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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2108036
After her husband's death, Sarah must raise her child alone among strangers.
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#1029969 added January 12, 2023 at 5:15pm
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Finding The Truth Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Finding The Truth

After Introducing himself to Mayor W E Adams, Wisdom and the Mayor headed toward the bank. Wyatt stayed a respectable distance behind so the two men could converse privately.

When they entered the bank Wyatt stayed outside, and sat on the edge of the sidewalk away from the entrance. It was a hot day for mid September, and still no rain. He could feel the heat of the sun ricocheting off the building. Wiping sweat from his brow with his sleeve, Wyatt wished for a little breeze, but the air was still as death. He noticed few people were out and about, probably staying indoors to get some respite from the blistering sun. Most people waited until the cool evening breezes blew across Deadwood, before venturing outside.

He wished Mister Wisdom would complete his business quickly, so they could go and eat lunch. Although he wasn't hungry, Wyatt had never been in a fancy restaurant, and he was looking forward to it. He was curious to see the inside, and imagined himself as a grown up being seated at a fancy table, treating his mother to a meal she didn't have to prepare herself. He thought about how hard she worked, and wished he were older so he could take some of the burden from her. It unnerved him seeing his mom cry, and worried if Mr. Wisdom's resemblance to his dad is what brought on her tears. Wyatt anticipated getting to know him better, wanting to know more about where he was from.

After concluding his business with Mr. Adams, he swore him to secrecy about his identity. He needed more information before he would reveal who he really was. He wanted to investigate further into the death of his brother, and get to know his sister-in-law and nephew better. A promise to his brother to take care of them was a promise he would keep.

When Mayor W E Adams sent the news of Mathew's death to his father. Jordan Cummings went ballistic. He had hoped that his son would come to his senses, and return to New York and resume his responsibilities to the family business. Sarah was blamed for his son's refusal to resume his place as the heir to what Jordan had built, and insisted she was the reason behind his demise. After all, Mathew was the heir, trained from a young age to continue the Cummings's empire Jordan built. With Mathew gone, it was time for William to continue his legacy.

Upon receiving a letter from his father about Mathew's death, William was ordered to leave France and return home. Jordan considered William a wild card, his carefree lifestyle and disregard for the newspaper business enraged him. With Mathew gone, and William's refusal to bend to his father's wishes to take Mathew's place, it created a fire in his gut. Jordan was determined to force his will upon his son weather he liked it or not. When William's ship arrived in New York, Jordan met him at the dock.

"Welcome home son, it's about time you returned and took over your responsibility to the business."

William laughed, "Sorry father, but that's not why I'm here. I'm here because I promised my brother to take care of his wife and son. I'm going to find them, and help them however I can. You may hate Sarah, but she is still the mother of my nephew, and I'll do as I promised Mathew. Unlike you I don't abandon family. You may have disinherited Mathew, but I didn't. We have been in contact ever since they left. I just needed a good reason to come back, and it wasn't to stroke your ego."

"You can't be serious, you ungrateful pup. I'll ruin you like I did your brother. I'll cut off your funds and keep you from getting employment, just like I did him."

"Thank you father, you just gave me the incentive I needed to leave sooner. But please don't concern yourself about my welfare, I have never needed your monetary assistance. I have probably accumulated more wealth than you. That ship I arrived on, I own. Now if you'll excuse me I have to collect my belongings. I have a cross country trip to prepare for."

William turned and walked back to his ship. The confirmation of what Jordan had done to his brother killed any feelings he had for his father. He had his room steward send his luggage to the Hotel Brunswick located on 5th Avenue. He'd been there before and knew the food was excellent. The private dining rooms allowed him to complete his business transactions discretely. He knew his father would try and interfere with his plans, so he kept his business as secret as possible. He made his travel plans and banking needs in these private dining rooms, and had every one swear to be discrete. If his father only knew the connections his youngest son had, he would be impressed. Jordan considered William a playboy who needed to be controlled, he was that, but he was also a clever business man. William owned businesses around the globe. He didn't spend all those years traveling for nothing. Acquisition was in his blood, it was what drove him to out surpass his father.

He plotted his travel plans around the information found in his brother's many letters, and made sure his finances preceded him. He wired money to each available financial institution along the way so he didn't have to carry an excessive amount of cash. The west was still a very dangerous place, carrying excessive cash was suicide. Between Indians and outlaws, his safety was of utmost importance. He needed to survive in order to help his brother's family. Trying was not an option, success the only outcome he would endure, it was how he lived his life. The only thing he allowed, was his belief in himself, it was his strongest asset.

It took several days to complete all that was needed for his final destination and the purchase of supplies for traveling. He planned to follow in his brothers footsteps, by stopping off and conversing with all the people Mathew met along the way to South Dakota. He needed to understand what drove Mathew to make the decisions he did. It also helped him to connect emotionally with the brother he desperately missed. Although, for many years thousands of miles separated them, he always felt the link between them. In hindsight, he wished he hadn't wasted so many years being apart. He felt an emptiness within his heart now every time he thought about their separation. He had loved his older brother, a relationship now lost forever. Starting today he will complete his promise to Michael, and secure his family's future, but he had to find them first.

