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Jake, Beth, and Pam have to band together with old foes to stop the monster they unleashed |
Jake and Pam stepped out of the portal and into a massive open chamber. The floors were dark, but there was an almost reflective glow to the floors and walls. Spikes lined the walls, jutting up and outward at odd angles. Five grooves ran along the walls and floor at various angles with what looked like molten magma flowing through them. A beam of red energy shot up in the center of the chamber. A pit of fire sat at the base of the beam, and Jake and Pam carefully walked into the room. The chamber was empty, but there was a sense of unease that filled the room. "I hate the feeling here," Pam said as she illuminated her hand with an orb of light. "Yeah, but it's a necessary evil," he said, "If there was another way, believe me, I'd have chosen it. After what I saw at the warehouse, I don't think there is. What happened back there with you, anyway? I've seen you transform before, but this was different. I've never seen half of those spells you cast, and I've never seen you move so fast either." Pam looked around to make sure they were alone. She pushed her empathic powers outward, but there was nothing. The chamber was devoid of thought and emotion. Something didn't sit right with her, but she ignored it to reply, "I'm not certain, but I believe I may have done what's referred to as ascension. In magic, there are levels that a mage, or sorceress in my case may achieve, can achieve through meditation and training. Ascension is something that is more of a legend. It's believed that when someone ascends, their senses, insight, and power increases by an incredible amount. Until just a little while ago, I thought it was just a story told to motivate people. A legend, nothing more." "Can you do that again?" he asked. "Yes and no,"she replied, "I believe I can tap into it again, but I'm not sure if I could do it at will. If pushed, I believe I could, but it was triggered by the anger I felt at what Rebecca showed me. When I was forced to watch her intentions with Beth, something inside of me snapped. I was barely aware of what was happening when I first came to, but as the fight drew on my mind began to catch up with what was happening. I believe that, if we are victorious, I may be able to ascertain just how to achieve such a form at will. Although, I have to say that using that form left me quite exhausted. It wasn't just the battle that wore me down; my connection to the weave was weaker than it has ever been." "Damn, we really could have used an extra ace," Jake said, looking around, "Where are we?" "I'm not sure" Pam replied, "You're able to communicate with Ashley, correct?" "She's always around," he said, "I'm not particularly thrilled with her right now, but she's still here." "Don't be angry with her," Pam said, "She was only acting out of concern for you. She was worried, rightfully so, that Rebecca would find a way to reach some way to further increase her power. You know how she is, she has to be the best. The fact that I even caused her any semblance of difficulty is enough to infuriate her. She doesn't want to see any harm come to you, and while reckless, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same about Beth." Ashley appeared, sitting along the edge of the pit, "She did the same thing when she found out I had turned Beth, love. The two of you stormed into my club, and she nearly killed two of my people because she was worried and angry." "She's got a point," he said, more to Ashley than to Pam, "She says you did basically that when you found out what she did to Beth." "Not one of my proudest moments, but I would do it again," Pam admitted, "Love is strange, Jake. It makes people do crazy things. Things that they wouldn't normally do. Rationale and reason often fly out the window in the face of such a strong emotion." "It's a shame that I never got the chance to speak with this woman more," Ashley said, "She's quite insightful for someone her age. She would have made a fine advisor in times past. You're lucky she's on your side, Jake." He stared off for a moment, half listening for any movement, but partially lost in thought. Had Rebecca been motivated by such thoughts? Was that why she chose to go to such horrendous acts? For him, for love? "Jake, I know you have a lot going on, but we don't have time for you to introspect right now," Pam said, sensing his mood shift, "I'm sorry, I really am. After everything that's happened to you, you deserve a chance to sit and think. However, the fate of everyone we care about is at stake, and everyone is counting on you." He shook his head and sighed, "You're right. There's