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erotic fanfiction based on the LEGO Friends TV series. |
Mia sat cross-legged on the sofa in shorts and t-shirt biting into the cold muffin when Olivia ran up the stairs. “What’s the emergency?” Olivia’s clothes were hastily fastened, one button on the blouse missed leading to it being askew. “Andrea ejaculated.” Stephanie finished off her muffin. “What? Here? Why is that an emergency?” Olivia was still breathing hard from rushing over. “On my Livestream. I need to know how to do it again.” Andrea was pacing, “I thought they would know how, what kind of lesbians don’t know how to make each other ejaculate.” Olivia slumped on the sofa putting her head in her hands with exasperation, “Really, and this was an emergency? You need to know why you were able to squirt for you viewers so you made me race over here.” Mia handed Olivia one of the muffins. Andrea as overdramatic as always collapsed onto a chair. “You didn’t see the amount of tips I got. It was my first stream doing that and I made so much, if I can keep it up then I’ll be able to buy a studio rather than hire one.” Mia pushed her glasses up her nose, “Well squirters are the solo performers who bring in the most money, on average it brings in 23% more than the next closest which is those who use anal play. Of course, the girls who earn the most tend to be more niche, urination, humiliation and food can bring in lots of money but you need to attract the right viewer which is why when looking at averages they don’t perform as well.” She took a big bite out of the muffin, “These are really good.” she managed to say without spraying too many crumbs from her full mouth. “Gee thanks for the lesson! I want to know how to do it again, not the statistics.” Andrea never really understood percentages anyway. “Well it’s complicated, no scientific study has proven that female ejaculation is real.” Andrea pulled out a notepad and pencil. “You want to watch the replay? It was definitely real, I didn’t hide a squirt gun up there.” Olivia was angry at the insinuation. “I’m not saying that, just that no scientific study has proven it, some postulate that it’s just urination. Many porn stars have admitted that they fake it by urinating. In some countries, it can’t be shown in porn films due to laws about showing urination in films.” “You’re now saying I just pee’d myself?” “No, just trying to explain that there isn’t much science on this topic, anecdotal information is very untrustworthy. There are sex toys on the market that claim to improve the chances, some designed by myself, but in truth the claims are baseless. So we need to just experiment now.” “What do you mean experiment? I thought you’d just tell me what to do and next week I do it. I don’t want to be hooked up to machines with you watching.” Olivia started jotting down ideas, “Ok no machines, got it. Now tell me what happened, first step is to reproduce the environment.” “Well I was on my bed, using a new dildo and then it just happened, do you think it was the dildo? It was larger than my previous one could that be it?” Olivia pushed the glasses back up her nose, “Well the fact you are here tells me you tried again and it didn’t happen, and I’m guessing you would have used the same toy so it’s not just a magic dildo.” Andrea blushed, “Well yes, er I did try again but I thought maybe it just takes time to build back up or something.” “Hydration is important, samples taken show that the urea is a significant component of ejaculate so having a full bladder might help. And girth could be a factor we should recreate. We could go back to your house and set up for an experiment.” “No, my dad has the guys over for a rehearsal, and with my room being over the garage that would be embarrassing. I was pretty loud when it happened. I guess I could try here.” She turned to Mia and Stephanie who were sitting on the bench enjoying watching the conversation while plucking at another muffin between them. “Would it be weird if I borrowed one of yours?” They looked at each other, “We don’t have anything.” “You don’t have a dildo? A vibrator? Aren’t lesbians meant to… you know, use a lot of double-ended things?” Mia interlaced her fingers with Stephanies, “We prefer to keep things natural, and like using our hands.” “Eww, that is too much information.” Andrea’s face screwed up. Mia burst out laughing, “You’re here to get help to squirt all over your webcam and telling you that we enjoy a good fingering is too much information.” “Woah what have I walked into?” Emma stood at the top of the stairs. Olivia kept scribbling notes, “Andrea wants to find out why she ejaculated on her webcam and wants a large sex toy to try again, but Mia and Stephanie don’t use toys.” Emma pulled her backpack off and yanked the zip open, “Would this help?” She pulled out the large black strap-on. The girls all stared at her, mouths opened wide. “What? I had an idea for an umm art project.” Olivia took it from Emma to examine, “It’s definitely large enough, OK Andrea you ready to give this a go? Let's get you a glass of water.” Andrea jumped up as the absurdity hit her, “You aren’t serious, are you? This is all just crazy, I’m not doing this with an audience!” “Ummm isn’t that exactly what you did?” Emma sat cross-legged on the sofa. “No!” Andrea snapped. “Well I mean kinda, but that was different, they weren’t in the room with me.” Olivia bounced up excitedly. “Maybe that was the difference, when you tried again you were by yourself.” She flipped to a new page in the notebook and began scribbling. “You always said you got a buzz from performing, did you get the same buzz?” Andrea thought back to her performances as a backing singer for JD while she waited for her big break, back before JD got involved with Dr Alvah and everything came crashing down. When she walked off the stage she was elated, every nerve tingled, she would race back to the dressing room and jump into the shower so no one would interrupt her as she furiously masturbated before the feeling faded. “I guess there was a bit of a buzz.” Olivia closed the notepad, “That’s it then, we just need to get you an audience. I’m guessing a male audience would be best. Mia, your