man wore black leather pants, a mesh t-shirt, and a leather vest. It was no doubt drafted from Goth's preferred clothing styles. Most of the scouts he'd eliminated had been wearing similar clothing, and the more elite troops sported armor of some sort. He waited for the young man pass by his hiding spot before reaching out and covering his mouth. His panic and outrage was muffled through Jason's hand, and with a quick slash they were silenced. He gently lowered the body to the ground. The poor boy didn't even know what had happened, but this was the price of following a sociopath. How many of these men and women just wanted a purpose, to serve someone greater than themselves? They'd been taken advantage of by Goth's promises of glory, and now they were paying the price. He couldn't dwell here on it. Death was a part of life. He had to continue on, he had to remain cold and unflinching in the face of these dangers. He moved on, deeper into the complex. He crouched behind a gurney as a pair of women walked by carrying automatic weapons. They didn't say a word as they walked by checking rooms. They were obviously expecting him and on high alert. He could take them out with two shots, but the sound of their bodies falling might alert the others in the hospital. Remaining stealthy was the key to his success here, but he couldn't very well eliminate the two of them with his knife. He didn't see another option, but if he was fast then maybe he could prevent them from making too much noise. He waited until they were less than a foot away before he made his move. He rose from his hiding place, took aim, and fired two shots into their heads. They didn't have time to react before they were falling to the ground. Jason rushed forward and grabbed their bodies. Thankfully, their weapons were on slings that kept them from falling. He laid them against the wall before getting ready to move again. He could hear the click of stilettos marching down the hall, and he ducked into a room out of instinct. A young woman in her twenties sat in a chair by the window. Her back was to him, her rifle propped against her leg, and an open thermos sat beside her. An easy kill, but she was so young. He didn't have much time to think, though. Whoever was on patrol was getting close, and she'd surely discover the bodies in the hall. He raised his gun and quietly walked towards the young woman. She looked over her shoulder and spotted him. She froze and her eyes went wide. He saw fear in her eyes as she stared at the gun in his hand. She raised her hands and looked over at the door, "Please don't shoot," she begged. "Don't make a sound," he whispered, "Give me a reason, and I'll put you down. If you want to live, you'll keep your mouth shut." The young woman nodded and closed her mouth. A tense silence fell over the room as they stared each other down. He waited with his finger on the trigger for her to make any sudden moves. The sound of the stilettos outside the door stopped and the voice of an enraged woman called out, "We have an intruder! He's here, find him!" "Call back and tell her you understand," he ordered, "Don't breathe a word about me being here, and I'll let you live." The woman winced before nodding, "Maintaining position, commander!" she yelled, "I'll remain on high alert in case he shows up." "See that you do, Casey," the woman replied, "Shoot on sight. We can't have him meddling in our Goddess' affairs and plans." "Will do, commander," Casey said, "Long live the Goddess!" Jason rolled his eyes at the chant, but didn't say a word. They waited until the woman was gone before he advanced and spoke, "Alright, what's you angle here, kid?" "Please, I'm just trying to survive," Casey replied, "My parents joined this craziness, and I got drafted to join her army. I don't even like any of this stuff. The Goddess, she put me here because she said my heart was too soft. She said she didn't want me to get hurt." "Did she tell you that you'd meet me?" Jason asked. "No," Casey replied, "She said that I'd be safe here, and that you and the others would fall before her. You're with The Feral and The Raven, right?" "All part of the same group, kid," Jason replied, "Answer me this, do you want to see her stopped?" "I just want things to go back to normal," Casey replied, "I want my mom an dad back, my sister Avery, and my old life back." "Avery is your sister?" Jason asked, "The girl in charge of patrolling the western clocktower?" "Yes!" Casey said, "Tell me she's still alive. You and your group...you didn't kill her did you?" "Looks like this might be