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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1029926-Phoenix-of-Paradise
Rated: 18+ · Book · Spiritual · #2154754
Poetry Wrote Over Several Years on Spiritual, Religious, and Devotional Subjects.
#1029926 added April 2, 2022 at 6:12pm
Restrictions: None
Phoenix of Paradise
Phoenix of Paradise

People of Baha!
In the citadels of your hearts,
ignite the flame of Divine splendor.
In the blaze of faith,
consume your vain imaginations.
In the fire of love,
burn your veils of heedlessness
and idle fancies.
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Children of Jalal!
On the tablets of your spirits,
with the crimson ink of glory,
write the sacred trust of God.
In the scarlet ink of actions,
pen the essence of your souls.
In the ruby ink of love,
inscribe the name of the Beloved.
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Servants of Jamal!
In the mirror of your souls,
reflect the countenance of beauty.
From the mirrors of your hearts,
Remove the dross of doubt,
with the acid of your prayers;
replace the amalgam backing,
with the metal of your deeds.
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Sons of 'Azamat!
Rise from your beds of heedlessness,
arrayed in the robe of grandeur;
clothed in the garment of certitude,
wrapped in the cloak of steadfastness
traverse the scarlet path of faith,
and secure in God's Covenant
proclaim the Prince of Peace.
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Companions of Nur!
Your are the lamps of God's Cause,
ablaze with His light;
the mirrors of His temple,
Reflecting His Manifestation;
The candles of His altar,
lit by the hand of certitude,
consumed in the fire of tests.
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Daughters of Rahmat!
You are the flowers of God's garden,
planted by the hand o f His mercy;
Watered by the showers of his love.
Blossom in the soil of matter;
Bloom the world of the womb;
that arrayed in the colors of faith,
the scent of service will let you
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Friends of Kalimat!
You are the tress of God's orchard,
bearing the fruit of His words,
let your deeds guide the wayward.
Strive that your motives may be pure,
Your actions holy,
and your are distinguished
only through your deeds.
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Comrades of Asma!
You were broken winged birds,
worshiping one God's names,
when the Nightingale of unity
cleft the heaven of religions asunder.
healed by the Nightingale's melody,
You mounted into the new heaven
and flew above the new earth
ascending phoenix-like into paradise!

Brothers of 'Izzat!
You are the leaves of God's tree
moved by the wind of His might.
Sing the praises of the King of Kings;
chant the verses of the Lord of Lords,
scatter far and wide the joyous news,
The Supreme Mediator has come
intoning the Most Great Name of God.
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Stewards of Mashiyyat!
Rise from the abyss of matter,
obedient to the God's will,
with the hands of love
grasp the Book of Divine Law,
with the fingers of faith.
Hold fast to the Covenant of God,
and on the day of resurrection
ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Emigrants of Ilm!
On the day of judgment
you rose into the realm of knowledge
free of all save God.
Announced to the Children of the Book
that the Promised One had come.
Hidden in the clouds of glory.
Firm in the covenant of God you
ascended phoenix-like into paradise!

Sisters of Qudrat!
You rose from matter's sepulcher
through the Holy Spirit's power.
Emblazon across the planet
the name of Baha'u'llah.
Proclaim to humanity
the purpose of religion,
and secure in the Ark of faith
ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Orchestra of Qawl!
From the Garden of Ridvan
echoes the Nightingale's speech:
Announcing the day of judgment;
proclaiming the resurrection;
and generating a new world order.
Through the Gate of God
has stepped the Everlasting Father.
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Troops of Masa'il!
The pen of God's Most Great Spirit
answers the seeker's questions,
inscribes on tablets of chrysolite
the names of the concourse on high,
and writes on the souls of the faithful
the joy of eternal life.
Heedless of self
ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Dwellers of Sharaf!
Not in matter's exigencies
is found humanity's honor.
You have past the limits of self
and gained the path of inner knowledge,
Now is the time to exert yourselves
in your quest for the Beloved,
that free of matter's chains you may,
ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Brethren of Sultan!
From the darkness of nonexistence
you were raised through God's sovereignty.
Give thanks for His Manifestation;
voice praise for the mercy of His love;
proclaim the day fo resurrection
to humanity's waiting masses.
That obedient to God's law you
ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Citizens of Mulk!
Out of the valley of shadow you climbed
and entered faith's dominion
intoning the Beloved's melody.
Walking the path o f certitude
you exited the desert of self,
seeking the Qilbih of the Beloved.
Thus free of vain imaginings
ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Offspring of 'Ala'!
Out of the abyss of abasement,
you have climbed the mount of loftiness.
Intoning the verses of God.
Out of the darkness
You entered light's tabernacle
chanting the melody of faith.
Firm in the Covenant of God
ascend phoenix-like into paradise!

Poet's Note:

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1029926-Phoenix-of-Paradise