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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fanfiction · #2263987
As a new foot slave to Princess Peach, Toadette's life is taken for a hectic, erotic ride.
#1026204 added February 7, 2022 at 12:55am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 19 - Mystic Repayment
For a tiny town, Dry Dry Outpost bustled with life. You had Dryites playing music, some trying to sell you stuff in the open, and Little Mousers scattering between all these stores. Sightseeing wasn’t our intention, however. Right now, we sat in a restaurant eating a bit of Dried Pasta. Crunchy, bitter, but beggars can’t be choosers.

Princess Daisy… I mean, Daisy had her sandy feet between Minh T. and myself.

“Go to Birabuto and they’ll teach you to appreciate the sand kissing your soles.”

“This isn’t Budobudo Land though,” I said.

Penelope put her feet on the table for all the see. Calling her soles red would be an understatement.

“A for effort?”

Both us Toads winced in unison. When the foot freak notices something’s off, you know there’s a problem. Daisy caught a glimpse of those things and laughed.

“They still gotta adjust to the heat.”

Minh T. poked Penelope’s dry sole. “Looks painful…”

After sipping some water, I rose from the table. “Minh T. and I’ll be back.”

“Be back?” Daisy asked.

I nodded. “It shouldn’t be long. Thirty minutes, alright?”

Even though I couldn’t guarantee that this lady would help us, it was still worth a shot. So long as I played my hand right though, things would work out.

Minh T. didn’t share that confidence. As we walked the streets, she tugged my arm. “Can’t we be spending our time with something a wee bit more productive?”

“I’m about to crack some info out a witch lady. Last time I checked, that’s productive.”

Looking down, she said, “I don’t want you to stress yourself.”

Stress myself? Despite all that’s happened to me, this was the most interesting my life had been in a while.

We squeezed behind two long buildings, ducking underneath the various spiderwebs. As we emerged into the light, a turn to the left brought us to a violet tent. Within this tent stood a variety of artefacts. Skull-shaped pots decorated the little place along with Star Pieces, very ancient desert relics and small cards scattered about.

Sitting atop a stack of books, and with one open in her hands, was the main lady herself.

“Merlee, long time no see.”

Not even a response to my greeting, huh? When Minh T. followed up with a wave, she returned the gesture.

“Hello, my dear Minh T. Seeing you always fills me with glee.”

Wha? So she got respect but I couldn’t? Now I stomped closer to this magic lady, saying, “Where’s my greeting, huh?”

Suddenly, a countdown appeared over my head. It started with the number XII, whatever that meant.

“Did I not make it clear the last time we met? If you came here again, I’d consider you a threat.”

Now the symbol changed to XI. Wait, does that mean it’s rising or dropping?

“What’s with the number?” I asked.

“Oh, when the number hits zero, it’ll be brutally painful. I might’ve felt bad if you weren’t so disdainful.”

Whatever pain she stored for me didn’t need to be unleashed. But damn it all, why couldn’t anything just be simple today? What happened between us took place four years ago. I was 15. Give me a break.

As the counter switched to VIII, Minh T. pointed, “That means eight.”

“I’m just asking for a quick favour. You can’t hook me up or something?”

Merlee snapped her fingers, and now the counter dropped to IV. Okay, I knew what that meant! And that’s not how that’s supposed to work!

“Anything, you claim? Clearly nothing more than another game.”

Enough of the rhymes. My hands and knees struck the floor, and I bowed before this manipulator. Swallowing my dignity, I put my hands together and begged.

“Okay! I’m sorry for trying to steal your cards back when! Happy!? Just let me make it up to you! Don’t be unreasonable!”

The ding signified the number dropping to III. As I clenched onto my head, a wispy sound bounced from side to side. The symbol remained at III instead of dropping to II or even I.

Merlee set her book down and said, “I’m taking a look into your mind. Perhaps I’ll be surprised at the fears I find.”

Fears? Immediately, she pulled the bottom of her robe up. Whoa, who knew she was this pale? Ignoring that detail, now I got what she meant by fears. This lady had pure witch feet. Pointed toes that wiggled abnormally topped off with black polish.

“Are you trying to put a hex on me with your toes?”

“I don’t know, you lout. Adore them and find out.”

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time I did this nonsense. The few experiences I had should’ve taught me something about this by now. I crawled in front of Merlee’s feet to give her big toe a kiss. Then again, and again. In line with her feet looking milky, they were surprisingly soft. Honestly, they could give Penelope’s a run for their money.

Behind me, Minh T. whispered, “I wanna kiss you, Merlee…”

Trust me, if we could switch places, I’d do it in a heartbeat. The next step in this weird worship process was licking the tops of Merlee’s feet. At least those could be guaranteed clean. Her toes tapped against the carpet as she hummed.

“Minh T., here’s a treat. While Toadette slaves away, you can worship her feet.”

“I don’t agree to—”

Merlee forced my nose between her pointed toes. “I care not for your consent. Focus on absorbing my scent.”

