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Jake, Beth, and Pam have to band together with old foes to stop the monster they unleashed |
Pam and the others appeared in the air above their base in the clocktower. They fell with a series of collective thuds and swears in various heaps. Sam and Zoey landed on top of one another, Jason and Kait landed beside each other, and Sally landed on her ass with a grunt. Jake rolled as he appeared and hit the floor, while Alexis and Havoc landed on her feet with Beth still in her arms. Pam winced as she landed on her stomach and weakly cried out, “Beth…” “What the hell just happened?” Kait groaned as she pushed herself to her feet. “Teleportation spell,” Alexis answered, dusting herself off, “Haven’t seen it done on this scale before, but I’m guessing Pammy still had a little left in the tank.” “Beth!” Pam cried out again, louder this time as she crawled along the floor. Havoc crossed the room and set Beth down beside Pam, “She’s here, she’s safe,” she said. “We all are, for now, thanks to you,” Jason said standing and crossing over, “For how long, I don’t have a clue. We live to fight another day thanks to you and your idiot friend.” “Move,” Sally snapped, pushing past Jason and Havoc and kneeling down beside Pam, “Fucking hell, girlie, that was one hell of a show you put on. You managed to give that bitch a run for her money and save our asses." "Beth," Pam repeated, barely registering the others. "Hey, hey, she's fine," Sally said, "We're gonna get you and her into a bed to rest. Havoc, grab Beth and let's get them into the other room. Zoey, get off Sammie and grab your medkit to check these two out!" Zoey had been savoring hee position atop Sam when Sally reminded her of the more pressing matters. She bent down and gave her playmate a small peck on the cheek before pushing herself up, "I'm on it." "Alright, anyone who needs medical attention go with them," Jason ordered, "Anyone able bodied, let's start trying to fortify and plan out our next move." Sally picked up Pam and followed behind Havoc before looking over her shoulder, "I'll be back after I drop this one off. We need her back on her feet first. I don't know much about magic shit, but I'm guessing she can heal the rest of us." "Astute observation," Alexis remarked before wincing, "I'm gonna go lay down for a bit. Jake, you need anything?" Jake had gotten to his feet, but he was having a difficult time concentrating on the others. He could feel Ashley fighting for control of his body, but he hadn't had time to try to speak with her. He heard Alexis, and he shook his head in response. She didn't push the issue and walked off. "Blackridge," Jason said, "You alright over there?" "Just need some air," he managed to reply, "I'm heading up to the roof, and I'll see if I can make out anything while I'm up there. Check in with your guards downstairs, maybe pull them back for their own safety. We need their intel, if they've gotten any." "Good thinking," Jason said before adding, "Don't go running off on us now, Jake. You actually showed some backbone back there, and I'd hate to see you undo that progress." Jake didn't respond other than nodding as he headed towards the ladder. He could feel Ashley pulling at his limbs, and while he couldn't understand what she was saying, he could hear her yelling in his head in a foreign tongue. He needed to get to the bottom of this before they did anything else. He climbed the rungs of the old wooden ladder before reaching the hatch to the roof and pushing it open. "Ash, talk to me," he said as he closed the hatch, "I know you're upset, but you know I can't understand you when you speak so fast." Her apparition appeared across from him and paced back and forth. She spoke in Romanian as she stormed along the rooftop. He knew the language, but she spoke with such fervor and speed he couldn't quite follow her. "Prost, ticalos, vrajitoare!" she yelled, "îi voi smulge ochii și îi voi hrăni!" "Ash, English, please," Jake said, "You're speaking too fast for me to keep up with." She stopped and stared at him before sighing, "That wretched witch has the audacity to claim she cares for you, but then in the same breath threatens to dismember you. I'll see her ripped apart piece by bloody piece!" "We made it out," he said, "We'll get our chance at her, but right now we need to focus on the plan a d getting everyone better." "You think it best to hide and lick our wounds?!" Ashley demanded, "No! She is wounded and we need to strike now, Jake!" "Ashley, she nearly killed us," he argued, "We stick to the plan, and we move as soon as we're able. Once Pam has some rest we can-" "You expect me to wait?!" she yelled, "Give me control, Jake, and I'll end this before she knows what's happening!" "I can't do that, Ash," he said, trying to remain calm, "This will work, but if we do anything rash then we risk an utter failure. There is too much at stake for us to charge in." "She should be begging for mercy, not plotting her next move," Ashley snapped, "That filthy harlot doesn't deserve to draw breath, and yet you wish to allow her more time. You know what needs to be done, Jake. The people down there will only get in the way and slow us down." "And what happens if you fail?" he asked, "What happens if you're ego is bigger than our combined power? Think about it, Ash, this isn't the tactical decision and you know it. We have to wait for Pam to regain some of her strength before we can move. There isn't another option." "There is always another option, my love," she replied before sighing, "Three hours. If she hasn't recovered then I will take control, whether you want me to or not. I will see her suffer, bleed, and beg for death for what she's done. Don't argue with me further, Jake, I'm already being generous with that time. The witch isn't a fool, much as I hate to admit that, and she will be seeking out another way to further her strength." "There's no one left who can do that for her," Jake said. "There is one person who can, I've seen hee in your memories," she