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Jake, Beth, and Pam have to band together with old foes to stop the monster they unleashed |
Jake shook off the feeling of telepathic communication as he looked down from his vantage point. "Beth was right," he said to himself, "That really isn't a pleasant experience. How Pam stands communicating that way, I'll never know. I guess it's safer than a phone line, though." It had taken him longer to traverse the city without his grappling gun, but thanks to Ashley's enhanced abilities it hadn't been as difficult as he expected. His increased speed and strength had made it leaping from rooftop to rooftop much simpler. He couldn't help noticing the amount of guards and scouts that roamed the streets. It didn't take a genius to figure out that they were preparing for an assault. His suspicions about Rebecca's plans were almost certain. He'd spent enough time with her, even before all of this madness, to know her flare for dramatics. He wished he'd kept a better track of the time from when she'd extended her offer. Every second mattered, and every one that ticked by brought them closer to the inevitable war that was coming. He spotted Ashley out of the corner of his eye, arms crossed and looking down at the warehouse across the road. Her pale skin and red hair seemed all too real, and he had to remind himself that she wasn't really there with him. "So this is where you keep your toys," she said, "When I returned to this world, I often found myself wondering if you had a bastion for reserves or not. Such a plain looking structure to house the arsenal of a knight. It's clever, my love." He knew he was basically talking to himself these days, but he didn't care anymore. The rest of the world had gone crazy, so why should he worry about what others thought? "It's more than just my own stockpile," he said, "Abandoned or postponed projects, items seized from Brunswick Inc., and items that some of the more creative villains have used are here as well. It was my idea to put everything in a common building. My dad once told me that the best place to hide something is in plain sight, and this has been here for years without anyone noticing." "You would have made a wonderful commander, Jake," she said, looking at him and giving him a small smile, "I always knew there was something remarkable about you. I saw it before I left this world for good, and now that I'm a part of you, I see it more and more by the minute. A wise man keeps the weapons and tools of his enemies to learn their secrets, and as usual, you have yet to disappoint me in that regard." "Thanks," he said, smiling earnestly before frowning and continuing, "Do you think that if I'd have made a different choice that night, the night you came to me, that you could have undone whatever Rebecca did to me?" She softened her gaze and walked over to him, "Perhaps with time I could have, but we cannot change the past, my love. What's done is done, and at least now we are together again. I will never leave you again." He stared down at the gravel on the rooftop and shook his head, "I just can't shake these feelings of failure from the mistakes I've made." "You carry so much on your shoulders and in your heart, love," she said, kneeling to look at him, "Regrets are merely weights that hold you back and keep you down. You're too worried about what could have been, what you could or should have done, but instead you need to focus on what you can do. You have a chance to undo the wrongs that witch has done to you and these people, and to put all of this behind you once and for all. Break free from the bondage that this woman has put around your mind and heart. Come, let's go gather your toys so that we can be rid of her for good." It amazed him that even now she was trying to comfort him. She'd given everything for him, and yet here she was continuing to try to give more. "I don't deserve you, I never did," he sighed as he readied himself for a break-in, "You're right. I can't dwell on the past. All I can do is push forward and save as many people as I can." "Neither I, nor this world, deserve you, Jake Blackridge," she said as her body began to fade, "I'll be right beside you every step of the way." He took a deep breath as he looked over the ledge once more. He waited for a pair of women to pass by the building before taking a few steps back and getting a running start. He leapt over the edge of the building and marveled at the distance he managed to get. His arms were spread out while his legs were tucked together. He rolled into a ball as he landed on the rooftop of his company's secret warehouse. He may not have had his usual tools, but Ashley's abilities were incredible. He stood up, steeling his heart and mind, and quickly made his way to the backside of the building. The door in the back was code locked, but he doubted that Rebecca had bothered probing his mind for said code. The windows were barred, but that didn't matter. As long as the combination still worked, he wouldn't have to worry about tripping any alarms. He hopped down over the ledge, his fingers digging into the concrete to slow his descent, and he slid down to the darkness below. While Jake dropped into the shadows, on the other side of the city four women emerged from them. Their hands joined as they rose out of the darkness, one of them quickly pulled away and fell to the ground panting. Kait hadn't been prepared for Pam's method of traversal, and she quickly upheaved the contents of her stomach with a retch. "Told you it wasn't fun," Beth said as she walked over to try to help the warrior woman, "Try to regulate your breathing. Think of it like a fight, you've got to control your nerves." While Kait wasn't particularly keen on accepting help, she didn't shy away from the hand offered to her. She cleared her throat as Beth helped her to her feet, "I don't see how you can stand traveling like that, let alone dating that." "Hey, don't insult her," Beth snapped, "I warned you that this method of travel was difficult, but I am not gonna stand here while you bad mouth my girlfriend!" "Calm yourself, Kitten," Pam said, "There was a time when you thought in a similar manner. Sweet as the sentiment is, if I'm not taking offense, then why should you?" "But-" Beth started before Pam cut her off. "But nothing. She is entitled to her thoughts and feelings, and there is no sense in us fighting amongst ourselves when we have a job to do." "Fine, I see your point," Beth said. "Heh, I still can't get over how she has you wrapped around her finger," Kait laughed as she straightened up, "All those times I had you and bird-brain at my mercy, and yet you always gave me the most trouble and resistance. She's either one hell of a good lay, or she's got a creative mind." "I'll take that as a compliment," Pam said, "We can discuss this later, though, right now we have more important things to worry about. I'd be happy to give some pointers to help break in your next playmate." "Can you please stop talking about this?" Beth begged. "Awe, Kitty-Cat is getting embarrassed!" Alexis laughed, "So cute when you blush!" "I swear to God, I'm gonna end up putting a bullet in someone's knee cap before we get back to base," Beth said. "Heh, you certainly don't lack tenacity, girly," Kait chuckled, "This version of a hero suits you. Your girlfriend is right, though, we need to focus on the task at hand. Just try to keep your shots directed away from us." "Then don't say anything stupid," Beth