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Jake, Beth, and Pam have to band together with old foes to stop the monster they unleashed |
Jake sat at the table in the kitchen sipping at the mug of tea Pam had prepared for him. Beth sat across from him watching him carefully. Something was different about him, and it wasn't the marks and bruises that covered his body. It was something in his eyes, something she'd seen before in herself. A look of hatred, a look of anger and determination. He looked exhausted, but she could tell from that look and his disposition that he was ready for war. He hadn't said a word, but even she could feel the strong emotions rolling off of him. There was a furious storm brewing inside of him, the likes of which she'd never seen before. Pam had fished out a small pint of whiskey from the freezer, and Jake promptly unscrewed the lid and turned it up. He poured the remaining amber liquid into his cup and took a sip. "Jake," Pam said as she sat down, "What's happened?" He shook his head, his eyes never leaving the table as he replied, "I was a fool." "What did she do to you?" Beth asked, unsure if she wanted to hear the answer. "It's better if I start from the beginning," he said as he took another sip from his cup, "Brace yourself, because this isn't going to be some happy story." Jake, Beth, and Pam had been beaten within an inch of their lives. Despite his best efforts, they'd lost in their fight against Rebecca. He'd heard the ultimatum she'd issued, but the next thing he knew he was surrounded by an icy darkness and blood curdling screams. It was over in an instant, and he found himself looking at a warped version of his former home. Women wearing corsets, gowns, robes, and other articles of clothing Rebecca undoubtedly selected walked about his home. The only men he saw wore next to nothing, and they either walked with their heads bowed or on all fours. His rugs had been replaced, his family photos were gone, and the place felt like a somehow more eerie and ominous version of the castle. What had she done to his family home? A woman approached clad in a robe with long blonde hair tied up in a bun, "Goddess, you've returned! Is this him? Is he the one who has delivered you to us?" Rebecca sat him down, but he felt a familiar weight around his neck as an ethereal collar wrapped itself around it. "Indeed, this is my Raven," Rebecca replied with an earnest smile, "We may have two more guests arriving as well. My former pupil and her beloved pet are weighing their options. I expect they'll realize where they belong and arrive within the next day or two." The woman reached out to touch Jake and instinct kicked in. He pulled away from her before baring his teeth and coldly ordering, "Get away from me, and get out of my house!" The woman stepped back, taken aback by his defiant demeanor, "Are you sure this is him, Goddess? He seems to have an air of hate about him." He was about to respond in turn when he felt a pulse of electricity run through his body. The collar, of course Rebecca would take such a precaution. He fell to one knee in front of the woman, but he glared up at her. "I'm quite sure, Morgana," Rebecca replied, "If you'll excuse us, my Raven and I have some business to attend to. It seems my beloved needs to be reminded of his place. We are not to be disturbed, no matter the cause. Handle whatever issues may arise. I'll be indisposed for the next several hours, possibly the next couple of days. Come along, Jake." He felt a sharp tug that reminded him of the leash he used to be forced to wear. With little choice, he followed behind her. She led him up the stairs and down the hall to the room that was once his own. The room he entered was a far cry from the one he'd left so long ago. Torches burned around his bedroom, racks filled with tools and toys for pain and pleasure lined the walls, and a portrait of him kneeling at her feet sat across from his bed. He clenched his fists in rage and defiance of her will as he looked around. "What have you done?" he asked. "I've redecorated, don't you love it?" she asked, as though it were obvious, "I must say, Jake, I'm a little disappointed in your behavior. I've preached so long about my obedient and faithful Raven, and now that you're here, you're making a mockery of me. It isn't wise to test me, young man." "Go to Hell," he spat, "You gave me your word that you would help these people, and you've done nothing but rebuild your empire!" She glared at him and sent another painful jolt of energy through his collar. He fell to one knee and cried out as pain surged through his body. "Watch your tone, little man," she said coldly as she stepped in front of him, "I've saved these people from demons, given them something to believe in other than themselves, and have unified your broken city. You should be thanking me." He caught a glimmer of Ashley in the corner of the room, concern etched onto her face. She beckoned for him to stand, and despite the pain coursing through him, he did just that. His body convulsed as he got to his feet, his back tingling from the mark of Lilith, and said, "I would never thank