said holding up a finger, "The woman who walks outside of time." "Dilatrix?" Jake asked, "I doubt she would help Rebecca." "All things, both seen and unseen, flow through that enigma of a woman," she replied, "If it is meant to pass, then she will allow it to happen. That witch will find a way if she I'd allowed the time. I suggest you stop wasting time and get downstairs to help Pam recover. The clock is ticking, and I will not wait a second longer than the time I've alotted." "Ashley, you're being rash," he tried to argue. "Two hours and fifty-six minutes, Jake," she said, "Move. Now." "Damnit," he sighed, "Why is every woman in my life strict and demanding?" "Because you have a type, my love," she answered as he made his way back towards the hatch, "Your submissive nature is evident in all that you say and do." "Bite me," he said as he climbed down. "If only I could," she mused, appearing on a rafter that he passed. Kait limped along the edge of the table where she and Jason had constructed a replica of the city. She studied it while Jake walked past muttering to himself. She shook her head and sighed, "That boy is losing it. Our fates are in the hands of a madman." Jason stood over the table, "Maybe so, but it's not like the rest of us are much better off," he said before looking up at her and sighing, "You should be resting. I can handle this for the time being." "And let you fuck up a plan? I don't think so," she scoffed, "It's almost touching that you're concerned, but I've gotten by on my own for years now. I don't need you worrying about me." "Put aside your pride for a moment, Kait," he sighed, "This might be our last shot here, and I need you at your best." "Tch, and here I thought you might actually give a shit about my wellbeing," she scoffed, stepping away, "My mistake, I forgot that we're soldiers to you." She walked off and he sighed to himself, "Goddamnit, Kait that's not what I meant." "Save it, boot licker," she snapped, "You don't get to toy with my emotions. There's a reason I stopped letting people in, and this is exactly why. I'm not some pawn in a shitty game, Jason." He reached out and grabbed her bicep, "Would you stoo?" he asked. "Take your hand off me before I break it," she warned. "Kait, just listen to me for a minute," he sighed, doing as he was told and taking a step back, "Since I came back, I've been trying to prevent a catastrophe from happening. The things I've seen are horrific, and the things after I came back were even worse. It's left a mark on me, one that isn't purely physical, and it's jaded me to the world." "Get to the point, Jason," she said, "I'm not known for my patience." "I don't know what this is between us, but I believe that there might be something here," he said, "I spent years locked away from the world, and in that time I developed a hatred that surpasses anything else I feel. Yet, for some reason, you don't bring out that hate. Your reckless, harsh, headstrong, and arrogant." "If you're trying to compliment me, you're doing a shit job of it," she snapped. "In spite of that, I find myself thinking about you more than anyone else," he continued, ignoring her outburst, "I think about what Goth might do, and I am more worried about you than anyone else. I should hate you for everything you've done, but for some reason I'm drawn to you. I need you at your best because I don't know what I'll do if something happens to you." Kait had taken a defensive stance, but it slowly softened as he spoke. She dropped her arms and closed her eyes, "You are, without a doubt, the most frustrating and emotionally warped man I've ever met." "Does that mean you're not mad?" he asked. "I'm always mad, you moron," she scoffed before opening her eyes and sighing, "I'm just less mad when it comes to you. Tell you what, if you swear yourself to me, I'll forgive you for being an ass." "You know I've got more to do than just win this war, Kait," he said, "As tempting as that sounds, I'm not going to become a lackey for you when we win." "I'm not talking about you becoming a henchman, dumbass," she said, stepping towards him, "I want you for myself, sentimental and stupid as that sounds. I want you to be mine and mine alone." "When this is over, I'll be gone, Kait," he said, "It's not a no, but I want you to know that you might not see me as often as you like." "One night a month then," she said, "You find me once a month, fill me in on what's going on, and serve me for that night." "What if you go back to prison?" he asked. "Tch, you think I'm interested in fighting those three after what I've seen?" she countered, "Beth has turned into a killer, and I don't know what Birdboy is anymore. Pam is fucking terrifying, and I don't want to find out what happens if I'm on her shit list. Make me feel like the queen that I am, and I'll hang up my metaphorical boots." "You expect me to believe the great Kaitlyn the Conqueror is going to get a day job?" he asked. "Fuck no," she replied, "I've got enough money to keep myself afloat for a long time, and there are other ways that someone like me can make money. What do you say?" "Will you fight with me when the time comes?" he asked. "Someone has to make sure you don't get yourself killed," she said, "Submit to me, and I will be there when the time comes." "Then how could I say no?" he asked. "Alright, either find a place to fuck or get back to work," Sally's gruff voice cut in, "Jesus, you two are about as weird as Beth and her fucking girlfriend." Kait glared and turned towards Sally, "Fuck you," she snapped, "I think we've earned a minute after the bullshit we've been through so far!" "Not saying you haven't, but last I checked that psycho is still out there," Sally said, "You two were the ones who said we needed to focus on our next move. Sammie and I just finished taking an inventory of our weapons and ammunition. We've got a good stockpile, but I doubt it'll do much good against that monster form Goth took." "Then whatever Jake is planning better work," Jason said, "Where is that little bastard?" "Went