countered. "Kitten," Pam warned with a pointed look. Beth resisted the urge to roll her eyes, not wanting to risk angering her girlfriend. "Let's just get to work," she grumbled. "Whipped~," Alexis taunted in a sing-song voice, earning a hearty laugh from Kait. "I prefer to think of her as well trained, but that's not entirely inaccurate," Pam said with a grin, "That's enough teasing for now. It's best not to get her too riled up." "If you four are finished, I think I have the main gate unlocked for you," Zoey's voice came over the comms. "Oh for-how long have you been listening?!" Beth asked. "Just long enough to hear some adorable banter," Zoey replied. Beth groaned and covered her face, "Someone just kill me, please." "Stop being dramatic," Pam said with a roll of her eyes, "Alright, Zoey, open the doors and guide us through." The four women turned at once to face the looming fortress that was Blackridge Penitentiary. Thick stone walls that were all too familiar to Kait and Alexis, barbed wire atop the walls, and the heaviest steel doors that money could buy stood before them. The center lock on the doors spun clockwise before stopping. The doors parted before them, and they were faced with the entryway to the abandoned prison. Guard towers, empty and barren, lined the fenced in walkway to the foreboding prison. They walked slowly through the path towards the doors to the main structure. "I hate this walk," Kait remarked, looking around, "Even knowing I'm not staying, I still fucking hate it." "I wonder if my old cell is still like I left it?" Alexis asked, to no one in particular, "I'll be real pissed if those guards scrubbed my walls again! Took me a month to get it right." "We're walking into a prison, and you're asking about doodles you did?" Kait asked, looking at Alexis. "Well...yeah, I worked hard on those," she replied. "You're really not right in the head, are you?" Kait asked. "Nope!" Alexis said, cheerily. "This is kind of creepy, though," Beth said, "I get that you two have a history here, but seeing it empty is unsettling." "The fate of all man-made structures eventually," Pam mused. "You're a real ball of sunshine, you know that?" Kait asked. "Simply a realist, Kaitlyn," Pam replied, "Everything that is new becomes old, and everything full will eventually become empty. I'm not diminishing the sadness of anything because I can accept the truth of these things. Everything and everyone will pass away given enough time." "Yeesh, you're even bringing me down," Alexis said, her demeanor seeming to deflate. "I was unaware there was another drama queen here besides Beth," Pam remarked. "Oh bite me," Beth said. "Later, dear, unless you prefer an audience," Pam teased, earning a brilliant blush from Beth. "Heh, keep that up and we might not need lights as bright her cheeks are getting," Kait said, joining in the mockery. "If you four are finished," Zoey said, "There is still the little matter of breaking Havoc out. Not that I'm not enjoying listening, but Jason is getting ancy about the time." "I think we're done for now," Pam said, "Tell Jason that we can multitask, though. We can tease and work, but I suppose we should focus for now." "Thank fuck for that!" Beth said, "I need a damn break from you three." "Moving on," Pam said, ignoring her pet, "Once we're through the main doors, where do we need to go, Zoey?" "Okay, so the warden's office is on the top floor," she said, the sound of her fingers flying across the keys providing some break from the eerie silence, "Alexis and Kait know where the laundry room is, but it's up to you four if you want to split up or not. The building is six stories, counting the lower levels, and Havoc is in the bottom level. I'm showing security scanners are still active, automated defense turrets are set up on both the upper and lower levels, and most of the keycard readers are still working. My personal suggestion, find the guard station and nab some of their I.D. badges for yourselves. If you four can do that, you should have minimal issues going almost anywhere in the prison." Alexis bounced on her heels and grabbed Kait's arm, "I say we split up! Katie here and I can grab what we need, and I bet the two of us will become besties by the end of it!" "Get off of me, you lunatic!" Kait snapped, shaking Alexis off of her arm, "Why the hell would you and I split up? If we're going to do that, then why don't you go with Beth? You two seem like fast friends already." "Because somebody has a protective girlfriend and mistress," Alexis teased, looking at Beth and Pam, "Those two are a package deal. You heard Jay-Jay, they're basically inseparable." "You are insufferable," Kait growled. "And you're...big," Alexis said, trailing off before holding up a finger, "Gimme a minute, I'll think of something better. Eh, circle back around to me." "I'm afraid she's right, Kaitlyn," Pam said, "I'm not letting Beth out of my sight, and it would be faster if we split up and regroup before descending into the bowels of this place." "Ugh, fine," Kait huffed, "Let's just get to the damn guard station and get the badges. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get out of here." "Awe come on!" Alexis pouted, "It's like a walk down memory lane. We can revisit that spot where we cracked that guard's skull." "Oh yeah, that was actually a pretty fun day," Kait said, her mood lightening. "You two are weird," Beth said, "Alright, let's get to work." "You're weird," Alexis said before frowning, "Man, I am off my game today." "Let's not waste anymore time, girls," Pam said. "Yeah, Katie needs to get back to her boyfriend~," Alexis agreed before fist pumping, "There it is! Man, I thought I lost it there for a minute." Kait snarled, but her blush wasn't lost on the other three, "Shut you insane mouth! You have no idea what you're talking about!" "I know you two were cuddling on the couch after he finished worshiping you," Alexis said, smugly. "T-that was part of our agreement!" Kait argued. "Cuddling was in your agreement?" Alexis asked, "Seems odd for someone as brutal as you, but hey, I guess you're just getting soft." "I swear, I will break you here and now, you little twig!" Kait threatened. Beth stepped between them, "Okay, let's cool it here. Alexis, knock it off before she actually tries to kill you. Kait, don't let her get under your skin so easily." "Fine," both women huffed. "This is going to be an interesting experience," Pam sighed before addressing Zoey, "Alright, give us the directions to the guard station. We need to get a move on before somebody ends up killing somebody else." Jake had managed to get into his company's old storage facility with relative ease. His code still worked, thankfully, but he quickly found that the power had been shut off. He was amazed once again by the abilities he'd gained from Ashley, though. His eyes adjusted to the darkness at an incredible rate, and this prevented him from stumbling through the darkness like a bumbling buffoon. It didn't take away from the sheer creepiness of this place, but it helped to keep him from bumping into the various items scattered around the facility. Storage tanks containing items seized from villains or Brunswick Inc. sat either against the walls or in racks that lined the place. Some of the items his company had collected from the Brunswick family were still a mystery to him, but the contents of some of those jars and containers were gruesome and grotesque. What the old CEO was doing with them, he had absolutely