Before he left New York he hired the Pinkerton Detective Agency to keep tabs on his father. He knew how devious his father could be, and wouldn't put it past him to send someone to follow him. His father was a definite threat to Sarah and Wyatt. William knew how the game of life played out. Among his many talents he was also a professional gambler. He knew when to hold 'em, and when to fold 'em. This was a hand he was determined to win. He would not fold his hand to his father. His brother depended on him, he would not fail.

The trip to deadwood was long and difficult, but he was not disappointed once he arrived. Sarah was enchanting. He approved of Mathew's choice. He just needed them to become more comfortable with him. Their happiness was important to their acceptance of his assistance. The relationship between Sarah and Jordan was strained to say the least. They had made a good life here despite their loss. Sarah was a survivor, with a strength he could appreciate. He didn't know what Mathew had told them about him, and didn't want them to feel threatened by him. He could sense that Sarah would not take a handout. Her pride would not allow it, so he had to take it slow.

As a professional gambler he learned early on how to read the other players. He was enjoying the chance to play the hand Mathew dealt him. Sarah was a challenge, She was the 'queen of hearts' in this game, the center of her son's life. Wisdom had to use every skill in his arsenal without frightening her. He needed to spend more time with the both of them. Get them to accept him not as a replacement for Mathew, but as a dependable family member. He had to be honest with them, he knew that, but he didn't trust Jordan to keep his hands off Wyatt. He would try to gain custody of Wyatt, of that he was certain.

His disappointment in his sons to conform, and obey his demands, made him desperate. If he could gain custody of Wyatt, it would destroy Sarah. Jordan could care less about Sarah. Collateral damage is acceptable if he obtained his goal. Wyatt could forget about his future desires, his life would be planned from beginning to end. Wisdom couldn't let that happen. Wyatt deserved better.

So far the news about his father's activities showed nothing unusual. Without a clear threat from his father Wisdom decided to concentrate on getting Mathew's finances in order. In Mathew's letters was a list of his holdings. While at the bank, he discussed Mathew's portfolio with Mayor Adams. He enlisted his help in contacting, and negotiating some kind of additional finances for Sarah and Wyatt. He discovered Sarah knew nothing about these holdings. Once satisfied, he turned his attention to the lunch he promised Wyatt.

"Wyatt you ready for that lunch I promised you?"

"Sure am Mr. Wisdom, could use a nice cold drink about now too. That there sun has just about drained me dry while sitting here."

Wisdom smiled, the more time he spent with Wyatt the more he came to appreciate his brother's choice in Sarah. The boy was everything he himself could wish for in a son. He envied his brother's life and wished something similar for himself. Too bad his life was cut short at such a young age.

"Then let us head over to the Palace Restaurant. I hear it's the best place to eat. Or would you prefer to eat at Anderson's Restaurant?"

"I wouldn't know how to choose, ain't never been in a restaurant before. Mom always done all the cookin'. for us."

"Since we both have a mighty thirst, we shall enter the first one we come to. How does that sound Wyatt?"

"I think that's a great Idea Mr. Wisdom."

"It looks like it will be Anderson's. Come on Wyatt let's dine in style."

As they waited to be seated Wisdom perused the menu. A complete meal will cost 50 cents.

"Well Wyatt it seems they offer chicken, turkey, beef, pork, buffalo and an assortment of vegetables. Choose anything you want."

"We don't get much chicken at the boarding house, so I would like to try that, with potatoes and corn."

"Sounds good, I'll have the same. How about we each get a cold lemonade to go with that?"

"Yes sir, Mr.Wisdom. That sounds just fine."

Wisdom couldn't remember the last time he'd had such an enjoyable meal. Wyatt was an encyclopedia of information about living in Deadwood. He knew just about everyone that lived here. That eight year old brain of his would could rival someone twice his age.

"Maybe we can do this again, and bring your mom. We can try out the Palace and decide who serves the best food."

"Really, that would be great. My mom never gets to go out to eat. The Bed and Breakfast keeps her so busy."

"Well then, we shall let her choose the day."

The more Wisdom thought about it, The more he hoped that Sarah would agree to their lunch date. He was looking forward to spending some more time with her and Wyatt.

When Wisdom returned to his room he found every thing as Sarah promised. He didn't think the Chinese laundry in New York could have done any better. He was looking forward to the evening meal, and thought her cooking rivaled the food served at Anderson's Restaurant.

He hoped he would be able to get Mathew's finances transferred into Sarah and Wyatt's name. Once that was accomplished he could finally tell her who he was. He was excited at the prospect of finally claiming them as family.

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