a monster like you. I'd sooner cut out my tongue than praise you." "That can be arranged, my love," she said with an icy tone as she tried to strike him, but to her surprise he caught her wrist before it could make contact, "How curious, it seems you and your little gang are just full of surprises. Let go of my arm, Jake. Now." He tightened his grip in defiance and relished the shock on her face. "You don't control me, anymore," he breathed, "I will never bow before you again, you witch." He could feel the soul of Ashley and the mark of Lilith reacting to his emotions as he continued to squeeze her arm. With a frown and a hidden grimace, she brought her other hand to his chest and blasted him with a burst of arcane energy that sent him flying across the room. The blast ripped what was left of his chest piece to shreds. She slowly walked towards him and snarled, "Look at that, already back on your knees where you belong. I control everything and everyone in this world, Jake. The sooner you learn that, the better off….what is this?" He grunted as he tried to get back to his feet, "You don't scare me anymore." She planted her boot into his chest and pinned him against the wall as she got inches from his face and growled, "What did you do?! Why do I sense that undead whore?!" He grimaced as she began to grind her heel into his chest, "Don't...call...her that." "Answer me!" she screamed, "Why is that filth's aura mingling with yours?!" "Allow me to cut in, my love," he heard Ashley whisper in his head before he felt his body begin moving of its own accord. He felt like he was having an out of body experience in the next second. He watched as his arm quickly knocked Rebecca's boot away before he was on his feet again. He tackled her to the ground and wrapped his hands around her throat. For a second, he felt like he had complete control over the situation. He could have ended her then and there, but it simply wasn't meant to be. He leaned down, and while his voice was his, his words were not, "Did you miss me, you pathetic excuse for a spell caster? You thought you could break my beloved, use him against me, and take this world for yourself, didn't you? Too bad for you, that repulsive attitude only drives the people you care about further away. Despite your best efforts, miserable as they may have been, Jake found me yet again, and now the two of us will forever be together." Rebecca sneered up at him, and he felt waves of her power pour out and fling him off of her. He was caught in the grip of her telepathic powers as she flung him up to the ceiling before slamming him back down. She growled as she got to her feet, "You actually found that whore and joined with her?! After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me?!" He tried to push himself to his feet, but her boot slammed onto his back and forced him back down on his face. "All you've done is cause me and everyone else to suffer!" he yelled. "You don't know the meaning of suffering, Jake, not yet," she snapped, "I am going to teach you what it means to suffer, and then I'm going to rip that harlot's soul from your body. Once I've done that, I'll let you watch as I erase her from this universe!" She removed her boot from his back only to kick him while he was down. The force knocked him onto his back, and Rebecca took a fistful of his hair to lift him into the air. He winced from the pain, but he cried out when she slammed her fist into his stomach without warning. She proceeded to repeatedly throw punch after punch into his gut. He had no idea how many times she'd hit him, but eventually she threw him across the room. He slammed into the bed frame and laid there for a moment. He'd almost forgotten how strong she was. He forced himself to sit up, but he found his limbs bound by glowing chains that kept him in place. She marched over to him and planted her boot against the side of his face. Her hands started to glow as she loomed above him, and he suddenly felt a pain shoot through every fiber of his being. She ripped a scream from his lips as he felt like his soul was being ripped apart. This was a new form of pain and punishment, and he could hear Ashley screaming in his head. She continued this for a moment before her hands stopped glowing and the pain subsided. "I won't be undone so easily," he heard Ashley say with a strained voice, "I won't leave you, not again. Hang in there, my love." "Stubborn, undead bitch," Rebecca grumbled as she bent down and proceeded to throw another punch at his face, "Very well, if she won't leave then I suppose I'll just have to beat her host. This hurts me much more than it hurts you, Jake, but you betrayed my trust when you accepted that whore into your being." "Jesus fuck," Beth said, interrupting her friend's story, "Does she not understand how hypocritical that is?! She was trying to force you into merging your soul with hers!" "She's blinded by hubris and passion," Pam explained as she took a sip of her own tea, "It doesn't justify any of this, but in her mind she has done no wrong, nor can she do any wrong. The ends will always justify the means, no matter the pain that may come