no idea. His equipment was stored in the back behind a false wall to prevent unwanted employees from discovering his secret identity. Only himself and one other individual at the company knew of his alter ego. He had replacements for most of his gadgets tucked away here and even some new tech he'd been working on before Rebecca took over his life. Prototypes of various explosives, modifications to he and Beth's grappling guns, remote control birdarangs, miniaturized surveillance equipment, and other odds and ends he fully intended to make good use of. Then there was the other set of items he needed for their plan: the old collars from when Rebecca had taken Metropolis. It was risky, but they couldn't afford to chance someone defecting or getting cold feet. He weaved through the maze of racks with a sense of trepidation that he couldn't explain. This place was devoid of life, but the odd pieces of equipment, experiments, and other oddities gave it an uncanny eerie feeling. He spotted Ashley's figure sitting atop one of the racks, watching him as he walked, "You seem troubled, love. Is something the matter?" He looked around, half expecting someone or something to jump out at him, before replying, "It's just this place. Something feels off about it, but I can't put my finger on it." "Perhaps you're merely having second thoughts about your plan," she offered, disappearing from her perch and appearing again, leaning against one of the racks he was passing, "Don't deny that you are, my love. I am in your head now." He shook his head, "That's not it. You're not wrong, but there's something else I can't explain. I feel like I'm not alone here." "Hmm, I see," she said, "Yes, I can tell that you believe you're doing what needs to be done, rightfully so I might add. What do you think might be hiding within this dark place?" As if on cue, a faint groaning echoed around him. He stopped to look around before replying, "Well whatever that is, for starters. Could be rats, but with all this stuff here I really don't know." He waited for a moment before continuing further into the structure. He knew she wasn't really beside him, but he could hear the click of Ashley's heels with every step she took behind him. Maybe he just missed her that much, or maybe she was purposefully projecting the sound from his memories. Whatever the case, there was a strange level of comfort to the sound behind him. "What exactly was that company working on?" she asked. "That's tough to really say," he answered, looking around as he continued walking, "On the surface, they worked on defense contracts for the military. Ways of utilizing unorthodox items and materials to give soldiers the upper hand in battle. The board and research team really only dove into some of the more practical applications, contracts, and files, but I remember some reports coming across my desk about bioengineering. It's been a while since I read them, but they were disturbing to put it mildly. Before Rebecca, I thought they were just far-fetched ideas and Emily going crazy, but now I'm really not so sure. The walls in the lower level of the prison, for example, are built from blueprints that utilize raw materials that negate magic to keep prisoners with arcane abilities from breaking in or out. Even the mask we use whenever we brought Rebecca in was designed off of a modified concept from Emily that was meant to dampen magical powers." "At first, I thought that Emily had some kind of breakdown and disappeared, but after Ravenfalls I'm not so sure. When Pam found that journal talking about Project S.T.A.T.I.C. it got me thinking about Emily. The last thing that her company was working on was a project by that name, but the files were either corrupted or encoded in a way that none of my computers could access. The majority of the details were written out by hand, but the papers were burned almost entirely. The bits that remained were no help at all, but I'm guessing that some, if not most, of these things here play a part in whatever that project is supposed to be." He rounded another corner and another groan followed by a loud thump sounded in the distance. He stopped to look around again, but all he could see was the scattered jars and vials sitting within the racks. There was no movement, at least nowhere near his current position. "I noticed you said is, rather than was," she said, appearing once again a short distance ahead of him, "I take it you believe that whatever this project is, is still underway. If the company has gone under, what makes you believe that someone is still trying to enact whatever this project is?" "I'd say a hunch, but given that journal Pam found, I think it's a safe bet," he replied, "After everything I've seen over the last several months, I wouldn't rule anything out anymore." "That's fair," she said, "Given the state of affairs right now, it would be a perfect opportunity to operate behind the scenes. I overthrew many kingdoms to grow my own empire while they fought amongst themselves. Rebecca may be powerful, loathe as I am to admit that, but she lacks the cunning of a true tactician. Her goals are purely motivated by passion, something that can cloud one from being able to see the big picture. I doubt she's done little more than focus her efforts on finding and obtaining you and the others. Her ego is larger than many that I've encountered in this world or the next." "That's putting it lightly," he scoffed, "She really believes herself to be a damn Goddess among mortals." "While I may not be a fan of hers, she does have a point about your deal with Lilith," she said as they neared the false wall in the warehouse, "I know that you only did it because you believed there was no other option, but a pact such as this is not one to be taken lightly. The mark you bear may give you new abilities, but it is also a death sentence, my love. But then again, you've never been one to think things all the way through." "Not my style," he said, "I'll find a way to get out of this, but right now we've got bigger problems to deal with." The moan came again, louder this time and followed by the sound of something clanking. Then, they heard something that stopped them in their tracks. A voice, weak and shaky, called out, "Jaaake." "It seems your popularity is growing, even in the midst of these dreadful times," she said, "I think it best for us to pick up the pace, dear. One problem at a time and all that." "Agreed," he said, switching to a brisk jog. Whatever was in here, it definitely wasn't just a rat. There was some sentience behind whatever was making those noises, and he really didn't want to find out what it was. There was a level of fear behind this decision, but then there was the matter of time working against everyone. He couldn't afford to get caught up in a fight if he could help it. Alone again, he dashed through the warehouse while trying not to focus on the strange collection of items on the shelves. He made a mental note to investigate and renovate this facility if his plan worked. The thudding noise came again, louder and more violent this time. He looked over his shoulder to see if whatever it was was following him. There was nothing but shadows behind him. He dashed around the final corner, and came at last to his destination. His heart was pounding in his ears, but at least he was finally at his destination. Having his gear back would ease some of his concerns, if only by a little bit. He ran his hand along the surface of the wall until