too much on the line for me to be getting lost in thought." "Another time, my love," Ashley said softly, "We will win this war. Now, as for Pam's earlier question; I believe we are in one of Hell's citadels. They were constricted to act as conduits of power before The Well was fully unlocked. Older Arch Lords used them to harness the latent and residual energy that flows throughout this dimension. The pillar of energy before us is the collective energy of this region of the Hellscape. Lilith is one of the oldest denizens of this plane, and it's likely she's planning on using these places to subvert Hell's capital cities." "Think you can dumb that down just a bit?" Jake asked, "Mainly what she's planning to do with these places." "If Lilith is able to activate and harness the power generated from these places, she will have two means for gathering influence," Ashley sighed, "She could either use them as a way to bolster her own strength, and attempt to retake Hell by force, or she could reactivate them as power nodes for the lesser demons. The Well may be the largest source of power here, but the Citadels could be used to reach further into the wastes, beyond the cities. Whether she chooses to spread the wealth or use it for herself, reactivating the Citadels is a guaranteed way for her to reclaim influence over this realm." "Jake, would you care to share whatever it is Ashley is saying?" Pam asked, "I'm not fond of lingering here if we don't have to, and I'd like to know if my trajectory was off or not." "Rest assured, Pamela, you've come right where we wanted you to," a familiar and chilling voice echoed off the walls. "That voice," Pam said, readying a spell in her left hand. A plume of smoke appeared along the ground, and three figures slowly rose out of it. The first two were on all fours with collars around their necks and chains attached to them. A sadistic and familiar blonde and brunette crawled along the floor, the latter appeared to have some sort of gag in her mouth. Cherrie and Analise, the two soul sucking sisters who had terrorized them the last time they were here. The dresses they'd worn last time looked to have been replaced with rags and common wrappings. Behind them, standing tall and proud, was the eldest sister Victoria. She held their leashes in one hand, and stepped forward with a confident grin. "When mother said that you two would come, I almost didn't believe her," Victoria said, leading her sisters as she circled the two of them, "You barely managed to escape last time, but then things in your world have taken quite the unfortunate turn. Perhaps you've come to beg for a place at mother's table, or maybe you're here because you're gluttons for punishment. If it is the latter, I will be happy to oblige. Jake belongs to mother, but you, Pamela, are fair game. You're such a pretty little thing, and it is so much fun to play with a mortal who is magically inclined." "Save it, Victoria," Jake snapped, stepping forward without fear, "We're here for an audience with Lilith. We haven't given up on our end of the bargain, but we need her help." "She's already given you plenty, little boy," Victoria chided, "The benefits from her blessing were enough to aid you in your fight with Dorothy. Is it our fault that you are unable to properly harness them?" Ashley stood from her perch and glared at the demented demon, "This woman is a pretentious little thing, isn't she? Between the two of you, I believe you could easily destroy her. If you would just allow me a few moments of control, this will all be over quickly." Jake ignored Ashley's offer and focused on Victoria, "If your mother wants her revenge and her power back, then she'll help us. She sent you here to meet us, so do what you were told and take us to her." "Hmm, it seems the little boy has grown a spine," Victoria mocked, "Interesting and tiresome. Very well, boy, I'll take you where you want to go, but I doubt you'll be so lucky as to sway mother twice. I'm curious to see how this goes, and if you fail then I will have a new toy to play with. My poor feet are dreadfully sore and filthy, Pamela. When you two fail, I intend to have you start your new eternal life by licking every inch of them. It'll be a nice warmup for the eternity of fun we'll be having together. Follow me, you two, and stay close. Things have changed since you were here last." --------------- Back on Earth, two hours had passed since Jake and Pam had left. Without either her girlfriend or best friend there, Beth had thrown herself into strategizing alongside Jason and the others. She maintained that her expertise on going to war with Goth provided some much needed insight. Their plan was moderately sound, but Beth wasn't satisfied