with it." "She beat me for a while after that," he said, "Fists flying, those damned boots broke a few of my ribs, and this wound on my shoulder is from her digging her stiletto into it." "Fucking hell," Beth breathed, "Is...is Ashley still in there with you?" Beth and Pam watched as Jake's eyes shifted from brown to red as he replied, "I promised him I wouldn't leave, Beth, and nothing that sacrilegious and self righteous witch can do will make me break that promise!" Jake's shoulders slumped as he returned to his usual self. Beth and Pam exchanged a look before Beth said, "Okay, that's a new one. Uhm, Jake, did Ashley just speak through you?" He nodded, "That's something that's just started happening. I can hear her in my head, see her in my dreams and sometimes an image of her, but she's started to take control of my body." "Isn't that kind of, you know, dangerous?" Beth asked before adding, "No offense to either of you, but given her past she's not exactly the definition of good." "Neither was I, Kitten," Pam interjected, "If you will recall, I was a devout follower of Rebecca's when we met. Ashley gave what was left of her soul to Jake just to be with him. Her reflexes, strength, and wisdom are all a part of him now. As long as Jake isn't experiencing the thirst from vampirism, it should be fine." "I'm not having any cravings," he added, "It isn't like she's forcing her way to the surface either. She knows I'm weakened and drained, and I'm purposefully ceding control to her when it happens. Besides, if it wasn't for her, I might not have made it through the last forty eight hours." "Alright, but what do you mean by that?" Beth asked. "Let me get there," he said before taking a deep breath, "There's still a lot of ground to cover, and none of it is pretty." Rebecca had beaten him for hours on end and without mercy. He could barely open his eyes by the time she'd finished, and he had no idea what she had planned next. His restraints held him in place throughout his punishment. She'd taken the heel of her boot and driven it into his shoulder without a second thought, and despite his pained cries, he refused to submit to her. He forced himself to look up at her. His hair was messy, his eyes black, and blood dripped down from his many open wounds. He'd taken countless beatings over the years, but none of them compared to the cruelty of this one. He knew that all he had to do was beg her for mercy and forgiveness, but he refused to give her that satisfaction. "Have you finally come to your senses, Jake?" she asked, and he spit some of the blood in his mouth up at her face in response, "I see. It seems that you need further education on where you stand in this world. You will love me, Jake, and you will learn your place." "I did love you," he spat, "I loved you more than anyone else, but that wasn't enough for you. You don't want me to love you, you want me to serve you. You want everyone in this whole fucking world to serve you!" "Don't speak to me as though you know my heart!" she screamed as she clenched her fist and tightened his restraints, "Everything I have done, I have done for you and this wretched world! I have brought peace and unity the likes of which you or this world have ever known! If I punish, it is because my hand has been forced!" "You talk of righteousness, but you know you're lying!" he yelled, "Everything you do, you do because you want to. Don't pretend that you don't enjoy inflicting pain and suffering! You've said it yourself, you love the taste of misery!" She snapped her fingers and his restraints disappeared. Before his body could fall, she had her hand around his throat in an ironclad grip. She squeezed tightly, and he could feel his windpipe constricting in her grip. She brought him to her face and spoke in a cold tone, "Whether I enjoy it or not, it makes no difference. I do what must be done, what people like you have failed to do for so long. I am the strong culling the weak. I do these things because I have to. Let's continue, shall we?" He felt himself losing consciousness just as she slammed her head into his own and let go of him. He flew backward from the force of her headbutt, but he got to his feet. He shook from the pain and struggled to stand his ground, but he did so through sheer force of will alone. "Call it what you will," he rasped out, "Sadism is all that it really is. Do your worst!" "I intend to," she said as she advanced on him. He didn't have the strength to fight back as she rammed her knee into his stomach. She hit him with an uppercut to his jaw that knocked him into the air, but she used her powers to grab hold of him and pull him back to her. She held him there while she unleashed a furious combination attack on his midsection. Her hands glowed brighter as she poured her power into each successive blow. She threw him to the ground before stepping onto his chest and walking across him. Her weight was almost unbearable, but he could barely muster a scream when she stomped on his chest. He'd been trampled before, but somehow this was worse than the times in the past. He looked up just as she turned around to present her well toned