he found the small outcropping where he'd installed a rental scanner. A few taps into the disguised keypad, and a portion of the wall unfolded to reveal a small circle for him to hold his eye up to. He removed his cowl and looked into the red light. It flashed green after a second, and the wall began to open up In the middle. A small room with fluorescent lighting was revealed with a workbench, crates, various racks and mounts for spare equipment. He walked into the bright room, a stark contrast to the dreary and darkness he had been only seconds ago, and began gathering what he needed. He decided that it wouldn't hurt to check in with Pam, so he pulled out his communication stone and opened the link, "Pam, I'm about to start gathering my things and heading to the rendezvous point. How are things going on your end?" He waited for a moment before a harsh reply came from Pam, "A little busy at the moment, Jake! Glad things are going well on your end, but Beth and I are currently pinned outside of the warden's office!" "Did Rebecca send her soldiers after you?" he thought back. Another moment passed and he started to fear the worst, but then she snapped, "No, your damn automated defenses aren't recognizing the guard badges! Zoey seems to think that the power outage caused a malfunction in the card reading system. What the hell made you think turrets were a good fucking idea?!" It was time like this that he could see the influence Beth was having on her. The usual calm and collective demeanor of his friend shifted to a furious and cussing version reminiscent of his best friend. "Have you met any of the villains in this city?" he thought back as he ran over to a workstation, "Alexis alone could only be contained through threats of lethal force, and that's not counting Megabutt, Hippogirl, Havoc, and I don't know how many others! Hold on, I think I might be able to tap into the systems remotely and override them. Just try not to get killed." "Oh, that's great fucking advice," she thought back sarcastically, "Thanks, because I was considering running out into the line of fire! Hurry the hell up, or I swear that next time I see you, you'll be wishing that Rebecca still had her hands on you!" He rolled his eyes, but didn't respond as he brought up a small computer built into his desk. He began typing furiously to gain access to the prison's security systems. "She seems nice," he heard Ashley say, and he looked over to see her sitting on the edge of the desk, "If memory serves, she's not one to make idle threats either." "No, she's not," he laughed while he worked, "She doesn't joke when it comes to threats, and if Beth is in danger, then she's definitely not playing around. I've seen her do some horrendous things whenever Beth has been in trouble." "Ah, the spark of love," Ashley mused, "I wish that I'd been able to get to know that woman better. For being a former disciple, she is quite different from her mentor." He found the backdoor entrance to the prison and began trying to bypass and override the defenses while he replied, "She wasn't always, but something about Beth just changed her. I still don't get it, but I can't say I'm not glad it turned out like it did. Pam's been an asset to us, and we wouldn't have made it out of Ravenfalls if it hadn't have been for her." "It's a pity that I met her on such poor terms," she said, "Truthfully, I never had any intention of harming Beth or keeping her from Pam. You have my word that I will do everything to keep you and those two alive." "That's good because we're gonna need all the help we can get," he said as he finished accessing the systems. "Jake!" Pam's voice shrieked in his head, "What the hell is taking so long?! If Beth, or any of our team, get injured because of this, I promise you I will not be happy!" He responded as he began targeting and shutting down the multiple defenses in the prison, "I thought mages were supposed to be patient. I'm in, and they should be shutting down...now!" "Don't test me, boy wonder," Pam replied, her tone more even, "Talk to me about patience when we've defeated Rebecca. Defenses are down, we're moving on with our objective. Head to the rendezvous point once you've got everything you need, and we'll make sure to have the resistance there once we finish here and regroup." Beth, Pam, Alexis, and Kait had split up after making it to the guard's quarters. The trek there had been simple enough with Zoey guiding them through. The four of them had actually managed to play off of their strengths and weaknesses surprisingly well. Automated defenses were quickly repelled by Pam's magic, Kait's impressive shield work, and Beth and Alexis' offensive capabilities. Alexis worked as a moving target that was next to impossible to hit, and Beth utilized some armor piercing rounds she'd received from Jason before they left. Whatever turrets weren't dismantled by Beth's bullets were ripped apart by Pam's magic. The problem had come when they reached the point of splitting up. Their offensive and defensive capabilities had been divided, and that left the two teams with severely decreased capabilities. Which in turn was what had prompted Pam's scathing to interaction with Jake. Both her and Beth had managed to make it through multiple defensive posts thanks to ample cover, but the turrets, traps, and other innovative defenses outside the warden's office had proven incredibly difficult. The only cover that the two women had was provided by Pam and her magic or her cloak. She could only hope that Alexis and Kait were faring better than them. They both seemed confident enough in finding blind spots in the defenses, and she hadn't received any reports from Zoey about them being injured. The prison itself was dark and decrepit, giving it an incredibly ominous feeling as they traversed it. So many empty cells, but Pam could feel the painful emotions left behind in the place. It was almost disorienting. There was trauma within these walls from guards and prisoners. The floors, railings, and bars of the cells were either rusted or coated in filth that made even her skin crawl. She knew the villainous people that her home and Beth's held, but seeing the scars left behind in a place where they were held was something else entirely. Each person had left their own unique mark on this place. The times they weren't trying to avoid or dismantle defenses, Beth had pointed out who had done what exactly. Simply being within the walls of this dark fortress felt like something out of a nightmare. With the defenses officially disabled, they were free to proceed with minimal effort. They stood outside the door to the warden's office, a combination lock hung on the outside of the door. Without a second thought, Beth pulled out her Colt pistol and blasted the lock off the door. "All this security, and the one in charge only had a basic lock," Pam said as they walked in. "If you'd ever met the old warden, you'd understand why," Beth replied, "Tricia was almost as bad as some of the prisoners here. She took a weird amount of pleasure in their suffering, but she was the only person willing to take the job. Neither Jake nor myself ever liked her. If someone was actually stupid enough to try to attack her, she made their sentence a hell of a lot worse. It's on record that she actually tortured one of the prisoners a while back until she killed him. It was swept under the rug, but Jake found out about it and tried to confront her. The footage was scrubbed, the guards were bought, and