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Jake, Beth, and Pam have to band together with old foes to stop the monster they unleashed |
Beth felt off as she and Pam walked through the warped city she called home. Between taking in the energy of her former spirit companion and the twisted city, she felt uneasy. The citizens she once fought to protect walked through the streets clad in BDSM gear, Gothic robes, or strange markings on their bodies and faces. She'd never seen so many people walking around with collars, leashes, and leather on their person. The added broadcasts from Goth's sermons and her face on large screens only added to the nightmarish reality she'd stepped into. Honestly, none of this felt real. Pam hadn't let her out of her sight since their return. She knew she was just worried about her, but between that and the misshapen city she felt like she was back at the castle. "How long were we gone?" she asked as a woman walked by with a man on a leash crawling on all fours. "My estimate is almost a month, maybe longer," Pam replied, clutching Beth's hand, "Alexis mentioned that time moves differently in Hell, and from what I've read of other realms that fact certainly holds water. Still, the fact that Rebecca managed to garner this much of a following in such a short time is almost impressive." "You sound like you admire her," Beth said, her tone not carrying its usual venom regarding the Amazon. "No," Pam said, "I've seen her work, and even at the height of her power I never saw her convert an entire city. The ability to turn a cataclysm that she created into a means of recruitment is clever, even for her." "She's nothing if not conniving," Beth said as they walked, "Do you think Jake is okay?" "I honestly don't know," Pam answered, "It won't take long for Rebecca to discover the mark on his back, and I doubt she'll be pleased when she learns that Ashley joined her soul with his. There is nothing we can do but wait." "Should we try to go home?" Beth asked after a thoughtful and mournful hum, "That's assuming we still have a home to go back to." "I suppose it wouldn't hurt," Pam replied, "It'll get us away from this dreadful reality. The emotions rolling off of these people are disorienting. Joy, ecstasy, misery, sorrow, and I can feel a distinct rage lurking somewhere off in the distance as well. It's giving me a headache." "Let's go then," Beth said before asking, "Should we...should we accept her offer?" The question shocked Pam, and she had to study Beth to see if she was serious. She found no levity or dishonesty within her girlfriend, much to her surprise. "I wouldn't have expected you of all people to even consider that option," she said after a moment, "I thought you hated her." "I do," Beth agreed, "But I don't want to see what she'll do to you or Jake if we choose to fight and fail again. She kicked our asses back there, and I just don't know if we can win. If it means I can stay with you, then I can swallow my pride for once." "That would be a first," Pam joked, earning a glare from Beth, "I'm not fond of the idea of revisiting submission to her, but I won't lie and say that we can win. We may or may not have a chance, but I don't think we should make any rash decisions yet. We need to weigh our options, and we also need to speak with Jake. How we will manage that, I haven't the faintest idea. If we do decide to fight, we're going to need a better plan than just attacking headlong. That didn't pan out well for you, and we've already established that we are no match in a frontal assault. Many of these people here now serve her as well, so on top of fighting against Rebecca, we will be fighting the denizens of your home as well. Let's try to find some sanctity in our little home first. Once there, we can discuss our options further away from prying eyes and open ears." "I like it when you talk all refined like that," Beth said with a smile before her face fell again, "Do you think we're being followed?" "No, I know that we are," Pam replied, "We've been tailed since we left the rooftop, but I can discern who or what it is. I'm surprised you haven't sensed it yet. Did that wound dull your senses, Kitten?" "I did just get stabbed, and I think that Sborra is inside of me now," Beth replied, "It's hard to explain, but everything feels off right now. I don't feel bad or anything, but I do feel super weird." "Sborra?" Pam repeated, "I heard you say that name back in Hell. Was that the name of the spirit inside of your sword?" "Mhm," Beth answered, "When you and Jake got captured by those soul eating bitches, he showed me who he was and gave me his name. When Goth ran me through, I really thought I was done for. Then, he said he was giving everything to me so that I could take his place. I don't know what happened to the sword, but I do know that I haven't heard anything from him since then. My right arm feels kind of funny, though. It's tingling like it's asleep or something, has been since we got out of Hell." "Interesting," Pam said, "When we get home, I want to examine your wound and arm. I'm not sure, but given the nature of that sword, I think you may have absorbed some magic inadvertently. It could prove to be quite useful, whether we choose to fight or submit. For now, let's get home and see if we can't lure our pursuers into showing themselves." "Sounds good to me," Beth said, "Do you really think I might have magic powers now?" "Maybe not on my level, but I think you may have a unique ability now," Pam replied, "I need to study you a bit before I can know for certain, though." "That your way of asking if I want to play doctor?" Beth joked. "Would I really have to ask, Kitten?" Pam countered with a smirk. "I'm just saying, this is a weird time to try to get laid," Beth said with a grin. "I'm serious, Beth," Pam said, "There may be something within