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by Sui
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2265174
A new generation of the Werewolf King and his mate, The Avatar of the Moon begins to rise
#1030189 added April 6, 2022 at 12:16pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 18 - The Alpha Ball 2
The first two days of the ball went smoothly without any issues... Well... One issue.

Baylen had attempted to pull Ember into his lap while she was making her way to the refreshments table. She had turned and slapped him hard once. When he attempted to take a swing at her in retaliation, she slapped him hard again which brought Sebastian running toward her. His presence made Baylen realise he had just made a powerful enemy. He retreated with a small fearful whimper under Sebastian's angry glare. He had not made another attempt to go near Ember but instead avoided the both of them like they had the plague.

Today was the third day of the Ball and Ember was once again wandering over to the refreshments table to get a drink. Sebastian was tied up talking to Alpha Harwell of the Southern Bite pack and so Ember took her leave to go find Rita, Toby, or Violet. However, instead, she found Nicole.

"You must have been a whore to find out Sebastian was your mate," Nicole hissed at her. Ember ignored her and continued to pour a drink for herself. "I bet you were sleeping with every wolf in all four packs to find your mate before you came of age." She followed Ember as she made her way back toward Sebastian. "Your silence proves I am right."

"What her silence proves is that you are annoying," Toby whined as he came close. He had seen Nicole following Ember and made a beeline over to her.

"No one asked you, fag," Nicole snarled before turning back to see Ember not even caring that she had spoken. “I bet you are from a low-born family. All high and mighty now that you have a rank.”

“Wrong again,” Violet popped up causing Nicole to get more frustrated. “Ember is Caius’ younger sister. That makes her an Alpha’s daughter… just like you.”

“An Alpha’s daughter that doesn’t stand to gain any rank,” Nicole laughed drawing a bit of attention to herself. “No wonder then she would seek out her mate. I bet if he was an omega she would have rejected him.”

“Sad when people need to justify their misery by bringing others down,” Rita said as she appeared at Toby’s side. “You’ll have to do harder than that to get a rise out of our girl tho.”

Nicole had enough of the taunting from the three as well as Ember's very deliberate decision to not even acknowledge her existence. She was the only child of the Alpha of the Desert Pea pack. She was next in line to succeed her father. She wasn't going to let an upstart, underage she-wolf blatantly ignore her like this. Partially shifting her nails, she made to grab Ember's arm. She was going to force her to hear her words. An underage she-wolf can’t heal or escape one who has come of age if they have their claws dug in.

She was thrown back hard into a nearby table as Ember’s golden shield came to life to protect her. The ballroom fell silent and stared at the scene before them. A few whispers started to rise about the golden shield enveloping Ember as well as murmurs about Sebastian being her mate. Others watched Nicole in a mildly concerned, mildly amused manner. She laid motionlessly draped over the table she had landed on. She was unconscious after her head smacked against a heavy vase of kangaroo paw that was adorning it as a centrepiece.

Sebastian sighed and stepped forward. The Werewolf King also made his way forward sensing what Sebastian was about to do. Sebastian rested his hand on the shield causing it to dissipate. The whispers grew louder with more wolves taking notice that the shield was magic. Wolves, by nature, do not possess magic except for four very specific she-wolves.

"I guess the Moon Goddess is forcing my hand. I'm kind of afraid about why she is doing so." Silence fell again in the ballroom as everyone contemplated the meaning of his words. Many of the older Alphas and Lunas understood his words and smiled. They had all been waiting for the next generation. Sebastian wrapped his arms around Ember protectively and took a deep inhale of her scent before looking up and addressing the congregation of wolves present in the ballroom.

"As many of you have already guessed," he said, his voice steadier than he felt inside. "My mate is the Avatar of the Moon." Everyone watched as Ember's crescent moon tattoo became visible and shimmered with a silvery sheen. "The golden shield you saw is the only protective magic that extends from my bonding with her. Only I can release that shield." He glanced at Nicole briefly. "The Knights and I suspected I might have to do this tonight instead of at our graduation as planned." He closed his eyes briefly, allowing himself to merge with Griffin's royal aura. Opening his eyes to reveal golden iris' he stated "I am the next Werewolf King."