she told him that she would bury him if he tried to expose her. It was ruled that the prisoner had committed suicide, in the end." "Black hells," Pam said in disbelief, "Who did she kill? I don't recall seeing anything about that in the news." "Old villain called The Duke," Beth replied, "Class A piece of shit, but the guy didn't deserve what happened to him. Tricia made sure that word never got out, and the public just assumed that he was either reformed or serving a life sentence. Nobody really gives a damn about the bad guys as long as they're off the streets. Once upon a time, I was the same way. Alexis in particular was someone I hated, but it's funny how things change. Now, I'm dating an ex-villain, Alexis is actually my friend, and even Kait isn't that bad, not to mention Sally and Sammie." They walked through the rather large office, papers scattered around the place and various pieces of torture equipment sitting out in the open. Beth seemed to know where to go and what to look for as she approached Tricia's desk. Pam decided to stand guard and let her girlfriend work. "People and things change, Kitten," she said as Beth rummaged through the desk drawers, "Sometimes through circumstances, other times through someone else. What do you suppose happened to the old warden once Rebecca took over?" "Guess you've got a point, but I still wonder if maybe I'm getting soft or if I'm becoming more like them," Beth said, slamming a drawer shut and opening another, "As far as Tricia goes, I've got no clue. She could have joined up with Rebecca for all I know. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if she did. That woman was more of a sadist than half the criminals in this joint." "You're not a villain, Beth," Pam said, "You've changed, yes, but that doesn't make you evil. You still fight for those that can't protect themselves. I know you've struggled with that notion since you came into my care, but I've told you again and again: you are a good girl with a good heart. It takes a level of strength that many don't possess to do what you do now, and I personally find it admirable." "Thanks, but you always get horny after I come back from dealing death," Beth replied, "I believe you when you say it, but the fact that you get aroused when I kill kind of taints the whole sentiment." "It's your dedication that excites me, not the blood lust, dear," Pam explained, "That and that iron will of yours are what caused me to fall in love with you. You are an incredible, adorable, and ferocious little thing, Beth Thompson." Beth pulled out a slip of paper and held it up triumphantly, "Here we go! That bitch's computer should have the information we need, but I really didn't feel like trying to hack into it. Let's see here, come on and load you old hunk of junk." Pam walked around the desk to stand behind Beth, "I didn't know you were so tech savvy." "Jake's better than me, but I know a few tricks," Beth replied as the screen opened to Tricia's desktop, "Let's see here...files, prisoners, personal...holy shit! Look at this." Pam looked over Beth's shoulder to see what she'd found. Her eyes widened as she skimmed the notes on screen. Email exchanges between Tricia and someone known as E.B. that talked about using prisoners for some sort of experimentation. Medical records, genetic mutations, abilities, personality disorders and traits, and more were all laid out in multiple attachments. The nature of whatever they were planning was vague, but it reminded Pam of what she'd found in Ravenfalls. The emails that had been sent and received after the initial exchange were encoded in a way that neither girl could decipher. Whatever it was, it couldn't have been good. There was another chain of email exchanges between Tricia and what appeared to be a member of Rebecca's church. Offers of power, recognition of a natural talent, and other temptations were laid out in the first email. The promise to allow Tricia the freedom that the confines of the law never could were made, and unsurprisingly, Tricia seemed apt to accept the proposal. It seemed that Beth had been correct about the warden's whereabouts, but Pam was left wondering how true her allegiance was. What was this woman up to, and who was she really working with? "What the hell is going on around here?" Beth asked. "Nothing good," Pam replied, "Is there any way you can save those emails to a flash drive? If we survive this, then I believe we may need to look further into these, but for now we have a job to do and we are running out of time." "Yeah, let me back these up, and I can go back to looking for Havoc's cell code while it runs," Beth said, shaking her head, "Fuck me, if it's not one thing it's another. Is it so much to ask for a vacation after all this shit?" "That sounds lovely, but I don't know if that's in the cards for us anytime soon," Pam replied. "We fix and finish this, and I'll just have to scare the shit out of the bad guys so we can make that happen," Beth said as she easily navigated a list of prisoners, "If you're willing to help, then I bet we can buy us a week where Jake can handle things here. You're scary by yourself, but with me and your powers you might even be able to scare criminals straight for a little while." "I am not scary," Pam said, earning a pointed look from Beth, "Fine, maybe I am a little intimidating, but that's only because people fear what they don't understand!" "Yeah, babe, that's what it is," Beth replied sarcastically, "Nothing to do with the way you carry yourself, the way you dress, or anything." "What's wrong with the way I dress?!" Pam demanded. "I'm not saying there is, but people fear what they they understand," Beth replied, earning a smack from Pam, "I love the way you are, isn't that what counts?" "I suppose," Pam grumbled, crossing her arms. "Got it!" Beth yelled, standing up, "Alright, let's go find Alexis and Kait. Love you~." Pam rolled her eyes, but followed beside Beth as they exited the office, "I'm going to make you show me just how much you love me when this is all over. You just bought yourself a night at my feet, and I'm still thinking of what else." "Something to look forward to," Beth laughed as they broke into a sprint out the door, "I'll hold you to that." "Sometimes I hate how much I love you," Pam said with a grin, "You're almost too good of a girl." "Love you too," Beth said, "Come on, we need to get to the freight elevator." "You two are unbelievably precious," Zoey's voice came over the comms. "Goddamnit, would you stop eavesdropping on us?!" Beth groaned. "Ignore her, Zoey," Pam said, "I'm glad you think so about us. How are Kaitlyn and Alexis faring?" "Let's see," Zoey replied, "Okay, it looks like they're gathering what they need, but I'm guessing Kait is about ready to snap on Alexis. Let me patch you two in." "Alexis, I swear to God if you don't shut up, I am going to cram my fist down your throat!" Kait's voice came over the comms. "Just admit you have a crush on Jason and I will!" Alexis argued, "It's obvious that you do. I've seen the way you treat people, and you give him extra special treatment. How big is he?" "Okay, if I might just stop this here," Beth said, attempting to put out the fire before it began, "Alexis, can you give it a rest until we get back to base? It's probably going to take all of us to get Havoc on our side." "Listen to your friend, Alexis," Kait snapped, "If you don't knock it off, you're not going to make it back to base." "Please, I've kicked your ass in this