you that could prove to be invaluable. If there's time, then maybe we can have some fun once I'm done." The two stepped to the side as a couple walked by. A woman wearing an ornate purple gown and a man wearing little more than leather underwear, a harness, and a ball gag in his mouth. Beth tried not to stare as they walked past. "At least I don't have to feel weird about buying toys now," she said, genuinely trying to find some bright side to the gloomy world they'd returned to. "Your optimism is inspiring," Pam deadpanned, "Come on, let's get home." The two women walked through the streets towards their old apartment. Try as they might to remain lighthearted, the sights surrounding them made it next to impossible. Even the sky above seemed darker than usual. Whether it was the depression in the air around them or Rebecca's magic, they couldn't say. They each cringed as they passed a set of stocks where men and women were being held and beaten. A large sign rested above them declaring the place a zone of punishment for heretics, sinners, and blasphemers. The ones trapped within the stocks looked like their spirits had been completely broken. One woman gave Beth pause as she recognized the young girl who'd been a former thorn in her and Jake's side: Tabitha, otherwise known as The Tomboy Goddess. Despite their past, seeing the girl as she currently was almost broke her heart. Her body was bruised and battered, and she looked like she hadn't eaten in days or more. Her eyes were red from tears, but what really struck her was the lack of light within them. The girl may have been full of malice and evil, but this was beyond cruel and unusual punishment. She barely made a sound as a woman struck her with a cane across the back while laughing and mocking her. It made Beth's new form of justice seem tame by comparison. Death was a mercy compared to the horrors that Rebecca put these poor souls through. Fires burned in odd places throughout the city with a fire she now knew to be arcane and otherworldly. Pam referred to them as conduits or beacons for Rebecca to draw power, or for her followers to use the residual energy emitting from them. They passed a park where a stage had been converted into an auction site for men and women alike. She was selling off civilians to the highest bidders; a fact that made her sick to her stomach. While she may have been a sub herself, it was her choice to submit and who to submit to. The people in chains had no say in who they went to, and there was no telling what sort of depravity they may be subjected to as a result. The more they walked, the worse things seemed to appear. Women drove the cars once owned by the police, and they all wore a similar uniform. Leather corsets or clothing reminiscent of something one might see in a dominatrix. It seemed that Rebecca had established a force of her own to enact her new world order. It was strange, but Beth could somehow feel their aura as they passed by them. It wasn't the hard looks on their faces either, it was as though something inside of her was reacting to their presence. An odd facet, and a foreign one to her at that. Never before had she been able to feel such a force from someone who possessed abilities beyond mortal capabilities. These women gave her the creeps, and their scornful and lustful looks only added to her growing unease. A video played as they neared her old apartment. It was displayed on a jumbotron for all to see and hear. A young man stood clothed in a robe with a woman not far behind him. It was strange to see a man on any of Rebecca's media outlets, but when he spoke she could see why he was there. He spoke as though he were preaching the gospel of old, but she could tell he believed every word that he said. He praised Goth as the savior the world needed, and urged his brothers and sisters to turn to her and repent through submission. The message of freedom through submission held some truth in her heart, but his message of the glory of the Goddess grated on her nerves. The boy was a pawn in a game that he didn't understand, and she wondered just how long he would last. They came at last to Beth's apartment complex, and the sight of it gave the both of them pause. Two armed guards stood at the entrance, each with a spear in hand. The sign above read Slave Shelter and Housing. The guards held their spears out as they approached, "What business do you two have here?" the one on the left asked. "Uhm, we live here," Beth replied. She felt their eyes scan her over, and it made her trigger finger feel itchy. "What's your name, slave?" the one on the right demanded. "Don't call me that," Beth seethed, "My name is Beth Thompson, and I'm not some lowly slave." "The collar you wear says otherwise," the woman countered, "A mouthy one at that. Your mistress should really work on your manners and train you better." Pam stepped forward before Beth could reply, sensing her pet's outrage and wanting to avoid a confrontation, "I'm her mistress, and I'd thank you not to call into question my methods. Stand down, Kitten, these two clearly have no idea who we are." "I've trained dozens of men and women, and none of them behave as wild as your little pet," the one on the left said, "Who are you that we should even be bothered to hear you speak." "I am Pamela Lavely, a former magistrate for your Goddess from before her current rise to power," Pam said confidently, letting some of her power flow outward, "I've broken more women than you can imagine, and this one has managed to withstand every bit of my training. She is free to speak her mind, but she knows her place in our relationship. Now, unless you wish to test me and see the extent of my abilities, I suggest you rethink your tone when speaking to me and my pet." The two women paled at Pam's words. Beth stepped back to let her continue to handle the