your lucky day, kid," Jason sighed, "Avery is with us. She's been keeping Goth's soldiers away from our base and feeding us intel. Your sister is alive and well, last I checked." "Oh thank God," Casey sighed, "If she's helping you, then I want to as well. Please, tell me what I can do." "Hold that thought," Jason said, patching into the comms again, "Zoey, Avery and Chasity are still at base, right?" "Affirmative, Jay-Bird," Avery's voice came in, "We headed up top to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Neither of us want any part of the shit show you're cooking up." "Your sister, Casey, is here with me now," Jason said, "Goth put her in as a sniper in the hospital near Blackridge Manor. She says she wants to join us. Any advice?" "Case is there?!" Avery yelled, causing him to wince. "Yes, damnit," he snapped, "How many times do I have to tell you not to yell into the mic?!" "That's definitely Avery," Casey laughed. "Sorry," Avery said, lowering her voice, "That psycho bitch put her near the front lines. I can't believe mom and dad agreed to this shit. Jay, Casey is a good kid. Give her a job and she'll get it done. Just...watch out for her, yeah?" "I'll make sure she's taken care of, Avery," Jason replied before looking back at Casey, "If you want to help, then go back to the stairwell and get my bag. Bring it back here, dig out the explosive charges, and start planting then around the building. Any place that looks load bearing is a good place to plant them. Once you've got that done, get back to me here. If shit hits the fan like I think it's going to, then you need to be close by so I can get you out of here. Understand?" "I understand," Casey said, "I'll get it done." "Good, now move," Jason said, "We don't have a lot of time." "I'm on it," Casey said. Jason nodded and watched as she walked away. He moved over to the window and patched back into the comms, "Everyone, it looks like fate may have given us a break. Be ready, this fight is about to get started in earnest. I give the signal, I want all of you causing as much chaos as possible to divert Goth's forces." ----------------------- Beth sat on her bike with Havoc off to the side. She had been listening to Jason's exchange with Avery about some girl he'd found. She grinned behind her hood as he finished speaking, "It's about fucking time. The longer we wait, the more prepared these nut jobs get." "Just hold your damn position, Feral," Jason snapped, "Not long now." "You're eager for a fight," Havoc said, "You're growing restless because you're worried about Pam and Jake." "Thank you, captain obvious," Beth said, "Of course I'm worried about those two idiots. We barely escaped Hell last time, and now they've gone back into the lion's den!" "They will return," Havoc said, "Jake will not abandon us, and Pam cares too much for you to not return." "What's your deal?" Beth asked, "You went from a murder frenzy at the sight of me and Jake, to suddenly giving a shit about whether we live or die. Don't give me the whole spiel about being part of the same cause, either, because that doesn't explain why you volunteered to ride with me." "Do you believe people can change?" Havoc asked. "Went from arresting bad guys to kill them, so what do you think?" Beth countered. "Yet you still are willing to lay down your life to save others," Havoc said, "Is it so hard to believe that some of us can be redeemed? If you can fall to our ranks, then why can't some of us rise above the muck that we surround ourselves with? Once, I believed in hope, but that was before my accident. Listening to you and Jake now, I can feel that belief returning. If there is hope left in this world, it lies with people like you three. Even demons can be redeemed if their heart is moved." "Didn't peg you for the philosophical type," Beth sighed, "So, what are you saying? You think Goth can be redeemed?" "The woman she was is gone," Havoc replied, "All that's left is the creature wearing that skin. If what Pam said is true, then there is no hope of saving her, but there is still hope for someone like me to redeem myself. Kaitlyn, Alexis, Sam, Sally, and even Pam have all managed to turn from the women they were to something more. I chose to go with you because if there is any hope for this world, you need to be alive to see it through." "Shit didn't make sense before all of this, but these are strange times now," Beth sighed. "Indeed," Havoc agreed. "I hate waiting around," Beth said after a moment of awkward silence, "With everything at stake, everything Goth knows, I feel like we're setting