into the infirmary to check on Beth, Pam, and the others," Sally replied, "Crazy little shit was talking to himself the whole time. Not sure if we should be trusting our lives to him." "Kind of hard not to when we've got these ugly things on," Kait sighed, tapping her collar, "Damn thing is starting to chafe too." "We'll worry about these and him later," Jason said, "We need to figure out a good spot to set up an ambush. A frontal assault will get us killed, but if we can draw out her forces then maybe we can slip a team inside." "Sounds about as shitty as everything else going on, so why not?" Sally scoffed, "Let's have a look at your little model, lover boy." "Go to Hell," Jason spat. "This goes sideways then I'll see you there," Sally replied. "Love the optimism," Kait said, rolling her eyes and walking back towards the table, "Let's see what we have to work with." Pam slowly opened her eyes. Her entire body ached, but her stomach burned with intensity. She barely remembered what happened, but she knew she was in a bed. She weakly raised her arm to see if it was restrained. It wasn't, so that meant she hadn't been taken captive by Rebecca. She felt drained, but it was nothing a little meditation couldn't fix. Sleep would be better, but given their circumstances that seemed unlikely and unwise. She forced herself to sit up and instantly regretted it. Her fight with Rebecca had taken more of a toll on hee than she realized. Her hands began to glow white as she slowly wove them around her wounds. She hated healing herself. The process was more difficult than if she were healing someone else. "Holy shit, you're awake!" she heard Zoey's voice, "I thought for sure you'd be out until dawn. You shouldn't be sitting up, though." "It's fine, let me work," Pam replied tersely, "How is Beth?" "She's fine, she's sleeping right now," Zoey replied, "You really saved us back there, Pam. If it weren't for you, then all of us would be dead or worse." "The battle wasn't won, Rebecca still lives," she said darkly, "She was too much for me, and she'll prove too much for everyone unless Jake's plan works. How long have I been out?" "Just under three hours," Zoey answered, "The others have been planning our next move while I've been tending to you and the other wounded." Pam released her spell and tried to stand. She winced as she did so, but she fought through the pain. She was far from ready for her and Jake's journey, but she needed to tend to the others first. "Damn her," she groaned before looking at Zoey, "Be a dear and bring the others to me. I fear I might not be able to walk that far, and I need to use what energy I have left to heal them." "What about you?" Zoey asked. "I have a meditation technique that will take care of my wounds," Pam replied, "Fetch them while I check on Beth." "Alright, if you say so," Zoey said, "She's in the back of the room, and Jake's been going back and forth between you two. Her injuries aren't too severe, but I've got no way of monitoring vitals with this setup." "Thank you, Zoey," Pam said, limping back towards Beth's bed. "Hold on," Zoey said, reaching down and grabbing a cane before offering it to Pam, "This should make getting around a little easier." "I'm not a cripple, dear," Pam scoffed. "Just take the damn thing," Zoey sighed, "From one alpha to another, limping makes you look weak. Like it or not, everyone here is looking at you as a beacon of hope. We can't have you falling down and ruining that image." "Fine, but I'm just a woman with a score to settle," Pam sighed, taking the cane, "You all would do well to remember that I'm mortal like the rest of you." "That's what makes you special," Zoey said, "From what Jason says, Goth got her powers from a demon. You're like the rest of us, yeah, but you managed to achieve something beyond what most of could only dream of. You might not like it, but Beth would agree, you give people hope. I'll be back as soon as I can pull Jay away from the drawing board. He's like a man possessed when it comes to battle." Pam didn't reply as Zoey walked off. She looked at the cane with disgust before sighing and taking it in her left hand. The notion of her being some sort of savior was ridiculous. It would have suited her while she was under Rebecca, but now the idea was almost sickening. These people were desperate for something to believe in, though. They may have been villains in the past, but now they were all joined under the same banner. An eclectic group of people with varying skills fighting a common enemy. She would never understand how fate worked, but maybe that was the point. Dilatrix had once remarked that this was a timeline of particular interest to her. If she weren't in the midst of a war then she could certainly see the appeal. She found Jake standing over Beth, and a quick glance told her that her beloved was sleeping soundly. She smiled as she walked up and gently stroked behind beths ear. Even in her slumber, Beth leaned into the familiar touch. "You're awake," Jake said, drawing her attention away from the adorable sight. "Observant as ever I see," she replied. "We need to move," he said, ignoring her jest, "We've already lost too much time, and with the time difference between here and Hell we can't afford to lose anymore." "Jake, we need to make sure that everyone here is ready for their part," she said, "If we leave them as they are, then your plan will fail and we will lose the people we care about. Besides, I don't have enough energy left to open that doorway." "Pam, we cannot afford to wait," he said, "I need you to trust me on this, things are going to get much worse if we don't hurry." "Pam?" Beth yawned and sat up, "You're alive! Havoc and Zoey thought you might not pull through." "I can't leave you to your own devices, now can I?" Pam replied, "You'd get yourself killed if I wasn't here to keep you in check." "Listen to me!" Jake snapped. "What's going on back here?" Jason's voice asked, "What the hell are you yelling about?" Jake was about to respond when he felt the odd sensation of being