situation. She'd almost forgotten how much fun it was when Pam asserted herself like this. She could keep silent if it meant getting to watch these women squirm. "You're the Pamela Lavely?" the one on the left asked and Pam nodded, "But that means...your sub is the former heretic?!" That did it. Beth took a step back as one of Pam's chains shot out and wrapped around the one on the left. The guard on the right didn't bother to make a move, even as Pam spoke in a dark tone, "Hear me well, little girl. I will not have my beloved spoken of in such a manner! She challenged the old empire of your Goddess, and nearly brought her down single handedly. She was wild, untameable, and tenacious then, and she is more formidable now than she was then! Speak of her that way again, and I will turn her loose with the full extent of her might. If you so much as breathe the wrong way, I will rip your soul from death's embrace and shred so that it arrives in Hell piece by piece. Now, I suggest you step aside and let us get to our home!" "We can't," the one on the right declared. "I see," Pam said before glancing back at Beth, "Kitten, if you would be so kind." "Yes mistress," Beth said, putting extra emphasis on her title while she drew her pistol and placed the barrel on the guard's head, "I suggest you listen to her. Your death might be quick, but your friend won't be so lucky. I'm not in the business of saving scumbags like yourselves either, so if my mistress wants her dead then I'm not going to disobey." "You don't understand," the guard explained, "We received orders that if you two showed up we were supposed to send you to a new home. Our Goddess, in all her benevolent wisdom, has gifted the two of you a home more fitting than these quarters. If you'll lower your weapon and release my partner, I will happily give you the new address." Beth glanced at Pam, waiting for her decision before acting. When Pam nodded, she lowered her gun and stepped back behind her mistress. Pam released her hold on the other guard, and she fell to her knees gasping for air. "Hand it over," Pam ordered, "My patience is thin, and after what we've been through my pet and I could use a rest." "Yes ma'am, of course," the guard on the right said, bowing as she handed a slip of paper to Pam. "Was that so hard?" Pam asked, "You two would do well to learn to control yourselves in the future. Such behavior would earn you a fate worse than death were your Goddess present. Come along, Kitten, it seems we still have quite a trek ahead of us." "Yes mistress," Beth said as the two turned to leave. "Miserable, ungrateful, little whores!" the guard on the left screamed, causing them both to freeze, "You're both unworthy of the favor the Goddess has bestowed on you! You're a pathetic has-been, and your bitch of a-ugh!" She never got to finish her scathing remark as a spear attached to a chain pierced her throat. Blood splattered across the ground and on her partner's face. Pam stood with a chain extended from her hand pulled taunt facing the dying woman, "I warned you not to speak ill of us," she said coldly, "Death is a mercy that I will afford you, but only because I am pressed for time. Let this be a reminder to you, girl, that it is unwise to test me." Pam released her chain, and it slithered out of the girl's throat and back to her hand before disappearing. She turned to walk away while Beth stared at the dying woman convulsing on the ground for a second. She turned and took off to catch up with Pam. "That was intense," she said as she closed the gap. "I warned them," Pam said, "Do you think my display was too much?" "Ha, nah," Beth replied, "I honestly forgot how awesome it is when you get all formal and dominant like that. It reminds me of back when we first got together. Scary, yet somehow sexy at the same time." "Hmph," Pam suppressed a chuckle before asking, "Do you miss that time in our lives?" Beth's face fell as the two of them walked through the dark streets, "I don't miss being treated like human garbage," she said before quietly admitting, "Although, back then all I had to worry about was following you without question. Goth's bullshit, Aurora's, and seeing Jake in a living nightmare sucked, but...at least I knew that the two of us would always be together at the end of the day." "Is that the reason you're considering accepting her offer?" Pam asked, "You know that no matter what happens, I will always be with you, right?" "I know, but…." Beth began, but couldn't quite finish, "Can we talk about this once we get wherever we've been relocated to?" "Of course, Kitten," Pam said, grabbing Beth's hand to lead the way to their new home, "Let's hurry along. Whoever has been following us watched my display with morbid fascination. I'd rather not engage in another battle before we've had time to rest, so let's get a move on." While the two continued their walk through the city streets, a figure lurked in the shadows above behind them. Jason had been following them since their return to the world of the living. He kept to the darkness, rooftops, and fire escapes while he followed the two of them through the city they once called home. He needed to know if the two of them were still up to the task of standing against Rebecca. From what he'd seen so far, it seemed as though the two of them still had some fight left in them. Seeing and hearing Pam's display and speech in defense of Beth gave him both pause and hope. The young woman was just as ruthless as ever, but hearing her defend Beth reminded him that she was different from her old mentor. Some far away part of him felt bad for the guard, but then again she'd chosen to serve, submit, and enforce Goth's laws. It had been her foolish outburst that had cost her her life. "Jason!" his earpiece practically screeched as Kait's voice filled came through, impatient and short, "Where