with the intel from Charity and Avery. Which brought her to the empty room of the clocktower where two of Goth's maidens sat bound and gagged. She and Sam had gone out to capture the two women as they patrolled the city. Everyone expected Goth's forces to be searching for them, but Beth wanted as many details as possible. "I don't like this," Jason said, "It's risky keeping them here." "They're going to tell me what I want to know, and their knowledge could keep us from getting pinned," Beth said, "Just let me work." "What are you going to do, claw them until they talk?" Kait asked with a mocking tone. "Girlie, you might want to step out of the room," Sally said, "I've seen Beth work, and all those stories about The Feral are true. This ain't gonna be pretty." "Just keep your mouth shut while I do my thing," Beth said, checking her coat to make sure she had everything and walking over. The woman wore skirts with light purple armor hanging from the belt, corsets that pushed up their breasts, pauldrons on their shoulders, and they'd been wearing helmets with purple feathers on them. Beth took a deep breath as she slowly walked over to them. She let go of the restraints she'd been trying to keep on herself. Since Jake had returned, she had been trying to keep her more violent side locked away. If there was ever a time to let the devil inside of her out, this was it. The women, one blonde and the other redheaded, glared up at her as she approached. She knelt down in front of them and studied their faces. She didn't know either of them personally, and that made what she was about to do much simpler. She reached out and removed a gag from the blonde's mouth. The woman immediately tried to bite down on Beth's hand, and Beth responded by punching her in the jaw. Her head jerked back, but her glare remained. "You know who I am?" Beth asked. "Elizabeth Thompson," the blonde said, "The Feral, the heretic, the dumb bitch who made the mistake of capturing myself and Rachel. You are going to regret making such a moronic choice, you dirty whore!" "Yeah, we'll see about that, princess," Beth scoffed, jamming the garment back into her mouth and looking over at the other woman, "I'm guessing you're Rachel. Since your friend here seems hellbent on spewing bullshit, I'm gonna say this to you. Neither of you are leaving her alive. How long you live, how much you suffer, is all up to you. Cooperate, and I'll make sure your deaths are quick and painless. Lie to me, try to act tough, or piss me off, and this will be the longest night of your lives on top of being the last. I'm gonna remove your gag, and I want you to tell me if you understand." Beth reached out and took Rachel's gag out of her mouth. The redhead promptly spit at Beth before launching into a tirade, "We know who you are, and it doesn't matter if you kill either of us! Our Goddess will make you all suffer a million times over, and I will not give anything to a pathetic excuse for a slave such as yourself!" Beth bit her lip and reached into her coat, "You know, I really don't like that word," she said, brandishing a small curved blade, "See, according to my girlfriend, I'm more of a switch with submissive tendencies. I think you're missing the point here, though. It's not about me killing you, you dumb cunt, it's about how much pain you're gonna endure before I do. Since you're so intent on insulting me, why don't we start with you? Observe." Without warning, Beth's free hand shot out and grabbed Rachel's hair. She pulled her head back as she leaned in, and she took the tip of hee knife and held it below her eye. She pushed the tip in slowly. Rachel held out for all of three seconds before she started kicking and screaming. Beth grinned as she continued to twist the blade and tightened her grip on her victim's hair. "Jesus," Kait said from the corner, "I thought she'd start slow." "This is starting slow," Sally said, "I'm gonna go find something to eat and check mags. Shit is gonna get a lot worse from here. If these two idiots keep insulting her, then things are gonna get loud." Beth kept her torture up for a minute before removing the blade. Rachel panted with tears in her eyes as she stared up at Beth, "Fun fact, there's a nerve right there that causes excruciating pain when cut. That's a taste of what I can do, but I still don't think you two fully get it. You call me a slave because I submit, and you might have a point to some degree. What you're not getting is that my mistress isn't here. There's no one holding the leash tonight, but more importantly, no one is coming to save you. You can scream, struggle, beg, hurl insults, and whatever the hell else you want, but nobody here is going to stop me. You're going to tell me