Younger wolves in the ballroom stared at him in shocked silence. The older wolves, who were aware of the history and suspected the next generation was soon to take over, nodded their approval at him. Most watched and waited for the confirmation of Sebastian's claim.

Sebastian suddenly felt dizzy. He felt like he had drunk too much alcohol yet felt sober. Slowly, he rested his chin on Ember's head before leaning onto her trying to keep his balance. Distantly, he worried she might not be able to support his weight.

“It’s ok,” she soothed as she adjusted herself to hold him a bit better. “Your body is adjusting to having the royal power.” She quickly glanced over at Tiberius before she said “Toby, you need to catch him before he falls.”

Toby gently took one of Tiberius' arms under his shoulder to keep him propped up. The Knights, noting that the two were struggling, came over quickly to assist. Caius and Raven took over supporting Sebastian while Logan assisted Toby.

Everyone witnessed the transfer of power. Soft gold plumes of light moved from Tiberius to envelop Sebastian like a surcoat before seeping into his body. They could feel Sebastian’s name being sealed in their minds and Tiberius’ being unlocked. Some attempted to say Sebastian's name with their body forcing them to say 'Your Majesty' or 'Your Highness' instead. When the two straightened up again, Sebastian’s royal aura was overpowering causing all but Tiberius, the Knights, and the Avatars to kneel.

Sebastian took a deep breath. You're doing well darling. Ember's voice floated in his head. Next is the introduction of the new court.

Thank you, my love.
He wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss on the top of her head. I need you here. Don't go far.

Of course not.
She replied. She tilted her head back and smiled up at him, earning herself another kiss on her temple. I'm the Avatar of the Moon and technically your Queen...

Not technically, my love.
He said interrupting her. You are my Queen. He looked out over the wolves who were kneeling. "Please rise." He glanced down at Ember again, planting one more kiss on the top of her head before continuing to address the room. "Let us introduce our court." He gracefully spun Ember out of his arms and together they stood hand in hand.

Ember swept her hand to Raven and Rita. "Future Luna Rita and her mate, Raven, Future Alpha of the Deep Water pack." Both Rita and Raven gave a small bow to the ballroom. Rita's silver hourglass shimmered under the light of the crystal chandeliers as it appeared before everyone's eyes.

"Avatar and Knight of the Past," Sebastian continued on without missing a beat. He smiled down at Ember before kissing her temple. Swept his hand to Caius and Violet. "Future Luna Violet and her mate, Caius, Future Alpha of the Dark Moon pack." Caius wrapped his arms around Violet giving her a kiss on the temple. Her silver clockface now visible, shimmering lightly.

"Avatar and Knight of the Present," Ember giggled when Violet raised an eyebrow at her curiously. Composing herself, she swept her hand to Logan and Toby. "Lastly, Future Luna Toby and his mate, Logan, Future Alpha of the Poison Fang pack." Toby carefully undid the top two buttons of his shirt to reveal his silver infinity tattoo before doing up the buttons once again.

"Avatar and Knight of the Future," Sebastian said noticing a few of the older wolves becoming uncomfortable. "My mate has made me aware of how rare it is for the entire court of the Werewolf King to comprise of high ranked wolves. More so that those high ranked wolves coming from the top four packs of the Ancient Ten." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I fear that with the Moon Goddess forcing my hand to reveal myself sooner than intended, there may be a war on the horizon. I hope to count on all of you to ensure that you are prepared to protect your packs. The palace will be the last bastion of safety for all. Please ensure to keep me apprised of anything that may seem unusual, no matter how small."

"Yes, Your Majesty," The wolves in the ballroom replied. Tension was palpable in the sense that there may be another creature war on the horizon. The previous creature war during King Saburo's reign was against humans, the battlegrounds focusing on America and the United Kingdom, created an unsteady peace in those countries. A peace that has been balanced on knifepoint to this day. The war had reduced other species down, later creating the Ancient Ten packs that were spread out across all continents of the globe. Many had deployed warriors to assist in those battles and felt lucky that their spiritual connection to the humans in their home country had not also culminated in a war.

Nicole's father stepped forward. With a nod to Sebastian, he picked her up off the table and took her to her bedroom to rest. Sebastian asked if the onsite doctor could check her over as well to make sure she was not at risk of dying from a brain haemorrhage from how hard she had hit the table. He also smirked to himself at Baylen and made note that the future Alpha was trying to make himself smaller between his parents.