same room more times than I can count!" Alexis said, "You're outclassed, Katie, and you know it." "Both of you, knock it off!" Pam barked, "I don't give a damn how annoyed you two are with each other, there are bigger things at stake than pride and pissing contests! Do you have what you need, Alexis?" "Yeah, we got it," Alexis answered, "But it's not my fault Katie doesn't know how to deal with her feelings! She's in love!" "Alexis, don't push her," Beth said, "She is not in the mood for it today." Pam glared at Beth who shrugged her shoulders in response, "Don't get smart with me, Kitten," she warned, "You're still in trouble for the comment about the way I dress. Anyway, Zoey, the freight elevator is still operational, right?" "That's correct," Zoey replied, "It may need a jumpstart, but it'll be the fastest way down to the lower levels." "Good, then we need to get there quick," Pam said, "The longer we wait, the more likely it is that Rebecca will end up sending an ambush. It's a safe bet that she's already searching for us as we speak. We get down there, get the door open, either convince or subdue this Havoc woman, and I phase us out of the forsaken fortress of misery. Am I making myself clear?" "Who the hell put you in charge, girlie?" Kait asked. "Given the bumbling nature of this operation thus far, I did," Pam replied, "If you have a problem with that, then maybe you want to experience just how I managed to break my girlfriend." There was silence for a moment after Pam spoke. Alexis broke the silence, "Did you just threaten to have sex with her?" "Alexis, just stop," Beth begged. "Fine, but this isn't over, Pam," Kait finally said, "Im not one to take orders or threats from anyone." "I understand that, but allow me to rephrase this," Pam sighed, "We need to move or everyone we care about, everything you've fought for, will be destroyed. Hate me if you must, but I am telling you that we have to make haste!" "We'll talk about this shit later," Kait replied, "We're on our way there now, over and out." The comms went silent as Zoey cut the link and focused on Beth and Pam, "Jay says you've got a natural talent for leading. He wants me to tell you not to worry about Kait, that he'll deal with her when you four get back. I'm going to guide them to the elevator, but I'll be on standby if you two need me." "Thank you, Zoey, and tell Jason I appreciate his compliment," Pam said as the line went silent once again. "You weren't seriously going to...you know, fuck her, were you?" Beth asked as they raced along the upper level. "If you recall, dear, I used more than just pleasure to make you mine," Pam replied, "My power has increased exponentially since then, and I'm certain that I can handle whatever that woman can dish out. But, no, I wouldn't dare do something like that to my beloved little Kitten." "You're insane, but damn if I don't love it!" Beth laughed. "I do know how much you enjoy when I get a stern tone," Pam said with a grin, "If we had more time, then perhaps we could utilize one of these cells for some fun." Beth choked on a bit of spit and coughed out a response, "I-I think I'm good on that." "Come now, there are so many fun possible scenarios," Pam teased as Beth's blush grew in intensity, "Perhaps I could be your new cellmate in need of having my own little prison slut, or we could try having me play a guard and you a naughty little prisoner. Better yet, you could be the guard, and I could be an escaped prisoner in need of a sexual release and fun!" "Oh my God, will you stop, you pervert?!" Beth asked, her face burning brighter than it ever had, "What is the matter with you?!" "Don't pretend like those ideas haven't sparked some curiosity," Pam said, "I'm just exploring my creative side. Now, get your mind out of the gutter, and let's move on." "But you-ugh, nevermind!" Beth said, flabbergasted. "I think you two may have to come to my club's reopening once this all blows over," Zoey's voice chimed in, "I think I can make these scenarios a reality with ease." "Oh my God, someone kill me," Beth groaned, "How did this mission turn into me getting humiliated?" "So, you probably don't want me mentioning that last bit was on speaker then, yeah?" Zoey giggled. "I swear, I will personally put down anyone who breathes a damn word about that!" Beth yelled. "Hush," Pam said, "Zoey, be a dear and remind everyone there that this was intended to be a private conversation. Anyone who mentions it will deal with me before I turn my little pet loose." "Will do," Zoey said, "Back to business, you two are close to the freight elevator, and both Kait and Alexis are waiting for you. I checked the grid, and sure enough, the power is out for the elevator. I hope you have a plan for handling that." "I'll improvise," Pam replied before asking, "How close are we exactly?" "Once you reach the stairs, you should just have to backtrack and you'll be there," Zoey replied. "Noted, come here, Kitten," Pam said, pulling Beth close and leading to the edge of the walkway. "Wait, what are you doing?!" Beth asked before Pam suddenly pulled herself and her over the edge. Beth cried out and clung to Pam as her cloak opened up and they began to glide downward. Beth relaxed as she remembered the cloak Pam had gotten from their trip to the underworld. It was a different feeling than when she used her grappling gun. A slightly slower pace than she was used to, but without the security of the cable it was a little nerve wracking. She was left to do what she'd done for months: trust Pam to keep her safe. They glided through the darkness until they landed in front of the other half of the little squad. "That's one way to make an entrance," Kait scoffed as they landed. "I didn't figure you'd want to wait around for us after my talk of time," Pam replied, "My apologies for our tardiness, Kaitlyn." Kait shook her head and sighed, "Your manners make it hard for me to stay pissed at you. Doors are sealed, but I can get them open. We've just been waiting on you in case the noise stirs anything in this shithole." "Do it, do it, do it!" Alexis cheered before turning back to Beth and Pam, "I love watching her do this!" Kait rolled her eyes, but smirked as she rolled her shoulders before stepping up to the doors. She took a deep breath before plunging her hands into the small crack between the doors. The metal groaned as she slowly started to pull them apart. Pam watched curiously as the Amazon proceeded to rip the doors open. After a few seconds, the set flew open and to the sides revealing an empty shaft. Kait sighed as she stepped back, "Alright, now how do we get the damn thing back up to us?" "Leave that to me," Pam said as she stepped forward. Her hands began to glow along with her eyes. It had been a while since she'd used her telepathic powers, but she felt confident that her abilities had grown enough to manage such a feat. She latched onto the large structure and began pulling it upwards. The others looked on in awe as they heard the elevator start to rise. It was Beth's turn to smirk as she watched Kait and Alexis' faces marvel at Pam's handiwork. It was always nice to see other people's reactions to Pam and her powers. The seconds ticked by, and after nearly a minute their patience was rewarded. The large platform sat before them encased in a vibrant violet glow. Pam motioned for them to go ahead and board the elevator, and they did so without question. Pam was the last one in, and she gently began lowering the elevator down towards the bottom