what I want to know, and the sooner you do, the sooner you can get some much needed rest." "You worthless little bitch-" was all Rachel could spit out before Beth knocked her unconscious with a single punch. Beth turned to the blonde and sighed, "Guess it's just you and me until your friend wakes up. Don't think that I'll be knocking you out if you start getting mouthy. Let's begin with a simple question. What is your name?" Beth pulled the gag out the woman's mouth. She didn't try to bite her this time, and instead looked up at her with fear hidden behind her eyes. She was trying to look unphased, but Beth had done this enough times to know better. When she spoke, her voice betrayed any toughness she was trying to convey, "S-Sandra, my name is Sandra. I am a maiden in training under Nyx, one of the Goddess' anointed." "Anointed?" Beth repeated, "Fucking hell, that delusional bitch really is going all out. Well, Sandra, I'm glad you're trying here. What is Goth planning?" "You and all your friends will suffer at her hands," Sandra said. "And here I thought we were making progress," Beth sighed, grabbing her knife, "Oh well, why don't we see how talkative you are after I cut off a few fingernails?" "Wait, wait!" Sandra screamed, trying to scoot away, "You asked what she's planning, and I told you!" Beth paused and rolled her eyes, "Gonna need you to be more specific, Sandra. Your boss hates my guts, that's a given." "If I answer, will you answer a question from me?" Sandra asked. "That's not typically how this works," Beth replied, "Not sure if you've been in an interrogation before, but generally I ask and either you tell, or I hurt you." "Please, just one question," Sandra begged. "Sounds like you're stalling," Beth said, "I assure you, nobody knows you're here. I checked your gear, and none of you have trackers, magical or otherwise. I'll humor you, just because you're being a good girl right now, but if you try anything then I'll cut out a tooth along with one of your fingers. Do I make myself clear?" "Crystal," Sandra sighed, "She's expecting your group to assault her manor, which I'm sure you all are planning. We were ordered to begin sweeping the streets, searching buildings, and detaining anyone we deemed suspicious beginning tonight at midnight. Anyone who spots one of your members, and she has given us all thorough descriptions, is not to engage outright. She wants you to come to her, but she did tell us that if we could lure you into an ambush, we should have no second thoughts about that." "What about key areas throughout the city?" Beth asked, "If she is okay with an ambush, then I'm sure she's selected spots for you all to use. Where are they, and what can you tell me about scouts as well as patrols?" "I answered your question, now you have to answer mine," Sandra said. "You're either really bold, or really stupid," Beth said, "One question, Sandra, so make it count." "The Goddess offered you, your mistress, and the Raven a chance to join her, to be high ranking members of her new world," Sandra started, "You would have been given freedom, riches, power, and whatever else you desired, but you three rejected it. Why?" Beth whistled, "Gotta hand it to you, that's as good a question as any for only having one," she said, "I'll be honest with you, I almost took that deal just to save Pam. It was her Raven that convinced us not to take it, though. He reminded us that whatever promises she makes always come at a high price. Pam was a former disciple, a damn good one at that, but the shit she's told me she went through tells me that it wasn't an easy life. I'd rather be my own person, serving who I choose, than be a weapon for someone else's will. Especially when that someone is a mass murdering megalomaniac. You probably think I'm nuts, that I should have taken her offer, but what you don't realize is, she's going to betray you and everyone else. Her loyalty isn't to any of you, it's to herself. She's selfish, Sandra, and even if I weren't going to kill you, she eventually would. You tell me what I want to know, and I promise your death will be as painless as possible. Once Goth finds out you were here, assuming you manage to get away, she's going to torture you, break you, and reduce you to nothing more than a toy for someone else's amusement." "She wouldn't," Sandra argued, "She is a benevolent Goddess in a sinful and corrupt world!" "She's a sociopath with magic powers and a God complex, hon," Beth sighed, "Look, I got off easy when she kicked the shit out of me. Pam took me in, cared for me, taught me how to cope, and showed me that I can be free while submitting to her, not to Goth. After seeing what happened there, I doubt Goth is gonna let anyone have the