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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Matri Lila in foreign countries Foreigners hailing from Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, Mauritius and Israel came for Mataji's darshan and some of them to talk to Her. It is not possible to say how many bhaktas there are all over the world and in what way Mataji chose to reveal Herself to them and still does so, even after taking mahasamadhi. To our own surprise letters are received occasionally not only from Europe and America, but also from such out-of-the-way places as British West Indies, British Cameroons, the Gold Coast in Africa, Isle of Bali, etc., enquiring about Mataji, full of eagerness and burning interest. Although She never travelled beyond Cape Comorin in the South and Mount Kailash in the North, there is now undeniable evidence that She lived and still lives in the hearts of many devotees in Australia, China and Japan as in Europe, the two Americas and Africa. Is it not thought-provoking when, as it once happened, in European lady came for Mataji's darshan and told us : " it is exactly ten years to the day that I first heard about Mataji. She has been an inspiration to me ever since, in fact it was She who gave me my first spiritual impulse." Or when a gentleman, who is obviously a very serious seeker after truth, said : " The moment I heard about Sri Anandamayi Ma when still in Europe, I felt that I must contact Her." Perhaps it is not out of place to quote here what an Indian devotee wrote home when she had all by herself gone to foreign countries on an educational trip. " Ma has always been in my thoughts. I do not think I have ever thought of Her or relied upon Her as much as I have done during the last few months. I feel very strongly that She has been guiding and helping me all along. There have been such almost miraculous incidents. Just when I felt everything was uncertain and I was apprehensive of what might happen, a helping hand was stretched out from the dark. Help came from the most unexpected quarters. I feel so humble when I think of this all-protective, all-guiding Power which envelopes one on every side --- I have never thrown myself upon it so much as I have done now and never have I profited more than now. And yet one feels so stupidly proud." A devotee who suddenly had to undergo a major operation in a foreign country of the Far East wrote : " I was thinking so intensely of Ma, it never occurred to me to feel nervous or afraid. I was completely unconcerned when doctors and nurses prepared for the operation." On returning from the U. S. A. where a devotee had met with unusually adverse and depressing circumstances in which he seemed caught for the rest of his life, he said : " I have never felt Mataji nearer than at that time. There seemed to be no way out of the difficulty. I had already resigned myself to it, when somehow the whole trouble resolved itself and I found myself free to return to the life I wanted to live. To this day however I cannot understand how this could have been made possible." These are only a few stray examples. Yet, just as a sailor know that land must be near when he notices a blade of straw floating on the water, so do we feel justified in surmising that we can have no idea of the magnitude and universality of Mataji's Lila. |