pushed to the back of his own mind. It was a strange feeling overall. It was different than when Rebecca had taken control of his mind, yet somehow similar. He could see out of his eyes, but he could feel his control slipping. To the others, it was an even stranger sight to behold. His body went slack for a moment, his eyes closed, and he almost looked as though he'd fallen asleep. Jason, Kait, Havoc, and the others took a visible step back when he opened his eyes, though. He'd hoped to keep this a secret a while longer, but Ashley was a woman of her word. Time was up and she had wrested control of his body completely. Pam realized what was happening first, but Jake was already speaking and pacing before she could say anything. His voice was his, but there was something different about his tone. It was commanding and there was a faint accent with it, "You lot have wasted enough time with your planning and cowardice. No more sitting around, the witch dies tonight!" "Woah, what's with you?" Sally asked, staring at his eyes that had shifted from brown to red, "No one is hiding, Jake, we're just trying to make sure we're ready for your idiotic plan." Jake stepped towards Sally menacingly, and it was the first time Pam had seen the large woman back down from anyone other than her, "You call sitting here licking your wounds preparing?! That witch is out there plotting against us, and you all are simply allowing her to roam free! She will find a way to obtain more strength, and she will rain down fire and death on your pathetic little resistance." "Watch your tongue, Blackridge," Jason warned, "I'm still not a fan of yours, and I won't have you insulting my team and efforts." Jake shifted his gaze over to Jason and stepped towards him without a second thought, "The dead man seeks to make more idle threats, does he? Your efforts were failing before we arrived here, and yet you want to cling to the foolish notion that you all will somehow overcome the monster that bitch has become. Go ahead, make another threat, boy, and I'll return the favor by removing your vocal cords!" "Jesus, what the hell is your problem?!" Kait asked, stepping between the boys, "You were the one who said that we were the only thing standing between Goth and victory. Just a few hours ago, you were willing to lay down your life so we could escape!" "Yes, running is all you're good for, isn't it?" Jake asked, "The great fighter who hides her insecurities behind her brawn. If you're a true warrior then why are you waiting?" "Fuck you, Birdboy," Kait spat, "I'm fighting for something more than myself this time around, and up until now I thought you were with us." "Jake, what has gotten into you?" Sam asked. There was a moment of hesitation when Sam spoke, but Jake seemed to shake off whatever apprehension gripped him as he replied, "Don't pretend to know me, girl. You spent years estranged from Jake, and now you wish to stand beside him out of fear." "That's quite enough," Pam snapped, stepping forward, "Everyone, you'll have to excuse our dear friend here. I'm afraid he is, quite literally, not himself at the moment." "What's going on?" Alexis asked, yawning as she walked over to the group, "I was having the best dream when you dicks started yelling at each other and woke me up." "Never thought I'd be glad to see you, Alexis, but I think you might be able to assist here," Pam said. "Yeah, I get that alot," Alexis laughed, "What's up?" "Apparently, your boyfriend is having an episode of some kind," Jason said. "Alexis, be a dear and step around for me," Pam said, motioning for the girl to come closer, "I believe that Jake is playing passenger in his mind right now. Am I wrong, Ashley?" "Okay, I'm lost," Sam sighed, "Like, I heard he was a cross dresser, but is that supposed to be his sissy name or something? Also, I wasn't expecting him to turn into a bitch. I thought when guys did this that they typically got extra effeminate and timid." "I'm afraid this isn't something as simple as that, Samantha," Pam replied, "Ashley, I am speaking directly to you and only you. I want to know why you've taken control of Jake's body, and I want to know why you've become so hostile towards our group." "Ashley?" Alexis asked as she stepped closer and her face lit up, "Oh my God! Ash, I can't believe you're actually here!" Jake glared at Pam and ignored Alexis for the moment, "I don't have to explain myself to you, Pam. All you need to know is that I am done waiting around." "That is where you are mistaken," Pam said, "After what you did to myself and Beth, I believe I have every right to demand an explanation. We are not your enemies here, we all are fighting for the same cause, and after nearly laying down my own life, I think you can at least explain what the hell your problem is!" "Does anyone want to clue the rest of us in on just what the fuck is going on here?" Sally asked. "While we were away in Hell, Jake picked up a hitchhiker, so to speak," Pam replied, "She's clearly not happy with the progress our plan is making, but that doesn't explain why she's decided to take such a hostile approach." "Do not speak of me like I am some commoner!" Jake hissed, "I am a former commander of forces beyond anything any of you have seen or could comprehend. I am a queen among the creatures of the night, and I am by far more powerful than many in this room." "Fucking drama queen, that's for sure," Beth muttered. "Oh you have got to be shitting me," Jason sighed, "This better not be who I think it is." "Ashley Bilefoot," Pam said. "Goddamnit!" Jason yelled, stomping his boot, "This is pertinent information to disclose when working with someone, Pam!" "Hold on, you mean that vampire bitch from months ago is inside of Jake?" Kait asked, "Seriously, what the fuck is up with you three?!" "Nobody said we didn't have baggage," Beth said, "Also, nobody asked." "He's possessed," Havoc said, "I'm beginning to question if I made the right choice in joining you all." "Everyone calm down," Pam sighed, "She's not a threat to any of us. She's against