Despite the heavy uncertainty that weighed in the air. The Alpha Ball continued on for its third night.


Nicole awoke later in the night in her pitch-black bedroom. She could feel that someone had changed her out of her gown and into her night attire. She growled angrily to herself. The she-wolf had somehow thrown her across the room and knocked her out. She stewed over what she was going to do to her once she got her claws on her until she heard muffled laughter.

She listened carefully to the noise. The sound was a feminine mix of happy giggles and pleasured moans. She clenched her teeth. She hoped that the sound she was hearing wasn't what she thought it was. She glanced at the clock and noted it was close to midnight. Focusing back on the voice, she noticed a now distinctly masculine one joining the first.

"Shall I devour you all night tonight, my love?" Nicole pounded her fist against the bed. She recognised that voice as clearly as her own. "I feel a need to fill you up before we go to sleep tonight." More giggles before a possessive masculine growl rippled through the air. "Always mine."

"Of course." Nicole could taste blood in her mouth. She had bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming and giving herself away. She was determined to count the number of orgasms Ember had so that she could double that in the number of punches she gave her once she had a hold of her. "Like you said darling, from your heart all the way to the tip of your hair is mine." A feminine possessive growl rippled through the air before an intense moan followed it. "And all of me right down to my very core is yours. Fill me up, darling. Take what is yours."

"With pleasure."

Nicole lay in her bed listening to the waves of both Ember and Sebastian as they climaxed in unison before continuing all over again. She wondered if they were ever going to stop. She didn't think having the underage she-wolf would be that pleasurable. There were no sparks. No connection between the wolves. For all intents and purposes, Nicole sincerely believed their sex would be no more pleasurable than sex with a human.

This whore must really be experienced to have Sebastian wanting to go again and again. Nicole thought to herself as she counted orgasm number five. How can he be so pleasured to keep wanting to go back for more? I'd be a much better lay.

"How are you feeling?" Sebastian's muffled voice filtered through. He grunted lightly in time with Ember's soft moans letting Nicole know they were going for a sixth round.

"I'm starting to go numb, darling," Ember replied with a light chuckle. "When Glacier is finally fully awake, we'll be able to go for much longer."

"I know." Sebastian paused talking. Nicole wondered what was with his pause before she heard Ember's moan sounding more muffled as if her mouth was being covered. After a few minutes, she heard Sebastian's voice again. "I can't wait to meet Glacier. Griffin keeps talking about her. He wants her to be always nearby just as you are. Not just when we make love to each other."

"Well, he doesn't have to wait too much longer." Ember gasped in sync with a particularly loud grunt from Sebastian. "I'll be flying back to our pack as a sixteen-year-old werewolf."

"Dad has delayed our departure until the day after the ball so that you can safely shift with me at midnight," Sebastian replied softly. "He also wanted to know earlier who needs to meet us at the packhouse the day after we arrive." Both Ember and Sebastian started moaning in quicker succession before they evidently climaxed again. "No more for tonight, my love. I want you to feel every stroke I give you." he panted softly.

"I want to feel every stroke you give me too, darling," Ember purred softly. "Let Alpha Alexius know we need all the Alphas and Lunas, Loam and Oceana from Deep Water." Nicole guessed Sebastian must have looked at her questioningly as she followed that up by stating, "They are Toby's parents. Violet's parents, Betas Scott and Lindsey of Dark Moon. Rita's parents, Gammas Noel and Nemia of the Shadow Runners pack." Nicole listened curiously but was also confused. She couldn't understand why Alpha Alexius was allowing this she-wolf to put together a guest list for something. She felt she was missing a lot of pieces to this puzzle and that the puzzle would give her the answer to why Sebastian stuck to her like glue. "Also... Betas Daniel and Abbey of the Shadow Runners."

"Why the Betas?" Sebastian asked. She could hear some movement and squeaking of the bed before settling again.

"The Moon Goddess requested they be present." Ember paused before adding, "Are you going to sleep inside me all night?"

Sebastian chuckled and more movement before he said, "I'm going to try. I love being inside you."

