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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2108036
After her husband's death, Sarah must raise her child alone among strangers.
#1030019 added January 12, 2023 at 9:24pm
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Wisdom's Revelation Chapter 4
Chapter 4

Wisdom's Revelation

Wyatt had started school, much to his dismay. He thought It was a waste of time. If it wasn't for the fact that he got to meet all the other children from the surrounding farms, he would have thought it boring. The new teacher Mr Strickland, recently moved here from Wyoming. By the second day of school, Wyatt changed his mind. History soon became Wyatt's favorite subject, and absorbed it into his memory. Mr Strickland was a great story teller. Although, at first he struggled with math, he soon became one of the top scorers on all the tests. He now understood why his mother insisted he get an education. English was a big struggle. He was so used to hearing the way the miners, gamblers and cowboys spoke,
it was difficult to get his mind around saying words that ended in 'g'.

It was a week before Wisdom got confirmation from the bank about settling most of Sarah's and Wyatt's inheritance. He decided to take them to The Palace Restaurant to reveal who he was, and what he had done with Mathew's investments. He was also hoping they took it well.

His nerves were on high alert, and felt a level of anxiety he had never experienced before. By the time breakfast concluded and the table was cleared, he couldn't even remember what he ate. Since he was still the only one in residence he decided he had to act before he lost his confidence. When Sarah returned after cleaning the dishes she was shocked to see him still sitting at the table.

"Mr Wisdom, Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Wisdom just stared at the beautiful woman standing before him, trying to build up his courage to ask her out to dinner.

"Yes, I need to ask you something, and I hope you will agree. I have already spoken to Wyatt about it, and he has already agreed to it if you have the time."

"What could you possibly need me to agree to?"

"Well I would Like to take you and Wyatt to dinner at the Palace. I have already arranged for a private room for today. I have information that I have been keeping from you, and would like to explain my reasons for keeping it secret."

"Well why can't you tell me now? I see no reason for spending money unnecessarily."

"I am nervous about both of your responses. I feel more comfortable in a more public place, yet still have some privacy."

"I see. Are you asking me for a date, because you are interested in forming a relationship?"

Wisdom started feeling claustrophobic, and loosened his cravat. He hesitated before answering.

"Yes to the first part, and no to the second."

"That certainly clears up my question. I think?"

"Is the no, because I am not attractive enough, or that I am not a cultured lady? Do you find me repulsive because my hands are the hands of a laborer?"

"Absolutely not! You are an extremely beautiful woman, and I am definitely attracted to you. You have raised an incredible son who I am very fond of, but there are reasons why we could not enter into a relationship. I will explain all at dinner."

Sarah's heart started beating faster. Mr. Wisdom has always acted like a gentleman, and she never felt threatened by him. He was acting strange. However, her curiosity was now aroused.

"All right, I think I have heard enough for now. I will grant your wish because I am a woman whose curiosity is now in the forefront of my mind. Also, I have never had a gentleman buy me dinner, other than my husband, so this will be a new experience for me. Since my son will chaperone us, I feel safe enough to reply favorably to your invitation."

"Thank you." Wisdom sighed. "I have a lot to tell you. I think I am more nervous about this than you are."

Wisdom paced back and forth across the room trying to formulate where to start. The look on Sarah's face was priceless when she inquired about his no answer. When she asked if the no was because she was not attractive enough, his heart started to beat faster. She definitely was more than attractive enough. If his brother had not claimed her first, he definitely would have made an attempt. From the moment she first knocked on his bedroom door informing him breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes, he began to come unglued. Mr. Confidence, was now replaced by Mr. Imbecile. He found it difficult to be in the same room with her. His body's reaction to her unnerved him, like no other woman ever had. His cock wanted to take over, while his brain tried desperately to keep things platonic. He tried to hide his discomfort from her by keeping the table between them, or until his body's reaction settled down. This was his brother's wife for Christ sake. He had no right to think inappropriate thoughts about the two of them, but she was just so damn beautiful. Wisdom managed to find things to do during the day to keep his distance, after all this is a gamblers Utopia. There are ten saloons to choose from. It was easier to think about playing 5 Card Draw, than to try controlling his sexual urges. True, Mathew is deceased, but the guilt was still all consuming.

Sarah's hands shook as she donned her best Sunday dress. It had been a very long time since she was invited to dinner by an attractive man. Although he said he had no illicit designs on her, she still felt anxious and excited.

'I feel beautiful and sexy whenever he smiles at me. Is it horrible to be thinking of someone other than Mathew?I hope not. Did he really mean what he said, when he said he was very attracted to me? Lord I hope so. But what is his true purpose in coming to Deadwood? I can tell he's a man of good breeding and wealthy, or he wouldn't be able to stay for such a long period of time. Or is that just a disguise? He couldn't be here to fleece me of my money. I don't have any. Maybe it is the lure of the gambling halls, and the dance hall girls that entertain the men? Whatever his reason it will be revealed today, but will it be truth or lies? Do I dare hope it is something I truly wish to hear?'