brother is in town isn’t he?” “Ooooo I’ll phone Ethan, he’s not working today, I’m sure he’d be happy helping.” Emma was on the phone before anyone could object. “Ummm, well that’s a bit weird, but I guess I can give Daniel a call.” Mia flipped open her ancient cell that barely worked but she refused to upgrade. She hit the speed dial and listened to it ringing. “Girls! Are you serious? I’m not doing it in front of Daniel and Ethan.” As Andrea resisted she fought the nagging feeling that she would really enjoy it. “I mean they wouldn’t go for it anyway would they?” “Ethan says he’ll be right over.” “Daniel’s on his way.” “Ok well let's get things going. I’ll need Zobo and the portable lab.” Olivia pushed a few buttons on her cell and it switched to map view with a flashing red dot tracking Zobo flying towards them. “Am I invisible?” Andrea was already feeling the buzz building but couldn’t admit that. “Would it be weird if I served more muffins? Is that a suitable food for whatever this is? Maybe some canapés.” Stephanie jumped from the bench and raced down to the kitchen. Mia grabbed the inflatable bed from beneath the bench and attached the foot pump. *** Daniel, Ethan and Emma sat on the bench with Andrea standing between them and the bed. Mia and Stephanie sat on the sofa eating the freshly baked muffins. Olivia was at her portable lab typing away on the laptop. Andrea felt nervous, like she felt standing on that stage at the talent show before she started singing. She knew she just needed to start but couldn’t work out how, she couldn’t just start taking her clothes off. “Mr President.” She started singing, knowing it would give her confidence, “My dear,” Her fingers went to the buttons on her dress. “Mr President,” one button popped free. “Don’t you feel?” The second button undone. “Your golden pen, that lucky thing?” She pulled the dress down, her voluptuous body squeezing its way through the stretched neckline. “We’ll find it for the hope it brings.” Her arms reached behind her to unclasp the bra. “Mrs President, today” The bra hit the floor and she pushed the thong down to join it. “Mrs President, my new name.” She climbed onto the bed. She was feeling the buzz, it infected every part of her body, she didn’t need the song for confidence she just needed to perform. She grabbed the now strapless strap-on and rubbed it along her groin moaning as it pressed against her wet flesh. Emma leant over to Ethan’s ear, “You’re meant to be jerking off.” she whispered as her fingers went to his jeans to help get him started. Daniel didn’t need anyone whispering in his ear, he yanked open his shorts and pulled his erection out. “Wow he is massive!” Whispered Stephanie to Mia. As she watched what she presumed to be her future brother-in-law stroke a thick shaft at least 10 inches long. With Emma pulling Ethan’s 6-incher out just made it look even bigger. Andrea twisted the plastic against her, her excited body lubricating the whole length. Then she pushed the fat tip inside gasping as it stretched her. Stephanie bit her bottom lip as she watched Daniel’s hand going up and down the shaft, she thought about how it had been inside the woman she loved. She thought about how much she was going to enjoy having him inside her, while she watched. Her mind was made up about the weekend. Stephanie put her arm around Mia pulling her closer, “You can invite him this weekend.” Mia’s eyes lit up, “Really?” “There will be ground rules, but we can talk about that later.” She leant in for a kiss, their tongues pushing against each others as their bodies melted into one on the sofa. Andrea had the whole toy inside her, moaning at the feel of her body clenching around it. “Oh God it feels so good!” Ethan and Daniel were both breathing hard, their fists moving quickly. Olivia was tapping away on the laptop detailing every observation. Mia’s and Stephanie’s hands moved over each other, sliding beneath tops to feel the smooth skin beneath. Emma sat eating cheese watching, her eyes flitting from Ethan to Daniel to Andrea and then back to Ethan. She smiled as she bit into the cheese. “I think I’m going to do it again. It feels so good.” Andrea thrust the dildo back and forth with one hand while the other tried to play with her slippery, engorged clitoris as her whole body shook making it hard to keep her fingers on the small nub. A grunt from Ethan signalled his finish, white spurts shooting from his straining cock. Daniel’s fist continued pumping as he watched his sister’s friend on the bed before him. Watching her thick thighs jiggle as she thrust it back and forth within her. Her flesh undulated with the force. Stephanie’s hand moved up Mia’s stomach finding her breast tipped with a small erect nipple. Her fingers sank into the soft flesh. Mia’s breath hot in her mouth excited her. “Oh yes! Oh yes! I’m going to!” Andrea screamed up at the clear blue sky. “It’s happening! It’s happening again!” And then it happened, a spurt shooting out from between her legs, splashing over her thighs, the bed and the floor. With a groan of his own Daniel added his own fluids to the floor. A thick jet arching from him to splash down onto the wooden deck. “Zobo, we need a sample of everything.” Said Olivia trying to contain her excitement. With a few happy beeps, Zobo’s wheels span and he zoomed around collecting samples from the floor, bed and Andrea herself as she lay exhausted on the bed. Oblivious to the others Stephanie pushed Mia down on the sofa pushing down pressing down on her as they kissed and groped beneath their loose clothing. The orgasm faded leaving Andrea lying on the bed breathing deeply. Then she suddenly realized she was being watched and became very self-conscious, she quickly scrambled off the bed and grabbed the dress which she carelessly left between the bed and the bench. She clutched the splashed garment to her body trying to hide some of her nudity. Then she spotted Stephanie and Mia on the sofa and she began laughing, “You two really need to find a place of your own.” Stephanie, ignoring Andrea and the others, wrenched Mia’s top over her head. Her mouth went to an exposed pink nipple as the others quietly picked up their things leaving them on the sofa. |