chance I had again." "You're wrong," Sandra said, "You're going to pay for your blasphemous choices!" "Believe what you want," Beth sighed, "I've lived through it, and I know what's coming if she isn't stopped." "She said you were a liar, a deceiver," Sandra snapped, "She said that you were the one who led Pamela astray, the one who turned our Raven against her. Hearing you speak, I know she speaks the truth!" "Led Pam astray?" Beth repeated before huffing, "Are you fucking kidding me? Do you even hear yourself? You want to know why Pam turned against her? It's because despite me doing every-goddamn-thing that psychopath ordered, she chose to humiliate me in front of her little court. All because I stuck up for my friend when her old friend, whom I killed by the way, was bullying him! Pam disciplined me for speaking out of turn, but that wasn't good enough for your precious Goddess. It's because she overstepped her fucking bounds that Pam had had enough!" "Untie me, you little piece of trash, and I'll show you what it means to be truly disciplined!" Sandra screamed. "Tch, you try to be civil with people," Beth muttered before cutting the ropes around Sandra, "Alright, tough girl, you asked for this. You're pissing me off, and I got no problem beating your ass into submission. Take your best shot." Sandra stood up and lunged for Beth's throat. Her technique was sloppy and predictable, and Beth easily sidestepped and kneed her in the stomach. Sandra doubled over before Beth brought her hands together and slammed them into the back of her head. Sandra hit the ground with a thud, and the others in the room watched and waited. Sandra tried to get to her feet and run, but Beth snatched her ankle and drug her back to the ground. She flung her backward before stepping over her. She drew her gun and jammed the barrel into her mouth. Sandra's struggles stopped and she whimpered. Beth glared down at her and cocked the hammer to her pistol. "Ugh, what's going on?" Rachel groaned as she came to and saw Sandra laying near her with Beth standing over her, "Sandra! Don't let this little slave beat you! She's nothing, she is just a pathetic-" The sound of a gunshot cut Rachel off followed by Sandra screaming. Beth had yanked the barrel of her gun from Sandra's mouth and shot her in the shoulder. She silenced Sandra's screaming with a boot to her face. Her body fell limp as she slipped into a dreamless slumber. She turned towards Rachel as she proceeded to retie Sandra, "I'm sorry, I think I cut you off. You were saying?" "Stay away from me, you disgusting slave," Rachel spat, mild fear cutting into her voice. "I can already tell, you and I are going to have a lot of fun together," Beth said as she holstered her gun and drew her knife, "Your turn to talk, Rachel. I've got all night. I want to know where Goth is posting her scouts, where the choke points she's planning to use are, and how many she's planning on keeping at the manor. Talk, now, or else things are going to get a lot more painful for you." -------------- Jake and Pam walked behind Victoria through the red wastes of Hell. The familiar barren and rocky landscape brought back all too familiar memories of their time here. The hot and arid winds whipped around them, stirring dust and debris around them. They'd exited the massive citadel only a short while ago, and other than the wind and distant growls, it was eerily silent around them. Victoria kept a brisk pace in front of them, and she hadn't bothered to look back once. The image of the marble structure Lilith called home could be seen in the distance. The familiarity of it all sent an unnatural chill down both of their spines. "Pamela," Victoria called, "Just so you know, my left foot is a bit ticklish. I wouldn't want my new toy to be unprepared." "I'll remember that when I'm ripping it from your leg," Pam spat, "We've come for an audience, you entitled little brat, and I will not be staying to serve you." "I'm going to enjoy breaking that spirit of yours, little one," Victoria laughed. "Don't let her rattle your cage," Jake whispered, "It's a game, and I know you know that. If she can goad you into attacking her, it'll hurt our chances of brokering a deal with Lilith." "Sad when you are the voice of reason, but you're right," Pam sighed. "Just a bit further, mortals," Victoria called back, "Mother is going to be ecstatic to see you again, Jake. Although, I don't imagine she'll be pleased that you've failed to deliver on your promise. Don't fret, though, it's nothing that a little worship won't be able to fix. Mother has been complaining that her throne needs a new cushion." Jake didn't reply, but Ashley fumed beside him as they walked, "I hated this little trio when I was