ourselves up for failure." The sound of gunfire cut through the air in the distance. Havoc looked in the direction before turning to Beth, "It looks like you won't have to wait any longer." "Goddamnit!" Sally's voice barked over the comms, "We got spotted by one of those high ranking bitches! Jay, hurry your ass up! Our cover is blown!" "Fuck," Jason's voice replied, "Everyone, move up and rain down as much hell as you can! You're on your own for now. I can't move until Casey gets back. Stay alive, and I'll cover you as soon as I'm able!" "Should have known shit was gonna go sideways," Beth said, jumping onto her bike, "Come on! Let's get to them before it's too late!" Havoc didn't hesitate to hop on behind Beth. Sally and Kait weren't far from Beth and Havoc, but as they peeled out into the streets, they saw the mobs of people marching towards their position. Hundreds of them all armed with guns, swords, spears, and other weapons. Beth growled as she pulled her machine pistol out and sprayed into the crowd. It was a drop in the bucket, but anything was better than nothing right now. The attention became split between converging on Sally and Kait, to trying to catch and stop Beth and Havoc. There were too many for her to drive through and over. She hated to lose the bike she'd just got, but she didn't see another option. "Get ready to jump!" she yelled to Havoc. She picked up speed, turned shaper than normal, and tilted the bike so it would fall over. She and Havoc jumped from the bike, and the force from Havoc sent it crashing faster into the crowd. It bowled over several members of the Goth's forces heading for them, and the two of them were left on foot. "Go!" Havoc roared, "Get to Sally and Kaitlyn, I'll handle these weaklings!" Beth didn't need to be told twice. She worked better alone and on foot anyways. She could hear Havoc charging into the mob while they fired at her. She pulled out her grappling gun and fires it at a nearby streetlamp. She needed to get to higher ground to avoid getting caught in the waves of men and women. She soared through the air and leaned on top of one of the streetlamps. Grabbing from her belt, she pulled out a grenade, ripped the pin out, and threw it towards the barricade of patrol cars. The city was going to have a field day once this was over trying to rebuild and refund their losses. It passed by several of the soldiers and rolled underneath one of the cars. The explosion took out one of the cars and a group of soldiers hiding behind it along with a passing platoon. She had five left, but she needed to save them for later. "The Heretic is above!" a man cried out, "Shoot her, brothers and sisters!" So much for the stealth approach. She rolled her eyes and drew her pistol. A single shot was all it took to end his life, but the damage was already done. She'd been spotted, and now she had to move. Havoc could only cause so much of a distraction amidst the army that they faced. She fired her grappling gun again and zipped through the air towards where Sally and Kait were pinned. She fired as she flew through the air. Her bullets embedded themselves in a few of the men and women, but there were too many to count. This was bad. They'd sprung the trap that had been set for them, and she didn't know how they'd manage to survive. "Come get it, you sad fucks!" Sally's voice yelled in the distance, "Fuck you, and fuck your self serving Master!" Despite the chaos around them, Sally actually sounded like she was having fun. The sound of a shotgun cut through the fires and warcries. Beth's clip was empty as she landed on another streetlamp. She ejected it and let it fall to the ground, pocketed her grappling gun, and slapped another one in as she dropped down. She opened fire on a woman beside her who raised a club to strike her. The club fell to the ground alongside her as she fell backward. She sidestepped an oncoming swing from a sword and slammed the butt of her pistol into the face of the man wielding it. A quick kick to his chest knocked him to the ground, and two shots to his chest kept him down. The sound of metal colliding hit her ears nearby. Kait was engaged in a melee with someone, and the body of a young woman flew back full of buckshot. Beth was about to rush towards Sally and Kait when she felt a sudden pull of an unseen force drag her back. "Stand aside, brethren!" a woman yelled I'm a distorted voice, "The honor of this one belongs to me!" She looked up to see a massive boot heading for her head. She rolled out of the way just as it hit the ground where she'd been. She got