Wyatt's excitement grew as the time to leave drew near.

'I get to go out with my mom and Mr.Wisdom. I like Mr. Wisdom, a lot. I like his name, it suits him. He has a way of explaining things that are easy for me to understand. Our conversations make me feel older. He doesn't treat me like a child, he treats me more like an equal. I like that. I hope mom likes him as much as I do. I want mom to like him. I know she sometimes gets sad when she sees him. In many ways he reminds me of my dad. I really miss my dad.'

Wisdom waited in the parlor for Wyatt and Sarah, nervously tapping his fingers on the side of his pant leg.

'I hope I don't screw this up. They need to understand why I have kept my identity secret. I didn't want to leave a trail straight to them. I hear their footsteps coming down the stairs. Wyatt, happily being the little gentleman guiding his mother down the stairs. Sarah, a vision of sunshine in a yellow gingham dress, smiling down proudly at her precious boy. They have no idea how much they really mean to me.'

Wisdom took in a deep breath, and placed his hand on Sarah's back guiding her out the front door. The walk to the Palace Restaurant didn't take very long. Although most of the scorching heat of the day had dispersed, Wisdom began to perspire, he wasn't sure if it was because of the remaining heat in the air, or because of his promised confession. Upon entering the Palace, they were guided by the Maitre d to their secluded table behind a tall partition. Wisdom hoped it was secluded enough for what he had to say.

"Please order anything you would like to eat or drink. Wyatt, remember at the end of the meal we will decide which restaurant cooks the best meal."

Wyatt's grin seemed to stretch from ear to ear. When the waiter came to take their order, Wyatt chose the turkey, potatoes and corn. Sarah chose the T-bone steak, potatoes and green beans. Wisdom also chose exactly what Wyatt had ordered.

Wyatt controlled most of the conversation during dinner, with Wisdom asking most of the questions. Sarah remained quiet for the most part. Her nerves were on edge wondering exactly what Wisdom would reveal to them. She was amazed at how comfortable Wyatt was around this stranger, and how close they seemed to be getting. What is it about this man that is causing her to question her femininity. He said he was attracted to her, yet had no desire for a relationship. Even though he seemed relaxed, she observed his numerous glances around the room. As if waiting for something sinister to happen. It was making her nervous. She practically had her linen napkin so twisted it could be deemed unusable.

As their meal came to an end, and the table cleared, Wisdom asked Wyatt for his decision on which restaurant served the best tasting food.

"Mr. Wisdom, I agree that I am not familiar how restaurants work or who does the best cookin'. Both restaurants served good food. To choose between them is a big problem for me. Because I choose neither one. My mom makes the best chicken ever."

"Wyatt I have to agree with you. She does make the best chicken ever."

Sarah couldn't stifle her laugh any longer. Before they knew it all three were laughing. Sarah couldn't help but release some of her nervous tension, and finally found herself relaxing in Wisdom's company.

"Mr. Wisdom as much as I appreciate not having to cook this evening, I find myself concerned about the reason we are here. I notice you were constantly looking around as if you were expecting something nefarious might happen. Would you please be so kind as to explain why we are here, it is making me extremely nervous. Are you ashamed to be seen with us? Is that why we were sequestered behind this screen?"

"No Sarah, I could never be ashamed of you or Wyatt. I just don't want anyone to overhear what I have to say. Several months ago I received a missive from my father requiring me to return home. Well, more like demanding I return home from France. Normally, I would not abide by my father's wishes, except this time the contents of his demand was upsetting to me. I had kept a promise to someone and I intended to keep it. My return was imperative to my keeping that promise. The person who I made this promise to was my brother. Wisdom is the name my brother gave to me. He said it was because I seemed to have the wisdom of the sages. In other words I was wiser than my years."

"What has that got to do with us?"

"Everything Mrs Cummings. My true name is William, I dislike using it. I am your brother-in-law William Cummings, younger brother to Mathew Cummings and Wyatt's uncle."

At the mention of her husband's name, Sarah could no longer control her tears. Wisdom was at a loss, not knowing what to do about a weeping woman. Wyatt knew exactly what to do and rushed to his mother's side, wrapping his arms around her shoulders in a comforting hug. It was several minutes before Sarah was able to ask the questions she needed answers to.

"Why did you wait to tell us you were family?"

"I am traveling incognito. I don't want my father to know where I am, more importantly where you are."

"Why? What could he possibly want with me?"

"Nothing, he considers you nothing more than collateral damage. What he wants...is Wyatt."

"What could he possibly want with an eight year old boy?"

"Control. He wants to groom Wyatt to eventually run the family business. He hates you because you stole Mathew from him. He blames you for Mathew's death. Mathew was trained from birth to run the newspaper business. He was good at it. I was the wild child. According to him I was worthless, uncontrollable. He assumed my lifestyle would ruin my reputation and his. Little did he know that was exactly what I wanted him to think about me, so he would ignore me. My father is not a nice man. He is power hungry and controlling. He was never physically abusive, but he liked to control every aspect of our lives. He would do that to Wyatt too."