here. Entitled, hateful, and more ungrateful than anyone I've met. What I wouldn't give to rip this little slut's throat out." "Ash, you know the plan," Jake said, "We're here because we have to be. If things go south, then you can take over and have your fill." They walked down the hill and came at last to the marble staircase. They ascended and Victoria stood off to the side, "She's down there waiting for you," she said, "Whatever she decides, I hope you're prepared to accept her terms. I will abide by my mother's will, unlike my sisters, but I do hope that she denies your request." She blew a kiss at Pam, who glared at her in return. Victoria cackled as they walked deeper into the marble plateau. The columns from last time still stood, and they passed the ones that Abaddon had smashed. They spotted Lilith sitting on her throne of skulls and stone with one hand cradling her jaw. The sight of her was just as intimidating as ever. Bare except for the chain loincloth and brazier she wore, and her crimson eyes were practically glowing with hunger as they approached. "Jake Blackridge, you've come back to me empty handed," Lilith said, "If you've come to offer this little morsel as a sacrifice, I'm afraid I'm unwilling to accept such an offer. However, if you've come to accept your place, then this little thing may yet have a purpose. My dearest daughter has been simply dying for a new playmate, and Pamela would make a fine addition." "We haven't come to surrender, Lilith," Jake replied, "We've come to strike a deal." "You forget your place, boy," Lilith said before snarling, "Kneel! Both of you!" Compelled by forces that neither could see or comprehend, they followed her command. "What trickery is this?!" Pam demanded. "This is my world, girl," Lilith growled, "You are guests in my domain, and this particular portion of Hell is completely at my whim. Speak, worms, and tell me why I should even consider letting you walk away a second time!" "We need your help!" Jake cried out, "Rebecca is too powerful for us to defeat as we are now." "How utterly unsurprising," Lilith chided, "You three weren't even able to defeat Dorothy, so why should I believe that you have even the slightest chance of defeating Rebecca?! Moreover, why should I let you walk away a second time?!" "Because I know you're not satisfied with just this portion of Hell!" Jake yelled. "That may be true, boy, but having Rebecca's little lover as a plaything for eternity would certainly help to take my mind off things," Lilith scoffed, "What hope do any of you and your miserable little friends have against her?" "That is precisely why we're here!" Pam snapped, growing frustrated at the treatment they were receiving, "I personally wounded Rebecca, but if we are to deliver the final blow we'll need more. Her power comes from you, so it stands to reason that you could sever the link to said power." Lilith waved her hand and the pressure holding them down was released, "Astute for a mortal," she said, "Stand and continue, Pamela. I want to hear your thoughts on this plan. Jake, crawl to my feet and service them while she speaks. Do it, or I will detain you both." "Fuck me," Jake whispered as he reluctantly crawled towards her. "Perhaps later, my darling little toy," Lilith said, "Analise was not the only one with gifts of endowment, although I can summon mine at will. You'll be getting a taste of that soon enough, though, dear boy. Speak, Pamela." Pam watched Jake shudder as he crawled over to comply with Lilith's command. She tried to ignore him and focus on Lilith, "This plan is Jake's, actually." "As you can see, dear, he's a little occupied," Lilith said, gesturing to Jake, "Hurry up, boy! I want to feel that tongue of yours between my toes now! Please, elaborate, Pamela." "Very well," Pam said, not wanting to anger the demoness before her further, "We were on the cusp of victory with Dorothy when Rebecca intervened. She's taken control of The Well of Souls, as I'm sure you are aware, but she's also given herself over to demonic power. This is more of a suspicion than anything, but given what I saw during our fight, I believe it to be true." "I watched your little scuffle," Lilith said, suppressing a moan as Jake began licking at her soles, "Mm, such a talented little tongue. I bet I could turn you into a deep throater with ease." "Ahem," Pam cleared her throat in an attempt to reign the demoness back in. "My apologies, dear, it has been too long since I've been properly worshipped," Lilith said, "You are a clever girl for someone young, and quite talented too. You achieved something that many mages spend lifetimes trying to obtain, and you are correct in your assessment of Rebecca. What is it that you hope to gain