ass to him. Without mercy or warning, she suddenly dropped her ass down onto his face. The back of his head slammed into the stone floor and he let out a muffled cry. "Tell me, Jake," she said as she wiggled her ass on his face to bury his nose into her crack, "What's wrong with enjoying what must be done? Why shouldn't I take pleasure in these acts? Someone has to be there to discipline those who step out of line, so why shouldn't it be someone who delights in it? You will call me your Goddess before this over. For now, enjoy the scent of my lovely ass. I may even have an additional gift for your unworthy little nose." A place he once found heavenly, was no serving as a smelly and swampy tomb for his face. Her panties were slightly damp from the sweat she'd worked up from pummeling him, and the scent of her odorous musk filled his battered nose. He could barely breathe beneath her, but the smell of her ass and arousal still managed to fill his nostrils. He'd heard her speak above him, but he knew she wasn't interested in his replies. It was her last comment that had him worried. Getting gassed was nothing new to him, but he knew from experience that her farts were worse than her departed sister. He started thrashing and bucking beneath her in an attempt to remove her from his poor face, but she simply bounced on his face in response. His nose was driven deeper into the confines of her foul crack as a result. An ominous gurgle sounded from up above, but she made no move to give him a reprieve or release her pent up gas. It wasn't until he felt himself on the cusp of unconsciousness that she leaned forward. He knew this trick all too well, but he couldn't stop his body from reacting of its own accord. His lungs needed air, and despite knowing what would happen, he gasped for air. Just as expected, a foul blast of hot air accompanied by a ripping sound from her powerful backside. The stench of death that rivaled that of Dorothy and Cherrie's potent gut bombs filled polluted his air and burned his lungs. His eyes watered from the repugnant stink that overwhelmed his sense of smell. Once he was allowed to take in all that she had, she promptly seated herself back down on his face with all the force she could muster. The stink was trapped around him, and she showed no indication of either pity or a desire to move. She rocked back and forth atop his face, savoring the experience of having her own living throne once again. Admittedly, this had been her dear sister's favorite past time, but she could certainly see the appeal. Jake clawed at her thighs to try to get her off, but she snatched his wrists and pinned them beneath her knees. She took extra care to grind them beneath her knees to drive home just how powerless he was compared to her. She would teach him his place, no matter how long it took. She'd done it before back at her tower, and she would do it again if it meant he would once again surrender to her. A distant part of herself felt a pang of remorse for her treatment of her beloved, but he had blatantly disobeyed and disregarded her commands. This was his choice, not hers, and she'd see it through until the end. Jake was in a painful and smelly hell beneath his ex. With every rock and grind above him, she dragged his face deeper into her crack. Up and down, side to side, every second it only grew worse and worse. He had to do something fast unless he wanted to remain a lowly cushion for her backside. He felt his back tingle before it started to burn once again. The heat spread from his back to his limbs, and he found a sudden burst of power that he couldn't explain. He threw Rebecca from atop his face, and he began levitating in the air as though he were possessed by some unknown entity. Rebecca was shocked by his sudden explosion of strength, but her surprise quickly turned to rage as she stared at him. Before she could speak, he lifted his hands and released the heat that had overtaken his body. Raw energy flew from his palms and at her towering frame. For a second, he'd thought he'd vanquished her, but as the smoke cleared he saw her standing with one hand outstretched. The energy flowed around her and entered her body before she was on him once again. She grabbed his left arm, twisted it around, and gave it a painful yank that ripped it from its socket. He cried out in agony as she dislocated his shoulder, but she quickly spun around and silenced him with a roundhouse kick to his face. He heard her thundering footfalls as she approached, and before he could get up, she grabbed the back of his head and slammed it into the ground. "You insolent little shit!" she screamed, "You found that pathetic excuse for a demon, and what's worse, you took her mark! It's not enough that you bound your soul to that vampiric whore, you struck a deal with the being who wants me dead! Do you have any idea what you've done?!" He groaned from the force of the blow, but she rammed his head into the floor once again before he could answer. He felt the the leave his back as she got up and walked across the room. He rolled over, dazed and concussed, and tried to focus on her. "I did what needed