Rebecca, and her only desire was to help Jake. Which brings me back to my original question, why are you suddenly so hellbent on taking the fight directly to Rebecca, Ashley?" "The woman who exists outside of time," Jake replied, "You did more damage to the witch than any of you realized. Her injuries were concealed by the form she took, but I could see that she was in pain. As someone who has been pushed to the brink, I can safely say that she will find a way to further her powers. Absorbing a chronomancer is a guaranteed way to achieve such a feat." "We don't even know if Dilatrix is still on this plane, Ashley," Pam said, "What makes you so sure that Rebecca will seek her out?" "Because she is threatened, and she is a wild animal," Jake replied, "Corner a beast, and they become unpredictable and dangerous. I know from what I've seen in Jake's memories that she is here, she has no intention of leaving without seeing this timeline completed." "If you're right, then fighting amongst ourselves is only allowing her more time," Pam said, "Instead of trying to divide our teams, we should be trying to figure out a way to restore my power. The sooner we do that, the sooner I can ensure everyone has been healed, and the sooner we can move to the next phase of our plan." "Are we not going to address the fact that we have a fucking vampire in our ranks?!" Jason asked. "Nah, she's totes cool," Alexis answered, "Trust me, she's just in a bit of a mood." "Yes, because trusting you has always worked out so well," Kait scoffed. "She's not a threat," Beth said, "Believe me, if she was she'd have already attacked. Ashley, don't you have some kind of alchemy recipe for a rejuvenation potion?" "I do, but I'll need to take stock of the inventory of this place first," Jake replied, "I doubt these simpletons have what I would need, but I suppose it's worth a look." "I'm not sure who I like less, Jake or his vampire girlfriend," Jason said. "Quiet, boy, no one is speaking to you," Jake snapped. "Ashley, stop antagonizing the people who are trying to help us," Pam sighed, "Honestly, am I the only adult in this group?" "Come on, Ash, let me show you what I've got in storage," Alexis said, "We can catch up while we work. I've missed you." Jake sighed and nodded as he took Alexis' hand and let her guide him towards her lab, "It is nice to see a familiar face. I wish you would stop hitting on Jake, though, it makes him incredibly uncomfortable." "He's just shy," Alexis replied, "What's it like sharing a body with him? Do you get to have fun with him when he sleeps? How often do you take control of him? Oh, could you maybe put in a good word for me?" "I'd almost forgotten how much you can talk, Alexis," Jake laughed, "One question at a time, and I'll only answer after we've inspected your lab." Pam shook her head and sighed, "Kitten, go with them and see if you can help. You might learn something new, at the very least." "On it," Beth said, pushing herself off the bed, "Maybe sit down while you answer the bazillion questions I'm sure everyone has? You need to rest after everything you went through." "If it will appease you, I'll oblige your request," Pam replied. "Love it when you talk fancy," Beth laughed before wincing, "Damn that bitch's big ass foot." "Love you too, get going," Pam said, "Nothing strenuous, Kitten, just do what you're told." "Yes ma'am," Beth said as she walked away. Pam sighed as she climbed onto the bed and prepared for the onslaught of questions, "Okay, let's get this out of the way. Who wants to go first?" ------ Dilatrix sat in the kitchen of a small apartment that had previously belonged to a young couple. The former tenants had been members of the Children of Darkness, but they'd been erased by Rebecca's forces after getting too bold. The group still existed, but they clung to the shadows and waited for their time to strike. Their time would come, sooner rather than later. She had seen it, and she had seen this moment from afar long ago. A small plate with cookies sitting on it sat before her, but she had no interest in eating them. They were there for the same reason she was; because they were meant to be there. This was the only way for the heroes to succeed, but all paths diverged eventually. Their success wasn't tethered to this moment, but rather their actions from this moment forward. She picked up the cup of tea and took a sip as the door to the apartment was kicked in. The sound of Rebecca's troops swarming in told her that it was time, and she prepared for her final meeting with the supposed Goddess. The troops filed into the kitchen and surrounded her before parting and allowing their leader to pass through their ranks. Their faces were like stone, but she knew many were afraid of what was to come. So many acted out of fear rather than loyalty. Mortals were curious like that, though. Survival was often the key motivator in their lives. Perhaps that was what had drawn her to Pamela and the others. They acted despite the threat of destruction and pain. Then again, maybe these were just thoughts of a dying woman. Even she couldn't say for certain. The stench of death rolled in as Rebecca strode into the kitchen with confidence, "Dilatrix, how nice to finally see you again." "Rebecca," she nodded and smiled, "You're looking well for someone living on borrowed time. Please, have a seat." "I think I'll stand, but you already knew that, didn't you?" Rebecca replied with a chiding tone, "I'm surprised that you were foolish enough to come here. After all, you know all things, see all, and expect the unexpected, right?" "All things must end, child," Dilatrix replied, "I, unlike you, do not fight against the inevitable." "Watch your mouth, non-believer," one of the women snapped. Dilatrix rolled her eyes and held up a hand, "Your servants would do well to do their research, but then I doubt you've told them the truth," she said before turning to the girl in question, "You and everyone in this room will die before the week is at its end. You specifically, girl, will renounce your