up and looked around. A circle of Goth's soldiers had formed and were cheering. She looked over to see a large woman whose skin had become discolored and purple. She stood a head and a half taller than her, her eyes were glowing red, and she had on armor with a strange insignia of an eye with flames around it on her chest. Her hands were empty, but they glowed like Pam's did when she was casting. The woman raised one arm before swiftly bringing it back down. A tendril of crackling purple energy engulfed her wrist and headed straight for her. Beth's eyes went wide as she raised her right arm out of instinct and prepared for the sting of the whip. It never came, though. She hadn't meant to, but she'd conjured The Northwind Blade by accident. The tendril wrapped around the blade, but it dissolved when the woman attempted to rip it from her hands. "What is this?!" she demanded, "We were not told that you could perform such tricks!" "Guess your false Goddess is keeping secrets," Beth laughed, standing and twirling the sword before addressing the crowd, "Listen to me!" This is a fight you can't win! Lay down your arms, retreat, and save yourselves while you still can!" The cheers had quieted down once Beth had conjured her sword. They stared at her and the glowing sword with shock and awe. "Don't listen to her!" the woman yelled, "Our Goddess has seen the truth, seen our victory! A simple trick doesn't turn the tides for any of them!" "The choice is yours!" Beth called out, "I've fought for many of you, but choosing to stand with Goth means choosing to die! I don't want to have to kill if I don't have to, but I'll do what I have to if it means stopping this madness!" "You side with thieves and murderers," the woman sneered, "You think yourself better than us, but the people you fight beside have terrorized us for years! The Goddess saved us from the demons, she promised us salvation, and she has delivered us from evil!" She stepped forward and her arms began to glow. She swung at Beth, who dodged the attack with ease and continued her rant, "She has given her chosen the blessings of power and greatness! She is the great reckoning that you and this world need!" Beth dodged another punch, and spun around to slam the pommel of her sword into the woman's back. She stumbled forward and Beth held up her sword, "She is a liar and a megalomaniac! Stop this insanity before it's too late!" The woman straightened her back and held out her hand. A large two handed sword appeared in it. She brandished it at Beth, "Says the woman who refused the pardon for her sins. Come and reap what you've sown, slave-girl." Beth growled in response and dashed forward. Their blades locked and sparks flew. She was sick of being underestimated, being overlooked, and of being mocked for her choices. "I'll cut you down, you disgusting monster," she said, pushing forward, "There'll be one less monster in the world when I'm through with you!" While they exchanged blows, the sound of arcane swords colliding was drowned out by the marching and gunfire around them. The circle around them may have stopped, but the mass of men and women beyond continued their fight. Havoc had managed to make it to one of the patrol cars, and she grabbed it to use it as a weapon. She slung it into the bodies of those that surrounded her, and when she was through, she threw it into one of the armored trucks. Sam had managed to rejoin Sally and Kait while they fought their way closer to the manor. Gunfire, explosions, and screams echoed around them as they shot, blasted, and cut their way through Goth's forces. No matter how many they killed, though, more continued to come. Thunder boomed in the skies above them as lightning flashed across the clouds. A storm was brewing in response to the carnage below. The city was at war with itself, but neither side was willing to give an inch. "There's too many!" Sam cried out, reloading her SMG, "I'm gonna run out of fucking ammo!" "Then beat the bitches to death!" Sally yelled, slamming the butt of her shotgun into the face of a man too close for comfort, "They're not Gods, they're people like us!" "We fight until our last breath!" Kait screamed, deflecting a blade and slicing a woman's throat, "This is the end, one way or another!" Beth was locked in a battle with the mysterious chosen of Goth's while the others fought their way through. Whoever this woman was, she was good, Beth would grant her that. Her swings were fast and strong, but thanks to the spirit guiding her movements, Beth was able to keep pace. The woman swung her sword down, and