"Horn dog," Ember whispered before they fell silent. Nicole listened carefully for a few more minutes.

"Guess what day it is," Sebastian whispered. Nicole could hear Ember giggling lightly. "It has just ticked over to midnight," Ember gasped lightly. Sebastian's muffled voice added "Happy Sweet Sixteenth, my love. I can't wait to meet Glacier tonight."

"Thank you," Ember replied softly. "I can feel you..."

"I can too," Sebastian's voice sounded like he was smiling. "I can feel our sparks now." They fell silent. Nicole listened carefully for anything more. When she was certain they had fallen asleep, she began to ponder over what she just heard.

She's made herself into a false prophet for the Moon Goddess. Nicole thought to herself after some time. The only explanation I can think of as to why Sebastian is so enamoured by her and why Alpha Alexius is making her create a guest list for something he is putting together. I'll expose her for the false prophet she is tomorrow. Sebastian will drop her so fast that her head will spin.

Excited about her plan for the final day of the ball. She easily drifted off to sleep to dream of being held lovingly in Sebastian's arms.


The next day Nicole was restless as she sat between her parents. She had been waiting for Sebastian to arrive so she could start her plan. She eagerly watched the door. Her parents watched her confused about what could have possibly gotten their daughter so excited for today. They looked around the ballroom at the changes. The top table now had fewer seats and another long table was placed nearby. They recognised this setup from when they were newly sixteen and came to this ball for the first time.

They could see the two royal high-backed chairs that belong to the King and the Avatar of the Moon. The typical arrangement had the Knight of the Future and then his mate seated next to the King. Then seated next to the Avatar of the Moon sat the Knight of Past and his mate and then the Knight of the Present and his mate. But they noticed the seating was different. Next to the King was the Knight of the Past and his mate then the Knight of the Future and his mate. Next to the Avatar of the Moon was instead the Knight of the Present. They wondered briefly if that was because the Avatar of the Moon and the Knight of the Present were siblings. They knew the long table that was placed nearby would hold the previous King as well as the Elders and their mates. The Elders had already been seated. They smiled in greeting as Tiberius made his way through the doors and to the side table.

Nicole, looking confused at why the King wasn't sitting at the top table with the Elders like he had the previous three days, pulled on her dad's sleeve to get his attention. "Why isn't the King and the Elders sitting at the top table?"

"Sweetheart," Her Dad replied softly. "After you were thrown into the table by someone, the new King was revealed. Tiberius is no longer King and had to step down from the top table to allow the King and his court to take their rightful places."

"Who is he, Daddy?" she asked curiously. When he shook his head at her, she asked, "Why can't you tell me?"

"You've been neglecting your studies," he chided lightly. "The name of the current King gets sealed so no one can say it. When you try to, you are forced to say 'Your Highness' or 'Your Majesty'. Only The Knight, Avatars, and the Elders can say his name to each other but are also forced when someone who doesn't know the current King's true name."

Nicole thought carefully about who was missing from the room and started whispering names to herself out loud. "Raven, Caius, Logan, His Majesty..." She let out a loud gasp. Sebastian is the new King... That means... Her eyes hardened. That underage she-wolf stole my position away from me! I should be Avatar of the Moon, not her!

Her glare hardened into an intensive stare as Sebastian, Ember, the Knights and the Avatars all entered the room. They proudly walked to the top table and arranged themselves. She stared at Ember's happy demeanour. Caius ruffled her hair and chuckled at the unhappy sound that came from her. Sebastian chuckled as well before gently combing her hair flat again with his fingers.

She bided her time until she saw Ember had started her wandering as she did the rounds of the ballroom. She followed and watched as everyone spoke to her in polite and diplomatic tones. She scoffed and waited for Ember to leave the ballroom to go to the restroom.

"You must feel so special that His Majesty gave you the position as Avatar of the Moon," she hissed at her. Ember raised an eyebrow at her before washing her hands. "I can't believe you would covet that position so much that you would sneak your way into his bed to get it."

"Shall I go tell your Dad that you don't know your history?" Ember asked ignoring the insults. "I already know you didn't know about the bindings on my mate's name. So it's safe to assume you don't know the order of how this actually came about."