the hell are you?! You said you were going out to scout Goth's location, and that was almost two hours ago!" He rolled his eyes and placed a finger to his ear piece, "I'm fine, Kait, thanks for your concern," he replied, "The heroes have returned to our world. That was why Rebecca was moving on her own. Jake isn't with them, but Beth and Pam are bring allowed to roam the city without prosecution. That might change considering Pam just ripped the throat of a guard out." "No shit?" Kait asked, her voice calmer now that he'd made contact, "That blonde witch took down one of Goth's guards, huh? Hmph, I like her already." "I thought you might say that," he replied with a raspy chuckle, "I need to see where they're going before I head back. I'm going radio silent until then. Have you managed to locate Havoc?" "Yeah," Kait replied, "It's gonna be a challenge getting her out and on board, but we've got her location. We're trying to gain access to the prison security system now, but I don't understand this technical bullshit. Hurry back, you're overdue for a little playtime with your better. I've worked up quite a sweat, and I want to feel that tongue of yours back on me." He shivered, partly in disgust and partly due to a strange excitement, "Affirmative," he said, "I'll be back as soon as I can, but I'll have to check the systems myself before I can take care of you." "You lost, little man, remember?" she reminded him, "Don't keep me waiting." "There's a war going on, Kait," he countered, "You'll get yours, but we have more important things to worry about right now." "Yeah, yeah," she said before adding, "Jason? Be careful out there." "Always," he replied, "I'll see you back at the tower, over and out." The line went dead after that. He couldn't help the small smile from behind his wrappings. Ever since their little sparring match, things had changed between Kait and himself. Whether it was a genuine attraction or loneliness in the face of despair, he couldn't say. Whatever it was, the warrior woman had seemingly developed a soft spot for him. He was leary of getting attached to anyone these days, but despite Kait's off-putting and forceful demeanor, she still had a heart underneath it all. When he'd lost the match, he'd been sure that his life would become much more difficult, but he found himself almost enjoying their time together. She supported him in his endeavors, and it seemed to bring her some semblance of peace and focus having someone tend to her needs. He wondered if his time serving Rebecca had caused him to develop an attraction to strong women. At least Kait afforded him a level of respect, something he never had while being forced to serve the false Goddess. He'd devised a plan of attack against Goth and her growing army, but it still required the aid and talent of the trio of heroes. Pam had knowledge of magic, something essential to countering Goth's own abilities, Beth had managed to face off against her before, and Jake was the object of her desire, and therefore the weakness they could exploit. Jake's skills and knowledge of both Goth and the city would be invaluable to their success, but moreover he was the one piece of leverage they could have against her. It was a risky and last minute gambit, but one that Jason was willing to implement if it came down to it. One life to save millions, while unfortunate, was worth it to him. He'd hold the boy hostage, spill his blood if he had to, and use him to break Rebecca if necessary. His own hatred for her and anger towards Jake aside, Rebecca had to be stopped by any means necessary. Only a fool would think otherwise. The sight of the city reminded him of just what was at stake. Even watching from the shadows and vantage points, he couldn't overlook the madness that the world had embraced. One site in particular was along Beth and Pam's route to their new home. He hated that the two of them had to see it, but they'd evidently been reassigned to the northern district of Metropolis. A ritual site where slaves were bled in am attempt to bolster the power of Goth's newly indoctrinated mages. Many of the slaves were spared, but the sight was still one that curdled his blood. He wondered if Pam had ever used these techniques. She had been a disciple of Goth's, and blood magic was something all new members were taught. It was the state that the slaves were left in that was perhaps the most harrowing. Nearly comatose as they were brought in or taken away. He'd seen fresh and unwilling victims brought here before, and their screams haunted his dreams and nightmares. He watched as they turned to enter a brownstone located not far from the site. It was a cruel and grisly play by Rebecca; she'd undoubtedly placed them here so they would have to face the reality of her new world. A statue of Jake in his Raven suit was erected near the home, surely another devious move by Rebecca. A means of driving home the fact that this world and everything in it belonged to her. There was a fire escape on the outside of the building facing the pier. He stealthily maneuvered towards it and the window that it faced. He dug into his coat for a dagger, pen, and paper before jotting down a small note with the address of the resistance base. He cracked the window, stuck the blade through the paper, and threw it so that it pinned itself to the wall. He only hoped that these two still had the will to face off against evil. If they succumbed to Goth and her new order, then everything he'd been working for was sure to come crashing down. He slipped off into the shadows once again immediately after. There was still much work to be done, and he needed to get back before Kait and the rest of the gang got restless. Beth closed the door to her and Pam's new place with a sigh, "Jesus, are we dreaming? What in the hell is going on in this town?" "I'm afraid