Beth held her sword up to block it. She could feel the tingling heat running through her arm as she continued to fight. She parried the titan of a woman's horizontal swings, and the heat continued to build until it started to burn. The blade glowed, and she spun around to release the energy that had built up. A surge of blue energy shot out of the sword and at the woman. Her sword was shattered on impact and she was sent flying backward. She tried to stand, but she fell to her knees and screamed, "This changes nothing! You and your sinful kind will suffer!" Her skin cracked and stiffened before turning to dust. Beth held out her sword and called out, "See what her gifts do?! Join us, help us put things right, please! The women fighting alongside me are trying to find redemption, trying to put an end to this craziness! Don't end up another pawn in Goth's game!" There were murmurs among the crowd, and a sudden shift caused many to turn on one another. Arguing broke out first, then gunfire and fighting. It was anarchy, but Beth stood beside the ones who'd chosen to join their cause. It was a bloodbath of epic proportions as she and the others cut through the ranks of Goth's faithful. Then the sound of blades whirling above reached her. Air support, Goth had air support! They hadn't even considered that possibility when they were planning their assault! "Go on ahead," a woman said, grabbing a rifle on the ground, "Go before that thing gets too close. She's got more on the way, but we can do what we can. The hedge maze in the back is your best bet, but many of us have gotten lost there before. Go, now!" A rocket shattered the window of the hospital and soared towards the approaching helicopter. The pilots couldn't react in time, and their bird erupted in a ball of flame. It hurtled towards the ground and crashed into the line of trucks and ambulances. "Havoc!" Beth screamed, seeing the woman close to the explosion before being blinded by the rising flames. "Tell me she's still alive!" Jason's voice came over the comms, "Tell me we didn't lose someone else!" "I'm going to check on her," Beth said, "The rest of you, get to the hedge maze around back! We've got a group of people that's defected to our side, and they're going to try to hold the line. Move, move, move!" "You heard the lady," Jason said, "Beth, I'll cover you from here. Get to Havoc and see if she's alive. If she's alive, get her around back, but if she's dead...then you're going to have to rejoin the others alone." Beth didn't respond as she charged towards the crash site. Jason rained down bullets from above, and she cut through anyone who dared to get too close. She drove her sword into the chest of a woman and ripped it out without slowing down. She drew closer and the flames grew hotter and higher. "Havoc!" Beth called out, "Goddamnit, you big bitch, don't you fucking die on me!" She saw movement from the debris and bodies, and she sprinted towards it. A large hand shot up before the arm attached bent and pulled her ally from the wreckage. Her suit was torn, and her mask was badly damaged. Beth could see the woman's bare skin and hourglass figure through the tattered spots on the suit. Her skin seemed to have a glow to it, an almost neon green hue, and she could see long black hair falling from part of the broken mask. She'd never actually seen Havoc's face beneath that terrifying gas mask she wore. "I'm here," Havoc groaned, "It'll take more than that to kill me. You shouldn't be worrying about me, though. I made a promise to keep you alive, and being here only puts you in more danger!" "Nice to see you too, you glowing dickhead," Beth scoffed, "I told you, I'm not losing anyone else." "She's alive?" Jason asked, "Great, now move your asses! You've got fanatics closing in on your position, and I've only got so many shots before I have to reload!" "Copy that," Beth said, "Don't you have some more heavy artillery?" "I do, but I can't use it without blowing you two to bits," Jason said, "Clear the area, and I'll blow a hole in the ranks." "Havoc, we need to move," Beth said, "Can you run?" "I can," Havoc grunted, "The chemicals in my system give me an enhanced healing factor along with the strength and speed boost." "Good, then let's get going!" Beth said, turning and cutting down another woman who charged at her with a sword. Gunshots rang out as a small squad assembled and opened fire. Beth dove to the ground to avoid the hail of bullets that ripped past her. Havoc let out a disgruntled sigh as she grabbed one of the blades of the helicopter and launched