by coming here?" Pam once again chose to ignore Lilith's comment about Jake and continued, "The texts that I've read have been vague, but I believe that with a weapon imbued with your power, we can shatter the link to the power she stole. It's just a theory, but it's one that I believe to hold merit. We came here in hopes that you would grant us such a boon, and that we could hopefully gain the means to be rid of her once and for all." "Mm, and why should I trust either of you?" Lilith moaned. "Because she's taken everything from us," Pam replied, "If she isn't stopped, then the woman I love will suffer at her hands. I've seen what she plans to do to her, and I'm willing to go to any lengths to stop that from happening. I will not offer myself to you or your daughter, but I will offer Rebecca to you as tribute or die trying." "You're willing to destroy the woman who helped to make you who you are?" Lilith asked, "You counted her as a friend as well as a mentor not long ago. Are you really willing to damn her for all of eternity?" "The woman I knew is gone," Pam replied, "In her stead is a monster wearing her skin. Whatever fate awaits her, she's chosen for herself." "That doesn't answer my question, girl," Lilith said. "Yes, I am," Pam said, "Her death should also return your powers to you, so you would be able to rule over Hell as its new queen. Will you help us?" "Perhaps," Lilith mused, "My only qualm is that if you fail, I will lose this lovely little slave. I need to know that you will succeed. You bring nothing to offer as tribute, and you have only your empty words to act as hollow promises." "I will burn the world above if it means being rid of her for good," Pam said, darkly, "I am no hero, I only want what is mine to be kept safe. There is no force in this world, or the next, that will keep me from having that. Beth belongs to me, with me, and Rebecca seeks to tear her away. If we lose, then I will plan my revenge for what she has done and will do. I will not fail, we will not fail." "Such conviction," Lilith said, "I can feel your hate and bloodlust. This girl means that much to you?" "More than anything," Pam admitted, "I nearly lost her once, I won't have it happen a second time." "Very well then," Lilith said, looking down at Jake, "You did well to bring her with you, Jake. Had you been foolish enough to come alone, I'd have kept you here for myself. This girl has swayed me in your favor. You shall have my blessing, but moreover you shall have an army at your command. Know this, Pamela, there are subjects that have already pledged themselves to me. You will take them, guide them, and let them have their fill of the chaos that you will enact. Once the battle is won, those that survive will return to me in my realm." "My thanks, unholy matron, but Jake should be the one to lead them," Pam said, bowing before Lilith, "He was the one who devised this plan, not I, and he already bears your mark. Let him be your champion in this battle to come." "Such modesty in the face of Hell!" Lilith laughed, "As you wish, child. Jake, I shall anoint you as the commander of these forces, and you will lead the charge that shall turn the tides of the battle to come. On your knees, boy." Jake removed the demoness' sour foot from his mouth. A haze had begun to overtake his mind, but he was glad to be rid of the filthy sole. Lilith rose from her throne and held out a hand. An orb of fushia energy formed in her hand. A small curved dagger appeared in the center of the orb. The light around it bent inward and shifted as it began to crackle. Abyssal runes were etched into the blade, and the hilt was woven out of a strange red leather. The orb shattered, but the dagger remained suspended over Lilith's palm. Jake looked up at the weapon, and he felt a conflicting sense of hope and fear. "The Dread Blade," Lilith explained, sensing the emotions coming off of the two, "It is imbued with a tether to me, The Dread Queen. You'll have to get close, but this will eradicate that foolish pretender once and for all. It will return all that she has taken from me, and it will allow me to have my revenge once and for all. Oh, the things I'm going to do to that little whore! It gets me hot just thinking about it." "Thank you, your most unholiness," Pam said, "We won't let you down." "See that, Jake?" Lilith asked, "You could stand to learn a thing or two from that woman. Victoria, come my dear!" Victoria appeared, looking impassive as ever, "Yes, mother, how may I be of service?" "I've decided to give these mortals a proper chance to prevail," Lilith said, "Assemble our followers, dearest, and ready them for war." "Mother, are you sure this is wise?" Victoria asked. "Are you questioning me, Victoria?" Lilith