to be done, as you're so found of saying," he said weakly, "If it meant getting my friends out of Hell and stopping you, I'm willing to pay whatever price." "Foolish child, playing with powers you can't possibly comprehend," she said coldly as she selected a knife from one of the many racks, "That mark binds you to her for all eternity. There can be no rebirth, no resurrection so long as you bear that mark. This means that when you die, I will never the chance to find you again. A cosmic joke that she undoubtedly planned the second she saw the opportunity. You are little more than a pawn, my lovely little bird, and yet you choose to resist those who only wish to steer you towards betterment." "Shut up!" he shouted, "I'm sick of you trying to spin yourself into some kind of savior! Lilith, you, I can't see the difference anymore." "Is that so?" she asked before growling and lunging forward with the knife in her hand, "If the two of us are so similar, then maybe I should carve my own marks into your flesh!" He was too tired and wore out to stop her. The edge of the blade pierced his chest as she once again forced him down to the ground. He thought she was going to end him there, but he quickly realized he wouldn't be so lucky. She had cut him before, but the way she drug the knife through his already bruised skin was much more merciless this time. Deliberate and agonizingly slow cuts and curves were carved into his chest again and again. It was all he could do to scream in response, but she silenced him with a hand over his mouth. He stared up at her eyes, filled with fury and delight, while she meticulously carved her own symbols into his chest. He held on for as long as he could, screaming into her large hand while she worked, but eventually he passed out from the pain and blood loss. "Oh my God," Beth said as Jake stopped to make himself another cup of tea. "Yeah," he said, "Once again, I have no idea how long she cut on me before I passed out." "Your comment about her being like her predecessor along with you taking that mark pushed her over the edge," Pam said solemnly. "I don't give a damn about her reasons," he said, slamming his cup down, "There's no justification for this!" "Did I say that there was?" Pam asked, standing to meet his gaze, "We are not your enemies, Jake. You would do well to remember that we are merely worried about you. I'm simply stating what caused her to react in such a horrific manner. What she's done to you isn't right." He sighed and relaxed his shoulders, "I'm sorry," he said, "I haven't slept in days, and everything that's happened has my nerves shot." "It's alright," Beth said, attempting to broker some peace between them, "All of us are on edge because of what's happened. Jake, do you think you might want to lie down? Maybe try to get some rest while you can?." His hands shook as he thought about his friend's offer. Tempting as it was, he wasn't sure if he could sleep if he wanted to. Not after what had happened with Rebecca after he'd woken up. He wasn't sure if he was ready to talk about that part just yet either. It was still so fresh in his mind, but it had easily been the biggest breach in what little trust he had left in Rebecca. He set his cup back down before excusing himself, "I'm going to go take a shower." "Jake, what aren't you telling us?" Pam asked as he turned to leave, "I am not trying to push you, but I can sense you're holding something back." "Pam, if he's not ready to talk, then we shouldn't make him," Beth said. He didn't respond as he continued out of the room. He didn't like hiding things from them, but he was still reliving his final experience. He could tell them later. He needed to be alone right now, and maybe a shower would be just what he needed to clear some of the chaos and mayhem in his mind. He could hear Beth and Pam talking as he tried to find the bathroom, but he couldn't be bothered to try to discern what they were saying. He saw Ashley out of the corner of his eye reaching out to him. He bowed his head in response and continued onward. His mind transported him back to that room as he walked, and he felt his blood run cold as he relieved the trauma. When he came to, he was on his old bed. His entire body ached from the pain Rebecca had put him through. He felt like he was living in a nightmare as he slowly tried to sit up. "Finally awake, I see," he heard the beautiful and chilling voice of Rebecca speak, "You know, I was beginning to worry I might have overdone it. Believe it or not, Jake, I don't enjoy hurting you in these ways." He looked over to the vanity mirror she'd set up in his room to see her sitting there facing him. Her eyes seemed to hold genuine concern for his wellbeing, but he remembered what Alexis had said to him about her being influenced by Lilith's powers and personality. He looked away and said, "It doesn't matter what I believe anymore." She stood up and he couldn't stop himself from flinching. For a moment, he saw the woman he'd come to know without the powers and cruelty not long ago as she hesitated in her approach. Was she still somewhere in there, buried beneath the malice of the demon