it at the ground. It spun through the air, and many of the firing squad dove to avoid it. Several were too slow, though, and their bodies were cut in half by it. Beth was about to get up when she felt Havoc's strong arm scoop her as she dashed through the crowd. She yelped in surprise, but didn't struggle against her. It may have been mildly demeaning, but that barely mattered in the face of the army they were facing. Havoc shouldered her way through the crowd, kicking and stomping anyone on the ground along the way. Beth had a bird's eye view of the gore with every heavy footfall, but she looked up to see the remnants of the barricade. "Fuck," she breathed before yelling to Havoc, "Throw me!" "What?" Havoc asked without slowing down. "Throw me!" Beth repeated, "Launch me over the barricade! There's gunners setting up for an ambush, and I've got a nasty surprise for them!" "You've been spending too much time with Alexis," Havoc sighed, "If you insist, hellcat." Havoc lifted Beth up and threw her at the vehicles. Beth was incredibly light compared to many of the people and things she'd thrown, and the Feral hero flew through the air like a bullet from one of her guns. "What the fuck are you two doing?!" Jason demanded. "Shut up and fire the big gun!" Beth yelled back. "Lunatics, every damn one you," Jason grumbled as he grabbed a freshly loaded rocket launcher. The Northwind Blade disappeared as Beth flew, and she reached into her coat to grab two freshly loaded pistols. She spun as she soared and rained down gunfire on the squad setting up for an ambush. They saw her too late, and her bullets lodged themselves in their skulls. She emptied her clips and dropped a few of them in the process. She landed on her feet, holstered her guns, and grabbed two grenades from her belt before pulling the puns and tossing them at the trucks they were standing on. She took off running as they opened fire on her, and the blast from the explosion sent her flying forward. She rolled as she landed and turned to survey the destruction she'd wrought. The trucks burned and body parts littered the area. She saw Havoc leap over them and land beside her. "You've started to lose it, hellcat," Havoc scoffed, "That blast could have killed you." "But it didn't," Beth said as an explosion shook the area from one of Jason's rockets, "Come on, we need to rejoin the others before they get overwhelmed. I'm betting Goth has more soldiers in reserve in case we made it this far." "That was my last rocket," Jason's voice came over the comms, "Moving to another position to try to provide better cover for you lot." "Jay, see if you can find a signal jammer while you're in there," Zoey said, "Something is disrupting the camera feeds, and given the resistance in there, I'm betting that it's probably in hospital somewhere." "Can't exactly roam the halls right now, Zoey," Jason said, "We've got an army below us to worry about, and there are still-son of a bitch." "What's wrong?" Zoey asked. "I've got guards coming every inch of this damn place," Jason said, his voice lower now, "There's one option to take them and the possible jammer out, but it's not pretty. Beth, you and Havoc need to get to the hedge maze around back fast. You need to be clear of the area as soon as possible." "You're not going to actually blow the place, are you?!" Beth demanded while sprinting towards the back. "Do you have a better idea?!" Jason countered, "It'll take out the guards, the jamming signal, and the blast is likely to take out a significant number of the ground forces as well." "It's a hospital!" Beth yelled back. "Yes, Beth, I'm well aware of that," Jason sighed, "It has to be done. I can't cover you all from the room I've been in, and there's still the issue of the armada crawling around below. Three birds with one stone." "This plan is going to shit real quick," Beth grumbled, "Fine, do what you have to do. There's a vantage point on the mausoleum around the back of the manor. Blow the place, find a way to get there, and take out as many of these assholes as you can." "Roger that," Jason said. "Get behind me!" Havoc ordered, charging ahead of Beth as they neared the line of armored trucks. Beth let her take the lead and watched as she turned to the side and crashed into the front of one of the trucks. It buckled against her weight and was sent skidding across the pavement. Another wave of troops was caught by surprise and scrambled to avoid the menacing titan charging towards them. They spotted Sally, Sam, and Kait trying to fight their way towards the back gate. Beth focused