"So why exactly are you here?"

"Mathew and I communicated every month. He would send me a duplicate copy of all his acquisitions."

"What acquisitions? I don't understand?"

"That is precisely why I am here. I have spent the last several weeks searching for, and contacting all of Mathew's business associates, and having everything sent here and deposited into an account with your name and Wyatt's name. You are now a wealthy independent woman. You have more than enough money to purchase the Bed and Breakfast, and hire a full time staff, if you desire to do so. I must warn you. If word gets out about your windfall, you will be inundated with suitors wanting to get their hands on your money. I promised my brother to protect you and Wyatt, and to ensure your future."

"Do you really think Mr. Cummings would try and take Wyatt away from me?"

"Most definitely. He already has Pinkerton agents searching for you. I have been one step ahead of them for the last two months criss-crossing across the country leading them on a merry chase. My father knows I am searching for you. If someone new comes to the Bed and Breakfast do not offer your last name. Insist they call you Sarah. Just don't let them get too friendly."

Sarah had a lot to think about, she needed guidance. Hopefully Mr Wisdom would help make the necessary decisions.

"Mr Wisdom, are you truly my dad's brother and my uncle?"

"Yes I am Wyatt."

"When you got off the stagecoach, did you know who I was?"

"No Wyatt, I did not."

"Then how did you figure it was us you were looking for?"

"That is an excellent question."

"You see Wyatt, from a very young age I loved to observe people and their mannerisms. That means I watch how they move, talk, walk, and facial expressions. I watch their hands. Peoples hands tell a lot about how they feel. Your mother was very nervous during dinner. I feel sorry for her napkin. I listen to what they say, the inflection in their voice. It helps me know when someone is lying to me. Eyes can also give away how a person feels. Look at your mom's face. Her brow is crinkled, she is biting her lower lip, she is squinting her eyes and her head is tilted to the side. She is definitely thinking about our conversation, and wondering how I knew about her napkin, since her napkin was in her lap all through dinner."

"How did you know I was twisting my napkin?"

"That was easy. You sat very straight in your chair, yet I could see your elbows and shoulders move slightly. As a gambler, I have to be aware if someone is trying to cheat. Any movement that seems awkward or strange could mean life or death. I don't usually carry a gun, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to use one. Most people that gamble do carry a gun. I make sure their hands are always on the table. I also watch their eyes. This is something you will need to learn."

"Wyatt start observing your friends in school, and what they do as you watch them. Learn as much as you can from your teacher. Never confront anyone. If they see you watching them, they may get angry with you, and want to fight. Make up a believable story. If they speak to you about it, look startled, blink your eyes, smile and ask. 'Do you ever think about kissing a girl?' That will defuse any conversation."

Sarah couldn't contain herself any longer. Her laughter was so spontaneous, that soon all three were laughing.

"Did you ever use that line in school to defuse an awkward conversation?"

"More than once. I happened to like kissing the girls."

Sarah couldn't remember ever having such an enjoyable dinner.

"Wyatt do you think you can learn to handle yourself in an awkward situation."

"Mom, I hope to never get into that situation. Other than kissing you, I have no desire to be kissing girls."

"I'm sure that in a few more years you will change your mind. I am so not looking forward to that."

As Wisdom paid the waiter, Wyatt and Sarah started toward the exit. The temperature dropped considerably since they entered The Palace. Sarah shivered and rubbed her hands up and down her arms. Wisdom removed his coat and draped it across her shoulders.

"Wyatt, a gentleman always offers his coat to a lady if the weather is chilly. Remember that."

"Yes Mr Wisdom, I will try and remember everything you teach me."

"Wyatt, we are no longer strangers. We are family. Please call me Wisdom or Uncle Wisdom when we are alone. I would love that. To everyone else I am just a guest staying at Greevey's. You can call me Mr. Wisdom when we are not alone, or out and about."

"Until I know you are both safe, we will keep our distance. Pay attention when in school. Observe who picks your classmates up. Be aware of any strangers loitering about. I will speak to your teacher to also be aware of a possible kidnapping. If necessary have your teacher walk you home. This is serous Wyatt. Remember all we discussed in the restaurant. Use that knowledge to keep safe."

"I will Mr Wisdom."

"Wyatt, when you wait for the stagecoach, ask where everyone wants to go. Most Pinkerton's will want to stay close to town where they can observe people, and be near the entertainment. They will ask lots of questions. Watch out for them. They will also use the telegraph office often. Many may want to stay at the Franklin Hotel, where there is a telephone line. It is faster than the telegraph."

"I will visit the gaming halls and listen to everyone's conversations. Don't come looking for me unless it is important. Sarah speak to Mrs Greevey about what is going on. Swear her to secrecy."

"Lets all get a good nights rest."

"Goodnight Wyatt, goodnight Sara."

"Goodnight Uncle Wisdom."

"Goodnight Wisdom."
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