countered. "Not at all, mother, it's just…" Victoria trailed off, "I am worried that we may be sending them on an errand they may not be able to survive. If we lose the forces we have, we may not be able to take what is ours, what is yours." "With this blade, dear daughter, my powers will be returned to me," Lilith explained, "Once I have them, this realm will fall to its knees before me. Don't fret, dear, there will be other toys for you to play with. Go, assemble our followers." "Yes, mother," Victoria said, "What shall I tell them?" "Tell them their queen has declared a new conquest," Lilith replied, "Tell them that the blood of the pretender will be spilled, and that the day of reckoning is finally at hand." "By your decree, mother," Victoria said before winking at Pam as she faded into the stone, "We could have had such fun together. Do not fail us, or I will come for your soul myself." "Now, it's going to take a little while for my beloved daughter to gather your army, so, Jake," Lilith said, unclasping her loincloth and taking a seat, "In lack of tribute, and while we wait, you're going to get me off. Come, boy, let's put that mouth of yours to work. I understand Rebecca has bent you over quite a few times. I'm sure you've lubricated her cock before, so I want you to show me how well you can work. I want you to suck as though your life depends on it, and I want you to swallow every last drop. Once that is done, you can eat me out." Jake watched in shock and awe as an eight inch slap of meat sprung to life between Lilith's legs. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me," he said, looking back at Pam. "Don't look at me," Pam said, "It was your idea to come here. It's just a dick. I know Rebecca has had you suck hers a time or two." "Not helping," he said, looking over at the image of Ashley who was inspecting Lilith's growing monster. "I admit, I kind of want to see this," Ashley said before adding, "It is for the greater good, love. It doesn't make you any less of a man." He was about to protest when he felt an unseen force pull him towards Lilith's member. He stared at it as she put a hand on the back of his head and rubbed it against his lips, "Open wide and suck, slave!" --------------------- Beth stepped out of the interrogation room wiping her hands. Her knuckles were bruised from a rough few hours, but she'd gotten what she needed. It had taken cutting pieces of Rachel and Sandra off, beating them, and utilizing some of her poisons to get them to talk, but they had eventually given in. Their bodies lay behind the closed door, broken beyond recognition. "Goth has scouts along most every rooftop," Beth said, "She's got choke points throughout the city, and she's keeping her strongest soldiers at the manor. I doubt she's going to just sit back and wait, though." "We're just gonna ignore what happened in there?" Kait asked, mildly unsettled, "I'd heard the stories about you, but I thought they were exaggerations." Beth shrugged, "We needed answers, we didn't have time, and I told them what would happen." "Ask her or Pam about their first date," Sally scoffed. "It's best not to dwell on it," Jason said, "Show us where they're planning on luring us." "That girl begged you to kill her," Kait said. "And I did, after she told me what I needed to hear," Beth said, "I stopped being a hero after Goth's first takeover. Now, I am what I have to be." "And what's that?" Kait asked. "Vengeance, the pain of the weak, and an answer to those who cry out for justice," Beth replied, "You and a lot of others terrorized my city for years. You put fear into the hearts of the people, and even Jake and myself. Now, I'm what was born out of that fear. It's only right that villains know what terror feels like, and if that means I have to make hard calls, then so be it." "Glad I'm stepping down once this shit show is over then," Kaif said. "Smart choice," Beth said, "So, I'm willing to bet Goth will end up making an appearance. She's not going to tell her people everything, and that bitch loves to make an entrance. It's a safe bet that she will show herself at some point, so we need to be ready." "Then there's also the chance that you got fed a bunch of bullshit," Jason said, "Their orders were probably true, but I think you're right. Let's have a look at the map and you point out where Goth's forces are supposed to be heaviest. Once we have that, we can cover our strategy until Jake and Pam get back." "Sounds good," Beth said, walking behind Jason, "It's almost showtime. Sal, make sure yours and Sam's bikes are ready to go and stocked up." "Already done," Sally said. "Then let's hustle, people," Beth said, taking charge beside Jason, "We've got a city to save." |