not, Kitten," Pam replied as she inspected their dwellings, "I suspect that Rebecca placed us here so we could see what she has been up to. The ritual site we passed was similar to the chambers back in the castle. The difference being that there it was behind closed doors. Now, it's on display for everyone to see." "Did you ever participate in any of that stuff?" Beth asked, almost afraid of the answer. "I did," Pam replied solemly, "You've seen me use blood magic, dear. It is a primitive and barbaric form of low level sorcery, but a simple one to master. The women you saw were attempting to form it. One cannot dive into the field using their own blood, otherwise they would bleed themselves dry. A source is required to hone one's abilities." "You used people for that?!" Beth asked, shocked and disgusted at the thought of Pam cutting people open for personal gain. "I'm not proud of it, and doing it always turned my stomach," Pam defended, "I've explained to you what I went through when I first arrived into the care of Rebecca. If I refused, then I surely would have taken the place of one of those poor souls. I mastered the ability quicker than any of my peers, but the truth is that my mastery was driven by a desire to remove myself from that repugnant hall." "There's still so much I don't know about your past," Beth said, feeling a bit guilty at her outrage, "You really were forced to do terrible things, huh?" "Indeed, but those acts of cruelty gave rise to my powers," Pam said, removing her cloak and sitting down on a modest couch, "The path to power is paved with pain and suffering, but that path led me to you, and in turn, you to me. It doesn't mean I take pride in what I did or went through, but I also have little regret for my choices. I chose to survive, and there is nothing that can be done to change the past. All I can do is to move forward and try to make their sacrifices worthwhile." "You make it sound so simple," Beth said as she took her coat off and sat down beside her, "Don't misunderstand me, I've got no room to talk considering what I do now. You just seem so at peace with everything you've done." "As I said, one cannot change the past," Pam said, "It doesn't mean that I'm not haunted by the things I've seen and done. The worst part about those rituals isn't what's done to the victims during, it's how they're changed afterward. Empty vessels with no hope, devoid of all emotion and life. At a certain point, they don't even resist or scream anymore. It's like they're nothing more than husks of their former selves. I'm going to check this place for any recording devices, surveillance equipment, and other means of viewing or listening to our conversations. Knowing, Rebecca, I would be surprised if there weren't things hidden around here. You may feel a slight tingle if I have to dispell anything. While I do that, remove your coat and lay down for me. I want to examine you once I'm sure that we aren't being monitored." "Yes ma'am," Beth said as she started to remove her coat, "Can you check if there's anything to eat here while you're at it? I haven't eaten since before we dove into Hell." "I'll see what I can do, Kitten," Pam replied, "Try to relax, and please don't leave this room. I'll return soon." Beth laid back on the couch after removing her coat and tossing it onto the chair off to the side. She looked around the modest house they'd been given. If it weren't for the chaos outside, it would have been quite the upgrade from her apartment. She noticed a large television with a gamesystem connected to it was in the living room. Photos from her old apartment had been brought here as well, and she wondered if her and Pam's wardrobe had also been moved too. Was this an attempt at a bribe? That question was overshadowed by the larger one she kept asking herself: should they accept Goth's proposal? As crazy as it sounded, maybe it was the best thing for them. No more fighting, no more struggling, and a chance at a semipeaceful life with Pam. But, could she really give everything that they'd fought for up? On the other hand, could they win this fight? If not, what fate awaited them if they failed? "Beth, I know what I said, but I need you to come upstairs," Pam's voice echoed through her head. She shivered and sighed as she sat up. Communication through her collar was still weird to her, despite having worn it for the better part of a year now. She stood up and grabbed her coat before walking through the rest of the house. She had to admit, it was a really nice place. There was something that felt off about it, though, and it wasn't just the fact that this place was certainly used as a way of gaining their favor. It felt almost like there was a presence in the house, but then again she may have simply been paranoid. Her childhood experiences in haunted houses had left her with a sense of unease in new houses. Shrugging off the odd feeling, she found the staircase and walked up to the second floor. She found Pam in a bedroom down the narrow hallway, and before she could speak, Pam held up her hand for her to keep quiet. She watched as her hand crackled with purple lightning before a burst of energy shot out and through the house. Beth felt it pass through her like a cold wind shaking her very bones. She didn't feel any pain, but she heard several things crack before a loud screeching noise fill the air. It faded quickly, and she was left standing there waiting for permission to speak. "There we are," Pam said with a smile, "Sorry, love, I had to take care of our little bug problem. My suspicions were indeed correct about us being monitored, but now we can speak freely. Come have a look at this." "So, did you find the bugs that quick, or did you just do that as a precaution?" Beth asked as she crossed the room inspection and small dagger with a shred of paper sitting on it. "A