A single whiff of her foot made my face crinkle. How to describe it? It smelt like a regular foot, but almost like a foot that had been unwashed for days. Upon seeing the bottom of it, maybe there was some truth to that. Merlee’s feet were by far the dirtiest pair I had in my face up to now. Penelope’s on the second day may have been a tad sandy from the castle’s garden, but these were in their own league. Blackened with grime, covered in sand bits, possibly some tar or something between her toes. This magician was intent on making this day a living Hell.

As I dealt with a stinky foot I had to pretend to love, Minh T. had already stripped my shoes off. And without stockings blocking anything, she took a long lick from my toes to my heel. A few seconds passed, and she lifted my legs up. The next thing I knew, my toes were getting wetter and wetter.

Her sucking my toes led me to suck on Merlee’s big toe. Well, I sucked it like a lollypop that has that flavour you can’t stand. With my tongue painting this toe in saliva, Merlee folded her arms.

“The taste, what do you think?”

Resisting the urge to spit out the dirt in my mouth, I mumbled, “Nasty.”


The countdown dropped to II.

“Like candy! Oh, Merlee, you have the best-tasting toes I’ve ever had in my mouth. They make my tastebuds dance. And the smell…”

I smelt her arch again, cringing but fighting to maintain composure.

“Your feet smell so natural. In a good way, a good way!”

She jammed her toes back in my mouth, cackling. “Ah, it takes minimal effort for me to make them stink.”

Speaking of stinky feet, Minh T.’s nose skimmed my soles back and forth. You thought she was aroused by my shoes last time? That was just a sneak preview. Here, her moans were not only louder, but the girl went from moaning to whimpering. That’s something she typically reserved for when she was getting off to pornos and other tasteless stuff. While sucking Merlee’s toes, I glimpsed back to confirm my suspicions. Nope. Minh T. still had her clothes on, and her hands weren’t on her crotch or breasts.

Merlee pulled her feet out my mouth and said, “Suckle on my heel.”

Okay, this wasn’t something I did much up to now. Angling her feet in my mouth proved to be a challenge. But with a simple position swap of being under her feet, one of her heels sank into my mouth.

“I hope you’re enjoying your meal.”

No, I was not. This so-called meal was dry, bitter and a tad salty.

As my feet turned right-side-up, Minh T. locked onto them and started to lick their sides. That whimpering continued, and now it made me uncomfortable.

She let out a little, “You’re so sweaty,” before licking between my toes. Gross. So while one freak licked my clammy feet, another freak had me cleaning her feet. Are you kidding me!?

“On your feet. I’ve something neat.”

Finally, this had better have been over soon. Her sour feet numbed my lips and tongue. When I got up, Minh T. followed suit. Then, disgustingly enough, she had the nerve to lick her fingers after touching my soles.

“Whatever it is, can I have it too, Madam Merlee?”

Merlee rubbed her still-filthy soles together, laughing behind that dark hood. “Anything for you, my dear. Know that YOU have nothing to fear.”

Really? So, what did I have to fear?


Damn, right in the vag! I hit the floor screaming a series of expletives. Ah… And people think it only hurts guys when they’re hit down here!

Writhing in pain, paying attention to those two became a low priority. What I believe I heard was Minh T. either licking Merlee’s feet or getting her vagina rubbed. It was a very moist sound, put it like that. For all I knew, she did both.

“Okay, Toadette, I shall grant you one request. Make it snappy before I go and take a rest.”

Yes! Now was my chance. Still holding myself with spurts of heavy breathing, I made the request. “We’re hunting the guys who stole Princess Daisy’s materials. Sarasaland princess. I want to know where they’re planning to go.”

Merlee shook her head. “You know well that predictions are not my strongest power. So why not go to my grandfather if you’re so desperate this hour?”

“‘Cause I’ve been trying that for the past year, and all he says is, ‘Merlon is out!’”

Yeah, if I were to give the rundown of this family, it’d make your head spin. Right now, only Merlee and her sister Merluvlee could be of use to us. The latter was skilled at finding specific objects, but not if they were constantly on the move. Undoubtedly a tactic these thieves could take advantage of.

Merlee did some magic mumbo jumbo with her cards. This temporarily darkened the area before sunlight brought us back to reality.

“As the sun sets, the figures will be in a maze. Located in the northern region of this heat haze.”

That simple? Well, it was progress regardless. Dry Dry Ruins. Why would they be going there, though?

“Thank you very much,” I said, bowing out of the area. While walking off, a faint smooch happened and Minh T. caught up with me, smacking her lips.

“She’s so sweet. Didn’t expect her mouth to taste like grape.”

Ew. Just ew. So, now the plan was to wait until it hit around 7. In the meantime, nothing forced us to just sit around for the remaining time. My body could use a little fun. So, I dropped a few coins in Minh T.’s hand.

“Go rent us an inn room. For the love of the Star Spirits, make sure it’s got a bathroom IN the room.”

“And what then until we go to the Ruins?”

I cracked my knuckles on both hands. “Don’t know about you, but I can go for a quick work-out.”
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