belief in this woman before your life is taken. Do not question, do not argue, you need only to believe what you will. I exist outside of all realities, and I have seen the end and the beginning. You are but a speck in a sea of sand, a drop within an endless ocean, and an insect among giants. Be silent while I mince words with your Goddess, and remember your place in the world." "Do not belittle my followers, Dilatrix," Rebecca warned. "Still pretending to be something you're not, I see," Dilatrix said, "Allow me to make it so we can speak freely." Dilatrix twirled her wrist and stopped time in the room. The women Rebecca had brought with her slowed before freezing in place. She motioned for Rebecca to sit, and Rebecca begrudgingly did. "I've always admired your ability, you know," she said, "Such power at your fingertips, and yet you prefer to stand back and observe." "I am free to do as I please, and I've lived a long and full life," Dilatrix said, "Can you say the same? Centuries of alienating, punishing, murdering, and for what? As entertaining as your life has been, you were a fool to ever strike a deal with Lilith. You had what you wanted with Jake, but you succumbed to the greed of demons, just as you have now. How did it feel to seal away the only part of you that boy could have loved?" "I did what was necessary," Rebecca replied. "You dilute yourself, woman," Dilatrix scoffed, "You did what you wanted, just as you always have. Damn the others in this world, all you've done is what you believe has benefited you. Your redemption is nothing more than a fleeting notion, and you will die alone and unloved. It will be exactly as you feared all those years ago." Rebecca clenched her fist and jaw as she replied, "You know nothing of me and what awaits me. If you did, you wouldn't be here right now!" "I know you've come to kill me and take my power, Rebecca," Dilatrix said, "Can these women say the same? Do they have any idea of the monster that leads them about? What about the prophet you murdered before Jake and the others returned? They believe you to be some savior, but you will lead this world to its end, whether you live or die." Rebecca grabbed the plate on the table and threw it against the wall. It shattered as the cookies clattered to the ground and she stood up, "What about that?! Did you know I would do that?! If you did, that means you baked those cookies and placed them there deliberately, purposefully. The Oracle of Time, the woman who sees all, knows all, is just sitting there, waiting to die! Do you have any last words of wisdom to impart before I end your wretched existence?!" Dilatrix took a final sip of hee tea and sighed, "You are the end of all things, Rebecca. Do what you came to do, but know that in doing so you will see the truth that I allow you to see. I obtained my power through my own means, just as Pamela did, but you have stolen all that you call your own. It will never be enough to satisfy that hole festering inside of you." Dilatrix waved her hand and returned the flow of time to normal. She nodded at Rebecca who stepped forward and drove her hand into her chest. Her fingers pierced through the fabric of her robe, and an inky black mass began to overtake her body. The fabric of reality bent inward around them, and many of the women in the room stepped back out of fear. Dilatrix's face remained impassive as her body was encased in the dark goo. Once she was covered in the mass, her body began to shrink and flow back towards Rebecca. The building shook before a bright light flashed. Once it cleared, Dilatrix was gone. Rebecca stood confidently in front of her followers while they looked on with intrigue. She took a deep breath before she began laughing, "All that ever was, or will be, is before me. Our victory is assured, now and forever forward!" "Hail and praise to you, Goddess!" the women began to chant, "All hail the one true Goddess of our world!" "Ready yourselves, sisters," Rebecca ordered, "Rest and revel in our victory tonight. Tomorrow, I want you to tear this city apart and to bring me the heretics who threaten our way of life!" "By your word and will, it will be done, Goddess!" they cheered. --------- Jake drummed his fingers along the desk Alexis had been using for her workbench. Ashley still hadn't relinquished control of his body, and he was beginning to grow more annoyed by the second. "Ashley, this is a huge breach of trust," he said. "I told you that I would take over, love," she replied, "I gave you an extra ten minutes." "Yes, but I don't see why I am still out of my own body," he said, "You agreed to stick to the plan, so why am I still not in control?" "Is he bitching again?" Beth asked as she watched the bunsen burner, "Tell him you need to concentrate." "How is everyone okay with this?" he asked, "Tell Beth to stay out of this." "He says he loves you," Ashley said, "Okay, take that container and carefully pour it into the vial we've been working on." "That is not what I said!" he snapped. "Lovers quarrel," Alexis teased as she watched Beth work. "He told me to shut up, didn't he?" Beth asked. "What makes you say that?" Ashley asked. "He gets testy when he's stuck somewhere," Beth replied as she watched the blue liquid mesh with the red in the vial, "He's a great friend, but he can get really pissy when he's trapped." "He isn't trapped," Ashley said, "I merely need to maintain control until we've finished this potion. Once it's completed, I'll return his body to him." "So what's it like having a penis?" Alexis asked. "Don't answer that," Jake practically begged. "Odd," Ashley replied, ignoring his request, "It's particularly strange because this one is familiar in an intimate way." "Okay, that's enough about that," Beth interrupted, "I can already hear Jake going off about this topic now." "Would it be weird if I touched it right now?" Alexis asked. "Dude," Beth said, "Boundaries." "Maybe some other time, Alexis," Ashley said, "Alright, I believe that has the concoction finished. Have Pam drink this, heal you and the