on the energy of the sword within her and conjured it back into reality. Her forty-five in one hand and the sword in the other, she picked up the pace. She sent a thought to the spirit inside of the sword begging for its aid. She felt it touch the fringes of her mind and pull at her muscles. "Havoc, move!" Beth yelled as she spun the blade in her right hand. Havoc moved to the side just as the blade began to glow. A blue aura enveloped Beth's body, and she gave herself over to the will of the spirit. She moved with blinding speed into the crowd of soldiers slashing and slicing faster than the eye could see. She slid to a stop in front of Sally and the others and released a controlled breath. There were flashes of light that formed throughout the swarm of Goth's forces, and for a moment they all froze. Blood poured from their bodies and sprayed upward as the aura faded from Beth's body. Half of their numbers fell to the ground in pieces, and Beth turned to open fire with her pistol on those that remained. There was a stillness in the air as several that were left looked at her in fear before throwing down their weapons and stepping back. "Where the hell did you learn to do that?!" Sally asked. "Where did you get that sword?" Kait asked. "Long story," Beth answered, "We get through this night, and I'll tell you whatever you want to know." "I've seen you use that when you fought Goth back on the docks," Kait said, eyeing the sword curiously, "Did your girlfriend teach you that trick?" "No, like I said, I'll explain if we survive," Beth said before turning back to face what was left of the troops, "Retreat or stand with us, the choice is yours! Run if you want to live, fight if you want to see this nightmare finally come to end!" "Real inspiring there, killer," Sam said. Havoc waded through the crowd as the bulk of them turned to run. Many of them gagged as they passed by the behemoth, but some chose to remain and join their cause. "I didn't join this group to get cut to ribbons," a woman said, grabbing a rifle from the ground, "We thought she was a savior when she saved us from the demons, but maybe we were wrong. We'll stand beside you, Feral." An explosion from the hospital cut her speech short, and everyone looked over to see fire burst from the windows. Glass and debris flew across the way as the building slowly began to collapse. Beth saw a figure fly from across the night sky with another in their arms. Jason had managed to get out with Casey. "You want to help, then secure the perimeter," Beth said, "Leave Goth to us. It's too dangerous for you all. Havoc, get the gate down." "With pleasure," Havoc said, running towards the eight foot steel gate and breaking it down. "Alright, let's move!" Beth ordered before turning back to the group of civilians, "If you want to run now's the time. None of us will blame you if you do. Sally, Sam, take the rear. Kait, you're with me up front. Havoc, stay close to Kait and me." "Any idea how to get through this maze?" Kait asked, eyeing the massive hedges. "Yeah," Beth said, "It's a trek, but we can make it if you stick close." "We could just go through," Havoc offered. "I think you all have gone far enough," Goth's voice rang out across the sky as her figure appeared above the hedges. "Well shit," Sam said, "What the hell are we supposed to do now?" "You can die along with the traitors, Samantha," Goth said from up above, "I'm disappointed in you all. I give my love, my knowledge, and my glory to you, and you repay me by siding with these heretical miscreants. The six of you have made quite a mess of my city, you've corrupted the faithful, and you've defiled this world with your sins for too long. First, I'll purge the weak from my ranks, then I'll deal with you. Rejoice, sweet children, you are about to become part of something greater than anything your meaningless lives could ever amount to!" "No!" Beth screamed as Goth raised her hands and the collars and armor the civilians wore began to glow. They screamed as their bodies seized up and began to convulse. Beth and the others watched in horror as their skin began to glow brightly in the darkness. Their bodies began to radiate particles of red energy, and piece by piece they began to deteriorate. They swirled upward and flew towards Goth. "Run!" Jason's voice yelled over the comms. "What's happening down there?!" Zoey demanded, "The image on the camera came back, but everything has gone dark now!" "Goth is on the battlefield!" Jason replied, "We've got a critical situation. She just...dammit all those people down there are