queen he'd met in Hell? Did it even matter anymore? "Jake, why do you continue to use that hateful tone with me?" she asked. "Are you seriously asking me that after what you've done?" he asked, gesturing to his midsection, "Nevermind the cuts and bruises, I trusted you, and you broke your promise to me. After everything Pam and I did for you, you still chose to go back to your old ways. You're evil, and that's all you'll ever be." "Is that really what you believe?" she asked, her voice betraying the hurt beneath her anger, "The people of this city are happier under my control, Jake. Yes, there are those that continue to resist, but there will always be those resistant to change. There was a time when you believed in my cause, believed in me." "That was a long time ago, and it was before I learned the truth," he said. "And what truth is that?" she asked. "That you'll never change," he answered, "Nothing will ever be enough for you. You're too consumed by greed and hatred to ever change, and you're unable to keep even the simplest of promises. What gives you the right to decide the fates of millions? You're no different than the demons I faced in Hell, in fact, you're worse than them." "So you chose to broker a deal with a demon who only wants to see me suffer to stop me," Rebecca said, her face filled with betrayal, "Jake, whatever cruelty I may have is nothing compared to Lilith. You have no idea what you've done to yourself." "It doesn't matter!" he snapped, "I don't care what happens to me as long as the people of my city are safe from you! You've turned this whole city into your own personal playground, and I am through sitting by and letting you get away with it! I'll stop you, even if it kills me and condemns my soul for all eternity." "Jake, think about what you're saying," she said, starting to lose her composure as their conversation continued, "You are all that matters to me. Take your rightful place by my side, and let me help you to free yourself from the fate that awaits you. In time, you'll come to accept that my cause is just and right. Pamela and Elizabeth are sure to come to their senses soon, and I swear to you that no harm will come to them. All that I ask is that you three submit and obey. I admit, I was wrong about Elizabeth and her talents. She has proven herself to be resourceful, strong, and capable under the tutelage of Pamela." "They will never bow before you," he argued. "Believe what you want, but I assure that you're wrong," she said definitely, "Despite what I've said about Elizabeth, she's not so foolish as to go against me after my meager display. Perhaps if she would have had more time to learn to utilize that little sword of hers then maybe she would have stood a chance, but time is something that none of you have anymore. Pamela is stronger, but she still has a long way to go before she can even begin to fight on my level, Jake. Think of your friends, think of the pain you'll be saving them. Give in to me, to my love, as you always have." "I don't love you, not anymore," he said. "Don't say that," she said, "You don't mean that, Jake. I know you better than anyone in this world or the next. I can forgive what you've done, but don't say things you cannot take back!" "It's the truth!" he yelled, "I loved you once, but that was before I saw what a monster you are. You're nothing but a liar, and people like you don't deserve to be loved." He watched as her face shifted from one of hurt to one of fury. He was growing accustomed to that look, but what he saw next surprised him. Her eyes began to glow that vibrant purple like they did whenever she used her mind control powers. He'd seen her use her powers before, but never in the course of their relationship had she used them on him. He tried to move away, but his body froze as she drew closer. "You will love me, Jake," she said, her voice echoing in his ears, "You will follow my every command, bow and submit to me. Do you understand me, Jake?" He couldn't look away from those hauntingly bright eyes. He felt his head begin to pound as he fought to resist her. It was like a siren's call echoing in his head. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop the words that came out of his mouth, "I understand you, Goddess. I will obey only you." "There's a good boy," she said with a wicked grin, "Tell me you love me." He wanted to bite his own tongue, cut it out, but once again he could do nothing to stop himself, "I love you, Goddess. I live only to serve you and your will." "It is such a shame that it had to come to this, my love, but you forced my hand," she said as she reached out to lovingly stroke his cheek, "We will get through this, Jake. In time, you'll thank me for what I've done. Now, I've missed you ever so much. Lie back and let me take care of you for a while. Once we've enjoyed each other, we can go down and you can show my subjects the true nature of my Raven." It was a nightmare come true for him. He wanted nothing more than fight back or forget what was happening, but try as he might, he could do nothing but obey. He did as she commanded, watched as she undressed both herself and