level. "Hell of a trick you've got there," Kait remarked. "It was one of the first abilities I learned," Pam replied, "It requires acute mental focus, but it is simple depending on the size of the object in question. Admittedly, I wasn't sure about this in particular, but so far so good." "You tell us that while we're on it?!" Kait asked. "Well, yes, why wouldn't I?" Pam replied before adding, "I thought we were making conversation." "Pam, that's not exactly something that's comforting to hear," Beth said, "I cannot believe I am even having to explain this to you." Pam shrugged, "Worst case scenario, we plummet and avoid whatever horrible fate Rebecca has in store for us," she deadpanned. "She's got a point," Alexis said. "Beth, your girlfriend is weird," Kait said, "Just try not to kill us. If I die, I'd rather go out fighting." "Relax, we're fine," Pam said, "Well, probably." "She's messing with you now," Beth said. "Fucking hell, why did I get stuck with three bitches with twisted senses of humor?" Kait asked. "Awe, we love you too, Katie," Alexis beamed. "And we're here," Pam said as the elevator touched down, "Once we have Havoc, I will phase us back to the clocktower. I just hope that she's willing to cooperate. I've heard stories about her, and it seems unlikely that she'll simply agree to join our cause." "She's not one to do something that doesn't benefit her," Kait said as they stepped off the elevator and into the cold basement, "I always hated this level of the prison." "Yeah, brings back bad memories," Alexis said, her tone shifting to sober, "The warden once took me down here for a week straight. I've still got the scars on my back from where she whipped me." "I'm sorry," Beth blurted out. "What the hell are you sorry for?" Kait asked, "Yeah, you and bird bitch put us here, but that psycho is the one who abused us. I've never met someone I wanted to kill as much as her." "Jake and I tried to get her removed multiple times," Beth said, "She bought her job security, but more than that she was the only person willing to take the job. We didn't realize until it was too late what she was doing. I can promise you both this: if I find her, I will kill her and make her suffer for what she's done." "Tch, never thought I'd actually root for one of you heroic numbskulls," Kait said, "If you find her and get her, you call me so I can get some payback. That's all I ask." "You've got a deal," Beth said. "Touching as this is, I think we're getting close," Pam said, "Zoey, can you confirm Havoc's location? Zoey?" "Comms won't work this far underground, hon," Beth said, "She might be able to see us, but communication is gonna be a no-go." "Her cell is down this hallway," Kait said, "Follow me." The basement was made of dirty stone walls, steel sliding doors with code locks, and disorienting white lights. The grime that was on the walls was a mixture of mold and blood. The trauma that Pam felt above was trivial compared to the basement. She hadn't felt levels like this since her time in Rebecca's court. It was a wonder that Rebecca or Aurora had never approached this Tricia woman with an offer to join them, but then hee behavior wasn't exactly common knowledge. She could feel both Kaitlyn and Alexis' anxiety levels spike the longer they were here. Seeing someone like Alexis in such a state was enough of a testament to the pain that these two had endured here. Neither woman would want her pity, but that didn't mean she didn't feel it. The smell of an almost toxic level of body odor and funk began filling the air. The closer they got to the end of the hall, the worse it got. Pam was used to a foul stench, but this was on another level. She could endure, but there she had to wonder how much stronger it would be once the doors were opened. They arrived at the end of the hall in front of one of the largest doors they'd seen thus far. "This is it," Kait said, grimly before banging on the door, "Havoc! You still alive in there?!" No response. "Maybe she's sleeping," Alexis said, "You guys got the code, right?" Beth nodded and walked up to the door. A single square window was all that allowed someone to see into the cell. Beth shook off the uneasy feeling as she approached, but she nearly jumped out of her skin when a gigantic gas mask covered face slammed into the window. "Jesus, fuck!" she screamed. "Havoc, step back!" Kait yelled, "We're not here to fight. We came to get you out. We're not your enemies here." The only response they received was labored breathing coming through Havoc's respirator. "Fuck me," Beth sighed as she walked back towards the door, "Easy big gal, I'm just gonna open the door." Pam watched, taking a defensive stance as Beth punched in the code to the door. A small light flashed green followed by an alarm before the door slid open. The barrier preventing her magic removed, Pam stood there dumbfounded looking at Havoc. A massive beast of a woman, easily as tall as Rebecca, stood clothed in what looked like a black leather hazmat suit. Combat boots on her feet, and her curves were only accentuated by the tight fitting suit. The mark was intimidating, but she'd employed the use of them before when playing with slaves in the past. The red lenses that covered the eyes were a little unsettling, but what really struck her was the sheer lack of emotion from the behemoth. There was nothing. No anger, no hate, no feat, no joy, nothing but emptiness and a dark void. Never before had she encountered someone so devoid of feelings. There was a sense of unease amongst everyone as Havoc simply stood in the doorway for a moment. The silence and stillness was broken in a second when Havoc lunged forward with blinding speed. Her massive hand coiled around Beth's throat and she slammed her against the opposing wall in the blink of an eye. Her speed was incredible, but Pam wasn't afraid. Her, Alexis, and Kait readied themselves for an attack as Havoc focused solely on Beth. Her voice came out in a raspy growl as she said two words, "Beth Thompson." Beth beat her fists against Havoc's forearms for a second before holding up a hand and rasping out, "Stay back!" "I've waited a long time for this, little girl," Havoc growled. Beth winced, but she fought to keep a level head. She threw her legs upward and wrapped them around Havoc's muscular arm. She threw her weight down to break the death grip that Havoc had on her before saying, "You're gonna have to keep waiting, asshole." Havoc threw her down the hall and charged towards her, "You put me in this hell!" she screamed, "I'm going to repay everything that woman did to me tenfold!" Beth shook off the pain in her back from getting slammed twice. She rolled out of the way of what would have been a devastating bearhug. She got to her feet and threw a series of punches at Havoc's side. It was Ike hitting a brick wall, but she wasn't going to be deterred by it. She let out her own growl as she threw a low kick to the side of Havoc's knee that knocked her down to one knee. "Listen you fucking thick-headed twat!" Beth growled as she put her hands together and threw a double hammerstrike to the side of Havoc's head, "I'm here to help you!" Havoc grunted, but she didn't go down. "Havoc, she's telling the truth!" Kait yelled. "Stay out of this Kaitlyn!" Havoc growled. "Okay, okay," Beth said quietly as she backed up and raised her fists before looking back, "Stay back! She wants to fight, then we'll fight. I'm warning you, you smelly cunt, I'm not the same woman you fought