gone!" "Jay, is Case still alive?!" Avery demanded. "She's fine, Avery," Jason replied, "We were out of range of her attack, but she can't stay here. Beth, I'm dropping Casey off and circling back around. Goddamnit, she's crazier than I thought! Get out of there, stay alive, and try to catch that psycho off guard!" "Beth, we've got to go!" Sally screamed at her, pulling her arm, "We stay here and we're as good as dead!" "She's right," Kait said, "We have to move. We can deal with any of her loyalists along the way, but right now we need to focus on staying alive." "I've got her," Havoc said, picking Beth up and taking off for the hedges, "Let's go." "Put me down!" Beth screamed, fury building up within her, "How can she just kill those innocent people?! They were scared! They wanted to live!" "Run, run, run," Goth laughed, "I do love a good chase, and it'll make killing you all much more satisfying!" So they ran. The sped blindly into the abyss away from the mad God that soared in the skies above. Goth cackled above them as she gave them a head start. "Where the hell is Jake?!" Kait asked as she led the group. "Don't think he's coming back, Kait," Sally replied, "I hate to say it, but we might be on our own here." "They'll make it," Sam argued sprinting beside them, "I know they will, they have to." "She's right," Havoc said as Beth beat on her shoulders, "This plan is insane, but I've never seen such determination in that boy. We have to hold out until they arrive." "Easier said than done," Sally said, "If this is the end, then it's been nice working with you girls." "Stop talking like we're finished!" Beth snapped, "I haven't even begun to fight! That bitch is going to pay for everything she's done!" "You'll get your shot," Havoc tried to reason with her, "Even if I let you down, what would you do while she's in the air? We need to try to find a place to ambush her." "She's right, Beth," Kait said, looking back at them, "Our only chance of success is a tactical advantage against her. Even then, our chances are grim." "I'd rather die on my own terms than go back to serving her!" Beth argued, "I'm sick of running away!" "You think I'm not?!" Kait snapped, "I'm a warrior, dammit, not some cowering rat. I've been running and hiding from this maniac since this insanity started, and I'm sick and tired of it! For once, Catgirl, we agree on this. It's better to die by our own choices than to serve and suffer. That's why we are going to keep going, find an advantageous spot, and hit her with everything we've got! I don't care if Jake and Pam return. All I care about is making sure that cunt never forgets my name!" Beth didn't reply until they came to the fork in the maze, "Left up here, then go straight until the third right." "Thank fuck someone knows where we're going," Sally said, sliding to the left with everyone, "You finally ready to listen to reason?" "Pick up the pace, little ones!" Goth's voice rang out, "You're running out of time, and I want a good sport before I drink in your defeat!" "God, her voice is almost as annoying as her fucking followers," Sam said. "Reason went out the window a long time ago," Beth replied, ignoring Sam and Goth, "The plan hasn't changed. We fight and make that bitch hurt until Jake and Pam show up, or until we bite the big one. If she wants to make this into a game then we'll play to win." "So, we're agreed," Kait said, "Guide us through for as long as you can, and ready yourselves for a fight." "Havoc let me down," Beth ordered. "Keep moving," Havoc said, tossing her so she could stay ahead. Beth landed on her feet and fell into step with the others. She dug into her coat and pulled three clips filled with her alchemical ammunition. "Sam, Sally, catch," she said, tossing two to them, "Anti personnel rounds that pack an added kick. Save them for whenever tall, dark, and gruesome catches up with us. They're a special blend that Pam taught me a while back, and they're your best chance at hurting her. I doubt they'll kill her, but if you can get the right shot off, they should stun and possibly wound her." "Got it," Sam said, catching it and stuffing it into her pocket. "Beth," Sally said, pocketing hers as they ran, "I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I want you to know I'm proud of you. Your mom would be too if she were still around." "This is all very touching, but can we focus on staying alive for now?" Sam asked. "Right, three lefts after this next turn then straight," Beth said. "Ready or not, children, here I come!" Goth's voice called out as she cackled above them. |