others, and we can get back to Jake's plan. Beth, I never apologized for how things happened between us. Please know that I never meant you any harm." "Water under the bridge," Beth said, "For what it's worth, being a vampire and having Goth dead would have been a better alternative to this shit show." "I'll take that as a compliment," Ashley said before turning to Alexis, "Crazy as you are, it was good to speak with you again, Alexis. You were the only one in the wastes who bothered to treat me as a friend." Alexis stepped in and hugged her, "I miss you," she said, "Come out and visit again sometime, yeah?" Ashley hugged her back and smiled, "I'll see if Jake will allow it. He's not happy with me right now, but I think he'll come around. Farewell, you two." Jake was hit with another odd sensation as he was slowly pulled back into his body. True to her word, Ashley had returned him to the forefront of his mind. He opened his eyes after his body went slack, and took a moment to get his bearings. "Welcome back, sunshine," Beth said, "Feeling alright?" "You have no idea how weird that was," he replied before gently pushing Alexis away, "Come on, Ashley was right about us not having a lot of time. We need to get this to Pam now." "Awe, I think you can spare a minute for me," Alexis pouted. "No," he said, "We have to move. If Ash is right, then things are about to get a lot worse for us. Come on." "Spoiled sport," Alexis said, sticking out her tongue. "Let's go nutty," Beth laughed, "You can be weird while we walk." Havoc came out of the makeshift infirmary and held out a hand to stop the three of them, "Are you back in control?" she asked, looking at Jake. "I am, and I'm not in the mood for a lecture or some self righteous bullshit spiel," he replied. "You two go on ahead, Pam is getting anxious and the others are working her nerves with their questions," Havoc said, looking at Beth and Alexis, "I need a word with Jake." "Try not to kill each other," Beth said, walking around the behemoth, "Come on, Alexis, we've got work to do." "Hands off my man," Alexis warned. "I'm not-ugh, nevermind," Jake sighed before looking at Havoc, "What do you want?" "Answers," Havoc replied, "You were willing to give yourself over to Goth, despite knowing what she would do to you. Why?" "I already told you," he said, "In spite of everything you all have done, you're the best chance we have at beating her. If nothing else, I don't want any of you ending up as pawns in her games." "I see," Havoc said, walking over to a small table and pulling out a chair, "Have a seat." "We really don't have time for this," Jake sighed. "Sit down," Havoc ordered, "I want to ask you a few questions." "Fine," Jake said, grabbing a chair and sitting down, "What do you want to know." "How much do you know about me?" Havoc asked. That took him by surprise. He frowned as he tried to recall any details from her file, "Nothing really. You appeared out of the blue one day, started torturing people for your own amusement, and thus earned your namesake." "I thought as much," Havoc said, "I was a chemist at King's Chemicals before my accident. I was working on a biofuel for your company at the time, and it was late one night in the lab when a mixture I was working on exploded. It doused my body with the chemicals, and gave me this almost radioactive skin. The stench was unbearable, but my sense of smell was obliterated in the explosion. My body mutated, my size doubled, and my muscles became enlarged to what you see now. My name was Heather Chunn and I died that night. When they found me the following morning, they tried to lock me away. Called me the next step in bioweaponry, and they wanted to study and experiment on me. My mind was hazy at the time, but I remember the pain and anger as they all but tortured me." "Jesus," Jake said, "I had no idea." "Six months in that God forsaken holding cell, six months," she said, "They erased whatever hope I had in humanity as a whole in that time. All I knew was hate, pain, and anger. They fitted me with this suit, and they allowed me to train under close supervision. Their arrogance was their downfall, in the end. As my memories returned, I pretended to become complacent and docile. Eventually, one of the guards made a mistake and thought he could have some fun with me. He was my first victim. I shoved his head up my ass, blasted him with one of my gas bombs, and relished as he cried inside of me. It felt good to have that kind of power, and I wanted to make the world suffer as much as those men and women made me suffer. I broke out and ripped everyone in the building to shreds before disappearing." "I remember reading about that," Jake said, his eyes widening, "They claimed it was some kind of freak accident, but the coroner's reports didn't match up. That was you?" "Indeed," Havoc replied, "I was angry, and so I set out to make everyone affiliated with King's Chemicals suffer as I had. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy feeling people squirm beneath me, hearing them beg for mercy, and knowing that I had complete control over their worthless lives. I became the monster that those people had made me into, and for a long time I didn't care. I don't regret any of my choices, but seeing you and the others ready to lay down your lives for the sake of others reminded me that there is good in this world. Perhaps there is hope for this world yet, but only if Goth is stopped. I'm choosing to share this with you because it was you who won me over to your side. Swear to me that if we win you'll continue to give hope to others, Jake. Redemption for someone like me is impossible, but the hope that remains is worth more than that. You are a fool, but maybe that is what the world needs. A fool willing to lay down their life for the sake of this sinful world." "I don't know what to say," he said after a minute, "I can give you my word that I'll never give up, but that's the best I can offer. I don't know how this plan is going to shake out, but it's the only chance that we have." "Pam