before." "Still as stupid and arrogant as ever," Havoc growled as she stood back up to her full height, "I will break the back of the cat." "Cats dead, you sack of shit," Beth said as she waited for Havoc to move, "Come on, come on!" Havoc let out a roar as she took a fierce right swing at Beth. Beth ducked under her first, moved in, and threw a combination attack at her stomach. Again, it barely fazed the hulking woman. Havoc brought her left arm down on Beth's back and knocked her to the ground. She quickly grabbed the back of her jacket and flung her against the wall. Beth grunted as she hit the ground, but she rolled onto her back in anticipation of Havoc's next attack. Those stinking leathery boots thundered as she charged towards Beth, but she was ready and expecting it. Beth put her hands against the wall, straightened her left leg, and propelled herself forward to slam her own boot into Havoc's ankle. It staggered the monster just long enough for her to launch herself upward into an uppercut. Havoc stumbled back from the surprising force of the punch, but Beth wasn't finished yet. She leapt into the air and dropkicked Havoc in the chest. She was back on her feet with a pistol in one hand before Havoc could recover. She spun it so that the butt of her gun was facing out. She jumped up and slammed the butt of her gun against the side of Havoc's head. The leather clad woman fell to one knee, and Beth grabbed the collar of her leather suit. She took another swing at Havoc's head and growled as she continued to swing, "You like that, huh?! This what you wanted?! Come on, come on!" "She's gonna kill her," Kait said. "No, she's merely playing," Pam said, "If she wanted her dead, she'd have shot her by now. She's trying to let that woman get her aggression out." Beth hit Havoc three more times before Havoc caught her wrist. She went to snap her arm, but Beth was too quick. She flipped forward and threw a roundhouse kick to Havoc's chest. "Suffer, worm!" Havoc growled as she tried to grab Beth once again. Beth tried to avoid those powerful and rancid arms, but Havoc scooped her up in a swift motion. Beth fought to get out, but there was no escaping the bone cracking hug Havoc had her in. Before she could finish squeezing the life out of her, Havoc spun around and slammed Beth's face into the ground. Beth rolled away just as one of those dreadful boots slammed where her back had been a second ago. Beth got to her feet and tried to kick Havoc in the gut. The woman didn't move, but the kick sent Beth stumbling backward as she fell back into a fighting stance, "Fuck," she breathed. Havoc yelled as she charged forward and once again grabbed Beth by the throat. She lifted her up, and Beth tried to break the hold by beating on Havoc's forearms. It did nothing, but Havoc quickly threw a powerful left hook into Beth's jaw. She hit her a second time and sent her to the ground. She scooped Beth up in another agonizing squeeze. Beth's legs failed as she tried to recover and find a way out. It was no use. Havoc's grip was too strong. The leather clad titan let out a raspy laugh as she applied more pressure. If she didn't do something soon, her ribs were as good as shattered! "We've got to do something!" Alexis yelled, "This is going to end badly if we don't!" "I'm going to break your back, and turn you into my own little toy!" Havoc growled. Pam glared as she stepped forward and decided to intervene. A burst of chains rose from the ground, and her anger manifested itself in a clone that stepped out of her. The chains wrapped around Havoc's arms and ripped them away from Beth, and her duplicate quickly scooped her up before blasting Havoc with a burst of crimson energy. "Hands off of my girlfriend!" Pam snapped, stepping forward, "We came here to break you out, give you a chance to redeem yourself, and to indulge your fetid desire for mayhem." Havoc was forced back by the continued torrent of energy, and she dropped to one knee again in response. Before she could react, more chains snaked around her and bound her in place. She glared up at Pam and demanded, "Just who are you supposed to be?!" "I'm her mistress, and I'm the only hope you have of leaving this place in one piece," Pam said coldly. "Havoc!" Kait yelled, "They're on our side. Shit has changed while you've been down here. Goth has taken control of the city, and we're all that's left to stand in her way." Havoc looked over at Kait before looking back at Pam, "You're one of the witch's followers," she growled, "Why should I believe anything you say?" "Because if you don't, then I'll kill you here and now," Pam replied. "Pam, what about the plan?!" Kait yelled. "To hell with your plan!" Pam barked, "It was a risk, but I'm not letting her touch my beloved!" Havoc looked over at Beth who had gotten to her feet before looking back at Pam, "You two are together? Hmm, what's this plan Kaitlyn is talking about?" "She belongs to me, but she has my heart, and I hers," Pam replied, "You want to cause destruction and pain, yes? Well we need someone of your capabilities to aid us in our fight against Rebecca." "Pain and destruction mean little to me anymore," Havoc said quietly. "Then what do you want?" Pam asked. "I want to make the ones who did this to me suffer," she replied, "Your girlfriend and her little bird friend put me here, and that woman, that monster, did horrid things to me and the others." "We tried to stop her, Havoc," Beth wheezed, "Honest, but by the time we found out it was too late. Word is, she joined up with Goth, though. We find her, I'll make sure you and Kait get to return the kindness she showed you all." "You expect me to believe you'll just let that happen?" she asked. "I'm not the same girl you knew," Beth said, "I'd kill the bitch myself if I didn't think you all deserved some payback, but right now we've got more important things to worry about. Goth is up there causing more pain and suffering than anyone or anything this world has seen, and people like the warden are the ones she likes to recruit. Help us put an end to her, and do what you do best." "Come on, Havoc," Alexis said, finally joining in, "Terror, mayhem, fun, it'll be just like old times! Let's work together. Stranger things have happened, you know?." Havoc was silent before nodding, "Okay, but if I see that woman, she is mine. Now release me." Pam looked over to Kait who nodded before she dispelled her magic. "We can fill you in once we get back," she said, "Now, everyone circle up as before." "Not this shit again," Kait grumbled as she stepped forward. "Yay!" Alexis cheered, "Five badass bitches, this is gonna be awesome!" "What are you doing?" Havoc asked. "Just grab a hand," Beth replied, "It's easier for you to see it than to explain." "It sucks," Kait said. Havoc didn't reply say another word as she took Beth and Kait's hands. The shadows swirled around the five of them as the darkness opened up to swallow them. They were gone in a second. Their time was running out, but at least they had one victory under their belt. The force of the mighty Havoc was now behind their efforts, but would it be enough? An army was moving against them, and the most powerful villain the city had ever seen was merely waiting for her time to strike. Everything hung on the success of their crazed plan, but they still didn't know if it would be enough. All they could do was wait, trust one another, and hope that their combined efforts would give them the edge that they needed to win the war on the horizon. |