little of column a, a little of column b," Pam admitted, "I could sense some rune magic, but I felt it was better safe than sorry considering this little note." Beth looked over the note. The paper was worn and crumbled, but the message was simple: If you're still willing to face the darkness, seek us out in the Western Clocktower. A battle is not won alone, and you have allies should you choose to accept. A friend. Beth flipped the paper over to see if there was anything else on it, but it was blank. She looked up at Pam, "Do you think this is for real?" "I'm not sure," Pam admitted as she moved to sit down on the bed, "It certainly is possible, but my gut is telling me that it isn't. It may be that our stalker left this little note for us. I haven't felt those emotions since we arrived here, but they were behind us the entire way here." Beth set her coat down on the dresser in the bedroom before sitting beside Pam. She sank into the bed, and she felt a feeling of peace wash over her. She'd forgotten how nice it felt to be on a bed in the midst of all the chaos of the last week, not to mention all of that time spent avoiding Pam while she was angry. "So...the big question, then," Beth said, trying to mentally prepare herself for whatever she was about to ask, "Do we see where this goes and fight, or do we lay down and accept Goth's offer to join up with her?" "That is one decision I won't make for you, Kitten," Pam answered, "Are you honestly considering saying yes to her? I won't think less of you if the answer is yes, but I'm surprised that you're considering it." "I'm tired, Pam," Beth admitted, "I'm tired of failing, tired of fighting a losing battle, and I'm tired of seeing the people I care about suffer because of me. I'm not saying I won't fight, but if we did surrender then at least we could still be together." "Beth," Pam said, standing up and taking a light hold on her girlfriend's chin, "Jake and I made the choice to stand beside you, just as you made the choice to take a stand so long ago. Any pain and suffering that he and I have endured hasn't been because of you, it's been because of us. We all make choices, and there is always a price to pay for any choice that we make. I may lead in our relationship, but I will follow you to the ends of the earth, whatever you decide. You need to know, though, that even in surrender you will still have to fight for Rebecca. You will once again be an instrument to enact her will, most likely training her recruits and carrying out her desires. She's seen your talents and capabilities, and she will undoubtedly use them for her own betterment and gain. Once again, I will support whatever decision you make, but I want you to know the possibilities of either outcome." "So, what happens if we lose?" Beth asked, almost afraid of the answer, "You seem to know the inner workings of her mind better than anyone, so what would she do if the three of us fought and lost?" Pam pursed her lips before stepping away and answering, "Your suspicion on her splitting us up is accurate, but that would only be the beginning of our punishment. She knows the extent of my feelings for you, and yours for me, so she would use those to break any resistance left in us. The pain she inflicts goes well beyond that of physical, as you already know. I would be reduced to a lowly slave in her eyes, my powers would be stripped and bound by means of some form of magical restrictions, and she would use me as she saw fit while making you watch. The same would go for you as well. What better way to crush the spirits and fires of rebellion than to rob and remind one of the cost of disobedience? Jake will have it worst of all, should he choose to defy her. A mere concubine, albeit one she would never destroy. Her specialty goes beyond that of magic, it is the ability to break the souls of those who actively resist her." "Jesus," Beth said, "I knew it was bad, but I never realized it was on that level. What are we going to do?" "That remains to be seen, and my calculations could be mild compared to what she actually has planned," Pam replied, "Knowing Rebecca, she has plans for both outcomes already in place. She is nothing if not meticulous. If we choose to fight, we cannot win this alone. It would be wise for us to consider the proposal from this mystery note, but if they are willing to aid us, our odds may only marginally improve. She has nearly the entire city under her control, without the use of her mind control too. Devotion is a powerful tool to be used, and it can drive a person to extreme lengths to fulfill it. You, my lovely little pet, are a perfect example of this. You fought your way through Hell, and you defeated Aurora and many others to save the people you care about." "So, you're saying there is no hope," Beth said, falling back onto the bed in despair. "No, that is not what I'm saying," Pam clarified, "I am saying that it is going to take strength, coordination, and intuition to overcome the odds that are stacked against us, should we choose to fight. I also think it would be wise for us to rest and weigh the options with the time we've been allotted. I wish that we could speak with Jake on the matter, but I doubt that Rebecca will be letting him off of his leash anytime soon. However, knowing that boy as I do now, I wouldn't be surprised if he fins a way to get to us. He may still be somewhat of a shell of himself, but he still has the soul of a warrior and hero in his heart." "What if he's already given in to her?" Beth asked. "Given the pact he made with Lilith back in Hell, I doubt that he's going to give in so easily," Pam replied, "Doing so would mean that he would have accepted a deal that spelled his demise. The true concern comes from the feelings he still holds for her. For whatever reason, he still loves her deeply. Should he choose to follow