him, and was forced to lay there while she straddled him. He had forgiven her for so much, but this was the one thing that she had never done, the one thing she promised to never do. He was powerless to stop her as she mounted him, and what was worse was he could still see, hear, and feel everything she did. Was this what Jason had endured for years on end? How could he have ever been so foolish as to let someone like this roam free? This solidified it, she was truly the monster he saw her to be now. His only comfort came from Ashley dwelling within him. Try as she might, the vampire queen could only do so much to shield him from the horrors of his fate. He was forced to watch as Rebecca had her way with him, but Ashley remained by his side throughout the ordeal. He could feel her presence beside him, like a light deep within the darkness. Never before had he experienced anything as atrocious as what was happening in that moment. Never, in all his years fighting villains, had he ever felt as weak and broken as he did that night. It felt like an eternity passed by, and he was given no quarter or mercy throughout Rebecca's fun. He was forced to call her his Goddess, declare his love, and his body was forced to betray him in an agonizing climax. He swore then that he would find a way to bring her down, to break her as she'd broken so many before him. Hours passed by in a painful blur. Once she finished, she did as she had said and carried him downstairs. He was paraded around for the women that served her to see and praise. They hailed him as the messenger and messiah of their new age, but all the while he seethed with rage and hate beneath his forced facade. Every touch, word, and gesture from his body was not his own, but rather the work of the cruel woman he'd once loved. His heart broke that night once again, and in its place was only anger. A fury unlike anything he'd ever felt welled up within him with every second that passed by. Even as he slept, he could still feel a rage flooding his subconscious. It was only mildly quelled by Ashley's comforting presence within his mind, but even she agreed that this was unforgivable. He plotted while he slept, it was all he could do from the confines of his mental prison. She kept him under her spell for the rest of the night and the better part of the following day. One of her maidens, as Rebecca referred to them, had come in at one point to give a report on Beth and Pam. Apparently, Pam had made an example of one of the guards that Rebecca had posted. He was surprised when Rebecca told the girl not to take action against her. She'd said that the guard had most likely brought it on herself for insulting Beth. Her leinancy toward Pam would have been admirable if it weren't for the horrors he'd been subjected to. He heard her give the address of their new home before she was dismissed, and he was once again left alone with the terrifying Goddess. She'd released him from her spell, but only after a painful pegging session with the strapon she'd showed him so long ago. Beaten, battered, broken, and sore, she felt that he had learned enough of a lesson for the time being. He feigned submission to her until he could find the time to get away. She was called away on some official business, and he was left alone and unattended in their room. His suit was ruined, so he found a pair of sweatpants before making his way out of his old home. The trek to Beth and Pam's temporary home was a painful one. Without his gadgets, he was forced to rely on his own strength to avoid the streets. The sights below turned his stomach and confirmed his suspicions. The world that Rebecca aimed to create was one of suffering for any and all who chose to stand against her. It fueled his newfound determination and anger, and he intended to put every ounce of that and his strength into stopping her once and for all. He was through letting others suffer because of his own weakness. He turned off the water to the shower and laid his head against the wall. How could have have let this go on for so long? Everything that was happening was because of his neglect and selfish indulgences. He sighed as he stepped out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror. The carvings along his chest were symbols he was all too familiar with. Runes that Rebecca favored above all others. His chest and stomach were covered in purple and yellow splotches from the bruises, and it still hurt whenever he took a deep breath. She'd definitely broken a couple of ribs in the midst of her brutal assault. The dark circles under his eyes were the final reminder of what had happened between him and Rebecca. His sleep with her had been far from restful for him. He realized too little, too late that he didn't have any clothes here to change into. He decided to simply put the sweatpants back on and make due for now. He walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to find Beth and Pam. He heard them talking in the kitchen where he'd left them, but he almost couldn't believe the conversation they were having. "I don't know, Pam," Beth said, fear evident in her voice, "Can we really stand