tells me you intend to descend back into Hell," Havoc said, "A plan as crazy as anything I've heard, but you're taking the risk. We will hold the line while you work, but you bring back whatever you can to stop Goth. If she lives, there is no hope for this world." "You have my word," he said, "Come on, we should join the others." "Lead the way," Havoc said as they stood up. They walked into the infirmary to find Pam arguing with Kait, "Lay down or I will restrain you, damnit!" "Don't try that kinky shit with me," Kait snapped, "Save that for Beth." "Fuck you," Beth said. "You can restrain me if you want," Alexis said, "I like it nice and tight!" "You would, you nut job," Kait scoffed before yelling as chains wrapped around her and forced her onto the bed, "Hey! Goddamnit, knock it off!" "I warned you!" Pam snapped as her hands started to glow, "You've got a sprain, and I need you in fighting shape if we have a chance." "Has everyone been this difficult?" Jake asked as he walked up. "No, just Kait," Zoey said, "She doesn't trust magic. She won't admit it, but I think that teleport really freaked her out. To be fair, it was unpleasant. Kait is the last one, though." "Good," Jake said, "I take it Ashley's potion worked, Pam?" "Tasted like a bottle of piss, but yes, it worked," Pam replied as she tried to mend Kait's injury, "The more you move, the longer this will take. Relax, you lumbering oaf." "Bite me," Kait snapped. "You're not my type," Pam replied, "If you would stop fighting it, you'd realize that this is quite different from my shadow-port." "It's true, Kait," Sam said, "It actually feels pretty good. It's like a warmth spreading through your whole body." "Fine, but if you're wrong about this then you're going to owe me big time." "Excuse me?" Zoey asked, stepping up, "You need to stop being a baby, and I will not let you cash in on your sick desires with my playmate." "Zoey, stop," Sam muttered, blushing, "I can take care of myself." "I know that, but part of my job is to look out for your wellbeing," Zoey replied, "In a proper relationship, Samantha, your dominant ensures that you're safe and secure. Isn't that why you keep coming back to me?" "I don't-please stop," Sam begged, "You're embarrassing me." "Yeesh, I'd almost think you were related to Beth as much as you blush around your girlfriend," Sally said. "She's not-I mean...she hasn't...that is...uhm," Sam stuttered. "You havent asked me, Samantha," Zoey grinned, "We can discuss this more once we've dealt with the immediate threats." "Done," Pam interjected, "Thank you, Zoey. You provided an excellent distraction." "So, Sam," Jake started, "Are you and Zoey...you know?" "We might be back on good terms, bro, but I will shoot you in the foot," Sam threatened. "Samantha," Zoey said in a stern tone. "That's enough," Jason sighed, "You can kill or fuck each other later. If everyone's ready, we need to move before Goth does. Jake, assuming your vampiric other half is right, things are going to get hairy sooner than later. We can handle things here while you and Pam navigate Hell, but I'm not sure how long we can hold her and her army off. Time moves differently between worlds, so I need you two to move quickly. Pam, how close can you get the two of you to Lilith?" "I know her energy signature, so I should be able to track her easily enough," Pam answered. "Odds are Lilith will be in one of the Citadels," Alexis said, "She's the one who erected those things before she lost her standing. There's a good chance that she is expecting you two. Remember, she needs you to finish Goth so she can reign supreme. That's your only bartering chip, Jake." "I got it, don't worry," Jake said, stepping towards Pam, "We get in, get out, and bring this to an end once and for all." "If only it were that simple," Pam sighed, "I'll prepare the doorway." "Blackridge," Jason spoke up, "As much as I can't stand you and it pains me to say this, all of us are counting on you. Don't fuck this up." "Inspiring as ever," Jake sighed, "Don't worry, I will return and we'll win this." "Cannot believe I am rooting for Birdboy," Kait sighed. "Birdboy is dead," Jake said, "All thats left is the Raven, and I'm not going to let you all down." "Doesn't sound as tough as you think it does, bud," Beth said, "But I get what you're saying. We've got this on this side, just don't get my girlfriend killed." "Funny, I was going to say the same thing to everyone here," Pam said. "I'll make sure she survives," Havoc said. "Quite the far cry from attempting to murder her," Pam remarked, "If we had more time, I'd ask what brought this on. As it stands, I have to take you at your word." Pam turned around and brought her hands together. The began to glow a brilliant orange, and she suddenly pulled them apart. A trail of energy followed her palms. She raised one hand while lowering the other. The lines remained in the air, and she held one hand in the air while forming various signs with the other. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and pushed her palm forward. The air rippled and swirled as a strange vortex began to form. The image of Hell appeared on the other side, and she opened her eyes upon finishing the spell. Everyone looked on in awe at the portal Pam had created. "Beth, come here," Pam said, waiting for her girlfriend to approach, "I love you, and you better not get yourself killed while I'm away." "Thanks for the vote of confidence," Beth grumbled before letting herself get pulled into a short kiss and sighing, "I love you too. Come back to me safely, okay?" "Nothing in this world or the next can keep me away from you," Pam replied, "I will return, just make sure you play well with our new friends." "Alright, let's move," Jake said, stepping into the portal. Pam sighed as she followed Jake into the portal. It closed behind her, and Beth was left alone in a room full of her former enemies. She sighed as she turned back around to face everyone, "Let's go over the plan again, and check equipment one final time. We can't afford to screw this one up." |