through with his commitment, that will be his biggest hurdle. For now, why don't you lay back so I can examine you?" "Can't I just go to sleep?" Beth asked, "I'm exhausted, and I kind of missed sleeping with you." "As nice as that sounds, I need to examine you and your aura," Pam answered, "Once that is done, we can get some much needed rest. I admit, I've missed having my little Kitten in my arms and hearing you pur." "I do not pur," Beth said, adamantly. "Whatever you say, Kitten," Pam laughed, "Lie back and let me work. We can sleep afterwards, and then maybe we can have some fun once we wake." "Promise?" Beth asked, her cheeks flushing a bit at the weak tone in her voice. "On my heart, I swear it," Pam said sweetly. Beth did as she was told and laid back on the bed on her back. Pam walked around her with her hands glowing for moment. Truthfully, Beth had no idea what her girlfriend was doing, but she felt her body start to warm up in response to whatever it was. A heat bubbled up in her chest before spreading to the rest of her body. She closed her eyes as a feeling of peace and serenity washed over her. Thoughts of rage and worry melted away from her psyche as she laid there. After a few moments, she felt something in her right hand. A familiar weight from not long ago. She opened her eyes and crazed her neck to see what it was. To her surprise, her sword was resting in her hand. She furrowed her brow as she tried to figure out if she had fallen asleep and was dreaming or not. "I knew it!" Pam exclaimed proudly. "How in the world?" Beth asked as she lifted the sword. "Residual energy!" Pam exclaimed, an excitement filling her voice that Beth rarely heard, "When Rebecca pierced you with that sword, and when it dissolved into you, you absorbed the essence of the spirit and the blade! This is incredible!" "Uhm, it's nice seeing you excited and all, but what exactly does that all mean?" Beth asked. "It means that this sword, and the energy within it, were bound to your soul!" Pam explained, her excitement still brimming, "Let me see if I can think of an appropriate analogy for you. Hmm, ah-ha, I've got it! It's similar to one of your games where that Nero boy took in the essence of that sword. With some proper training and discipline, you should be able to manifest the sword into reality. Beth, you've managed to forcefully obtain magical abilities! I've read about such phenomenons, but I've never actually been able to see them. If we work together to harness this ability, and further my own powers as well, we may just stand a chance after all!" "So, you're saying I've got the power to summon a sword like you can summon your chains?" Beth asked. "Yes and no," Pam replied, "My chains are an extension of my will and powers through evoking an understanding of the weave, the fabric that makes up the metaphysical existence and provides a conduit for magic users. You have a weapon that is bound to you physically. The sword is a part of your genetic make-up. You can't change the sword, but you should be able to tap into the abilities that come with it. The protective aura, dimensional slicing, and whatever other enhancements and powers that sword had tied to it." "Dimensional slice?" Beth repeated, "What the hell is that? It's a cool name, but what exactly is that?" "Hmm, so you had no idea of the abilities you were using," Pam said, "Tell me what you felt before you unleashed any of those energy based attacks." "I just felt a heat building in my arm and the sword," Beth replied, "I could feel a pressure or something building up the more determined and desperate I got. After that, I just lashed out." "I see," Pam said, "So it was instinct guiding your movements. That sword has several enchantments on it that allow you to manipulate energy and even dimensions. When you were able to create multiple beams of energy with the swing of your sword, you tapped into a pocket dimension that held the energy of your attacks. When you sheathed your sword it released the energy and created the multi-slice attack you did. The armor you got was from the sword's powers as well. You can most likely manipulate and shape it to better suit you as a person with training. Rebecca saw the potential in your connection to that sword as well; for a second she was afraid when you lashed out with it, but she must have realized you didn't have full control over it. With my help, you can master those abilities." "Can we do it in three days, though?" Beth asked, "If she's afraid of this thing, then maybe we do stand a chance." "I'm afraid it will take more than the time we have for you to properly master that sword," Pam said, "The most we can do in that time is hone your ability to summon it, and maybe we can help you tap into the start of its power. Still, it gives us a fighting chance and an ace in the hole. Regardless of our decision, we will start training tomorrow. It's better for you to learn from someone you can trust, and it will serve as a way for me to hone and refine my own abilities as well." "So there's hope," Beth said, "Alright, I'm game to try. I still don't know if it's the best choice to fight, but at least we can get stronger together through doing this." "That's my good girl," Pam said with a smile as she started to remove her clothes before asserting herself, "Strip. Now. It's been too long since I've felt your bare skin against mine. I'd ask for a foot rub, but I think you're a bit too tired for that." "I-I wouldn't mind that actually," Beth said with a blush, "Uhm, I've kind of missed you and your feet." Pam grinned as she teased, "Has my little pet been secretly fantasizing about her mistress?" "Yes, mistress, I have," Beth admitted as her cheeks burned brighter. "Mm, did my good little girl miss me?" Pam asked, relishing the embarrassment rolling off of her girlfriend. "Every night," Beth