up to her? Even if that note was for real, you saw what she did to Jake. We'll get that and more if we fight her and fail." "I understand that, Kitten," Pam said, "It's as I've told you before, I'll follow you in whichever path you take. I'll admit, the odds aren't in our favor, and there is simplicity in surrender." "At least if we give in, we can still be together," Beth said, "I don't know if I can take losing you again." "Nor I you," Pam said, "But I can already tell you that Jake isn't going to give in so easily. I could feel a hate that dwarfed yours within him. The pain and anguish that he feels is greater than any I've felt before, and that includes our first night together at the cabin so long ago. I don't think that surrender and submission is anywhere close to the forefront of his mind right now." "Maybe if we talk to him about then he'll see that it's for the best?" Beth asked. "Are you two seriously sitting here discussing giving in to her?!" he demanded, storming into the kitchen, "You two should be the last ones even considering that! After everything she's put all of us through, you want to give up?!" "Jake," Beth started, unable to look her friend in the eye, "I've fought this battle before, and last time it almost cost me my life, Pam's, and yours. At least if we surrender then we can stay together." "How can you sit there and say that?" he asked, "Look around, Beth, does anything out there seem like it's worth giving up everything you've fought for?! Those people are suffering, and you're willing to just lay down and let her win?! What happened to you?!" "Don't speak to her like that, Jake," Pam warned, standing from her seat, "She's scared, we both are. She has every right to be afraid after everything she's been through. In case you've forgotten, you're not the only one who's suffered at her hands. Beth was paralyzed, enslaved, humiliated, and nearly killed by her!" "And yet you're willing to side with her on this after all of that?!" he asked. "I trust her, and will let her decide for a change," Pam said, narrowing her eyes, "Trust is the cornerstone of our relationship, and I lost my right to make those decisions when I lied to her. I will not force he to do something she doesn't want." "Enough!" Beth yelled, slamming her fist down on the table, "I'm not about to let you two keep fighting like this. You're both the most important people in my life, and I am not going to let this tear it away from me! Jake, she's right, okay? I am scared shitless, and I don't know if we can beat her. Pam, he's angry and hurt, alright? You said it yourself, he's in a lot more pain than I was when I first took up the fight against Goth. Please, I am begging you, stop fighting." Jake and Pam stared each other down for a moment before they each looked away. "I'm fighting, that's all there is to it," Jake said, "You can run to her, bow, and beg, but I hope you're prepared to face me. After what she's done, somebody has to stop her." Pam sighed, "Jake, we are not your enemies," she repeated, "Consider the choice your making, the price of failure here. If we fall, then she will make all of us suffer worse than we could ever imagine. You know this as well as, if not better, than me." "Then we won't fail," he said, clenching his fist as he looked at the two of them, "I'm not letting her get away with this, not anymore. We fight to the last breath and we win." "Yeah, I've tried that strategy," Beth interrupted, "Not to be negative, but we are going to need a better plan than that. If we're gonna win, we can't just charge in headlong." "She's right, Jake," Pam said, "Admirable as it may be, it's suicide taking her on in a full frontal assault. She controls the police force, has a new coven of mages, and over half of the city views her as a Goddess. The three of us, no matter how determined, don't stand a chance alone." "Then we find allies," he said, "We figure out a plan of attack, and we use every tool and trick at our disposal." "This is insane," Beth said, shaking her head, "But, if you're going in, I'm not letting you go alone. You better have a good plan, and not one of your dumbass ones either." "If she goes, then I go too," Pam said. For the first time since returning from Hell, Jake cracked a small smile. He wasn't alone in this. They were right, but he had an idea. It was risky, but it was only chance they had. "Dumbass plans are kind of my specialty," he joked. "That's what I'm afraid of," Beth sighed. "This should be good," Pam remarked. His face shifted back to serious as he walked over to the table, "Alright, if this is going to work we're going to need all the help we can get. It's also gonna involve some back tracking, subterfuge, misdirection, and a lot of effort and luck." "Sounds complicated and confusing," Beth said. "Not sure how I feel about relying on luck," Pam added. "I'm going to need pen and paper for this one, and we're going to have to move fast," he said, "I'll lay out the basics, but then we're going to need to find a new place to work from. Rebecca is going to be looking for me, and this will be the first place she checks. Now, here's what we need first…" |