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Just my opinions and outlook on life
#1027898 added March 3, 2022 at 12:20pm
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BCOF March 2, 2022 Gender Equality
Day 3401: March 2, 2022

Prompt: Political: Since March is Women's History month, write about gender equality. How important is it in relation to issues facing America? Some sample issues are the climate change, women judges, voting right, or any other local or global issues facing us today.

The 117th Congress set a new record high for women’s representation in the legislature. This is truly something to celebrate.

As part of the Library of Congress celebrations of Women’s History Month, the Library’s Congressional Relations Office and the John W. Kluge Center will highlight the achievements of women in Congress as a testament to progress in the American democracy, from suffrage to candidacy, to governing.
In this event, women members of Congress will share their thoughts on their paths, the history they are making for future leaders, and the importance of their voices in the practice of policymaking.So from 4pm-5pm ET this can be found on the Library of Congress site.

I think we've come long way from the 1950's when I was born and all you would see in government were white men. Very few women pursued the sciences or went into politics, weren't in the military, few were lawyers. If you wanted a job outside of the home, you were a secretary, a teacher or a nurse. Those were the jobs you took until you found a husband. Then you stayed home and reproduced.

It is wonderful now to look at a Supreme Court that actually looks like America, representing both gender and skin color. I believe this means better decisions being made for all Americans when you have representation from a variety of people that reside in this country.

I am concerned about our election integrity but that isn't really gender related. I just feel like there are too many states that have changed the process so local legislators can swing the electors to go towards a preferred candidate.

I am concerned with the so called "heartbeat" bills that have been passed in states like Texas and Mississippi so women over 6 to 15 weeks of pregnancy cannot have an abortion. Certain states have been closing down planned Parenthood and other women's clinics for several years now. They have put all types of conditions in place so women have waiting periods after viewing an ultrasound that they have to look at and hear the heartbeat. Then they go home to "think" about their decision for 24-72 hours. All of these measures make women have to wait longer and makes abortion harder.

I just feel like this is a personal decision between a women and her physician and no one should be interfering. Women have all types of reasons for wanting to obtain an abortion and we have made it legal already. If it is criminalized, women will find a way to do it and many will die. We have traveled this road before and as an RN, I have watched women die due to botched abortions.

Twenty-one weeks is still the point of viability for a baby to live outside a uterus. That usually means the baby is intubated and is has IVs or possibly a feeding tube for formula. If the child even survives, many have multiple developmental problems and physical ones. Roe vs Wade should be left as is, there is no reason to change it.

I am just happy to see my grand daughter have opportunities to do almost anything she desires in this life. You truly can have it all if you work hard but can you balance it all? That is still the question. Many women try but they usually have help. I was fortunate enough to stay home with both of my boys until they were two before I went back to work full time. If I had not worked they wouldn't have had the opportunities they had, so I am glad I did. I also felt like I was contributing to humanity working in the health field.

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