confessed, "I thought about you all the time. I couldn't get you out of my head, and all I want is to be back at your feet where I belong. You are my mistress, and I am your plaything to do with what you will." Pam bit her lip at Beth's words. She'd longed to hear those sweet words for so long now. She smiled as she walked over and took a fistful of Beth's hair before crashing her lips into hers. Beth whimpered, but she caved into her girlfriend's embrace eagerly. The two shared a passionate kiss that the both had yearned for for so long. Pam broke this kiss, bit Beth's lip, and gently stroked her hair as she whispered, "I love you, Beth Thompson. You're my perfect match." Beth's heart swelled at the words and for a moment the worries of the world outside their room faded away. She felt like she was back in her and Pam's old room once again, safe and secure in the care of the dominant blonde. "I love you too, more than anything," she replied. The two shared a night of much needed passion shortly afterward. Beth gave into her burning desire to worship every inch of Pam's body, from her feet to her supple breasts. Pam enjoyed the feelings of control and adoration she'd been missing for what felt like an eternity. Teasing and toying with Beth as though she were an object for her to amuse herself with, but all the while feeding into the girl's needs and wants. It was the break they needed from the chaos outside of their room and permeating their world. It culminated into a frantic and passionate lovemaking session that satisfied both of their cravings. They fell asleep in a tangled mass of limbs and love; Pam holding onto Beth like she was a precious gift, and Beth clinging to Pam as though she were her salvation. Despite their predicament and worries, the two found solace in each other and slept soundly for the first time in months. The days passed by at a surprisingly brisk rate. They spent their time training, learning, talking, and trying to find the answer to the question that loomed over them both. It gnawed at the backs of their minds while they busied themselves preparing for a battle that may or may not come to pass. Beth mediated alongside Pam for the first time. Pam believed that through meditation Beth could find a way to gain control over her newfound ability. Focus and determination was key to manifesting and maintaining the sword, and she explained that continued meditation would also allow her to communicate with the spirit sharing her body. The warrior within the sword was buried deep within her psyche, and she believed that there was still a way for Beth to reach him. If nothing else, it would allow her to learn the capabilities of her sword. Forty-eight of the seventy-two hours they'd been given had passed, and while both women enjoyed their time together, they still hadn't come to a decision on their dilemma. They'd managed to regain their strength and even learn a few new tricks, but they were no closer to a solution than when they'd arrived back to their plane of existence. The happiness they felt from being together was quickly becoming overshadowed by the threat of being ripped apart. It was this fear that kept Beth from making the decision to fight. Losing Pam was something that she just couldn't bear. They needed their friend, they needed Jake's perspective. How could they surrender if he wanted to fight? It would put them against him, and worse it would mean abandoning him all together. They sat in their room upstairs attempting to meditate, but both of their minds were clouded by the same fears and apprehensions. They heard the window open, and they turned to see who or what had caused it. Pam felt an emptiness enter the room, but there was a fiery rage buried beneath the nothingness of whoever had decided to drop in on them. To their shock, it was none other than Jake himself. He looked worse than either had seen him in a long time. His hair was tangled and matted, his eyes had darker circles than usual with one being black and swollen, his lip was split, and his chest had several cuts, bruises, and markings on them. He wasn't in his suit, but instead wore only a pair of loose fitting sweatpants. No shoes or shirt to go with them, and he looked like he'd only just escaped a lion's den. Beth was the first one to him and she wrapped him in a tight hug, "Jake! You're alive!" "What happened to you?" Pam asked as she stood up and inspected him from afar, "You look like you've been a human punching bag, more so than usual. Although, more importantly, what are you doing here? Did Rebecca send you to relay a message?" "No," he said, his voice slightly hoarse, "She doesn't know I'm here, and I aim to keep it that way for now. It's a long story, but I need something to drink." "You need medical attention," Pam corrected, "Come, there's some tea in the kitchen. I'll boil some water and mix in some honey for your throat. Afterwards, I can see about healing up some of those wounds while you tell us what's happened." "Did she do this to you?" Beth asked. Jake nodded as he pulled away from his friend and followed after Pam. "I'll tell you everything," he said, "Just add in some whiskey to that tea." Beth watched as Jake slowly walked out of the room behind Pam. She saw the marks on his back alongside the mark Lilith had bestowed upon him. He looked almost as bad as he had the night she'd watched the video of his execution. The sight angered her, but it also stirred the fears she'd had in the back of her mind. If Goth was willing to do this to the man she loved, then what would she do to her and Pam? Pam had said that the cost of disobedience was high, but she wondered just how steep that price really was. She followed after and tried to brace herself for whatever she was about to hear. She hoped that it would at least bring some clarity to her mind about what to do. |