"I don't need my Dad to tell me you are a whore," Nicole spat at her. She felt ready to just punch Ember senseless. She could feel a static charge around Ember that made her second guess whether attacking her was the best move to make at that moment. "But fine. His words will prove to us how big of a fake you really are."

Ember rolled her eyes and they walked in silence to seek out Nicole's Dad. Ember was the first to spot him. "Alpha Cole of the Desert Pea pack."

"Avatar," Nicole watched in disdain as her father bowed to Ember. "What can I do for you?"

"I've become aware that your daughter does not have an understanding of how a new King is named," Ember replied cordially. "Could you please enlighten her, in my presence, the process for a new King to be named?"

"Certainly Avatar," he replied with a tinge of embarrassment in his voice. Nicole's eyes widened before anger flared through her over Ember embarrassing her father. "Nicole. The process by which a new King is named is that they become mated to the Avatar of the Moon. The mate bond with the Avatar of the Moon is what allows the power to transfer from the old King to the new one. Once their mating bond is complete, the new King is able to name himself any time after that." He turned to Ember once more. "I apologise Avatar for my daughter being grossly uninformed. May I know the context of how you came to learn that she was this way?"

"I doubt it is your fault Alpha Cole," Ember replied with a smile. She could feel Nicole's anger radiating toward both her and her Dad. "This situation is a continuation of the previous night when my shield was activated and threw her off me. She believes that it was His Majesty who gave me the title of Avatar of the Moon, not the other way around. She had waylaid me in the restroom to try and insult me. She had attempted to do this yesterday as well and when I cared not to answer, she chose violence, which activated my shield."

"So my daughter is the reason why His Majesty's hand was forced to reveal himself?" He asked quietly. He was utterly disappointed in his daughter. He was angry that his daughter's actions not only forced the King to reveal himself before he was ready but also caused trouble for two of the Ancient Ten packs.

Sebastian wandered over and quietly wrapped his arms around Ember. He had been listening to most of the conversation and had been prompted by Griffin to approach as he would be needed. Sebastian didn't know what he would be needed for as it seemed like a case of a misinformed future ranked wolf. When he realised it was Nicole, he sensed there was a lot more to it.

"Yes, she is the reason why," Sebastian replied after motioning for Alpha Cole to raise his head. "Ember's shield that she received from our bond was activated when Nicole decided to try and attack her. The Time Avatars told me what had happened yesterday prior to the shield activating. Nicole had been insistent that Ember was a whore and that was how she found out she was my mate." Sebastian could see Nicole growing paler the longer he spoke to her father. "Ember did not provoke the attack or even respond to her, yet Nicole felt obliged to attack Ember anyway." He growled lightly. "I do not appreciate this sort of sentiment towards my mate. I was very close to my mate, almost as close as family, well before I came of age and will not tolerate anyone who dares spread malicious rumours about her." His voice was louder while stating this making it very clear to any other unmated wolves that this behaviour would not be tolerated.

Alpha Cole nodded his head. "None of us would like anyone to spread malicious rumours about mates regardless of what their history was before they became mated to us. I will be guided by what punishment you deem fit for my daughter."

Sebastian's eyes glazed over for a second before Ember's as well clouded. When their eyes cleared, they both looked towards where Tiberius was, watching him approach them. "Since I have a month to teach you before I pass, let's use this opportunity to teach you how to use the King's Writ on a wolf as a binding," he said once he reached them. He looked at Nicole, before adding "Ranked wolves who don't learn history are more likely to repeat it as well as take their pack down the path to destruction. I am sure Alpha Cole doesn't want to see the Desert Pea pack crash and burn because of you so the only way is the King's Writ be placed on you."

"No..." Nicole's eyes were wide. She had both the past and the current Kings staring at her in disdain. She looked at Ember before looking back at them. "Can't you see she's a fake Avatar of the Moon? How can you both be so blind in allowing her to do this?"

"Because they know history," Ember replied quietly. Despite her voice being soft, it floated across the room causing all wolves present to focus on the situation. "Nowhere in history does the Werewolf King appear first. It is always the Avatar of the Moon first. While I'm tempted to give you a history lesson, you would no more listen to me than you do your own parents or your teachers." She looked up at Sebastian and smiled. "Your turn, darling."
© Copyright 2022 Sui (UN: chibiblackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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